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Case Scenario 12-04-2017 09:48 PM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
I like that the recent series doesn't have her being enthusiastic over her changes. Reluctant transformation always seems more believable.

a0040pc 12-05-2017 03:14 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
Thanks, there are two more in that series. I am planning an illustrated story with her which should hopefully be heartwarming.

a0040pc 12-09-2017 05:13 PM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
Here is a festive piece of Sabine, the picture was too big to post here so I am putting a link down instead.

a0040pc 12-11-2017 04:41 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
As Sabine's body continued to stretch taller the Kaminoan scientist Yan Trespin hurried to her lab to pick up a serum that she thought might stop Sabine's growth. The young Rebel was beginning to panic as her head touched the ceiling and she was still growing taller and taller. Thankfully Yan was able to find the serum and she quickly injected the contents into Sabine and she stepped back to watch the effects take place.

The first indication that the serum was working was the fact that Sabine stopped growing. This made both of them give out a sigh of relief as it was a step in the right direction. She suddenly felt her body beginning to quiver and before Sabine knew it she could see the world around her growing. She soon realised that she was shrinking, after a few seconds she was able to stand up without the fear of her head striking the ceiling. One thing that she did notice was that she was shrinking in proportion rather than contracting, it meant that even when she reached her normal size she would still look very stretched.

A few more seconds later Sabine was back down to her normal height and she had to look up to Yan as usual. However she could see the Kaminoan continued to grow taller, she realised that it was her who was still shrinking. Yan also realised that the serum was working too well as Sabine continued to shrink smaller and smaller. She began to panic as she had no idea about how small she was going to become, she feared that she would be fighting against insects or running from microbes. Even worse she could shrink out of existence completely.

Thankfully Sabine did eventually stop shrinking but by then she was only a few inches tall. She looked up at the now seemingly gigantic Yan and she was none too pleased with what was happening. She could also do nothing to stop Yan from picking her up so that she could be examined. Although Sabine had been shrink she still looked to be very stretched which seemed to be the oddest part of her shrinkage.

When she finished her initial examination Yan placed Sabine on a nearby table so that she could go and get some equipment. The table did have a blaster that Sabine was able to force upright and she checked on whether she could fire the trigger, if Yan wanted to do any other mad scientist type experiments on her she would at least be ready.

a0040pc 12-15-2017 11:35 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
Attichitcuk was a young Wookie who had been growing up fast. He had reached the age that he thought that his parents were trying to keep him from doing what he wanted to do. He was constantly butting heads with his parents and he wished to be as far away from them as he could.

Attichitcuk was relatively short for a Wookie and he had thick brown fur. While most Wookies seemed to favour brawn, he was definitely handy with anything mechanical. It led him to build his own speeder that he thought was capable of traversing the terrain of his home planet with ease. Unfortunately, the friction with his parents had made him leave them and try to find his own way in the world. He was still too young to make that decision but for now he didn’t regret it.

After walking for several miles Attichitcuk thought that he was far enough away from his parents so he wanted to find somewhere to live. For now, he planned to live off the land until he could find a settlement that would accept him, he was even thinking about changing his name and where he had come from. Something to help throw people off of his scent in a manner of speaking.

“Attichitcuk!” shouted the voice of a woman. This caught the attention of the young Wookie who quickly began to look around. His name had been called not in his native tongue but instead the common speech. He continued to look around and he noticed something that he had not expected if he lived to a thousand.

Standing between the trees of the forest was a monster that he had never seen before. As he looked at it he could see that she looked to be a human woman. Her skin was tanned and her hair was mainly a dark blue colour with some green to it. She wore what seemed to be armour that was brightly coloured with so many colours that he didn’t care to count. The most surprising thing about this monster was the fact that she was tall. Not just tall for a human but even gigantic in comparison to a fully-grown Wookie. She was a little shorter than the tall trees that surrounded them but snot only was she big but she looked like she had been stretched as well. He guessed that even if she were of a somewhat normal height she would still be extremely tall.

“Where did you go little guy?” asked the Monster. Her head was turned away from him and he figured that she hadn’t spotted him yet.

