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qzar9999 12-20-2011 05:56 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Poor guy can't catch a break.

pseudoclever 12-21-2011 02:25 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
9. Three Types of Tension

Ten minutes later Anthony led Tiffany and I down the back stairs of his apartment, all the while shooting furtive glances over his shoulder to make sure we weren't seen. He made us press together against his door while he worked the lock, shielding us with his body. The closeness was momentarily surprising ? Tiffany tight against me, nearly eight feet tall from my perspective and barely dressed. And mere inches from my face, just beneath eye level, was Anthony's crotch. I took a deep breath, controlling my reaction to the two giants, until finally the door opened and we slipped inside.

The apartment looked gigantic, predictable, and for a moment I just stood taking it in. What stuck me wasn't the massive size, but that the place wasn't near as messy as I'd expected. Sure it could've used a woman's touch: a pass with a vacuum, maybe a couple house plants. But, no empty pizza boxes stacked on the floor, no empty beer cans on the coffee table, no posters of half-naked ladies on motor bikes...I'd say he was doing alright for himself.

Tiffany, however, seemed less than thrilled. She strutted about the room, a displeased, almost motherly expression on her face. The four foot girl ran her hand through the fabric of his window curtain, swiped a finger across his dusty bookshelf. I had to fight down an almost suicidal urge to laugh. Tiffany's miniscule size, her surroundings and attire, most of all that look on her face ? she looked like the world's smallest combination swimsuit model and housekeeping judge.

Er...second-smallest, I guess.

?I SUPPOSE these quarters will do,? the larger girl sighed. ?Now before you do anything else Anthony, go prepare a room for us. Samantha and I will take our growth serum, at once.? She waved a hand, dismissing him.

Anthony turned, halfway through the act of putting his coat on a hanger. ?You know Miss Ardeen...Tiffany. This whole act of yours is wearing a little thin. I've worked with you for over two years now. In that time, you've done nothing but treat me like a servant....?

?I NEVER!? Tiffany interrupted, sounding genuinely offended. But Anthony spoke over her, never missing a beat.

?...and I'm not going to take it. This is my HOME. Sorry, but you're going to have to give me some respect while you're here.?

Tiffany glowered, hands on hips. ?Oh, now I understand. You think that since you've shrunk me to the size of a pre-schooler that you're big man on campus now. Finally going to stand up to your big, scary boss, are you?? Her voice had risen a couple notches, and she was advancing on him, fist raised. ?I won't stand for you trying to turn this situation to your advantage vulture!?

I expected him to break, to apologize. But surprisingly, Anthony stood his ground. ?Funny how you accuse ME of using an unfair size advantage, when using your height to push people around is basically all you do.? He crossed his arms, peering down at the snarling girl, who now stood only inches from his chest.


?No.? He sighed. ?Look Tiffany, let's get to the point. I admit I'm responsible for you being this small. And I did it without fully understanding what was going on and Samantha. But look. Regardless of how this happened, you're here because you need my help. All I ask is that you treat me...well, if not as though you're grateful, like I'm being a friend to about for once you act like I'm a human being??

The silence that fell so was heavy that it was almost a physical object. Anthony continued to stare down his miniature boss, and although Tiffany kept right on scowling, her eyes were now fixed on the corner of the room. Watching those two giants argue, feeling the tension in the room, I felt smaller than ever.

When Tiffany finally spoke, it was barely a whisper. ?Sorry.?

The word was so quiet that I was sure Anthony would demand she say it again, and that the fight would flare back up.

?Okay,? Anthony breathed, in a manner that suggested the subject was closed. ?Anyway. Yes, it IS our first priority to get the two of you growing again. Come on, we can use my bedroom.?

He turned, motioned, led us down the hallway. I followed behind, feeling like a pygmy warrior stalking an elephant. A moment later I heard Tiffany's running footsteps, and when I looked the tiny giantess was scurrying along behind, her enormous handbag slung over her shoulder.

Anthony's bedroom was as well-kept as the rest of his apartment. It looked as if he had cleaned up recently, and unless he had taken to sleeping on the couch, he'd made his bed the previous morning. Tiffany came in behind me, and nodded a faint sort of approval. ?Alright then. Samantha, seeing as you're so much shorter than I, why don't you be the first to take an application of the growth cream??

I felt a sudden, irrational urge to object, to tell her I wanted to be this small for just a teensy bit longer.

?Very nice of you,? I replied instead.

She gave me another of those disconcerting mind-reading grins of hers, and began to rustle around inside her purse. ?Hop up on the bed, then. It won't be as comfortable as my massage table, but it'll have to do.?

I approached Anthony's bed, feeling its owner's eyes on me. How I'd wanted to see this place, to be here in this room with him. And what a strange way this was of getting my wish. After a moment, another thought occurred ? the bed wasn't especially high, but at my current height of three feet it would be at the very least 'inconvenient' to try and climb it.

