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mb78 04-22-2012 03:23 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
Oh and dating back to the original topic. I haven't bought the clip yet, but will be (had to get a new CC due to someone swiping my number).

Audio only can certainly work. There's a BE/bimbo audio that was on this board a while back that was truly excellent. There's been a couple good short she-hulk audio clips in the life of the community. Certainly, there is space out there for a good werewolf audio. However, I think there is a difference between an audio acting out of a transformation vs. a video "this is what happened to me" reading.

Cursebearer 04-22-2012 05:01 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
Awwww. Thank you for the kind words, guys. I always really appreciate them.


Originally Posted by Anahki (Post 646601)
Her performance will be 2/3 of the scene, I assure you.
The Hunted from Mako ( and The Dark from Nyle Cavazos (


Originally Posted by mb78 (Post 646656)
3) Building off that, and assuming there isn't a workaround for the majority of the transformation effects that we'd all dream of seeing, I would suggest a significant focus on the build up. A strong actress dealing with the dread (or whatever emotion your scriptwriter goes with) of the oncoming transformation, plus the initial "pains" of the transformation do not really have to involve any (or at least any significant) special effects.

These above are quoted as they are especially good pieces of advice, and the two videos that Anahki posted are some of the best female werewolf transformations out there, bar none. This is amazing as both were done with a very limited budget. You can reference them for a lot of the things to do right with such a transformation.

The others are entirely correct, the actress' performance will be key in this. A believable and emphatic performance can make me forgive just about any other flaw. If she's vocal and spirited about playing the part right, the video would be plain worth the money.

And I have to say that mb78 is very very right. The build up of the transformation is just as important as the transformation itself. We understand that the transformation could be very hard to swing on a small budget. While we definitely want to see that as well as you can do it, if you worry your effects are lacking or something along those lines, a strong build up can completely redeem the entire transformation. It's more or less like foreplay to us, and playing on the anticipation and initial symptoms of the transformation can make for an incredibly strong performance overall.

So, with that in mind, here's that list of things I find important in the transformation, sectioned by when they should occur during the change. For the purposes of this list, I'll be using a simple scenario as an example: A woman comes home as night falls to prepare herself to change into a werewolf. Of course, these are only guidelines; pick and choose what you can and cannot do.

The Build Up

1. Have the woman acknowledge she's a werewolf, and acknowledge the coming transformation. This is just part of making the build up real and fun. Like mb78 said, dread is a good direction to go in. The woman is not looking forward to the painful transformation, perhaps even fears it, but there's nothing to be done about it but prepare. Having her acknowledge the inevitability of the change is something that I personally find appealing.

2. Give us a clock. Have the setting sun and the rising full moon shown, perhaps by having the actress look out a window in distress. Make sure that we know the clock is ticking until the moment that she transforms.

3. Make the girl human. Even just showing her taking off her coat and putting away her keys after getting home can help the scene feel more genuine. Keep her acting focused on the oncoming change during all of this, as well.

4. Moon is risen, start the symptoms. A good way to please with the oncoming changes is to attach unpleasant illness-like symptoms to the woman before any actual transforming begins as precursors to the werewolf TF. These symptoms should start out small and escalate up until the point of actual change. This is where the performer's acting is really really key to selling it- the more convincingly she can display these symptoms and their increasing severity, the more appealing. The three symptoms I think everyone really likes are:

-Sweat and heat. The girl feels very hot and sweats profusely. Nothing ridiculous like a Gatorade commercial, but not too understated either. Like all the symptoms, this starts out minor and gets worse up until the moment she begins to transform. Have her mention that she's hot. Have her wipe sweat off of her brow. Make her clothes and hair stick to her and grow damp. Show moisture glistening on her body after the clothing comes off.

- Labored breath. Have the girl breathing heavily, and as the symptoms get worse, outright gasping, panting and moaning. A heaving chest is a nice bonus to this particular symptom.

- Stomach cramps and pains. These start out as small, intermittent twinges of discomfort in the stomach and get worse as time goes on. Clutching the stomach and doubling over is always a popular move in these circumstances.