Attichitcuk began to panic at the sight of this monster and quickly he ducked behind a bush that was close by. It was a fairly large bush which he thought would be able to keep him hidden from the monster. His mind began to wander back to when he was younger when his mother told him stories to try and make him behave himself. One story that she told him was about a monster that she called The Walking Tree. It was supposed to be a creature who was as tall as a tree who would take naughty children to their lair and feast on them. For many years he had believed that it was just something that Wookies had made up to scare children, now he could see the monster for himself and all he could do was hope that she didn’t find him.

a0040pc 12-15-2017 11:37 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
For a few minutes Attichitcuk sat in silence as he hoped that the monster would leave the area. Right now, thinking about starting a new life was far from his mind. All he could think about was living long enough to see another day. He could hear nothing but the heartbeat inside of his chest and the calls of some animals that were some distance away.

Eventually Attichitcuk worked up the courage to look over the hedge. Much to his relief he could see no sign of the monster but before he could see plan his next move he saw a giant boot clad foot stomp down on the ground just in front of the bush. For a moment he didn’t move as he wasn’t sure what to do next.

Suddenly Attichitcuk heard a noise that sounded very odd. It wasn’t like anything he had heard before, it was almost like a stretching sound. As he looked at the monster’s foot he could see where the sound was coming from. The foot was expanding and when he looked up at the monster he could see her growing taller. When he had first saw her the monster had been shorter than the trees but now she was growing above them. This had not gone unnoticed by the monster who saw its vantage point shift up by several feet.

Throwing away all common sense Attichitcuk ran from the bush just as the monster had finished its frightening growth spurt. He could do nothing but try and hide behind another much larger bush that was close by. His movements had been heard even though the head of the monster was so far up from the world below.

“Attichitcuk, is that you down there?” asked the Monster. She had to bend down a little so that she could see below the leaves of the trees that now only came up to her shoulder. She was sure that she had heard something and that her search was coming close to an end.
For Attichitcuk he was sure that he was going to be found. He was close to crying as he thought about how he was going to be eaten, his thoughts went back to his parents but not the recent memories of their arguments. Instead he remembered how his parents had helped raised him and the good times that they together. He began to realise that he had made a horrible mistake.

Suddenly a small creature standing on two legs which also possessed a trunk like nose and a long tail ran out from the bush. It jumped over the giant foot of the monster which did catch her a little by surprise. It seemed to be more startled by her appearance and it quickly ran away at its quickest pace.

“Oh, just a rat of some kind,” said the Monster.

It then stood up back to its full height and began to walk away. Attichitcuk peaked his head up from his hiding place and he could see the monster moving away from his location. Now he knew that he was most likely safe from it. He knew that he would never doubt such monster stories in the future.

a0040pc 12-15-2017 11:38 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
Attichitcuk continued to hide away but every now and again he would look up at the monster. She was still looking around the immediate area but she couldn’t spot him. Eventually in her mind she thought that the young Wookie was somewhere else and she began to move away. He could hear her calling out his name every now and again but her voice began to become quieter as she moved further and further away from his location.

Finally, Attichitcuk thought that he was safe. The monster was moving away from his location and it seemed unlikely that she would return. He took several breaths in order to calm himself down. However now he was struggling to decide whether he should continue his original plan or instead return to his parents. He thought that they’d be angry at him for running away, he thought that they would punish him for his misdeed.

All of his thoughts stopped when he began to hear a noise. This time it wasn’t the monster that was making the noise. It sounded like something much closer to him, slowly he began to turn around and he saw something that terrified him more than anything the monster had done so far.

Standing in front of Attichitcuk was a creature that struck fear into the hearts of anyone who looked upon it. Although he was twice it’s height it made up for it in length and appearance. It had fur upon it’s body and walked on all fours. It had very sharp teeth and claws along with a mouth that looked like it could eat him whole. It also had four eyes and a fork like tail, it looked ready to pounce at him.

This was a creature that Attichitcuk did recognise from holo books that he had seen. This creature was called a Nexu and was known throughout the galaxy for its ferociousness. These weren’t the kind of animals to be kept as pets but as nothing more than wild animals. Some rich beings could afford to buy and house one but they were likely to maul anyone they came across. He did find it odd that one was located here since they came from a planet some distance away. Right now, it didn’t matter as the Nexu crept closer and closer towards him.

The Nexu gave out an ear-piercing cry that only added to Attichitcuk’s fear but that wasn’t the only thing that it did. From where she was standing the monster responded to the sound by turning her head towards it. From her vantage point the monster could see Attichitcuk clearly along with the Nexu.

