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p2766479 05-23-2013 05:17 PM

Re: Paradox Alice

Originally Posted by p2766479 (Post 697307)
i too have a copy that i purchased from the japanese vendor, i put it on ebay today. Search "paradox alice" it's the only one on ebay.


Chiaroscuros 05-23-2013 07:12 PM

Re: Paradox Alice
Maybe we should pass it around like


iamlampy 05-24-2013 11:56 PM

Re: Paradox Alice

In the end, I couldn’t help it and buckled. I’ve been DYING to see Paradox Alice since the trailer appeared so long ago, so splurged the cash to get it sent over from Japan.

I’m posting this to go some way towards quenching people’s thirst for knowledge about the movie. I'm worried I'm going to get a load of IMs now asking me to describe it, I'm afraid I can't do that - so instead here's a mini 'review'.

So, let’s dive in with...

The Transformation

A confession. I could be all superior and say I patiently watched the film for the transformation, but actually, it’s the first thing I wanted to see.

This is the best male to female transformation I’ve seen in a film, ever. Period.

Is it the perfect, Rick Baker quality transformation that I imagined in my wildest tf dreams? No - how could it be? But - considering Mako’s limited budget it is absolutely awesome. Things have come a long way since The Kiss.

What it lacks in terms of money it makes up for in terms of imagination. I think a transformation like this could only have been thought up by a transformation fan, and Mako has done an incredible job.

It’s like an amalgamation of all the transformations we’ve seen previously in The Kiss, Eleven and The Last Piece Standing. We get close ups of body parts changing, mixed with reaction shots. My favourite transformation scenes are shown this way. CGI, Makeup and acting are used to tell the story of the transformation. To say anything else would genuinely spoil it. I’m not being difficult, or mysterious, it’s just that it’s clear that Mako has put so much work into this film, for me to describe his work on a forum and give away the secrets of Paradox Alice wouldn’t be fair. I’m sorry.

What I can say, is that it’s a very forced transformation and Ethan Sharrett does a good job at conveying the agony of the change. As a non-tf fan, I imagine it would blow somebody’s mind as it happens. You just wouldn’t see it coming. On this forum we’re a little more used to seeing these things - but that’s not to take away from it. Mako and the SFX makeup team do an effective job. The only thing I’ll say is that there’s nods to the chest burster scene in Alien and an incredible shot of his shoulders shuddering and crunching narrower, as he tries to resist. Once the physical transformation has taken place, a much subtler, emotional one kicks in over the rest of the movie. Oh Mako, my heart is aflutter.

The Biggest Surprise

So then I went back and watched the whole film - and it is fantastic. The theme of transformation runs throughout it, but Mako has assembled a wonderful cast (everyone is very well cast) and a tight, high stakes story. There’s some lovely foreshadowing of what is to come. There’s a very effective use of a gloomy, claustrophobic set. It reminded me in style of Wing Commander IV, for those of you who are ancient like me and can remember such things. There’s an undeniable sense of the loneliness of space.

I’m afraid I bought the film because I wanted to see the TF - such is the slightly shameful, voracious nature of having a tf kink. The biggest surprise was that I loved the movie as a whole. I connected to the characters and their plight. I was moved by it. I think you will be too.

Rei-Lin 05-25-2013 12:06 AM

Re: Paradox Alice
Well I won't lie, it's why I generally buy or watch any film, short or clip that contains any sort of transformation scene. I judge the film on the merits of the transformation itself and then if that part is good, I'll give the entire thing a watch. I guess it's because there's so few really good transformations of any kind out there that I can say are just downright amazing to watch that if it sucks, then I could care less about the rest of the movie because if the budget wasn't put into the transformation, what was it put in?

I think there can be a good mix of the two things of course, but as a fan of transformations of all kinds, if somebody is making a film that has a transformation theme as a centerpiece or at least a major factor in the film, they better do it right! It's one of the reasons for example that I enjoyed the Underworld series but only watched the first two once. They set up a lot of money shots and then used CG and didn't give us a real meaty transformation scene, just bits and pieces of transformations with lots of cuts and with wolves that ended up looking more like cats. Good, but not great for me.

