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GenericName 05-23-2006 11:58 PM

Obligatory "hey, how much longer are you going to amke us wait" post.

(Has SGR even been on lately..?)

GearRyu 05-31-2006 01:37 AM

It has been a long while since I last post, and I thank you for your continued interest. I recently completed second draft of both Chapters Four and Five, the two that tie into each other directly.

... Y'know what... I think I am going to go see exactly how much I really need to finish on those two, finish them up, and then submit them.

By the way, I am glad you are all enjoying this.

Chapter 4 focuses on an Alex/Rick perspective... (the Romantic chapter)
Chapter 5 focuses on a Drazzmik perspective... (the Backstory chapter)

And now... hi-ho, hi-ho, typing every thought I know...
*pulls up the word documents...*
Show time, ladies and gentlemen...
And the day I get my drawing abilities to the level I consider displayable, I will start putting up some art work... heh.

GearRyu 06-03-2006 07:00 PM

The good news is, I have been spending a lot of my free time working on finishing chapters four and five.

The great news is, I have finished chapter 5. That means only Chapter 4 needs to be finished.

And once Chapter 4 is finished being revised, I will go through both of them, make some alterations, and they will both be put here for your reading pleasure.

Chapter 5 is really worth the wait....
On MSWord, I have...
10 pages, 13 parts, 5,793 words

Pure statistics do not do it justice. It is quite a doozy, even if it is light on the BE and TF. I think many of you will like it, as it will answer a lot of questions about Drazz'mik's past.

And with that said... I have a chapter to revise...

GearRyu 07-16-2006 02:16 AM

Today is my birthday, and thus I have decided that it is time to post.
You may notice that there has been a large disjuncture between my last post and this post. The fact is that there was a couple family emergencies that completley consumed my time, and when they occurred, they threw me off my regular schedule. After the family emergencies hit, I lost my urge to write (amongst other things), and pursued other activities.

However, I do intend to get back to writing...
In fact, I tried to do the second draft of Chapter 4, but my computer up and fouled after I had gotten considerably far in it, and I - lost - the - entire - chapter (ARGH!) After that, I felt more disheartened. I tried another draft of it, but so far, the muse is not striking me...

However, I do still intend to finish the story...

Now, today is my birthday, so, take that as you will... glad to still be here, as it is a very nice community.
And because it has finally come to my birthday, I have decided that, darn it, I am going to post Chapter 5, because itis finished.

If you read Chapter 5, keep in mind that it is going to be a lot different from Chapters 1-3, and that it is meant to be a companion Chapter to Chapter 4. Therefore, there is a chance that some things will not make sense (and may actually be spoilers). However, it has been so long, and I know everyone is eager, so I will release it.

By the way, been considering changing my screen name to something more... fitting, since I am in the role of author. Any recommendations? (When I change screen names, I will make an announcement on both this name, and the new name, and send PMs to some people ((likely, those who post most frequently in this topic)) ).

And so, I now present Chapter 5, Drazz'mik's back story.

Forumites... Enjoy!

Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?
~Eurythmics, ?Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)?

Chapter 5: Memories?

Part 1: Unheavenly Wrath

The door?s lock snapped like a broken neck, and the door swung open, falling off one of its hinges as though it sought escape from the force that rent it asunder. The frightful air of the room was pervaded by the sweat of its confined inhabitants, whom trembled in fear, and wielded kitchen cutlery as their final weapons.

The tramping of feet was heavy, and countless footfalls swept down through the room, enjoined by the hoarse shouting of godly voices singing prayers and blessings, whilst twin-voices condemned their victims to the perjury of fate.

And thus the angels swept into one of hell?s kitchens, dressed most gallant, and wielding any number of weapons in any number of hands, for their appearance defied descriptions that mortal people be accustomed to. They broke dishes and struck against fat boiling chamber pots during their hectic search for those hiding. One of their number, whose appearance mostly resembled human at this juncture, strode into the room wihth great self confidence. His beard was thick and black, his face was fat, and his eyes were the shade of white just to the left of the sun. He had no weapons on his person, though God knew he could summon the spear? he was dressed in his long flowing white robe, with deep lavender plates encrusted in multidinous locations upon the robe. An elegant winged pendant swung from his neck.