“There you are!” said the Monster as she knew that she had to act quickly before the Nexu got to Attichitcuk first.

a0040pc 12-15-2017 11:40 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
Attichitcuk saw the Nexu crouching down as if it was about to pounce on him. He knew what would happen then as it would likely be the last thing he would ever see. There was no point in him running as the Nexu could easily catch him. Fighting was also pointless as he had nothing that could cause it to flee. He thought that this was going to be the end of his life until he heard heavy footsteps approaching him.
Before the Nexu could pounce a giant foot came crashing down right beside it. This caused it to jump back for a moment and it looked at the foot. Slowly it began to look up at the long legs of the Monster that led up to the hips, then the gigantic but elongated torso, then the long neck and finally up to the head. The Monster glared down at it with a very angry look upon her face. Attichitcuk could see this as well and he felt that his situation had become even worse than before.

“ROAR!” shouted the Monster at the top of her lungs. This caused the Nexu to turn tail and run as fast as its legs could carry it. Like Attichitcuk it had seen humans before but none as tall as this one. It had no desire to battle this monster and retreated to a safe distance that would be many miles.

Attichitcuk was still afraid as he looked up at the Monster who loomed above him. He could still see her face but rather than the angry expression that it had changed to one of concern. She did take a step back from him and began to kneel down to the ground. It took a few seconds for her to get her extremely tall body down and even when she had completed the movements she still towered above him significantly.

“You don’t need to run anymore,” said the Monster. Slowly she lowered her hand and stretched it out towards him. However rather than trying to grab him the hand stopped and it seemed like a gesture of friendship. Her voice was also at a quieter and calmer tone than it had been a few moments later. “My name is Sabine Wren and I’m here to help you. I was sent by your parents to bring you back home, they miss you very much.”

“They don’t care about me,” replied Attichitcuk. His voice was in a serious of growls that made his native language. However, Sabine could understand every word that he said. “They just like to yell at me.”

“That’s not true Attichitcuk.” He was still looking up at her but his fear was ebbing away as she continued her calm composure. “They love you dear and they wish for you to come home. Running away from your problems don’t make them go away, believe me I know better than you think. The only way to solve your problems is to face them and that means talking to your parents. They truly care about you so please let me take you back to them. I promise that things will be better.” She gave him a smile and this made him truly see that she wasn’t the monster that he thought that she was. Instead she was a kind-hearted woman who truly wanted to help.

“O-Ok I’ll go back.” His voice was relatively quiet but she could still hear him. Wanted to cry but he didn’t want to in front of her.

“Good, you’ve made the right choice.” She paused for a moment. “Do you mind if I carry you? It would be a lot faster than you walking. I promise that I won’t drop you.”

Attichitcuk nodded to her and he soon felt her long fingers wrap around him. He was then lifted off the ground as Sabine stood up to her full height. When she did she was head and shoulders above the trees. She did continue to raise him up higher and she placed him on her shoulder. He was safe from any of the trees and she began to long trek back to Attichitcuk’s home. The young Wookie sat there and would occasionally look down towards the ground. He could see Sabine’s feet that seemed very far away, he then looked at her as she walked. She did turn her head and smiled at him. He had no idea how a human could grow so tall but he was glad that she had found him as he would not have survived the Nexu attack.

a0040pc 12-25-2017 01:14 PM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
Sabine continued the walk back towards the Wookie village with Attichitcuk now sitting on her shoulder. He was enjoying the high view that he was getting and he felt safer from the Nexu that had almost taken his life. He looked up at her a few times as she was walking and she would look down and smile at him. He would also look down toward the ground from time to time and he would see the ground was quite far away. He took a small pebble that he had on his person and dropped it. He watched as it fell and hit the ground below. The trip took several seconds for the process to happen. This had been noticed by her as well and she found it funny that he would try this out.

Suddenly Attichitcuk began to hear a sound that was somewhat familiar to him. It was a sound that he had heard some minutes ago and it took him a moment to realise what it was. It was the same sound that he had heard when Sabine had gone through her growth spurt. He looked at her and noticed that her neck was getting longer. As he looked the rest of her body stayed the same but the neck grew longer. It did eventually stop elongating but by then it had gotten a good foot or two longer. It didn’t add much to her overall height but it still caught him by surprise.