5. Now that the symptoms have begun, have the girl strip down for her oncoming transformation. Make sure the symptoms are highlighted during her undressing as much as possible, and especially how they're getting worse. Perhaps even have her begin to remove her clothing as much because she's getting hot and sweaty as because she's about to transform. To prolong this striptease, have her pause briefly after each removed article of clothing for reasons relating to the the change. Waiting for a stomach pain to subside. Trying to catch her breath. Looking briefly out the window to track the progress of the rising full moon. Mentioning that she's hot, having her cuss out the coming transformation, etc. Note that werewolf TF fans enjoy a sexy outfit as much as the next guy, and something spicy that bears cleavage is always fun. She doesn't necessarily have to get completely naked for the change. Other popular choices include down to bra and underwear or topless and wearing pants.

6. She's naked (enough), the change is close. Feel free to ham up the symptoms a bit more, as they're now at their worst and you can never have enough of that. Have her pace, have her moan and groan as the pains get worse, make sure she's panting and sweating. Finally, it's fully dark, the moon is in the sky, and we hit the real transformation.

The Transformation

1. The pains reach their worst. Dynamic poses are great here. Have the girl clutch her stomach. Have her nearly fall, but catch something to hold herself steady. Have her fall to her knees, then to all fours. Stuff like that, dramatic scenes showcasing the effect the change is having on her. It should seem overwhelming and powerful at this point. This is also where the transformation sound effects should start kicking in.

2. Sound is really really REALLY key. The actress groaning, moaning and crying out are just part of it, the transformation itself should make noise. Bones crunching and joints popping, that sort of thing. The videos posted above use really good sound effects for the actual meat of the transformation, so they're the best guide I can give you. At the beginning of the transformation, these sounds shouldn't be as prevalent, as the change hasn't hit full swing yet. At this point, try to sync up the sounds to the acting as best you can. Have the girl jerk her chest forward when you use a 'popping' sound, have her clutch her stomach and use a 'squishing' sound, have her groan when you use a crunching sound. All that sort of thing.

-Just a quick note here is that this already sounds like an EXCELLENT werewolf transformation video to me, and you haven't used any special effects to make the girl look like she's changing yet.

3. Start transformation effects. Keep them minor to begin with. Have her nails sharpen into claws as her hands pop and crack, have her grimace towards the camera to display new fangs, use contacts to show her eyes becoming more wolfish and predatory, fur growth, etc. I'm not sure what all you're capable of here, so just do what you can. Particularly popular, I've noticed, are shots of her spine as her back is arched and changing. Breasts are always fun to show and shouldn't be forgotten. At this point, if she still has any clothing on, have her or the transformation rip them off. The transformation itself should seem very painful, and highlighting the girl's discomfort and horror with what she's becoming is a good way to go. Try to keep the poses dynamic even here, as if a person were actually writhing in pain and shifting positions. Again, the girl's noises and the noises of her body actually changing are very key, and great acting will sell this even with the worst effects. Key areas of the transformation are: Claws growing and hands turning to paws, tail growing, spine and back changing, feet stretching and turning to paws, chest barreling out, ears pointing and face pushing out into a wolf's muzzle.

4. Change is done, the girl is now a werewolf. Show a shot of the full moon and the sound of a wolf's howl and you can call it a wrap.

Aaaand that's what I have for you. I'm sorry it's long-winded, I wanted to include as many details as I possibly could so you have as much to choose from as you needed. I know as much as most of this stuff might not be doable, but either way I thank you for your time listening to me. I definitely hope a werewolf transformation seems like something you guys can pull off, but if not, for whatever reason, I completely understand.

irishshane 04-22-2012 06:37 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
The above description is spot on. Awesome! Hell, I'd pay for the part prior to the effects even kicking in. Anything after that is total bonus, but welcome. Anyway, thanks for does speaking on behalf of me and I'm pretty sure most of the group

TF-Viewer 04-22-2012 06:40 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
I love Cursebearer's idea, and I think I'd pay to see a video of just that build up to the TF itself. The sweating, stripping, and moaning sound awesome and I've love to see that even if the special effects are minor afterwards.

lowes96 04-22-2012 07:36 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
Same here!