I was trying to figure out how best to go about this while still maintaining my dignity, when I felt Anthony come up beside me. ?Want a hand??

Pleased to hear a distinct lack of humor in his voice, I nodded.

Anthony bent to one knee, slipped one arm behind my back, and another beneath my knees. He lifted slowly, trying not to disorient me. And then something strange happened. He just...held me. It went on that way for what felt like an eternity, with him hugging me gently against his chest, and my arms wrapped tight around his neck for support. I had time to think how awkward this should be ? being cradled like a baby by a man who I not only had the hots for, but who had also been six inches shorter than me as recently as yesterday. And I had time to realize that no, it didn't feel awkward at all.

But then Anthony came to his senses. He set me down on the bed, and stepped respectfully away as I crawled over to sit on its edge.

Tiffany came to stand at my feet, and I caught a brief sneer on her face that just might have been jealousy. The way she positioned herself before me, stopping directly between my legs, just a little too close, was almost casual. Almost. She tried to give me that same old confident smirk, the one that always made me feel like a pathetic little supplicant grovelling at her feet. Somehow though, it had lost its edge.

?Very well then, Samantha. Just get yourself comfortable. You're going to enjoy this sweetie, I promise. Time for a nice little rub-down...with some of this.?

The girl lifted a squat plastic tub, holding it up so I could read its label. It was the same one I had seen earlier, with the little 'plus' sign scrawled on its side. It looked practically enormous in Tiffany's hand, and I was again forcibly reminded that, even though the girl was MUCH bigger than I was, she was still pretty tiny.

?Woah, woah hold on!? I held up my hands, warning her back. ?The LAST time you showed me that bottle you gave me the old switch-er-oo, and I ended up even smaller than I was before. How do I know this isn't another trick??

?Would it be so bad if it was?? Tiffany spoke the words innocently, but again there was that smirk. The one that said 'I'm big and you're little and I know you love it.'

She was right of course, damn her, and I could already feel the temptation of shrinking beating hot in my temples. I could just ask her for the other bottle if I wanted, the one with the minus sign. She had almost certainly brought it with her.

Anthony had come silently to stand beside Tiffany. She started guiltily as he came into her peripheral vision, then pretended to ignore him. Anthony seemed to be trying to get between the two of us. Protecting me? Or was he jealous, too? In any case the two giants were both close enough that I could reach out and touch them...and close enough that both were strengthening that tingling awareness of my tiny stature. Anthony especially. He was huge to me, almost twice my size, yet I could easily imagine what he would look like if he were just a bit bigger...if I shrank down another inch. Or two. Or....

?No,? I said at last, pulling away from the fantasy. ?It's going to take long enough to get back to normal as-is. If that's really the growth potion, then give it here and I'll use it.?

Tiffany looked momentarily disappointed, but the smirk was back almost immediately. ?Oh, did you forget? The growth cream REQUIRES another person in order to be activated. So you see HAVE to let me touch you.?

She was right on top of me now, leaning, one of her braids falling 'accidentally' into my face. From the corner of my eye I saw Anthony stiffen, cross his arms. The gesture was almost petulant ? so it WAS jealousy.

?And so...I'll just give you another little massage. Only this time I promise you'll end up bigger than when we start. Anthony can even stay and watch, to prevent any mischief on my part. And maybe...just maybe...he'll let me...finish...with you this time.?

?Tiffany,? I whispered, in my most seductive voice.

?Yes?? She drew the word out in a purr.

?Give the jar to Anthony.?

?What.? The word was flat. Not a question ? a declaration of outrage.

?Yeah, sorry, but I just don't trust you at the moment. What if that really IS shrinking cream, and before Anthony can do anything you dump the entire jar on me? How small would I end up THEN??

The question hung for a moment, the two of us each imagining the answer. And in that silence, I saw something in Tiffany's eyes...something that I didn't identify until much later.

?Anyway, you've already rubbed me quite a bit today. You must be pretty sick of it. Why not let someone else have a turn.? I paused, looking up at Anthony. ?You...don't mind, do you??

He gave me a long-suffering sigh, and I almost didn't notice the twitch of a smile at the corner of his lip. ?I suppose not,? he answered seriously.

Tiffany shook her head in disbelief. She reached up, defeated, and pressed the jar into Anthony's outstretched hand. Without another word, she turned and padded for the door.

I called after her. ?Hey, you don't have to leave. Stay and watch why don't you? I bet it'll be a hell of a show.?

?Thank you, but I just...I think I want to go lie down for awhile.? All the passion had left her voice...she really DID sound exhausted. Tiffany bent, retrieving her giant handbag, and looked over her shoulder at Anthony. ?Samantha and I are sleeping in the living room, or...??

He shook his head. ?There's a spare bedroom, second door on the right. I haven't changed the sheets in awhile, but it's all made up. Here, I'll show....?

