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Sailordolly 02-24-2009 08:44 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Ooh, I do like the whole idea of a girl who shrinks when she feels good. Not only does it make her semi-unable to control it, but it firmly associates smallness with sexiness in the mind of her and her lovers. ^_^

qzar9999 02-24-2009 09:43 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Very sexy stuff, dude. I've always enjoyed the shrinking-by-getting-aroused thing, and I for one feel I don't see it often enough, let alone as well-written as this. (Puts mine to shame...)

pseudoclever 02-25-2009 12:35 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)

Originally Posted by wilkem101 (Post 267837)
only one more chapter?:( please tell me that once you finish this story, you'll start another one.

I've got another idea for a story in mind, but it's still on the drawing board. To be honest I really like these characters. There's a chance I might make a sequel...the last line of the last chapter will hint what that sequel might be about. But I don't know, it might be better to just let it lie as is. Note that this isn't a question of more or less content from me, just...whether it's more of THIS.

Anyway, whatever I write next, I want to be able to bring something worthwhile to the community. I've been lurking for a long time, I've read a lot of stories. And I feel like there are certain things that are lacking most of the time.

I like the mini-gts/larger sw angle. But, like TB mentioned in an earlier post, way too many stories have characters drawn together by Stockholm's Syndrome, and I think that's wrong. I want my characters to actually like each other, and at least on some level, to have the processee consent to it. Also, good sex scenes are rare these days. ;)

Clickme 02-25-2009 07:41 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
WEll, don't feel like you HAVE to keep a story going for us. If something is forced, it tends to lack the quality of an inspired piece.

I for one will treasure this piece, and while I' look forward to more, I'll be happy if this is all that comes our way for a while.

It's kinda like E.T. Spielberg said that he had been asked to make a sequel many many times, but each time he told them that the movie ended right were it was supposed to, and a sequel would only ruin it. Tkae that and the trend of most sequels made for the sake of a sequel (like the sequels of the various Disney movies) usually suck because they play off another's success wth none of their own.

I guess what I'm, saying is that I love your story, but I'd hate to see you produce something just because. Sorry, I tend to ramble ^_^

pseudoclever 02-26-2009 01:24 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+) Conclusion
And now, the conclusion of My Lovely Sylvia

?Because...? I said slowly, ominously. ?I'm going to see just how small I can make you.?

She stepped back, and for the first time I saw real fear on her face. ?What? Why would you want to do that to me??

?Haven't you ever just had fun with it? To be honest, it's a total turn-on for me. And if tomorrow morning you'll be back to normal anyway....?

?But...? she seemed to consider this.

?I know, it's always been something to be afraid of,? I said. ?Just this once, let yourself go.? She didn't say anything, but her expression was thoughtful.

?How about this,? I tried. ?There's a naked guy in front of you. You like him. He likes you. And he's offering to do all kinds of nasty things to you, for as long as you want. All you have to do is lie back and enjoy it. What do you say??

She looked up at me, her smile full of steely resolve. ?Okay. Let's do it. Show me what you've got.? I pulled her towards me, and we embraced. I stroked her damp hair and massaged her shoulders a bit. Whatever she had said, it was clear she was still nervous. I wanted her to be completely comfortable.

I continued to pet her, and gradually I could feel her muscles relax. Her breathing shallowed, and she leaned against me. My hands moved on to her neck, her face, her ears. Switching from fingertips to fingernails, I gently scratched my way up and down her back, onto her arms. She sighed contentedly, and squeezed me tighter. My hands crept lower, touching her lower back, then around to take a firm hold of her hips.

I was leisurely working my way towards her bust. Each time I'd touched her there tonight, she'd rapidly lost inches. I placed my hands on her shoulders and, with a slight rotational movement, indicated that she should turn around. She took the hint. This left her chest wide open for my attention. I didn't wait. I cupped her, and began to knead her beautiful breasts together. Her nipples puffed up, growing hard, and she moaned low. And as I rubbed, I noticed that she was getting almost imperceptibly smaller. I increased my pressure, then took hold of her tits, pinching them carefully between my thumb and forefinger. She gasped, and gave up another centimeter.

My manhood stood fully erect now, and Sylvia felt it pressing into her back. She swayed her hips, causing me to rub against her. My heart beat faster, and I thrust myself against her damp skin. She responded by doing a little shimmy move that teased me into even greater heights of passion.

Then I remembered that I was supposed to be in charge here. I kneeled down, putting my head roughly level with hers. My hands made their way down her torso, briefly exploring her tummy before moving on to message her little butt. It was muscular and tight, and as I touched it she flexed for me, showing off. In response I gave her bottom a sharp smack. ?Hey!? she yelped, jumping forward.

?Don't pretend you didn't like it, I saw you shrink,? I laughed. She turned, and stuck her tongue out at me. I grabbed her, and kissed her lovingly. Then I spun her around again, picking up where I'd left off.