It continued to swing as he tore off the blackwood cupboard door that hid the cowering succubus. A large, sickly smile spread along his fat cheeks. Behind him, he could hear something very horrible being roasted to death with heaven fire. The smell gave him almost as much pleasure as the succubus? screams as he shoved her against the counter top, breaking the skin of her back. She was gorgeous, and he didn?t really give a shit. But he did, too. She was a woman, and he told her so. She screamed, and he just laughed at her. He laughed for a very long time that night?

Part 2: Half-born Vengeance

She was screaming in pain. How long ago had the fanatical angel Elminos taken her? A day? Six months? Five years? She did not know, she did not care. Now, while the child was to be born, the succubus Jen?nal, could think of nothing but revenge. Sweet, hot revenge; not from her, but from what burnt its way down her vaginal tract, and which was delivered into hell and placed into its mother?s arms, still wet from the canal. The child was pressed to its mother?s breast, and it drank. The succubus laughed. She soon pulled him from her breast, and held him high. He was beautiful; her beautiful half-born child? half-angel, half-demon. Her sweet, dear Tormivol. How little his grey eyes resembled those of his father?s. She would never forget the white eyes, where the iris was brighter than the white of the eye. She could not kill him. She had not the strength. She had not the resources. But her child would? he would have it all? he would grow fast, strong? and one day, he would kill his father.

Part 3: Prime

Click. Bang. Scream. Fall.
Click. Bang. Scream. Fall.
Click. Bang. Scream. Fall.

Tormivol replaced the smoking pistol and furled his gray wings. The scarlet robes shivered slightly in the heavy soot-soaked wind. He stepped through the field of fallen bodies; renegades. He did not enjoy killing, but he had been trained to do so, and he was good at it. He spent a few seconds staring contemplatively into the face of one of the fallen, into the eyes that ensconced the bullet hole that took its life.

He then turned his head skyward, above the smoking clouds of hell, and above beyond purgatory and into heaven itself. His destiny was laid up somewhere there, and one day, he would seize it. He unholstered the gold and lavender pistols and felt their weight.

?Father? why??

He replaced the guns, and swept across the battlefield. He had his companions to meet up with. And then it was onward to Pandemonium, however distant it may be.

[b]Part 4: A Death in Heaven[b]

?Father?? The half-angel Tormivol stood before his father, and he felt the slightest tremble. Was it eager anticipation? Was it fear? Was it pure hatred, that gut-wrenching feeling that he could just pull the trigger and end this in a second? Could he watch his own father gesticulate and fall in that horrible mannequin-like fashion he had seen happen to a hundred fifty before; the blood dribbling out of the head in a horrible slowing pulsation?

?Whore-son?? the old angel spat. Elminos still had those malicious eyes from all those years ago. He wore his armor, and at his right side was a beautiful golden spear that was a?flame.

?Tormivol?? The pregnant succubus wrapped a slender arm around Tormivol?s neck. Jel?lanin had been with Tormivol for a long time now. They had grown close. They had fallen in love. And now the succubus bore the half-angel?s child in her belly. ?Be strong.?

The angel father took a deep breath,then chortled. His laughter died on the air, and stoked the malicious black fires in his eyes. ?Ah? what is this?? A savoring pause. ?Whore-son is fuckin? a succubus? Ah, taking after yer ?daddy?, do ya think? Yer no son of mine, whore-son! Damn abortion, you are!? He stuck a meaty finger toward Tormivol. ?If I?d known you?d be born, would?ve just stuck yer whore-mom through like a pig. Yer worthless, yer pathetic, and nobody cares a shit if you live or die!?

?That?s not true,? Jel?lanin snapped at the maledictor. ?Tormivol?s been the greatest thing to happen to heaven, hell, and the dream world for years! Why can?t you see that?!?

?Jel?lanin,? Tormivol turned toward her with a faint smile on his lips. He kissed her softly, and said ?Thank you? but I?ll bear his insults. I have come this far. I can restrain myself a moment longer.? He turned toward his father. ?Father? you are not well. You are a sadistic fanatic and the brightness of your eyes cannot disguise the shadow of your heart. I came here to kill you, and I will kill you if I must? but I have learned that sometimes, you cannot just kill when you want to. I ask you, father, please, put an end to your madness by yourself, or at least let me help.?