?That's okay, I'll find it. I may be little, but I' know. Not helpless. Have fun you two.?

And with those words hanging in the air, she left us. Anthony and I were alone ? together.

pseudoclever 12-23-2011 01:53 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
This will be the last chapter until Monday the 26th. Happy Holidays everyone! Enjoy them with the people you love, knowing you'll have a nice present waiting for you on Boxing Day.

10. Honesty, Revisted

Here again was a moment that could, probably should have been awkward. Anthony, nearly ten feet tall to my perspective, watching me as I sat on his bed. And there I was, in a terrycloth bikini that left nothing to the imagination, and shorter than I'd been since my third birthday. The room had that no-sound buzz that you only hear when it's super quiet. For at least five whole seconds neither of us did anything but stare at each other.

But like I said, this wasn't awkward. I can't speak for Anthony, but for me at least, this moment was more about...strategy.

?So,? he began, sitting next to me on the bed. His weight curved the mattress enough that I had to brace myself to keep from sliding into him. ?How does this stuff work? I just rub it into you, and it'll make you grow. That simple? Is there anything I have to do, anything I should avoid?? His tone was business-like, but I could still see the ghost of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

?To be honest, I don't really know. I've only ever gone in one direction with this stuff ? down. Just put some of the lotion on your hand and massage me, I guess. If it doesn't work, we can always ask Tiffany.? I crawled away from him, toward the center of the gigantic bed, and lay face down. With some difficulty I pulled one of Anthony's humungous pillows over and propped it beneath my chin. ?Oh, and don't worry about the stuff making YOU grow too. Tiffany said it can't be absorbed through your hands.?

?Got it.? I heard the sound of the jar's top being unscrewed. Then the mattress sank around me again as he got in position, with knees on either side of my chest. A moment later I felt a pleasantly soft stroke at the base of my back. He seemed to be using just the tips of his fingers to start ? pinky and ring on the left side of my spine, middle and index on the right ? and moving in slow, delicate circles. For the umpteenth time this drove home how small I had become: small enough that Anthony could cover both sides of my back with a single hand. And then I noticed something else...something slippery, on the tips of his fingers. Something warm, that smelled faintly of roses.

?Oh, Samantha. I just thought of something. What are we going to do if this turns out to be shrinking cream after all? Or hey, let me put it this way: if all of a sudden, out of the blue, you start getting do you expect me to react, precisely??

That one brought me up short (pun intended, sorry.) The question had been positively brimming with subtext, and Anthony was smart enough that he probably meant every bit of it. We had never finished our conversation. The one we'd begun in Tiffany's massage room. The one I'd started by admitting to him that I liked being small, that I wanted to get even smaller. And collateral to that, I'd told him in my characteristic blurt-first-think-later fashion that I had a crush on him as well.

I forced myself to speak casually. ?If I start Well, I already told you how I feel about it. How YOU should react depends on context, I guess. And, what's the word...disposition?? I left the obvious question unspoken ? he still hadn't come close to telling me HIS opinion on the subject of shrinking.

?Nicely parried. We'll come back to your 'little' thing here in a bit. Let me change gears.? Anthony was beginning to press into me harder, and seemed to know what he was doing. It felt GREAT. ?What would you think about someone who claims to love vanilla ice cream. I mean, they really, REALLY....?

?What?? I laughed. Laughed, though I thought I saw where this was going, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

Anthony rapped me on the shoulder with one giant finger, a playful bit of discipline. ?Just go with me on this. Someone tells you they're absolutely crazy about vanilla, but this is, I mean, RIGHT after you've caught them literally COVERED in chocolate. You'd think they were lying, messing with your head, wouldn't you??


?Because that's what I was thinking Sam...when I walked in on you, with Tiffany.?

I felt a little lump forming in my throat. Not to mention a powerful tingling, as though my body were a giant, ringing bell. The potion was starting to do its thing, and MAN was it getting hard to keep my head straight. ?And your question is...??

Anthony sighed. ?I want to know, which is it? Chocolate, or vanilla? I mean what, are you going to tell me you're looking for some sort of a...soft-serve twist??

I looked up at him from my stomach, turning my neck as the cream made the world spin around me. ?Anthony Spielman, are you asking me if I'm bisexual??

?Yup.? Two huge hands took me by the cheeks, lifted, turned, gently put me face down again on the mattress. Immediately I became aware of two warm, tingly spots where Anthony had touched me. Even more potion. Even harder to think straight.

I was essentially pinned now, both conversationally and physically, by the ten foot man. Or probably less than that to me now...because I could feel the comforter sliding away against my chest, could see the distances in the room slowly diminishing. Yes, I was growing alright. Yet right then, I felt pretty damn small.

?It's...complicated,? I ventured, feeling a hot blush start to rise. Mostly with embarrassment, but by now there were other reasons for my blood to be pumping.