I can't wait to get home and unwrap my copy and of course, watch the transformation and hopefully get a real kick out of it. Then once I get off the floor from being blown over, I'll give the film a watch. :)

Miss Mako 05-25-2013 10:04 AM

Re: Paradox Alice

Originally Posted by iamlampy (Post 697497)

The Biggest Surprise

So then I went back and watched the whole film - and it is fantastic. The theme of transformation runs throughout it, but Mako has assembled a wonderful cast (everyone is very well cast) and a tight, high stakes story. There’s some lovely foreshadowing of what is to come. There’s a very effective use of a gloomy, claustrophobic set. It reminded me in style of Wing Commander IV, for those of you who are ancient like me and can remember such things. There’s an undeniable sense of the loneliness of space.

I’m afraid I bought the film because I wanted to see the TF - such is the slightly shameful, voracious nature of having a tf kink. The biggest surprise was that I loved the movie as a whole. I connected to the characters and their plight. I was moved by it. I think you will be too.

Wow. That was awesome, Lampy! First I wanted to thank you for keeping many of the story and TF elements under wraps (unlike one specific person who just came across like a hater to me).

Second, I also want to acknowledge that pretty much everything you touched on - was the basis and love for wanting to make this movie. So just to hear someone like yourself get that - from just the viewing experience - really made my day :) The intentions and choices I made - you seemed to get - and that's so very cool to hear from a viewer.

So many people worked harder than I've ever seen them work on this small budget movie - that it's nice to hear someone recognize that rather than just try and find all the small cracks and blow them up to over exaggerated proportions.

Thanks Lampy :)


Nightstar76 05-25-2013 01:08 PM

Re: Paradox Alice
While you're busy complimenting Lampy, any word on getting the rest of us to be able to see it?

Miss Mako 05-25-2013 01:19 PM

Re: Paradox Alice

Originally Posted by Nightstar76 (Post 697525)
While you're busy complimenting Lampy, any word on getting the rest of us to be able to see it?

Depends on where you live? As of now if you live in Asia - the DVD is available on some Japanese Stores. If you live in North America - we are looking to share some good news soon about a potential wide digital release of the movie this Fall with a subsidiary of Sony Pictures. Fabrication Films is representing PARADOX ALICE in Cannes at the moment and there is the potential for it to be released in Europe - but I do not have any more info than that.

Or... you can always go to the TSA Bash this July and not only see the movie, but also a lot of the behind the scenes footage. Deleted scenes. And a chance to drill my head with questions :)


Chiaroscuros 05-26-2013 12:03 PM

Re: Paradox Alice
Just ordered mine on CDJapan with Registered Air Mail for $47.93 shipped.

May consider eBaying like lowes96 after I've watched it so keep an eye out!


Miss Mako 05-26-2013 03:22 PM

Re: Paradox Alice
Not that I can do anything about it... But you guys do realize reselling Paradox actually hurts us more than it helps? Less units sold on the market means less coming back to help us recoup the costs of making the movie. Just a heads up.


vincent_richter 05-26-2013 05:57 PM

Re: Paradox Alice
You're way too professional to be "that guy."
The beauty of the primary market is that it does a good chunk of the work otherwise left to either the secondary market, or the outright hostile notion of "if we don't sell it, you don't get to see it."
Many of your followers aren't going to be able to shell out for a plane ticket, so - unless you plan on pay-streaming TSA-Bash (not a bad idea in its own right) - they may never appreciate your artistic vision.

After all, there are far worse things people could be doing with your product; and the sooner you ink that distribution deal, the less time they'll have to consider alternative avenues - both legit and not-so-much. ;)

Enough lecturing from me, though; once I have the means, I will certainly be looking into picking up a copy - unless you'd like to note me details for a personal pressing (110% serious here)? :cool:

Miss Mako 05-27-2013 10:02 AM

Re: Paradox Alice

Originally Posted by vincent_richter (Post 697653)
You're way too professional to be "that guy."
The beauty of the primary market is that it does a good chunk of the work otherwise left to either the secondary market, or the outright hostile notion of "if we don't sell it, you don't get to see it."
Many of your followers aren't going to be able to shell out for a plane ticket, so - unless you plan on pay-streaming TSA-Bash (not a bad idea in its own right) - they may never appreciate your artistic vision.

Vincent... so that I may better understand and place context around your opinion - what is your professional experience? What sort of jobs and/or education do you have?

- Mako -

Vengeance1701 05-27-2013 12:11 PM

Re: Paradox Alice
Before this has a chance to ratchet up... just a request to move this sort of discussion to Flame & Bullshit or to carry it out privately. Specifically, the resale talk. Not really relevant to the film itself, I think.

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