Obsidian Reaver 04-22-2012 09:26 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
I'm gonna be "that guy" and disagree with the entire premise. So apologies in advance for shaking the boat like a jackass. :p

I think the clip would be better served if the girl didn't know about the curse or lycanthropy in general. I think confusion and unexpectantness would be more enticing than understanding (albiet fearful) and preparation. With an unexpectant change, you get all that "what's happening to me" cliche goodness, accompanied by an inability to disrobe herself quickly enough (mass rippage ensues, which is a big part of any tf if you ask me and many others).

In short, keep the pain, moaning, labored breathing, and dynamic poses, but lose the awareness in favor of confused terror coupled with vain attempts to resist the inexorable change.

Classic-style, if you prefer. Hard to beat, in my opinion.

Anyway, just my perspective. :)

aresx 04-22-2012 09:53 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?

Originally Posted by Cursebearer (Post 646672)
Awwww. Thank you for the kind words, guys. I always really appreciate them.

These above are quoted as they are especially good pieces of advice, and the two videos that Anahki posted are some of the best female werewolf transformations out there, bar none. This is amazing as both were done with a very limited budget. You can reference them for a lot of the things to do right with such a transformation.

The others are entirely correct, the actress' performance will be key in this. A believable and emphatic performance can make me forgive just about any other flaw. If she's vocal and spirited about playing the part right, the video would be plain worth the money.

And I have to say that mb78 is very very right. The build up of the transformation is just as important as the transformation itself. We understand that the transformation could be very hard to swing on a small budget. While we definitely want to see that as well as you can do it, if you worry your effects are lacking or something along those lines, a strong build up can completely redeem the entire transformation. It's more or less like foreplay to us, and playing on the anticipation and initial symptoms of the transformation can make for an incredibly strong performance overall.

So, with that in mind, here's that list of things I find important in the transformation, sectioned by when they should occur during the change. For the purposes of this list, I'll be using a simple scenario as an example: A woman comes home as night falls to prepare herself to change into a werewolf. Of course, these are only guidelines; pick and choose what you can and cannot do.

The Build Up

1. Have the woman acknowledge she's a werewolf, and acknowledge the coming transformation. This is just part of making the build up real and fun. Like mb78 said, dread is a good direction to go in. The woman is not looking forward to the painful transformation, perhaps even fears it, but there's nothing to be done about it but prepare. Having her acknowledge the inevitability of the change is something that I personally find appealing.

2. Give us a clock. Have the setting sun and the rising full moon shown, perhaps by having the actress look out a window in distress. Make sure that we know the clock is ticking until the moment that she transforms.

3. Make the girl human. Even just showing her taking off her coat and putting away her keys after getting home can help the scene feel more genuine. Keep her acting focused on the oncoming change during all of this, as well.

4. Moon is risen, start the symptoms. A good way to please with the oncoming changes is to attach unpleasant illness-like symptoms to the woman before any actual transforming begins as precursors to the werewolf TF. These symptoms should start out small and escalate up until the point of actual change. This is where the performer's acting is really really key to selling it- the more convincingly she can display these symptoms and their increasing severity, the more appealing. The three symptoms I think everyone really likes are:

-Sweat and heat. The girl feels very hot and sweats profusely. Nothing ridiculous like a Gatorade commercial, but not too understated either. Like all the symptoms, this starts out minor and gets worse up until the moment she begins to transform. Have her mention that she's hot. Have her wipe sweat off of her brow. Make her clothes and hair stick to her and grow damp. Show moisture glistening on her body after the clothing comes off.

- Labored breath. Have the girl breathing heavily, and as the symptoms get worse, outright gasping, panting and moaning. A heaving chest is a nice bonus to this particular symptom.