?I don't mind long stories.? His weight shifted, and I heard a 'schloop' sound that was almost definitely him fetching a second handful of cream.

Another pulse of growth as he touched me...and another intoxicating surge of warmth. God, I felt so good! How was I possibly supposed to have this conversation with Anthony touching me like that, with the potion making me so freaking horny?

?It...that is....? I took a deep breath, focused every ounce of my will. ?It isn't that I like girls, per se. There's hasn't been a single one that I've been attracted to, beyond the level of, 'oh hey, isn't SHE pretty?' Except for, well....?

?Tiffany.? He ran his enormous hand down the length of my back, and I had to fight off the urge to groan with satisfaction.

?Yeah, her. She's attractive, God knows she is. That's part of it. But...there's just something about her. The way she looks at me. The way she looks THROUGH me. Like she can see what's inside my head even better than I can. Earlier today, she...made me understand something about myself.?

Another dollop of potion touched me between the shoulder blades, curling my toes with bliss as I continued to gradually swell larger.

?What did she make you see??

I sighed, the sound threatening to turn into a moan before I cut it off. ?Anthony, I told you some of this already. But, let me make it clear. I...have this...thing. About size. Ah, about MY size, specifically. I don't know if you'd call it an eccentricity, or a fetish, or what, but it's something I've always had. When Tiffany would stand close to me, as big as she was, towering over made me feel a certain way. It And when I'd put on my platforms, and do the same to you....?

My head was pounding with endorphins now, so much that I could barely see straight. The hot awareness of my growth. The mood-altering effects of the potion. And most of all the guilty release of telling another human being...of telling Anthony about my size-thing. My mouth was dry, my palms sweaty. But I went on.

?Before today, I thought it only went in one direction. I wanted bigger than other people.? I hesitated, made myself spit it out. ?Especially you. I ALWAYS wanted to be bigger than you. And when I saw how huge Tiffany was getting, month by made me jealous. It made me want to be as big as her. Or BIGGER.

?Until today. Today she showed me, maybe it's even MORE fun to have it the other way. It feels so good to shrink, Anthony! To have someone else take charge, to know they have complete control over you. To see yourself becoming wonderfully, delightfully smaller. I...even now, as nice as it is to grow...I still want it more...the other way.?

After that, neither of us had anything to say. I lay there, wallowing in my own admission, while his hand continued to stroke me. It still felt gigantic, though noticeably smaller than before. My makeshift bikini was steadily getting tighter, squeezing me most of all in the chest area ? I knew what THAT meant. I lay there, watching quietly as everything in the room shrank around me.

Anthony was the one to break the silence, after something like two full minutes had passed. ?I always hated when you did that.? His voice was deep, carried the faintest edge of regret. ?When you'd come in wearing those damn high heels. How you'd stand extra close, so I'd have to look up to talk to you. I mean, you know how short I am. Never mind I have the world's tallest, bitchiest woman as my boss. Now even the girl I have a crush on has to be bigger than me.?

My heart suddenly did a backflip in my chest. ?Anthony....?

He scooped up more lotion, rubbed it between his fingers. ?Do you have any idea how hard that made you to approach? What am I going to say? 'Excuse me miss, if you'll just wait while I go get a step-stool, I'd like to ask you on a date.'?

?Hold on! Wait a second, don't put that cream on yet.?

?It doesn't matter.? He laughed, and thankfully there was actual humor in the sound. ?It looks like you're already past your limit for today. Check it out, short stuff.? Anthony rolled off my back, causing the bed to pitch momentarily like a ship in a storm, and touched a little blip of the stuff to my nose. I gasped in surprise, then noticed...well, can you notice something not happening? ?Tiffany said you can only grow so much at a time. I guess she wasn't lying.?

?It's just as well. Because I want to make a point, and if I were any taller it might be lost on a big gallute like you.?

qzar9999 12-23-2011 08:03 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
You bastard! Cliffhangers are not a Christmas present! :P

pseudoclever 12-26-2011 03:01 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Yeah, but people always what they get the day after anyway. :)

11. Will They, Won't They

With some effort I hoisted myself up, first to my knees, then managed to stagger to my feet. The potion still had me a bit jelly-legged (among other things) but you couldn't question the results. I had grown perhaps six inches, putting me at a whopping three and a half feet tall. Big enough that my assets were peaking out from my makeshift bikini. And more importantly, so big that with Anthony sitting, I appeared to be quite a bit taller than him.

That wouldn't do. I came to him, took a seat so close beside him that our legs touched. The top of my head was now several inches beneath the level of his chest. Much better.

“Listen Anthony. If you liked me, if you wanted to ask me out, and you didn't? Because making the first move is hard? THAT'S something I understand. Believe me, I've been in that same boat before.”


I nodded. “But to say you couldn't make the first move because you were SHORTER than I was? Well, that's bullshit. And here, I'll prove it.”