My palms worked their way below her stomach, down her legs, and back up her inner thighs. One hand came to rest on her pelvis, applying just a bit of pressure. Meanwhile, my other hand was drawing circles around her crotch, getting closer and closer to her womanly center with each pass. I brushed the edges of her lips, causing her to issue a soft groan of pleasure. And then, with deliberate slowness, I ran my index finger all the way across her sex, from back to front, ending with a little flourish on her rock-hard clitoris. ?Ahhh!? she exhaled. She had been soaking wet, and this fact made my cock give a little spasm of joy. I moved in for another pass....

And at that moment, the hot water ran out. We both shrieked in surprise, and quickly sprang in to action. She tried to turn the faucet off, but at her size it was a bit of a challenge. I helped her, and mercifully the shower ran dry. We looked at each other with the same wild-eyed expression, and both burst into laughter.

Stepping out of the shower was even harder for my shrunken little co-ed now, but she managed with stubborn independence. I took down a pair of towels from the shelf and handed one to her. She didn't really need help, but here I insisted. I rubbed the fuzzy cloth on her back, through her hair, making sure to get all her crevices. This took longer than you might guess.

?Okay, I think we've dried the boobs enough now,? she said with mock sternness. I dropped the damp towel into her clothes basket, trying not to pout. When I turned back, she was looking at me with a critical eye. ?How tall would you say I am now??

I walked around her, admiring my handiwork, and noticed that her head only came up to my belly-button now. ?I would guess that you're a little over three and a half feet tall.? Sylvia looked at me, her expression a complex mix of emotions. ?How do you feel??

?I...this has never been something I've enjoyed before. With you, it's...I....? She shook her head, as if trying to clear her thoughts. But then she looked up at me, that familiar determination back in her eye. Her mouth turned up in a grin. ?If you were trying to make me as small as you could, I'd say you did a pretty poor job. I'm not even six inches shorter.?

?Oh really?? I jabbed back. ?I'm going to make you regret those words.?

?Bring it on,? she said, assuming a fighting stance. A stance which, I noticed with smirking irony, involved spreading her legs.

I leaned over her, and took her in my arms. She struggled playfully, but it wasn't much of a contest. I grabbed her under her back and knees and lifted her off the ground. She was giggling hysterically, her feet kicking. I tried to kiss her, but she pressed her lips tightly together, refusing to let me in. Gradually she relented and returned my affection. I couldn't help but notice how strange it felt to kiss such a tiny mouth.

Still holding her, I carefully sat down on the floor and spread her out across my lap. Her whole body was open to me in this position. One hand held her weight, but my other was free, and could reach any part of her. I took advantage of that fact by caressing her, anywhere and everywhere.

My hands moved randomly about her body. Sylvia never knew where to expect me. First I squeezed her ankles, and massaged her feet. An instant later I was tickling her stomach. For a few seconds I fingered her tiny little slit, finding her absolutely drenched. Her breath came in punctuated gasps, and when I moved on a moment later she groaned in frustration. Next I stroked her breasts, her tits already swollen and ready. I played with them roughly, or at least as roughly as I thought I could without hurting her. She seemed to get into this, and she leaned forward into my touch. But then my hands were on her shoulders, denying her the stimulation she craved. I continued this pattern for awhile. Before long, she was writhing in agony. ?Please,? she practically sobbed. ?Don't tease me any more!?

I rested my hand on her inner thigh. I could feel faint heat coming off her womanhood, and I longed to touch her there almost as bad as she wanted it. But I was having too much fun. ?Am I the best you've ever had?? I asked with an evil grin.

?You are, you really are. Now....?

?You're sure you want to get smaller?? I kidded. ?Maybe this isn't such a good idea.?

?I want to be smaller! I want to feel your finger getting bigger inside me, I want to be tiny and helpless in your arms. Please....?

?Say you love me,? I blurted out. Where had THAT come from? In an instant the mood changed. Sylvia looked at me, shocked. I opened my mouth to apologize.

But then she smiled, the happiest smile I've ever seen. ?I love you,? she said.

I felt like my heart was melting inside my chest. ?I love you too, Sylvia,? I said, and knew that it was the truth. I kissed her, and this time it felt different, special. Before that moment, we'd been fooling around. Now this night had become an expression of something wonderful, something magical. Neither of us would ever be the same.

If this was to be so meaningful, then the bathroom floor hardly seemed like the place for it. I got to my feet, holding her tightly against me, as though I was afraid to lose her. I walked out into the hallway, and back into her bedroom. I put Sylvia down on the bed, and sat next to her. She'd lost another couple inches since I'd last measured her, and in this position our faces were perfectly level. She wrapped her arms around me, and I held her close in a moment of peace before the storm that was to come.

My hands began to slide down her body. This time there was no pretense, no teasing. She spread her legs for me, staring into my eyes. At last I reached her slit and, without hesitation, pressed the side of my hand directly into her. It was gooey and hot with anticipation. She took hold of my shoulder to steady herself, and I rocked into motion.

I started slow, stroking her whole length and letting her juices run out all over my hand. Before long I began to finger her clit, using a side to side motion that quickly buckled her knees. With each passing second my hand moved faster, pressing into her more firmly. Her sighs and moans grew in intensity. My other hand caressed her upper body, from her abs to the lovely mounds of her bosom. But this was just a diversion, a mere counter-point to the symphony down below.