“What is it?” asked Sabine who seemed unaware by what had happened. She could see the worried look on Attichitcuk’s face.

“Y-Your neck, it grew,” replied Attichitcuk through a series of growls and howls. He compared himself to her neck. Before his head had easily reached her chin. Now it was just within range of the top of his head. “It’s definitely longer than it was before.”

“Oh that.” She gave a sigh as she seemed disappointed by what had happened. “My body is growing in ways that I don’t fully understand. That’s why I look the way that I do now, it doesn’t seem uncommon for a part of my body to stretch and the rest of my body to stay the same. This time it was my neck, before it was my legs and so on. It wouldn’t be so bad but this has got to be the third time that my neck has grown longer but I’ve stayed the same everywhere else.”

“How did it happen, why are you growing like this?” He was becoming more confused by the moment as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening.

“I was helping to test a new single man fighter for the Rebels. I flew through some kind of radiation field and it caused me to crash on this planet. At first, I was alright but I began to grow and lengthen. Now you see me like this but I don’t think it’s over, I think I’m just going to keep growing like this.”

“Can you make it stop?”

“If I could I would have just a few moments ago. They’re becoming so frequent now that I’m not noticing them as much. If you hadn’t of mentioned it just I probably wouldn’t have noticed at all.”

Attichitcuk remained silent as he still thought about the situation. He still felt a little afraid of her but he also felt sympathy. This woman who was going through a very difficult time had still gone out of her way to make sure that he was safe. He couldn’t help but respect her for this and he hoped that she would stop growing soon. In his mind she was too kind to have something so awful happen to her.

a0040pc 12-27-2017 12:58 PM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
With their conversation over for the moment Sabine decided to carry on with the walk. Unfortunately, as she was mostly unfamiliar with the terrain and the fact that her vantage point was constantly going up and up she lost her way. She had taken a wrong turn and was heading into an area of the forest that was known to be quite dangerous.

On her Attichitcuk began to get worried, he would have thought that they’d had gotten back to the village by now. However there didn’t seem to be any settlements at all even though he was above the tree line. He looked toward Sabine who was still walking and even she was beginning to have her doubts.

“I think we’re lost,” said Attichitcuk. He thought that it was risky pointing this out as he wasn’t sure how she was going to react to this.
“We’re not lost,” replied Sabine with only a hint of confidence in her voice. “We just don’t know where we are right now.” She nervously laughed for a moment as she knew that her statement was very contradicting.

Just after she finished speaking she noticed something was odd. She couldn’t move her feet, it was only then that she looked down towards the ground. She couldn’t see her feet at all as the ground itself had swallowed them. She could also feel herself sinking as well, she instantly knew what had happened.

“Quicksand!” said Sabine with shock in her voice. She looked down again and she saw that more of her shin had sunk into the quicksand. She didn’t know how deep it was but she didn’t want to take a risk.

“What are we going to do?” replied Attichitcuk who was beginning to panic a little. It seemed like he had traded one threat for another. He saw that Sabine was silent for several seconds as she was looking around to try and find something that would help. Just on the edge of the quicksand pit was a tree, she thought that it might be strong enough to let her pull herself out. However with her immense size she wasn’t sure.

“Attichitcuk I’m going to grab onto that tree over there, when it’s in my grasp climb onto my arm so that you don’t fall. At least then you’ll be safe.”

“But what about you?”

“I’m a big girl, I can look after myself. Just promise you’ll do what I say.”

“Ok, I promise.”

Sabine began to lean over to the tree but she found that it was just out of her reach. She found this to be annoying but she felt a sensation in her legs. She looked at them and she could see them beginning to lengthen. She wasn’t sure if she should be cursing or if this was blessing in disguise. Either way she knew that her legs were growing longer, it some of the growth did lead down deeper into the pit but it was also pushing her up as well.

Just as the process was coming to an end Sabine felt her fingers grasp the tree. Attichitcuk didn’t waste any time in climbing along the very long and quite thin arm of Sabine. He heard her tell him to hold on. He then saw the tree begin to bed as she tried to pull herself free, he could hear her exertions of effort.

It was drawing her closer and closer toward the edge of the pit and she could feel herself rising up as she was pulling herself free. It took a few more moments before her feet were on solid ground again and she gave a sigh of relief. She looked at Attichitcuk who was climbing back toward her shoulder.