Anthony was looking down at me with this dazed, deer-in-the-headlights expression. His huge eyes were a pair of almonds, high, high above my head. His mouth was a slack 'o' of surprise. And suddenly, that look made all my resolve melt away. Here I was, berating him for not asking me out, getting ready to show him how easy it was...and I couldn't bring myself to go through with it!

Heart twitching like a caged animal, I somehow ended up staring into his lap, where his hands sat clenched into fists. Not entirely sure what I was doing, I reached, grasped one of those giant hands in both my small ones. I pulled, and found even that one hand to be surprisingly heavy. If Anthony had resisted even a little bit, there was no way I could've won the struggle. But he obliged, letting me lift him. Until I held that hand so close that I could feel its warmth on my face.

“Anthony,” I whispered, addressing his fist. “I've liked you. Since the very first day we met. When I come to the shop, you're all I think about that day. You're the reason I'm always dressed up when I visit. And for days after,''ve been my knight in shining armor for as long as I can remember.”

Impulsively I bent, pressed myself against his hand, and kissed the round swell of his knuckle. “I'm...what I'm trying to ask....” I planted my lips tenderly on the second knuckle, the one of his middle finger. Then the third. His hand slowly relaxed from a fist, opened for me, bloomed. I began to kiss the tip of each giant finger, one after the other, testing the hard ridges of his fingerprints with my lips. Then, taking him by the wrist, I drew his palm to me until it covered me from hairline to sternum. I kissed him there, too.

“Samantha....” It was a sigh, a question, an exhalation. Turning toward the sound, I found him still staring at me. The flood of emotion on his face was too much to bare, like looking directly into the bright, blazing orb of the summer's sun. But this time I didn't look away.

“Anthony...if you would...if you say you' with me. It would make....”

“Shut up,” he said.

My mouth closed at once.

He shook his head sadly. “Why does it have to be like this? Do you know how hard it is, sitting here, watching you do this to yourself? If you can take the initiative, as small as you are, as vulnerable as you must feel...then I should've been able to do it months ago.”


The hand I was holding lifted, and with his two largest fingers he caressed my cheek. “Of course, you dummy. Of course I'll be with you.”

Anthony's gigantic frame pressed into me, his face filled my vision, and slowly he leaned in for our first kiss. Knowing my whole life had been leading to this moment I closed my eyes, held my breath...and felt his lips awkwardly poke me in the forehead.

The angle was bad! I was sitting too close, and as short as I was, Anthony lacked the circus flexible required to make this work. We shared a laugh, and when I realized it was our first as a couple, a heavenly warmth spread through me.

“Alright. Let's try that again.” Two powerful hands took hold of my waist, and all at once I felt myself being lifted. He raised me, turning me to face him, held me out at arm's length with my feet dangling in his lap. “Oof! That potion made you a LOT heavier!”

“Shut up,” I whispered, reaching out to him. He did, and we had our kiss. It was slow, patient...a promise of things to come. Physically it was little more than the simple meeting of two sets of lips, if you want to know the truth. But ah, if I could make you understand. The tickle of his breath against my face, the heat of his body. And the softness of his touch, despite how much bigger and stronger he was.

He released me at length, let me slide gently from his arms, into his lap. I was so unbelievably happy! I wanted to shout it to the world, to dance, to go running through the streets with the joy of finally having Anthony for my very own.

Instead, I found my footing on his thigh, and began to play a silly little game where I tried to stand on the narrow ledge of his leg without falling. I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet, occasionally touching his shoulder for balance. With hands clasped behind my back, I gave him my best 'innocent schoolgirl' look. “Anyway, weight and height aren't the ONLY things I've gained recently. Have you noticed yet?”

Anthony shook his head, still dazzled from our kiss, and gave me a quick appraising look. Then his eyes went wide, and I knew he had seen. “You...your boobs!”

I covered my mouth, giggling. “Yup! The potion makes them bigger, too.” I looked down, studying my chest in a way that invited him to do the same. The combination of my growth and the swelling of my breasts had seen to it that my bikini didn't quite do the job anymore. The pink softness of my nipples was just barely visible around the edges of the terrycloth.

“What do you think Anthony? Double-D's maybe, if I was my normal size? Besides that, there's a certain roundness. That little tear-drop shape at the bottom, I never had that before! Plus they seem a lot firmer, too.”

“They certainly look that way.” Smiling mysteriously, he touched my neck with one enormous finger. Anthony drew it along the line of my collar, until his finger rested gently at the center of my chest. “Even as small as you are, I bet they'd be almost a handful.”

I blushed, feeling a string of gooseflesh prickling up wherever he touched me. “ALMOST a handful?” I said, trying and failing to suppress the sudden flare at the mention of my height. “I think at my size, they would be a...a perfect fit.”

He was questing lower now, his finger just above my heart. “Can I find out?”