?Help?? Elminos looked about himself, as though in wide wonder. ?You think I need help, is that it, whore-son? You think I even give a shit? well, I don?t. I don?t care if you want to help me, because I don?t need help, and if I did, it wouldn?t be from a whore-son like yourself. But,? he paused, ?there is one little thing you can help me with, yes. Yes. You can help me by letting the holy fire of my spear burn the sin of your flesh and soul to naught. You can help me by telling me who all your whore-friends are, and who their whore-friends are, and you can help me by taking that demon bitch by the shoulders, and holding her as I burn her to cinders.?

Tormivol and Jel?lanin tensed. A maniacal shriek arose from the depths of Elminos? lungs. He raised the golden spear by its beautiful gleaming shaft, and tossed it with the speed of a sonic boom.

The half-angel shouted a command, whereupon he and Jel?lanin leapt into separate direction. The dart of holy fire struck the ground, whereupon a thick pillar of holy fire erupted with a choir of crackling flames. As the choir ended, the holy blaze took the spear with it, and the dreadful weapon reappeared in the old angel?s right hand.

Bullets sang forth from Tormivol?s twin pistols. Six holes appeared in his father?s head, and he did not die. He just laughed, spat out the bullets, and let the wounds regenerate instantaneously.

?Foolish boy,? he said, hefting the spear up in Tormivol?s direction, ?the touch of my spear makes me immune to your pathetic bullets!? He chucked the spear once more. Tormovil rolled to the side once more, and sprang up against the crackling flames. He fired his guns quickly, hoping to catch the angel?s death before the spear reappeared, but it was to little avail. Wounds appeared in Elminos? legs and stomach, bled briefly, but healed immediately once the spear reappeared in his hand.

?You cannot dodge forever, whore-son. My spear needs find your heart but once, and death will take you completely. Every blow comes closer. And now, foolish boy, let us see your wings dodge this dart!? He hurled the spear once more. This time it spat great balls of flame in its wake. The half-angel made a desperate dive, gliding beneath the fiery dart, as a fireball sang along his right side and burnt his flesh, Ignoring the pain, he drew his guns and fired into Elminos? wrists, drawing blood and severing tendons. Another bullet found its way into Elminos? forehead, and a fourth into his belly, all before the spear landed. And just before it struck the ground, to release its fiery pillar, Tormivol landed and sprang toward his father with a ferocious growl of battle fury. The spear landed, it did not rematerialize in Elminos? limp hands. He was knocked to the ground by the force of the pistol-lunge, and as he struck, the triggers pulled, and released a long stream of bullets into the old angel?s chest. The deafening noise of the pistol hammers? fall quit, and Elminos gasped his final curse with his final breath. Blood and bile filled his mouth, and his eyes rolled up into his head. His frothing mouth shut itself, and he died.

Tormivol stood above his father for a long minute. Jel?lanin approached his side, and saw his wounded arm. She did not ask if it hurt, and he did not say anything beside. They just looked upon the bloody remains of Elminos for a long while, contemplating the future.

Part 5: Unto Us, a Son is Born

Jel?lanin was panting. Tormivol was holding her hands. The pain was immense, but through the agony, she endured?

And their child was born, born with ? angel and ? demon blood in his arteries. Jel?lanin held the child, and loved his beautiful black hair and his deep black eyes. Tormivol unfurled his wings and smiled at his child with gleeful affection. A triumph, despite all said against them.

?My dear, sweet little Drazz?mik,? cooed the new mother, ?do you know how wonderful you are??

Part 6: Indignation

?You are not my father?? said the young demon. He was dressed in black pants and a black tee-shirt. His hands were shoved in his pockets, and his deep black eyes, shadowed by his raven bangs, reflected his hatred. The long prehensile tail swung like a cat?s tail.

?Drazz?mik,? said his father, ?think about what you are doing. If you embrace your incubus nature, you will suffer for it in the end. Please, son, think about it??

The incubus stamped his foot. ?I told you, you are not my father. I am a demon, you are an angel. You can?t understand my desires? I want them? sex, souls, beautiful women? power? I can feel it pulsating in my arteries. I want it, I need it, I?ll have it, and you can?t stop me, old man.?

?Son,? said Tormivol, taking a step toward Drazz?mik, whom stepped backward and bared fangs, ?I urge you once more. Do not go. Think about what you will forsake. I know the fires of hell call your heart, but do not listen. They will not care for you, they will hate you, they will deceive you. You do not know all the rules! You do not know all the rules! Please, listen to your father this one time.?

