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Kantomaster1111 07-21-2013 08:04 AM

Re: Missa - Panther
Is there tail growth in it?

TF-Viewer 07-21-2013 08:07 AM

Re: Missa - Panther

Originally Posted by Kantomaster1111 (Post 704449)
Is there tail growth in it?

No, but there also wasn't in the scene it's based on either, so it shouldn't really be expected.

Kantomaster1111 07-21-2013 08:11 AM

Re: Missa - Panther
True enough. :)

The Governor 07-31-2013 09:32 AM

Re: Missa - TF
I merged all of missa's TF themed threads together, One thread should be enough to advertize, and make it easier for her and others to see her older work.

missa 08-04-2013 04:41 PM

Re: Missa - TF

Hi Everyone!

I have a lot to talk about. I hope you guys are willing to read my thoughts on several things: my new PIG transformation, the power of this message board, and thoughts on women's dignity and animal transformation (I know, deep stuff).

First thing and last topic first-- I have a new Pig Transformation, yay! I was really hesitant to accept this script even though I totally hate to turn down any sort of business. As a woman who was raised in a conservative family, the term "pig," was frequently used to describe a woman with low morality. Sure, I do adult work, but I never see myself as someone with shady morals. I do a lot of charity work with ASPCA, I am faithful to my husband (who also was my first boyfriend), and I am fairly conservative publicly. Will I "humiliate" myself if I am on all fours, with pig nose, eating and oinking like a pig? As an adult actress and producer, who society frequently looks down on, what is the line between acting out society's expectations of you and "simply acting?"

I did a dog transformation before, and that paints me in a very submissive light, but I asked myself if I really wanted to go forth and do this PIG transformation considering I would be essentially playing out what society frequently calls women like myself. I remember how some men really believe that I am my character, the bitchy dominatrix, the submissive slut, and e-mail me as if I "am" my character. Would it be a stretch to think that people would feel that I think of myself as a "pig,
or "dog?"

I thought long and hard about it and decided that I would play a woman so unlike myself, with a completely different name, Charlotte, instead of the nickname that friends and family call me "Missa." I would be so opposite from myself that no one would ever be able to suspect that I was not "acting." The author of this custom video (from this message board) was kind enough to allow me to cut out the creampie part (as in my Doggie style video 8919547). It's an interesting dilemma that goes through my mind.. and I wonder if any of the other c4s actresses have similar thoughts and struggles within their own mind. I'll lay my thoughts out there and hope they chime in. ;-)

ABOUT THE TRANSFORMATION: There is sweating, there is a pig nose transformation (check it out, I think I am getting better at morphing), there is a tail transformation (I used a pic of a real pig's tail), there are pig blue eyes. There is a lot of oinking, mind transformation, and the typical amount of story that I love to include in my videos. I hope you guys like it! This *may* be my first and last pig transformation, I will have to think on this one! lol!

I also wanted to say a big thank you. I know there are a lot of people on this board, and I notice that my custom men are usually the lurkers.. this means that there are more people who frequent this board than we can see from postings! It's super incredible, and larger than any other message board (I post on quite a few) that I frequent. I notice when you guys like a video, it does well, when there are more criticisms, I don't do as well. Transformation, Giantess, Shrinking, a lot of genres that are covered here are my very FAVORITE to perform. I hope that I can become so successful at these 'more challenging' but fun videos, that I can concentrate on them full time.

There are many great artists on this board. I LOVE that you guys, artists and consumers of fantasy fetish protect the artist by discouraging file sharing, and freebies, etc. I have completely eliminated doing some fetishes that are widely pirated, and the idea that I could carry on with 'Big Brother Process' looking out for me and my art, makes my heart swell! Love, love you guys!


qzar9999 08-04-2013 06:00 PM

Re: Missa - TF
I may or may not purchase this clip, but based on the preview gif it does look like you did a pretty good job with the nose morph. And, well, hell, the rest of it too. ^_^

"Charlotte," eh? That wouldn't happen to be a reference to a certain book about a pig...? ;)

Interesting that you come from a conservative family. I do too. And yet look where we ended up, lol. I get your point though, just because I'm heavily involved in a fetish community and run a business selling adult videos doesn't mean I'm amoral. It's important to know where your own personal line in the sand is.

missa 08-05-2013 06:47 PM

Re: Missa - TF
merging my threads together suck! :(

missa 08-05-2013 06:51 PM

Re: Missa - TF
Yes, QZAR! Charlotte the pig.

I agree with you "defining your line," it's hard to define a line. A lot of times an idea doesn't seem disrespectful to me until I am actually playing out the script, getting creampied and barking at the same time, (as in my D0ggiestyle video lol). It's a 'live and learn' type of thing.

Tomorrow is my B-DAY! :-) I have a half day off planned.

thisguy18 08-05-2013 10:17 PM

Re: Missa - TF

Originally Posted by missa (Post 706164)
Tomorrow is my B-DAY! :-) I have a half day off planned.

Only a half day off for your own birthday?!

legend293 08-06-2013 08:07 AM

Re: Missa - TF
Half day off thats cool but can you make one video free for people who don't have money and would very much like to see one of your full videos?

missa 08-06-2013 09:18 AM

Re: Missa - TF
Legend, let me get right on that.. right after I have been killing myself making videos, editing videos, trying to learn more to satisfy the high standards of this lovely board, with never any sleep longer than 6 hours while I try to 'make it' in this industry..

Let me get right on stopping my paid work, that helps me support my living, so I can work free for a week on a special effects video to satisfy just you, a non-paying customer. Fuck me.

Anahki 08-06-2013 10:56 AM

Re: Missa - TF

Originally Posted by legend293 (Post 706200)
Half day off thats cool but can you make one video free for people who don't have money and would very much like to see one of your full videos?

@legend293: Maybe you could invite a bunch of strangers to spend the weekend in your home for free... you know, that people who do not want to spend money in housing or food xD.

@missa: congratulations and happy birthday. I am sure that you deserve much more than a half day off, but that is the price of being a freelance... Anyway, if someday you'll decide to take two or three weeks, I recommend you to visit my country (Spain), it's a nice place to spend some holidays, and I can give you some recommendations about places to go, and to visit (ok, I extend the invitation to all members of the forum too... just ask me :)).

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