I bit my lip nervously, feeling my heartbeat quicken. Then just once, I nodded.

Anthony reached behind my back, searching for the twin knots that held my makeshift bikini together. I lifted my arms, helping. “Anthony, be gentle okay? They're”

“Is that so?” He tugged at the knot carefully. It came lose. My top split into its components, and slowly drifted to the floor. “I like sensitive.”

His huge finger picked up where it had left off, tracing a soft, sensuous path around the now naked outline of my bust. I half-sighed, half-moaned, feeling my body resonate with his touch.

Anthony began to draw a figure-eight...over, under, between my breasts. The under part was definitely my favorite. Each time he lifted one of my oversized breasts and slide himself beneath, a little spasm of pleasure shot through me. And my moans grew just a bit louder.

“Sensitive indeed,” he growled, caressing me more firmly now. “Wow Samantha, you're incredible! I mean, I've didn't think a girl could GET this excited from just having her breasts touched.”

“I...I don't understand it, it's never happened to me before! But Anthony...oh my GOD Anthony, please don't stop!” My hips were involuntarily rocking back and forth as he stroked my tits, the building pressure between my legs practically screaming for attention. I really couldn't remember, had I ever been this wet in my entire life?

If I hadn't, it was a record that was broken almost instantly. Anthony suddenly pressed one enormous hand to my chest, cupping me, and began to squeeze. A moment later a second hand took hold, and then he was caressing me in tandem.

I cried out in the moment he touched me, feeling my knees go weak as an impossibly huge bolt of pleasure shot from my bust to the growing torrent beneath my navel. A second bolt followed, and a third. He was kneading me, pinching, rolling my swollen tits beneath the flat of his palms. And it suddenly occurred to me that he'd been right – I was ALMOST a perfect fit for his hand. My boobs were just a little too large to fit. But oh my Lord, apparently size didn't matter.

“Samantha?” he asked, speaking loud enough to be heard over my constant whine of pleasure. “Have you...have you ever cum this way before?”

“N-no!” My voice was the desperate shrill of my impending orgasm. “And...I don't want to either!”

He released me at once. “You don't?”

I shook my head, still feeling the tingling echos of his touch all throughout my body. “No Anthony. I'm sorry. But for our first time, I want something a little more...traditional.”

Slowly, so slowly, I reached down to my hip and undid one of the knots securing my bikini. It came loose, but for the moment I held it in place demurely, grinning down at my giant boyfriend as I stood in his lap. “I'll show you mine...if you show me yours.”

Anthony looked me up and down, appraising my three foot six frame critically. “It...might be a bad idea,” he said at last.

Letting my last scrap of clothing fall away, I put both hands on his shoulders, leaned, slid my naked little body against his chest. “Pretty please, Anthony? It would make your wittle girlfriend EVER so happy.”

He kissed me once, savagely, planting his mouth completely over my lips. It lasted no more than five seconds, but it was one of the most passionate kisses of my life. I felt dizzy afterward.

“Have it your way, Samantha. But don't say I didn't warn you.” He reached past me, and at last began to unbuckle his pants.

And it was then, it that most perfect moment, that things fell apart.

Two sounds came from the next room, both in the same instant. The heavy 'THUD' of something landing hard on the floor, and a high-pitched, girlish shriek. It was Tiffany, though if you'd asked me before I would've said she'd been incapable of making such a noise.

Anthony looked at me. I looked at him.

Forget her, I urged him with my eyes. She doesn't matter! Be with ME!

But ah, knights always respond to the damsel in distress, don't they?


It is from roughly this point that things begin a long, slow toboggan ride, gaining speed, until the story is completely out of control. Consider this the "Last Exit" sign. ^^

qzar9999 12-26-2011 05:28 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Well. You've found a way to really make me connect with a character in your story. I'm sure Anthony and myself are both suffering from the same "blues" right about now, lol.

Er, please don't think I'm stalking you, btw. The story is just that good, and I'm on the Process a lot...

pseudoclever 12-26-2011 06:35 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Haha, definitely not stalking. I appreciate that you've been commenting on all these chapters, because for a lot of them, if you weren't I'd just be posting into a void. Like, I know people are reading this, and probably enjoying it. But if they don't say so, I feel kind of stupid just moving on to the next chapter.

So, thanks for the stalking. ^^

Nom Anor 12-26-2011 07:00 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
It's getting good and you've really established good characterization and narration.

pseudoclever 12-28-2011 02:27 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
12. Best Served Cold

He left me sitting on his bed, and I had to make the frightening drop to the floor all by myself. Irritating, sure, but I forgave him. It was an emergency, or anyway right then we thought it was.

So when I came charging down the cavernous hallway, through the open door and into the spare bedroom, what I found was confusing at first. First off, Anthony wasn't rescuing anybody. He had turned, shoulders hunched, and was facing the wall. He had this guilty, kind of 'caught-with-his-hand-in-the-cookie-jar' expression, and after a moment I understood why.