- Stomach cramps and pains. These start out as small, intermittent twinges of discomfort in the stomach and get worse as time goes on. Clutching the stomach and doubling over is always a popular move in these circumstances.

5. Now that the symptoms have begun, have the girl strip down for her oncoming transformation. Make sure the symptoms are highlighted during her undressing as much as possible, and especially how they're getting worse. Perhaps even have her begin to remove her clothing as much because she's getting hot and sweaty as because she's about to transform. To prolong this striptease, have her pause briefly after each removed article of clothing for reasons relating to the the change. Waiting for a stomach pain to subside. Trying to catch her breath. Looking briefly out the window to track the progress of the rising full moon. Mentioning that she's hot, having her cuss out the coming transformation, etc. Note that werewolf TF fans enjoy a sexy outfit as much as the next guy, and something spicy that bears cleavage is always fun. She doesn't necessarily have to get completely naked for the change. Other popular choices include down to bra and underwear or topless and wearing pants.

6. She's naked (enough), the change is close. Feel free to ham up the symptoms a bit more, as they're now at their worst and you can never have enough of that. Have her pace, have her moan and groan as the pains get worse, make sure she's panting and sweating. Finally, it's fully dark, the moon is in the sky, and we hit the real transformation.

The Transformation

1. The pains reach their worst. Dynamic poses are great here. Have the girl clutch her stomach. Have her nearly fall, but catch something to hold herself steady. Have her fall to her knees, then to all fours. Stuff like that, dramatic scenes showcasing the effect the change is having on her. It should seem overwhelming and powerful at this point. This is also where the transformation sound effects should start kicking in.

2. Sound is really really REALLY key. The actress groaning, moaning and crying out are just part of it, the transformation itself should make noise. Bones crunching and joints popping, that sort of thing. The videos posted above use really good sound effects for the actual meat of the transformation, so they're the best guide I can give you. At the beginning of the transformation, these sounds shouldn't be as prevalent, as the change hasn't hit full swing yet. At this point, try to sync up the sounds to the acting as best you can. Have the girl jerk her chest forward when you use a 'popping' sound, have her clutch her stomach and use a 'squishing' sound, have her groan when you use a crunching sound. All that sort of thing.

-Just a quick note here is that this already sounds like an EXCELLENT werewolf transformation video to me, and you haven't used any special effects to make the girl look like she's changing yet.

3. Start transformation effects. Keep them minor to begin with. Have her nails sharpen into claws as her hands pop and crack, have her grimace towards the camera to display new fangs, use contacts to show her eyes becoming more wolfish and predatory, fur growth, etc. I'm not sure what all you're capable of here, so just do what you can. Particularly popular, I've noticed, are shots of her spine as her back is arched and changing. Breasts are always fun to show and shouldn't be forgotten. At this point, if she still has any clothing on, have her or the transformation rip them off. The transformation itself should seem very painful, and highlighting the girl's discomfort and horror with what she's becoming is a good way to go. Try to keep the poses dynamic even here, as if a person were actually writhing in pain and shifting positions. Again, the girl's noises and the noises of her body actually changing are very key, and great acting will sell this even with the worst effects. Key areas of the transformation are: Claws growing and hands turning to paws, tail growing, spine and back changing, feet stretching and turning to paws, chest barreling out, ears pointing and face pushing out into a wolf's muzzle.

4. Change is done, the girl is now a werewolf. Show a shot of the full moon and the sound of a wolf's howl and you can call it a wrap.

Aaaand that's what I have for you. I'm sorry it's long-winded, I wanted to include as many details as I possibly could so you have as much to choose from as you needed. I know as much as most of this stuff might not be doable, but either way I thank you for your time listening to me. I definitely hope a werewolf transformation seems like something you guys can pull off, but if not, for whatever reason, I completely understand.