There was an awkward pause. Tormivol grew hopeful as he saw the shade of doubt cross his son?s face. And then his heart sank, for he saw the damnable grin return. ?Yeah? right... Old man, unlike you, I?m not scared to be an incubus? and I will be an incubus. The greatest there is. So piss off? and don?t bother coming to look for me? I?m never coming back??

With that said, Drazz?mik turned and left. The darkness awaited him, and he went to it gladly.

Part 7: Initial Offer

The girl?s moans of ecstasy were silenced by a scream of pain. Her body convulsed, and trembled. A trickle of blood seeped out the corner of her right lip. Her pulse failed, and her skin began to cool.

Drazz?mik appeared on her bed, and he sighed. ?Damn, every time? every single time, they just up and die on me like that before I can have my fun. Feh?? He drew forth his left hand. The spellfire glow of the woman?s soul was there. He tossed it between his hands for a few seconds, amused at the slight touch of pain. Whereas once he would lose them, because he could not hold them, now he had learned to grasp them. A smirk, a chuckle. He opened his mouth and swallowed the soul.

The euphoria entered his body, and he shivered in pleasure as the sweet sensation undulated through his frame. It was delicious, orgasmic, enrapturing. He lost himself in the pleasure for a long moment, where his eyes were wide and his mouth was slack, his tongue lolling out. And then it was gone, and he felt emptier than he had moments ago. He did not know how to eat these souls properly?

He wished he had someone to teach him. Some demon to show him the way. Somebody whom he could one day impress with his talents.

Soft? large naked breasts pressed against his his back. Lithe arms encircled his mid-torso. A charming, lilting voice passed through the gentle pouty wet lips that whispered in his ear, ?Mmm? not bad??

?What the fuck?!? exclaimed Drazz?mik, twisting away and springing back onto the corpse. He extended his claws, and his teeth, and glowered at the naked succubus before him. For her part, she just smiled and giggled innocently. He loved her. He hated her.

?So,? said the succubus, a little purr in her voice, ?you are the one? you know, you?re kind of cute.? She sucked absent-mindedly on a long lithe finger. ?Mm? yes, Master Ultormiglok will like you.? Another giggle. She smiled at his defensive gestures.

?You don?t need to be afraid. My name is Sel?lakib, and I serve a powerful incubus. He sent me here to meet you and make you an offer.?

?What kind of offer?? Drazz?mik growled.

The succubus? eyes sparkled dreamily. ?How would you like to be an all-powerful incubus???

Part 8: The Devil?s Office

Almost everybody has a home, and the incubus Ultormiglok was no exception. His office was the most wondrous sight Drazzmik had seen since leaving home. Sexual paraphernalia of eclectic and particular notice was scattered about the office like trophies. The desk?s facade was embossed with humans engaging in a variety of sexual acts. The incubus himself was the most normal-appearing thing in the entire office.

Ultormiglok stood, or rather sat, at a lean 7?2?. His skin was a creamy yellow. His eyes were set evenly apart from his steeply angular nose, and sat well on his aquiline features. His eyes were walnut brown, and his hair was thin, black, well-trimmed. He was muscular, and he filled out his three-piece black-tie suit and shoes with the presence of importance. Well-manicured nails were folded in an arch against each other at the tips.

He sat and appraised Drazz?mik, whom had dressed embarrassingly casual. The younger incubus tried not to squirm under the probing gaze. He felt small.

?You are Drazz?mik,? said Ultormiglok with an air of finality. ?Your father is Tormivol, the half-angel. You hate him, and you hate angelic society. You left your home to pursue dreams of incubic status, and you have been stealing kills that are rightfully mine. I could kill you and nobody would complain, and nobody would take notice. You are mine to do with, boy? so the question is,? he leaned back in his chair and paused, ?what am I going to do with you??

Drazz?mik waited. He began to sweat. He wanted to speak, but something prevented him.

The incubus clapped his hands together. ?All right, then. I tell you what I?m going to do.? He leaned forward. ?I thought about it, and I like your style. You?ve got the makings of a genuine incubus. You want the power, am I right, kid? ? Kid, don?t sit there with your mouth closed like a dummy, say something. Right??

?Yes, right. Sure, whatever.?

?Good, good, that?s what I like to hear. Like I said, I like your style. So, here?s what I?m going to do. I?m going to give you some targets, give you some training. And I?ll even increase your power. You like what you?re hearing??