Lying on the floor at the foot of the bed was Tiffany. She'd apparently taken a rather nasty fall, made worse by the fact that this room's bed was MUCH taller than Anthony's. Tall enough that to him it was waist-high, and to me roughly at shoulder level. The girl wore a grimace of pain, and – explaining Anthony's posture – virtually nothing else. The top part of her bikini was askew to the point that it left absolutely zero to the imagination, and the bottom had somehow gone missing entirely.

Poor Anthony, I thought. Undone by a little T and A.

“Are you alright?” I asked, stepping past my recently acquired boyfriend and deeper into the room. The placed looked large, high-ceilinged, but not daunting. Amazing the difference six little inches make.

“I think so.” Tiffany hesitated, then began to speak quickly, her tone surprisingly meek. “Bruised my ego more than anything else you see, Samantha dear. That was quite a tumble for someone as...well, you small. As me.”

I reached down, offered her a hand, did it without even considering whether I'd be able to pull the larger girl to her feet. Even with my little growth spurt Tiffany would be more than a head taller, not to mention considerably heavier than me. Then again, I didn't consider that glazed look in her eyes either. Or the flush on her cheeks, much too dark to be simple embarrassment.

On some level, maybe I saw it coming.

Tiffany took my hand, let me haul her up, and then I knew. I found myself looking, not into the undersides of her breasts as I would've twenty minutes ago. Or the feminine arc of her neck, the way I'd been expecting. No. I found myself staring almost straight into her glistening blue eyes.

“You – oh...oh wow Samantha! I never suspected the serum would have such a dramatic effect for your first time. You're um, almost a foot taller then, a-aren't you?”

I took a long moment, appraising her new size, noticing how willowy and slight she appeared. It seemed as if even more of her muscle had drifted away with that mysterious, sweet-smelling steam. And then, hands on my hips, I laughed derisively. The widest grin of my life danced across my face.

“Oh Tiffany, let me see, let me see. Do you remember telling, how did you put it? Ah yes. 'Don't kid a kidder.'”

“Wa-what do you mean?”

I laughed again, gave Tiffany a prod in the center of her chest. “You're right, I AM bigger, no doubt about that. But you know exactly what's happened here, don't you? Admit it.”

“What are you talking about Sam?” It was Anthony. He had apparently decided that it was okay to see his boss naked, as long as it was at a three-quarters angle. He was watching the two of us out of the corner of his eye, with his body still facing the opposite wall. “What happened to her? What's she supposed to admit?”

“She shrunk again!” I replied, not bothering to keep the glee from my voice. “She's only an inch or so taller than me now, see?” I held my hand up to the top of my head, ran it straight out until it touched the girl just above the left temple. The nasty scowl Tiffany shot me as I did this didn't hide her fascination with the measurement.

And it didn't keep me from noticing, a second later, when my hand seemed to magically drift even higher, rising along her face until it was even with the top of her head. I thought for a moment that I was the one doing it, lifting without being aware. But then I saw her head sinking lower against the bed, watched her lose even more of that vaunted strength of hers...and felt my body's response to the sight of another girl growing smaller.

Not just shrunk...shrinking!

Anthony and I exchanged a look of silent disbelief. Thinking back, I don't know if the twinkle in his eye was really there, or if it was only a reflection of what I was feeling in that glorious moment.

“I...I think it might be some sort of residual effect!” Tiffany gushed, her eyes darting back and forth from Anthony to me. “In the literature no one has ever had such a large dose of shrinking serum as the one you gave me earlier, at least not in a single dosage event. There's no data on the long-term, or in this case the middle-term....”

“Samantha,” Anthony called, suppressing a laugh. “Look on the bed, would you?”

Hearing the girl's tiny whimper of dismay, I did. And there I found the answer to two mysteries. The whereabouts of Tiffany's bikini bottom – it was lying next to the pillow, folded neatly. And beside it, a familiar plastic tub, the one with a 'minus' sign, was sitting on the bed.

With its top removed.

I was lucky enough to turn back in time to see the next one start. To see Tiffany's face take on a slack, lost-my-train-of-thought expression. Her blush rose, her eyes fluttered. And then, in a tiny pulse, she shrank again. It lasted barely a second, not even as long as the satisfied little mew that passed through her half-parted lips as she dwindled there before me.

By the time it was over, everything had changed. Because now, for the first time in the history of our relationship, I was looking DOWN at Tiffany Ardeen. Only a bit mind you – maybe she was three five to my three six. Not even enough that it would be fair for me to call her petite. Still, there was no question I was taller now.

“I can explain!” Tiffany cried, holding up her little hands in a defensive gesture.