I could see her steadily dwindling away before me, could feel her pussy becoming tighter. With a soft push I lowered her onto the bed, and took a moment to admire the woman I loved laying before me. My hand still on her womanhood, I began to kiss her all over her body. Her face, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs. They were all so tiny, so close together. Meanwhile I let my middle finger find its way deeper and deeper inside her. She thrust against it in rhythm with me. Beads of sweat were forming on her naked body. She almost seemed to glow. I curled my finger upwards, pressing into the rough flesh of her g-spot.

Her moan dropped an octave lower, and then she came. I felt her pulsate against me, and with each spasm more of her height drifted away. I waited long enough for her orgasm to slow before I lowered my face down to her still-twitching sex. My tongue lolled out of my mouth, and I began to eat her out.

At first she wriggled, shrieking loudly, her body too sensitive to take this much stimulation. But within a few seconds she relaxed. Her fists clenched and face scrunched up as she howled her approval. And my god, I couldn't believe how good she tasted. Each drop was a sweet nectar, and I lapped it up greedily.

Another orgasm, and with it another few inches left her. This time I didn't even slow down. She kicked, grabbed two little fistfuls of my hair, and came again. At last I relented, and she lay on the bed, gasping for air like a marathon runner.

Only a few seconds later, she somehow managed to drag herself to her feet. I couldn't believe that she was still mobile after all of this. She walked shakily toward me, now well under two feet tall, and dropped to her knees in front of my manhood. It was painfully hard by now, having been standing at attention this whole time.

Her first touch was like a drop of dew on a desert rose. She didn't bother pacing herself ? she knew how ready I was. She took hold of me, and massaged greedily with both hands. Her head lowered and she kissed my shaft, licking me from my tip all the way down to my balls.

I lifted her legs into my lap, and leaned forward until my lips could find her pussy again. My tongue pressed into her, spreading her wide open, filling her completely. I swirled around inside her, savoring her juices. She responded by moving faster, squeezing me harder. Sylvia's essence assaulted each one of my senses. Her steaming body, nearly weightless, resting on my stomach. Her song of ecstasy ringing in my ear. Her smell ? strong, sweet, intoxicating.

She tried to take me into her mouth but couldn't, and settled instead for nibbling on the spot just behind the head of my penis. Her moans translated as a wonderful vibration, adding a whole new dimension of pleasure. I could feel the pressure building. She thrashed wildly against me, her voice sounding desperate, frantic. And then, as one, we came. Time shattered around us, our screams echoed from the walls. My whole body tingled, my ears popped. My cock throbbed again and again. And through it all I could feel Sylvia's body sliding down my chest, getting smaller, smaller.

At last our orgasm passed. We clutched each other tightly, savoring the afterglow. My chest heaved, and with it Sylvia's body rose and fell. Before long I decided our position ? her feet on my chest, my crotch in her face ? was a bit undignified. I lifted her, an act that even in my weakened state was impossibly easy, and snuggled her in my arms.

She was by far the smallest human being I'd ever seen. Lying against me, her body stretched from just under my chin to a spot an inch or two above my belly-button. But despite losing more than five feet of height, she hadn't lost an ounce of her grace, her sex appeal. We were sticky again, but this didn't seem to matter at all.

Wearily, I crawled to the head of the bed, pulled back the covers, and slid beneath them. I lay on my back and, placing her once more on my stomach, hugged her tightly against me. ?Best. Teddy-bear. Ever.? I whispered. She rolled over and nuzzled my neck.

?You know,? she said sometime later, her voice squeaky and high. ?If we go to sleep like this, I'm going to be crushing you in a few hours.?

I patted her hair, and felt my consciousness beginning to fade. ?Sylvia, my darling,? I answered, ?tomorrow morning, I don't care if you're twelve inches tall or twelve feet. I'll love you just the same.?


So that's it. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. There's a chance I might bring these characters back some time, but for now I'm happy with letting it lie.

I've got another story in the works, something a bit more light-hearted than this. The tags will be mini-gts, sw, M/F/f, and of course, 18+. Expect it in a few weeks.

TF-Viewer 02-26-2009 01:39 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Great conclusion, awesome story from start to finish.

rabbit_king 02-26-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
wow just wow, this story was great. and i cant wait to see your next masterpiece

Clickme 02-26-2009 04:27 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
It's been said before, but it merits repeating: You are an amazing writer, and the final chapter was fantastic. I look forward to your next literary venture! ^_^

Nom Anor 02-26-2009 06:35 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Great conclusion.

qzar9999 02-26-2009 08:36 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
It reminds me of one of those really well-written stories they put in Playboy sometimes. Matter of fact I'd almost suggest you try sending it to them; it's not as if it would be the strangest one they've ever published ("The Wraith," I'm looking at you...)

ClosetSW 02-27-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
That was really well done. *round of applause* best slow shrink I've read in a long while.

rabbit_king 02-27-2009 10:16 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Everybody CLAP CLAP
*clap clap*

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