Drazz?mik nodded eagerly. He grinned.

?Damn straight you do. Who wouldn?t, in their right mind? Right Sel?lakib??

A voice from nowhere responded, ?right, boss.?

?See? Here?s how it goes. You do good. You impress me. I?ll give you exactly what you deserve. You want to be my right-hand man some day??

?Hell yeah?? said Drazz?mik, becoming eager. Power was in his reach; authority was in his grasp; recognition could be his.

?That is the attitude I like. Yes, indeed.? The incubus chuckled. ?Yes, indeed. You pass my tests, and you?ll get your reward. Now? let?s begin.?

Part 9: The Tests

The meeting ended, and Sel?lakib was placed in charge of Drazz?mik?s instructions. She gave him a vial of foul yellow potion, and when he drank it, he felt more powerful. She took him to many young women, and taught him how to hold a soul properly, and how to draw greater pleasure from its consumption. She taught him how to extract the soul properly, without outright killing the body in the first few minutes. She taught him how to transform people, and how to make them assume forms they did not have. She taught him how to use his sexual appeal to make women do things they would never do otherwise, and she taught him all this and many other things beside.

And then one day, after many months of practice, months of building impatience, Drazz?mik was sitting in his room (granted to him by the generous Ultormiglok), contemplating what he had learned, waiting for the day he would be told that his training was complete, and he could do as he damn well pleased.

Sel?lakib had come to him, then, and with that naked giggle, told him there was one test more. It was simple, she said, as she lay him on his bed and licked the right side of his neck, up the jugular. It was simple, she repeated. There was a young man whom enjoyed roleplaying with another young man. In all of their roleplaying adventures, the first young man had frequently assumed the form of a female, either au natural, or transformed thusly. Their RPs were erotic, and commonly contained a breast fetish. And what was the task to accompany this story? It was simple, she said again. At this midnight, transform the first young man into an actual female, and transport him to the other young man?s place. Then, within three days, see to it that they copulate. No soul-stealing, unless the young woman fouled up. And no forcing them into intercourse. Influencing, yes, forcing, no. Sel?lakib kissed Drazz?mik?s chest. She pushed her large bust against him. Drazz?mik could announce himself if he wished, or remain anonymous. He could use any of his magic, so long as none of it forced them to do something directly to the other against either one?s will. And if they had sex? Then Drazz?mik passed the test, and he would become a full-fledged incubus, with honors, and so on. And if they did not? Well, why worry about that, Drazz?mik? Doubt yourself now and you will never amount to much. Kisses, kisses, kisses. Was he ready? Yes.

And so it began.

Part 10: Rude Awakening

Drazzmik awoke with a start. He was panting and sweating. His head ached. What day was it? What time was it? Where was he? Had he been dreaming?

?What the hell happened last night?? he grumbled, trying to piece things together. He remembered Sellakib entering his room, speaking to him, and then? nothing. Damn, what happened? What time was it? He opened the view portal, and saw that it was dark out. ?? Oh hell?? his mouth gaped, ?I slept through the entire day. Shit! Shit!? He clenched his hands into fists.

He was supposed to be there, to guide them! Make sure they did what they were supposed to do! Make sure nothing went wrong. He had been sleeping, daydreaming of his training. How did the Anime Expo go? He had to know.

Drazz?mik spent a while reviewing their memories. He could not draw on much, but he saw they had become intimate. The two humans were definitely on the right track, so never mind whatever might have happened as he slept.

Drazz?mik settled back and relaxed. Morning was coming, and he figured they eventually be awakening. Shit, only one day to go, too. Less than 24 hours for that magic to happen. He was becoming indignant. Why hadn?t they hopped in the sack yet? How could the guy resist a hot girl with growing tits? How could they just not want to give into their fantasies? Hell, he couldn?t figure it out. At least they looked like they were getting intimate. With a bit of luck, and maybe a little push here and there, he could make it work. It had to work. No way in hell was Drazz?mik going to fuck up his big chance.

Part 11: Peaceful Mall

He saw them going to a mall. As before, the choice parking spaces were taken. With an indifferent shrug, Drazzmik began about the task of moving several of the vehicles by hand. He vanished just before Alex and Rick got there. He had to do a couple memory wipes, but, hey, when push comes to shove, who gives a shit?

Once the loving couple entered the mall, Drazzmik pursued them inconspicuously. He disguised his appearance, and obfuscated their view of his form. They never knew he was there. It made his work much easier.

