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pseudoclever 12-07-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by Darkish (Post 623221)
About Yogurcita's reading: I really don't like that name, Yogurcita. But that's taste I guess ;)

She appreciated your comments about her voice...and wishes me to pass along that the name meanings something significant. Once her membership app is processed, she might be able to tell you herself. And thanks for your review!

pseudoclever 12-07-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
In case anyone missed the warnings, this story, from here on out, is most definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

You're been warned.... ;)

3. Use as Directed

I'm usually something of a night owl, but it was barely nine thirty when I turned in that night. A part of me ? most really ? wanted to run straight to the bedroom and schlop on a giant handful of the weight loss cream. But it occurred to me that I was still covered in a day's worth of sweat, dirt and grime. And so I took a quick shower before the fun began.

Only, it turned out to be not so quick. For a long time I just stood under the faucet, gazing down at my body, daydreaming. I stared at my over-ample curves, watching tiny rivulets of water run, dip into the canyon of my hips, fall away to join the torrent on the basin floor. I was beautiful. But I kept imagining how much better I would look soon, once those last few unwanted inches were trimmed away.

I also found myself thinking of Anthony. His reaction tomorrow, when he'd see my new figure. In my mind I was strutting up to him, a sexy little smirk pasted on my lips. The look of delightful surprise on his face...priceless. As attractive as I'd become, there was no way he could resist asking me out ? it was the first thing he was going to say. He opened his mouth to speak....

When I worked a hot lather of soap in my hands, I was thinking of Anthony. I began to caress the slippery substance onto my chest, my more...delicate areas. And the cleaner I became, the dirtier my thoughts grew.

Our date night. Anthony shyly inviting me into his apartment. His hand cautiously touching my cheek. Hot breath on my neck. Strong arms wrapping around my waist, drawing me closer, closer....

You see where this is going.

Eventually I tore myself away from...myself. I shut off the water, patted dry, pulled on my cotton panties and a sexy-tight pair of pajama pants, and turned out the light. Barefoot and topless, I padded down the dark hallway to my bedroom. There I sat on the bed and began to rummage around in my purse, damp hair sticking to me in cold wet streaks. After a moment I found what I'd been searching for ? the small, green plastic tub with the minus sign. Heart pounding anticipation in my throat, I unscrewed the cap, and peered inside.

The stuff looked like grey Vaseline. Its color was pale and unappealing, and it had a slippery, almost petroleum sheen. The scent, though, was intoxicating. Once again the smell of lilacs drifted over me, enveloped me, seemed to make all my tension melt away. That was like someone I loved whispering in my ear, telling me that everything was really going to be alright after all.

Slowly, as though performing a sacred rite I didn't understand, I scooped a small amount of the stuff onto my largest two fingers. Carefully, delicately, I pressed the gel to the hardness of my abdomen, kneaded it into my flesh. A moment later there came a strange, prickly sort of tingling. It grew rapidly, spreading out from the place where the cream had touched, creeping into every part of me. Like pins and needles, I thought. But oddly pleasurable. Almost...erotic?

In a few seconds the cream had been fully absorbed into my skin. The tingling, however, was stronger than ever. It was almost overpowering! And now I could feel a heat building, a terrible heat. My body grew hotter, and hotter, my hands balling into fists as I fought back the urge to scream. I looked down, certain that I would see licking flames and the black chunks of my own charring flesh. But what I saw made me forget the fire inside. Because I wasn't burning. I was melting!

My hips were slowly beginning to narrow, my waist slimming. The hard ridge of muscle, muscle that had always been buried under layers of fat and gristle, was poking into view. And strangest of all, there was...this steam. Rising off my body, the way it rises from a pot of boiling water. There was no way any of this could be happening. Yet as I continued to breathlessly WATCH it happen, I finally had to accept it as real.

Within the space of twenty seconds my over-ample midsection was gone. What was left was thin, beautiful. Perfect. I had the body of a sex goddess, from my tight washboard abs, to the dainty curve of my hips, to the enormous swell of breasts! I'd been so focused on my gut that I hadn't noticed the other things that were changing. My breasts were growing larger, ripening like succulent fruit on the vine. I estimated that I was a full C-cup by now, or even bigger! And beside being bigger, they looked...fuller. Rounder. And far, far more tempting.

Unable to resist a quick feel I reached, caressed the plump flesh, felt its tender pliancy between my fingers. My touch instantly found more pleasure here than ever before, and without even thinking I redoubled my efforts. And touching my chest was causing a new heat to build. Unlike the one caused by the potion, THIS heat was natural, gentle, pleasant. It smoked from the soft spot between my legs, spreading on dry kindling.