.......take my money...ALL OF IT

Obsidian Reaver 04-22-2012 09:55 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
Oh, and I vote Holly Webster be chosen as the actress. She performs really well, seems like she would be the least likely to have an issue with the content, and has that nerdy girl-next-door appearance; in essence, she appears natural, and as someone we could relate with (aka, a "7", as someone else suggested earlier). :cool:

Cursebearer 04-22-2012 10:07 PM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
I have to disagree on the whole awareness thing. For the pure purpose of using the beginnings of the TF as foreplay, awareness of the lycanthropic curse aids the scenario a bit more in a few ways. Note that this is just my point of view for the sake of defending my prior post, rather than to pick apart your preferences.

First, the girl acknowledges the TF the instant she walks into the door, and the build up starts in that instant. Second, it lets the TF turn into something of a strip-tease, which I think is just generally more enticing, even if it sacrifices some rippage. Thirdly, in a visual medium, the girl being aware of the curse lets her play it up a bit more and the actress to get into it, where as lack of comprehension leads to more idleness and confusion. I want to see a girl who is turning into a werewolf, not a girl who thinks she has a fever, if you understand.

As you've seen, I write both scenarios and enjoy both scenarios. Just for this particular video, I believe the safer bet to illustrate a werewolf TF with the one shot we get, if we get it, will be with a woman who's aware of the changes simply because so much of the focus might have to rest on the symptoms at the beginning. As with you, however, this is just my perspective and my preference.

Obsidian Reaver 04-23-2012 04:06 AM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
To each their own. Big fan of your work, btw. :)

Since this is for the community, however, I think I'll write up a poll and ask which it prefers. There are a number of lurkers out there, and they are an important part of this community too. Let's see what they, along with the regular members, would prefer to spend their money on.

Either way, I believe the community is in for a treat if TMC goes through with this werewolf clip. :)

odysseusut 04-23-2012 04:37 AM

Re: TMC Werewolf?

Originally Posted by Obsidian Reaver (Post 646712)
I think the clip would be better served if the girl didn't know about the curse or lycanthropy in general. I think confusion and unexpectantness would be more enticing than understanding (albiet fearful) and preparation. With an unexpectant change, you get all that "what's happening to me" cliche goodness, accompanied by an inability to disrobe herself quickly enough (mass rippage ensues, which is a big part of any tf if you ask me and many others).

+1 This would also be my preference - but either would be great to see

Rei-Lin 04-23-2012 06:41 AM

Re: TMC Werewolf?
I'm torn honestly between the girl being aware and being caught off guard honestly. Both have their pluses and minuses of course and both can make good Werewolf transformations. Lets look at our two examples: American Werewolf and The Howling. AW of course he was caught off guard, but still managed to get naked before any real transformations happened, there was very little build-up at all, just BAM! The Howling the guy not only knew he was a Werewolf, but could change at will. Now if we assumed he changed because there was a full moon, then you can definitely see the difference in impact the two styles had. While American Werewolf was sort of this scary, gruesome transformation, The Howling was kind of like a special effects bonanza, something you went to watch like a magician on stage and go "how the hell did they do that?"

One big turn on for me personally is the clothing destruction at the start. Being naked takes away part of why I liked the scene in The Howling. He knew he was a werewolf, he knew he was wearing clothes but left them on just to show the impact his transformation was going to have. Button popping, shirt ripping, it was all just neat to watch. I think the problem with doing it where the girl knows it's going to happen AND be naked makes the idea lose some of the impact that one without the other brings. If she has to know she's going to change, why not just let her put on some shitty clothes or make up an idea to show that maybe she's frustrated with work and can't wait to get the hell out of the clothes that remind her so much of work? A nice ripping out of her clothes scene would add some extra work to the clip, but I think it'd make a little more sense in a way.

I guess I mean that if you know you're a Werewolf, and you know you're going to change, one way or the other, there's not much of a reason to talk about it, cry about it, or even be anything but just pissed off it's going to take away your free time due to a curse! I guess she could be upset about it, unless she's going to remain in control of the Werewolf side, then maybe she could use the change to bust out of some clothes as sort of a tease? I don't know, any Werewolf clip would be good at this point, I just think the unaware is a little better, unless the aware version is going to be destroying so clothes! ~_^ Just my long winded two cents. <3!

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