The two had been walking around for a while when Drazz?mik spotted the approach of the damnable idiots from the previous visit. The short funny one started to call out to Alex and Rick. Drazz?mik swept in, clamped his hands over both their mouths, and dragged them into a side-hall. He pushed them against the back wall and glowered at them.

?What the fuck, man?? asked the tall one.

?Leave. Now. Don?t bother them again, got it? You do, and you?ll regret it for the rest of your lives.?

?What? Mind your own fuckin? business!? exclaimed the short one.

?This!? Drazzmik slammed their shoulders against the wall, ?IS!? headbutted both of them, ?My Fuckin?!? and tossed them to the floor. ?Business!? He proceeded to kick each of them three times in the ribs.

?Shit,? he said, with a chuckle as he shoved his hands into his pockets, ?you guys might want to get those ribs examined. Hell, it was fun.? He wiped their memories. They would be oblivious as to whom beat them, and as to exactly why, but would understand that getting near Alex or Rick might incur another one of these mysterious beatings.

And as Drazz?mik walked back into the hallway, he caught back up with the couple. As they walked, he hummed to himself. He glanced at the occasional woman, and made a few of them fall in love with him, because it amused him to do so. He was just getting to think nothing else would go wrong, when he spotted somebody who just looked like trouble.

There was a young skinny teen with long black hair. He looked very much like a girl, even when he was not dressed as Lina Inverse. His name was Murphy McAllister, and he had just spotted the two people he identified as Gourry Gabriev and Naga, the White Snake. The chest on the latter was an unmistakable give-away. And so Murphy strode forward to engage them both in a lengthy discussion on some of his favorite series. And apologize about stealing the Sword of Light. And that is when Drazzmik grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into a side-hall.

?Kid,? said Drazz?mik, picking him up by the collar, ?leave. Don?t bother those two.?

?Wha- hey!? said Murphy, kicking his feet in the air. ?Let me go! Don?t make me have to grab my Gundam!?

Drazz?mik blinked. ?What?s a Gundam??

?It?s a mecha first introduced in the anime serie-?

?No, don?t explain. Never mind. Look, just keep away from those two. You follow me??

Murphy had stars in his eyes. ?You look just like? just like??


Murphy began listing a lot line of characters that Drazzmik could probably cosplay as. Drazzmik twitched a few times, and eventually smothered the boy?s mouth with his hand.

?Kid! Just leave the cute couple alone, got it?!?

?Aw, c?mon! They?re my frie~nds!?

Drazz?mik felt he needed some way to distract the kid?s mind. Hell, he might as well be nice and cruel at the same time. ?Kid, you ever see Ranma ???

?Yeah, old school, pretty goo-?

??? Drazzmik snapped his fingers. Murphy was now female. ?There?s a clothing store down on your left. Go, quick, here, take cash.? He handed Murphy a few dollars from Devil knows where?

?Oooh! Cool!? exclaimed Murphy. She went dancing off in the opposite direction of Alex and Rick.

Drazz?mik stuck his hands in his pockets and watched Murphy go skipping off. He sighed. ?? Devil take us if there?s more where he comes from.?

The rest of the day was less eventful. There were many problems; countless possibilities that could have averted the lovers? attention from each other, or somehow prevented their consummation. Everything was going according to plan. They ate, they dined well, Rick had a pleasant dessert. And now they were going back to their bedroom. Hell yes, this was all he had hoped it would be. An hour to go.

?One fuckin? hour, make it good, guys. Make it very fuckin? good.? Drazz?mik burst into a fit of laughter.

Part 12: Promotion Interview

There was a knock on the ether, and Sel?lakib had entered his room. She had eagerly told him that the boss wanted to see him, and he had sped away with her as fast as his wings would carry him.

The office was just as Drazz?mik remembered it. The only remarkable difference was the addition of two glasses of dark wine, and a view screen that was focused on Rick and Alex in the process of tender foreplay. Drazzmik sat down, smirked smartly at the screen, and turned toward Ultormiglok, while thumbing at the screen.

?See? Heh, just like I said. They?ll be going at it like rabbits any second now.?

Ultormiglok smirked and remained wordless. He pushed one of the glasses of wine toward Drazzmik.

?A toast, Drazzmik, to your success.? Sel?lakib was gently massaging Drazz?mik?s shoulders. ?You have served me well. Drink up now.?