Groaning quietly, I let myself slide down on my back. When my head landed on the pillow it felt strange, as if there were two pillows and not just one. But how could that matter, when I felt so God. Damn. Good. With one hand continuing to tease both breasts, my other drifted down, down, over my belly, past the loose strap of my waistband, into my oversized cotton panties....

Okay, now THAT got my attention.

Through sheer force of will I fought back through the erotic haze, my eyes fluttering. What I saw confused me at first, and it took a long moment for me to understand. My nightstand looked very slightly further away than I remembered. The same was true for the lamp resting on it, the clock ticking away on the far wall. The door, the ceiling. Everything! And it didn't just look distant, it looked ? well, no other way to say it ? bigger!

Now I could see other signs. The plume of my hair rising up behind me on the pillow, as though I were being slowly dragged toward the foot of the bed. The sensation of my back and shoulders sliding along in that same direction. Yet the smooth friction of my ankles and thighs was going the OTHER way, toward the head of the bed. It seemed as if my entire body was collapsing inward, toward my my belly button had become a tiny black hole.

I lay in utter confusion for at least a dozen heartbeats, hand still halfway in my panties. Panties, I realized, that seemed to be slowly stretching around me. Then, as suddenly as a light bulb flicking on in my head...I understood.

Sitting bolt upright in bed, I held my hand in front of my face. I expected to actually catch it in the act of growing smaller, to watch my hand shrink right there before my eyes. But this was not what I saw. Instead, I could see everything, absolutely everything AROUND my hand steadily getting bigger! Like a chunk of ice left on the sidewalk on a hot summer's day, my body was slowly evaporating. And this might have been true LITERALLY, because those tiny wisps of fog were still rising up from my dwindling body. Faint trails of mist, drifting up from my naked flesh and disappearing into the air around me. It was almost...beautiful.

The longer I watched that steam, the more my fear seemed to drift away with it. And the smaller I shrank, the more it seemed like a part of me had known this was going to happen from the very beginning. And that part couldn't have been happier.

From somewhere deep inside I could hear the voice of my rationality, and it was screaming at me. It demanded I run to the bathroom, wash away the awful cream, save myself if it wasn't too late. But it was as if this voice came from far away, and was muffled beneath a red satin blanket of pleasure. I became aware that I was touching myself. Rubbing my arms, my chest, my taut little tummy. Stoking that natural fire that was smoldering, and threatening to burn.

I was getting smaller. Yet that aching need within my nether regions was growing in leaps and bounds. As if of its own volition that same, naughty hand crept down my still-slimming belly and into the hot, damp sauna of my giant underwear.

There was still a part of me fighting against this, saying that I didn't want to shrink. To become tiny...dainty...petite. But to the part of me that was alive, awake and in control, these words were nothing more than pillow talk. The very idea of becoming smaller was a turn-on now. The aphrodisiac effect of the cream, combined with my age-old fascination with size, made me helpless to resist.

A lone finger slipped around my tender edges, teased, then slowly, slowly dipped inside. The pleasure that followed was crisp and immediate, like the snapping of a wooden board beneath my feet. I arched my back, crying out in ecstasy as I probed the lips of my sopping pussy. I let the anticipation build, feeling myself grow smaller as the hot syrup of my juices flowed around my hand. It was torture! I wanted, I needed to feel more than this feather-light flickering on my slit. But to do this proper, to really wring every drop of pleasure from my newly miniature body, I needed something more.

Or, I thought wickedly, something less.

I opened my eyes. The world around me was larger, though not nearly as much as I had expected. If I'd been in a frame of mind to make a guess, I might've put my height loss at a mere six inches. What I knew, almost instinctively, was that now I was the same size as tiny, little Anthony. I knew another thing too: it wasn't enough.

I reached over to the nightstand, where I had left the jar of what I now understood to be shrinking cream. I scooped out a small dollop, and using my free hand, I yanked down my oversized pajama pants. The cold air felt wonderful on my milky white thighs and the fiery pink cleft of my sex.

Tiffany's words seemed to ring in my ears, so clear that I could almost see her tauntingly sexy smirk. ?I've had the best results when I've used it, shall we say...internally?? Without even a token attempt at resistance, I spread my legs wide, and thrust two cream-covered fingers deep into the aching chasm of my pussy.