“Are you alright?” asked Sabine with worry in her voice. She watched as he nodded his head and she looked at her legs now. They were certainly longer than they were before and now the treeline was only up to her chest. She was just glad that at least now she was free and Attichitcuk was safe.

a0040pc 01-02-2018 02:36 PM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
After making sure that they were a safe enough distance from the quicksand pit Sabine stopped so that she could try and see where the Wookie settlement was located. Even though now she was much taller than the trees she could see only forests which stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. She gave a small sigh as she had absolutely no idea which way she was supposed to go.

Attichitcuk was still sitting on her shoulder. He more than ever wanted to go home but at that moment in time he was feeling some discomfort. He fully recognised what the problem was but he couldn’t do anything about it from Sabine’s shoulder.

“Sabine can you put me down for a minute?” asked Attichitcuk. He didn’t speak too loudly as he was quite close to her ear. He wasn’t sure if he had watched it grow but with what was happening to her he wouldn’t be surprised.

“Why, what’s the matter?” replied Sabine. She felt him lean up closer to her ear and he began to whisper into it. “Ok that’s fine.” She then grabbed onto him and lifted him off her shoulder. She began to lower him to the ground which was a long way down. “Just be careful and I promise that I won’t look.”

By this time Attichitcuk had touched down on the ground and he began to walk away from Sabine. He did look up at her briefly as he couldn’t believe how tall she was now. Since her legs had last grown they now made up the majority of her incredible height. This was unlikely to last too long as she was expecting her torso to grow to match it in the near future.

Attichitcuk eventually found a spot where he could do what he needed to do and where he couldn’t be seen by his giant guardian. He gave a sigh of relief as it happened as he had been holding it for some time. But after hearing some leaves beginning to rustle he realised that he wasn’t alone. At first, he thought that it was Sabine but the level of the rustling was too low for a person of her height.

It was only after a few moments that he saw someone step out from the bushes and fear struck Attichitcuk. It looked to be a lizard but easily around six feet tall and standing on two legs. It was wearing a jumpsuit with some brown fur attached to the shoulders and it carried a prod. Its skin was green and t’s eyes were yellow. Attichitcuk knew full well what this creature was, it was a Trandoshan. They were sentient beings who lived on a nearby planet but had been enslaving Wookies for countless millennia and since the Empire had come to be they had been enslaving Wookies on a huge scale.

“What’s a Wookie like you doing out here all by yourself?” asked the Trandoshan. The prod was very close to Attichitcuk’s chest and he could see the electricity stemming from it.

“I was just making my way home,” replied Attichitcuk. “Now I’ll just be on my way if that is fine.”

“No, it is not.” He snarled a little and took a step closer. “You look like a strong lad, I can use someone like you.”

“It’s alright, I’m good thanks.”

“It wasn’t a request.”

From where she was sitting Sabine began to hear the conversation taking place. She knew that Attichitcuk wasn’t talking to another Wookie so she quickly stood up. Quickly she stepped over to where Attichitcuk and she could see the Trandoshan below. She knew all about the history between the two species and she knew that she had to step in. Began to wave at him to try and get his attention.

“Hello down there,” said Sabine. She hadn’t noticed that the hand that she was waving with was growing. The familiar stretching sound radiated from the hand and she felt it stretching further. The same was not happening to the other hand yet so for the time being she was going to have one hand larger than the other.

The Trandoshan heard Sabine and began to look up, it was only then did it realise that it was looking at her shin. It began to look up further, soon it could see her knees, then her thighs, then her hips, then her lower torso, then her chest, then her neck and then finally her head. It dropped the prod that it was carrying as it’s mouth opened at the sight of the super tall woman.

“I suggest you back away,” said Sabine. Her voice was in her normal tone. “Now!” This time her voice was sharp and angry. It helped emphasis her point.

The Trandoshan didn’t answer and instead chose to slowly back away from Attichitcuk and Sabine. Within a few seconds it turned around and ran as fast as its legs could carry it. It knew that it stood no chance against her but it knew that its clan mates could deal with her. They had better equipment and also had the means for taking down a giant as tall as Sabine. All it needed was to find its clan mates who were nearby.

a0040pc 01-10-2018 08:22 AM

Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels
1 Attachment(s)
With the Trandoshan seemingly gone Sabine began to look around so that she could try and spot Attichitcuk’s village. It was still out of view and she was beginning worry that she might have gone the wrong way. She didn’t want to tell Attichitcuk about her concerns since she didn’t want to worry him.

