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Sephie 12-30-2008 02:52 PM

Re: Devolution

Originally Posted by Styerion (Post 249638)
Hitler was also a famous economist too. Don't forget he brought Germany out of a depression.

Godwin's law in effect, people.

And a vegetarian.

Huginn 12-30-2008 03:02 PM

Re: Devolution

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer (Post 249634)
He's referring to Adolph Hitler and the Aryan/Dravidian Myth. Perhaps that is why he sees racism in it. After all, Hitler was the most famous racist of all time.

Oh come on guys, please don't turn this into a political/ social/ historical discussion ok ?
Well i honestly don't think the TF subject was choosen with any racistic
agenda behind it !
If someone wants to perceive something negative , he will probably find it anywhere.
And for racism in general: I think any halfway intelligent person should be
able to penetrate this aryan/ nordic superiority bullshit theories, the idiots who brought them up used to be complete nutjobs.

(Geez, i wonder if any Werewolf TF would ever cause such a reaction:( )

Seadog Driftwood 12-30-2008 07:03 PM

Re: Devolution

Originally Posted by Catsohori (Post 249629)
Aryan's aren't blonde and are not blue eyed. That's a nordic trait. Aryan's would be Iranians and people of Indian descent. Learn the basics of history before making accusations.

Right! Only in the Indic and Iranian branches of Indo-European did the form *h2erio- become applied to a racial name. In other branches, it would mean something like "fellow tribesperson."

The Nazis misunderstood that to terrible results.

In fact, it's impossible to know the eye colour and hair colour of the people the Nazis were trying to refer to. It's only by pure luck that the hair colour of any ancient person is known, through art or mummification or writing...
And there are always variations!

Anyway, this TF isn't purposefully racist. It simply goes back through the human history.

Sephie 12-30-2008 10:06 PM

Re: Devolution

Originally Posted by Seadog Driftwood (Post 249697)
Right! Only in the Indic and Iranian branches of Indo-European did the form *h2erio- become applied to a racial name. In other branches, it would mean something like "fellow tribesperson."

The Nazis misunderstood that to terrible results.

In fact, it's impossible to know the eye colour and hair colour of the people the Nazis were trying to refer to. It's only by pure luck that the hair colour of any ancient person is known, through art or mummification or writing...
And there are always variations!

Anyway, this TF isn't purposefully racist. It simply goes back through the human history.

And makes serious mistaeks.

Crash Ichimonji 12-31-2008 10:57 PM

Re: Devolution
Sheesh...Seeing the responses, perhaps this was a bad idea to post this...

frice2000 12-31-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Devolution
Don't say that. People did appreciate the work, don't let the idiots shouting racism because you have a skin color change discourage you from posting other stuff.

gamonthehand 01-01-2009 03:16 AM

Re: Devolution
Crash dont worry. Not all of us who dislike this TF are gonna go nuts. I may not like Deevo Tf's but if I were to negativly comment on your Tf then what right would I have to be at the process at all. On that note I rember a good Deevo seen in the TV series Wierd Science. I belive that one of the main Charters slowly devolves over the show and it spreads to a girl he is dating. Its an ok Live acton Deevo.

Huginn 01-01-2009 12:34 PM

Re: Devolution

Originally Posted by Crash Ichimonji (Post 249985)
Sheesh...Seeing the responses, perhaps this was a bad idea to post this...

No, by any means no ! I say it again, it was a great post ! I liked it very much, the idea and the execution !
Please, don't let yourself get discouraged by some posts.
I think the whole discussion is rooted in the thinking of some people who view
de-evolution and Ape/Monkey TFs in general as derogative Form of transformation.
If you had depicted a woman of a none caucasian ethnic group turning into maybe a skunk or something no one would have complained.
Or perhaps Princess Jasmine into a jackal ( a scavenger !), the whole bunch would have applauded !
But a TF of a human into his next genetic relative, oh my god, what a degradation !

(Sorry for the rant, but it really bugged me that you got so discouraged by someones rather non constructive comment)

Sephie 01-01-2009 12:40 PM

Re: Devolution
It was a well drawn work, and a good idea, just I am a stickler for accuracy. The main image I have beef with is the final image, which has certain inaccuracies in it.

209Icey 01-01-2009 01:10 PM

Re: Devolution

Originally Posted by Herr Onymous-Bosch (Post 250093)
It was a well drawn work, and a good idea, just I am a stickler for accuracy. The main image I have beef with is the final image, which has certain inaccuracies in it.

Actually, if no-one really has noticed, he enjoys the work (most of it). however, is nitpicky. There. End of story. ... back to topic.

Seadog Driftwood 01-01-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Devolution
Crash, don't be discouraged. Remember, as someone once told me, "If it has a monkey in it, it's good." The same should hold true for apes.

Styerion 01-01-2009 06:51 PM

Re: Devolution
Anyone notice that threads tend to rebound whenever the OP posts? Just something I spotted.

Anyways, I like the idea of de-evolution and monkification. There's bound to be some friction created by it though. So what.

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