Everything seemed to happen at once. The tingling sensation came, ripped through me, powerful and electric like I'd been touched by a live wire. A feeling that was half hot, half cold, and all pleasure shot from my head to the tips of my toes. My stomach contracted, my breasts instantly and dramatically puffed larger. I cried out, not with a moan but a shriek of ecstasy.

And above it all was the feeling of vertigo, of falling into myself without ever leaving the bed. I was suddenly, rapidly, and wonderfully shrinking smaller! There was a wooshing sound of wind past my ears. The room surged gigantic around me. Everything in my universe was growing bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER!

Five one. Five feet. Four something...and falling. My fingers thrust deep inside me, faster, and faster, as if the rushing release of passion could wash away my wretched height, forever.

?YES!? I screamed, loving every second as my elfin little body slowly drained away. My swelling bosom heaved with each desperate gasp. The steam was coming off in dark white strips, filling the room with a sweet-smelling humidity. The top of my head slipped from the pillow as my body became too small to reach it.

?More! Please more! Smaller! Smaller!?

Shrinking faster than ever, I stroked myself with wild abandon. A roll against the diamond-hard nub of my clit. A hard press into my g-spot, with just a taste of the sharp edge of my fingernail. I felt the pressure building beneath my tummy, a raging river that my little body could hold back no longer.

?Yes! Yes! SMALLLLER!?

I came, my juices spraying out like a fire hose, soaking the bedsheets with my essence. Never in my life had I come with anywhere near that kind of power, that level of force! And yet the sensation was merely a background to the perfect gravity of my body pulling in on itself, shrinking in the largest burst yet as wave after wave of ecstasy wracked my diminutive frame.

Afterward, I lay panting, feeling the sweat slickness of my skin, the damp cling of the sheets against my backside. My womanhood still throbbed with pleasure every few seconds, each sudden, unexpected twitch sending a tremor though my sexually spent little body. The afterglow was wonderful, like coming down from some incredible drug. But what side effects!

I knew I was small. Much, much smaller than an average woman, and probably small enough that my entire life would change because of it. The mind-altering effects of the drug were leaving me now, and for the first time since the process had begun I could think clearly. I've told you about my fascination with size, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a LITTLE excited at the idea of being so tiny. But dammit, I loved my height! If anything, I had wanted to be BIGGER!

But then I thought of Anthony. And as much as I wanted to tower over him...there was definitely some appeal to the idea of him being the one to do the towering.

How small had I become? It was hard to say just by looking around the room. Much less than five feet, certainly, but probably not THAT much. I was practically dying to know with more detail, but suddenly my need for sleep was too great to ignore. I managed to raise myself onto my hands, and gingerly crawled toward the head of the bed (out of the wet spot.) I collapsed down on my oversized pillow, groped blindly for the comforter, and knew nothing more until dawn.

gladewalker 12-07-2011 04:05 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Wow...very descriptive and erotic! I can tell you had as much fun writing it as I did reading it ;-)
And hearing it'll be even BETTER!

Nom Anor 12-07-2011 04:57 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

shrinky428 12-07-2011 06:48 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
just about to read chapter 3 - so far this is really cool. Good writing, good reading by Yogurcita (little yogurt?). Is she the same girl who did that Shrinking Babysitter audio a long time ago? The one where she says "Oh well, babysitting job is a babysitting job"

Anyway, this is all really cool, thanks for doing it and sharing it!

OhZone 12-07-2011 07:22 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Simply... OHYEAH!

Shrinking Violet 12-07-2011 07:24 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Where can I get this cream now?

gladewalker 12-07-2011 08:23 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
*grins at Violet*

Nom Anor 12-07-2011 08:48 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Yogurcita 12-08-2011 01:01 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by shrinky428 (Post 623413)
Good writing, good reading by Yogurcita (little yogurt?). Is she the same girl who did that Shrinking Babysitter audio a long time ago?

Definitely not the same girl. This is my first time doing an audio recording, though I am thoroughly enjoying it. pseudoclever keeps asking if I'll let him make a blooper reel. We'll see how that turns out.

Yogurcita is actually a slang term in NOT little yogurt :)

Love and truly appreciate the feedback! It really energizes me to know that so many of you are enjoying the audio.

If you think the recording is good now, stay tuned because it's about to get a lot hotter!

LOD 12-08-2011 02:14 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Oh my, she's enjoying her shrinking maybe a little more than me, and that's saying something right there.

ElastiGirl 12-08-2011 05:41 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by Shrinking Violet (Post 623419)
Where can I get this cream now?


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