Before Sabine could decide what to do next she felt a couple of odd sensations. It began in her left hand and when she looked at it she could see it beginning to grow. Attichitcuk also watched as the hand grew before their eyes. Within a few seconds it was the same size as Sabine’s other hand.

The process didn’t end there though as she felt the odd sensation around her torso as well. She never liked enjoyed this part of her body growing since the sensation of her vital organs stretching and expanding was never pleasant. She winched as she felt her torso stretch, it was adding more to her already impressive and the sound of the growth spurt could be heard for some distance.

Sabine felt the growth spurt end quite abruptly and it was a relief for her. She looked at herself and she was glad to see that she had evened out a little now, her legs now didn’t seem so long in comparison to the rest of her body. But there was something that she did notice, the treeline was now up to her hips. She remembered when she had begun to search for Attichitcuk the trees had been taller than her. Now they were up to her hips meaning that she had practically doubled in height in an uncomfortably short amount of time.

“Sabine are you alright?” asked Attichitcuk as he showed some concern for her. He saw her turn her head and smile at him.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” replied Sabine. “It’s just that these growth spurts sometimes catch me off guard.” She began to chuckle a little but this was to help her cope with the situation. “It won’t be long before I reach the clouds.”

“You think you’ll grow that tall?”

“Sure, I’ll even lift you up so that you can see them for yourself.” She chuckled again but she did truly fear that before long she would actually reach that height. She just hoped that there was some way of stopping it before she reached that milestone.

With the growth spurt now over Sabine decided to walk on in her search for the village. Little did she know that the Trandoshan that they had ran into before had met up with it’s clan mates. At first, they didn’t believe that someone as tall as Sabine could exist but when one of them climbed a tree they could clearly see her above the trees. Once they realised this they began to think that she would be a valuable slave that they could hugely profit on. Already they set their plan in motion.

Unaware of what was going on Sabine continued to walk through the forest. She was having trouble seeing where she was placing her feet since the trees blocked her view. The last thing she wanted was to step in quicksand again. Each footstep she did make made a loud thud which was a warning for nearby creatures to move away. It was unintentional from her but at her size she couldn’t help it.

In the bushes nearby the Trandoshans waited for their opportunity to strike. They were skilled hunters and they heard her coming, their light green skin allowed them to camouflage amongst the leaves. They lay in silence until they saw the giant foot of Sabine step down right next to them.

Quickly they sprang their trap and began to use ropes to try and tangle her elongated legs. One of them even threw some rope over her shoulder in an attempt to pull her down. She was taken by surprise but she was still aware enough grab onto Attichitcuk and place him in a nearby tree so that he was safe.

“Hey quit it!” demanded Sabine as she felt one of the ropes slide onto her arm. Using all of her strength she lifted her arm and also lifted up the Trandoshan that was holding on. “You’re really getting on my nerves now!”

The other Trandoshans noticed what was happening. One of them grabbed a grenade that was attached to it’s belt. Using its own incredible strength, it threw it high enough to reach Sabine’s face. Instead of producing an explosion instead a green, murky gas eradiated from the grenade. She couldn’t help but breathe it in and almost immediately it began to take effect. She began to cough quite violently and she felt groggy. The Trandoshans saw their opening and began to throw more of these grenades at her face. A few of them missed but most hit the mark.

Sabine’s incredible body was more than capable of withstanding one grenade but the multiple that were being thrown at her were too much for her to endure. Eventually the Trandoshans saw that there was no need to continue their efforts. The towering woman groaned as she began to topple over. The Trandoshans snarled amongst one another to get out of the way, they were fast enough to move before Sabine’s tall body came crashing down to the ground below.

The last thing Sabine saw was the Trandoshans approaching her and they seemed to be happy with their efforts. She wanted to swat them away but she couldn’t move her arms and her eyes began to close. She couldn’t hear them cry out in victory but they weren’t done just yet. They looked up toward one of the nearby trees and they could see Attichitcuk. Now that his guardian down for the count the young Wookie was going to have to try and defend himself.

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