?Thanks,? the younger incubus took the glass of wine, and took a long pull at its contents. Dark, heady, sour and delicious. He loved it. He set the glass down. ?So, what now? We just watch ?em get it on??

?Something like that,? Ultormiglok said. He raised his left hand toward the view screen and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Alex went limp. Rick was speaking, then trembling, and then trying to shake her awake.

?Shit! Something?s wrong,? said Drazz?mik as he rose from his seat. ?Just give me a minute, and I?ll fix it.?

?No, stay, Drazzmik. Sit. Drink.? On the view screen, Rick was making an energetic, if futile, attempt to awaken Alex. ?You won?t be leaving just yet.?

This was true. Drazzmik could not leave the chamber. His teleportation powers failed him, and the door vanished, replaced by thick limestone walls. He felt compelled to sit. ?What?s going on?!? he shouted. ?If I don?t get her awake, and midnight comes, I don?t pass!?

?So I noticed,? responded the elder incubus. He chuckled. ?Devil knows I love disillusionment. See, Drazzmik, this is a set-up. I expected you to fail. The story of your life. I am certain many of hell?s denizens will find this event rather amusing.?

He saw that Drazz?mik began to appear impatient, and greatly upset. Enjoying the display of fear, Ultormiglok said, ?How wonderful, the son of Tormivol, that renegade bastard, so easily falling into the clutches of darkness.?

?What are you talking about???

?You haven?t figured it out yet? Idiot? You?ve been used. Played like a second-hand fiddle. Did you really think I took notice of you because you just happened to eat a few of the girls on my menu?? Drazz?mik did not respond. ?No, I normally kill anybody who steals my meals. However, you are a quarter-angel; they are very rare; and doubly so, the son of Tormivol. I had hoped you possessed some special talent I could turn to my advantage, something by the pure virtue of not being a full-breed. So, I sent you on a few missions of increasing difficulty, hoping something would show up, something I could carve out of your body after I killed you and fed your soul to Sel?lakib.? The demon paused as if to catch his breath. Sellakib licked her lips eagerly.

?But you know what? I found out you?re worthless. Nothing but a degenerate wannabe-demon. Did you really think you could prove yourself to demons?? Ultormiglok rose from his seat and walked toward Drazz?mik. A protuberance began to grow from his forehead and become a tremendous horn.

He lifted Drazz?mik by the shoulders. Drazzmik tried to struggle, but the strength was gone from him. He could barely speak.

?Wondering why you can?t escape? Why you feel weak? It is simple? I have poisoned you. The potion you drank several months ago bound you to me. Oh, and, last night, I had Sel?lakib have sex with you. She stored some of your essence within herself, and gave it to me. Imagine, you may be more use dead than alive.? He chuckled. Ultormiglok pressed his horn over Drazz?mik?s heart.

?Oh? there is one last detail you should be aware of before I end your life. As per your deal with the girl, she is yours if she does not have sex with the boy by midnight. It is now 15 minutes ?til. Since you will be gone, you cannot collect, and I, as your boss, will be collecting the soul in your place. Don?t worry. I will make it a pleasure she will not forget. Well, good bye, Dra--? Drazz?mik growled and kicked Ultormiglok in the stomach. He spat on him.

?Fuck you!? Drazz?mik sneered.

The elder incubus? face turned into a sneer. He growled? and then he said with a sickening smile, ?let?s delay your death. I?ll take you after I finish with the girl.? He lifted Drazz?mik higher, his own arms extending beyond mortal possibility.

As Drazz?mik struggled, his body was pushed back against the wall. He kicked and scraped and clawed and cursed to no avail. His eyes turned toward the protuberance, which was now level with his groin. Flailing all the more furiously, he sought to escape the impending doom.

The horn punctured Drazz?mik?s groin, rending the pants, the flesh, the muscle, and the internal organs. The young incubus screamed and cried out in pain. His body convulsed as the elder incubus slid the horn out, in, and out once more. It was slick with black blood. The incubus began chuckling at the boy?s fate.

Drazz?mik spat up blood. His bloody groin soaked his pants. He groaned in agony. There was something terrible happening. His hands rent at his hair, which suddenly sprayed forth into very long strands. As he plucked at his hair, most of Drazz?mik?s facial and body hair fell out. His muscular limbs became lithe and supple. His chest became heavy as a pair of breasts formed, pushing out his shirt, even as he shrank a few inches. The bloody wound in his groin closed, but did not reform his genitalia. Instead, a female slit took its place.

?Oh- ugh- uh?? she said, her stomach queasy. Drazz?mik, the succubus, felt like shit. Her waist became thinner, her hips flared out, her facial features softened.

A black portal opened up to Drazz?mik?s left. Ultormiglok pulled her close and whispered, ?I?ll see you in about 15 minutes, my dear? then we?ll have some more fun.? And with a twisted laugh, he tossed Drazz?mik through it.

Part 13: Broken Knock

Drazz?mik slammed to the ground. She slowly staggered to her feet, blood still dripping from her mouth. She gasped and looked up at the door, and recognized it. Rick?s bedroom. She stood and knocked, and hardly noticed as her pants fell off, and her shirt swayed against her swell hips.

She heard the pad of feet. And she saw Rick open the door. She stood there, trembling.

?Rick?? she said, ?we have? a problem??

?Who-?? Rick asked.

?It?s me?? said Drazz?mik. ?I?m Drazz?mik?? She slipped in, and Rick watched her. She leaned up against a wall. Everything was spinning. ?It?s all over? we?re fucked? my boss, he?s betrayed me? your girlfriend?s not waking up, Rick.? She seized him by the wrist, but her grip was weak.

?She?s never waking up? she?s going to die, I?m going to die, and? and??

?If I may interrupt,? said a voice. Drazz?mik turned toward the bed. She saw a man in a long grey coat. She knew him, and he knew her. He turned toward her and he pulled the coat off. His long black hair was lost in the darkness of the room. His grey wings unfurled themselves. Drazz?mik knew this man. She knew him body and soul. Her breathing became panicked. Her eyes were dialated. Her legs trembled. She called his name, and it was a whisper heard throughout the house, in every secret corner.

?? father??

The Lord of War 07-16-2006 07:20 AM

Wow, nice addition(damn you cliffhangers!). Sorry about all your problems but I hope you are able to overcome them and get back on track.
And happy birthday.

GearRyu 07-16-2006 01:36 PM

Glad you liked the chapter, War! Be certain to stay tuned for the finale!
And, thank you for your concerns ^_^
Hmm... I need to either draw, or have Drazz'mik (and some other characters) drawn.

My birthday plans include "eating well, playing lots of video games, writing, and roleplaying". And maybe see 'The Devil Wears Prada'.

By the way.. 40 posts(!) I am ecstatic! Also, hit the 9K mark...
DDR Announcer: You are the KING of dance!
Me: What? No... I am not the king of dance, but-
DDR Announcer: AMAZING!
Me: Well, thank you bu-
... *duct tapes DDR Announcer's mouth closed*

Sniperwolf 07-17-2006 02:43 AM

Sounds like a happening party so far man.
Gotta like the good cliffhangers, the ones where everything that needed to be said and done actually was... im still pissed about the end of the second pirates... Worst hanger ever..grrrr.

Hope everything works out on the homefront man, thats the important one.

DDR announcer: Have you played this game before?
Me: only enough get get A's on 60....
DDR: announcer: you just hit 100 and you never looked better!
Me: uhhh.... thanks?

Tiberius 07-19-2006 07:27 AM


....Was sheer perfection, at least to me.
I have never seen or read any story that comes close to this one for its area. Keep It Up!

CNash 07-19-2006 04:17 PM

This is pretty damn good. I love the heaven/hell backstory, but I do think that it perhaps needs to be more clearly defined. It's clear that the angels and demons aren't black-and-white, good and evil stereotypes, and I know the focus isn't on them, but I still like the development given to the non-human characters.

The next step, if you haven't already, is getting it to a wider audience. You need to pay a visit to Fictionmania...

Roll on Chapter 6.

Captain Ash 07-29-2006 05:15 PM

I know, it is maybe a bit late, but Happy B old Sword-Swinger :)

The fifth chapter was great and unveiled Drazz’mik background story.
Also how he messed up with these idiots in the Anime Expo.

Well then, I am looking forward the sixth chapter.

Captain Ash

GenericName 08-01-2006 02:18 PM

No, not another cliffhanger..!*(@%

I can't take this! D:

Mitchell 08-09-2006 09:04 AM

*sigh* I really need to read this bloody thing...

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