“What about this do you think needs explaining?” My grin was so wide it was making my teeth ache. “Actions speak louder than words after all. And anyway, I saw this coming. Do you remember, Tiffany, what I asked you earlier? The LAST time you were shrinking? If maybe, just maybe you didn't hate being small? If you might even like it, if only a teensy little bit? And do you remember how you effectively dodged my question, and shunted the conversation to logistics?”

Tiffany said nothing. Only stood there, cheeks flaring, gazing at her feet.

I began to walk around her, hands folded behind my back, examining the shrunken girl from all angles. “Maybe you thought it was only a good guess. Especially good, in light of how you made the same guess about ME, and it turned out to be dead-on. But no Tiffany, I KNEW.” I paused directly in front of her, leaned forward until my face was millimeters from hers. “Do you want to know HOW I knew? Do you, Tiffany?”

Still not meeting my eyes, the smaller girl nodded.

I whirled suddenly, jumped, managed to do a pull-up on the bed for long enough myself to grab the oversized tub of shrinking cream. It was too big to wrap my hand around, and so I dragged it to the edge, then settled for balancing it flat on my palm.

The only word for Tiffany's expression was 'terror.'

“Because like recognizes like,” I whispered, advancing on her slowly. “How did YOU know I really wanted to be tiny, despite how loudly I was claiming otherwise? Because, secretly, you wanted the same thing.” I took another step toward the cowering girl, running two fingers suggestively along the lip of the bottle. “And lucky you...because you're about to get it.”

“Get...get away from me with that stuff!” Tiffany shrieked. She backed away, flailing her arms, suddenly finding her retreat cut off by the side of the gigantic bed. Hot blood pumping in my veins, I closed in for the kill.

“Uh, Samantha?”

Hearing Anthony's voice felt like being doused with a bucket of ice water. I'd been so focused on cornering Tiffany, on finally turning the tables on her, and on the not-so-faint erotic charge all of this seemed to carry, I'd actually forgotten he was in the room with us. God, how must this look to him? Never mind his ambivalence about shrinking. We hadn't been a couple for ten minutes, and without a second thought I'd been about to do the horizontal mambo with someone else. Specifically, his boss. And right in front of his friggin' face.

Anthony shut the door, then came forward and dropped to one knee between me and the bed. I looked up into his giant face, trying to force the apology that sat on the tip of my tongue to actually turn into words.

It was so contrary to what I'd been expecting that for a moment, I didn't even see the cheshire cat grin on his face. But when I did, I knew instinctively that by positioning himself where he had, he'd cut off Tiffany's only remaining avenue of escape.

“After the way she's treated me, don't think I'm going to be content to just WATCH this. I think I'd rather...participate.” He looked first to me, shrinking cream in hand. Then to his shrunken employer, a cold sweat of fear glistening at her brow. “You're sure she's, um, into it though? If so, that's a pretty damn good acting job. Pretending she isn't.”

I smirked up at him. “Why do you think she removed her panties before applying the last dose?”

The three of us considered this in silence. I know it was an optical illusion...but I swear the girl was so embarrassed, she almost seemed to be dwindling already.

qzar9999 12-28-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Well this is about to get REALLY interesting.

pseudoclever 01-01-2012 01:14 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Just a heads up. Because the next several chapters are quite long, I've decided to reduce the number of chapters per week I post - down from 3, to 2. I don't want to outpace the time requirements to read all of this. BUT! The good news is that since these chapters are SO much longer, you're getting more per week this way. Trust me.

13. Cat and Mouse

Our nearly naked little quarry was backing away, panting, staring fixedly at the huge bottle of shrinking cream. The only thing in the direction she went was a corner. Grinning with feline intensity I advanced on the tiny thing, taking my sweet time about it now. Tiffany had nowhere to go, and I was going to savor it.

“Why don't you come clean, Tiffany dear? Anthony and I both know. You're more than a little turned on by being this small, and you're positively shaking with anticipation to get even smaller. Really, come on. Admit it. I mean, because one way or another, you're going down. If you fess up, I might let you decide how small I make you. At least at first. Do you want to be, say, chest high to me?” I demonstrated how big this would be with the flat of my hand. “Half my size? Even smaller?” I paused, stirring a finger suggestively in the thick, gooey cream. “I would answer if I were you. Otherwise Anthony and I will just have to decide for you.”

Tiffany said nothing, only continued to back away. One final step, and she was out of room. Her butt smacked into the wall, causing her softer assets to ripple and bounce in a way that was indescribably alluring. The adorable little squeak of surprise she let out as this happened only added to the effect.

“Suit yourself. Anthony, what do you think?” I pulled one potion-covered finger from the tub, and held it up for his inspection. “This much?”

He considered, taking the jar of potion from my hand and gazing into it thoughtfully. “More.”

“Not TOO much when we're just starting out, okay?” I looked pleadingly up into the larger man's eyes. “I want to toy with her a bit, not MAKE her a toy. Not for a little while, anyway.”

Anthony laughed. “The night is young,” he agreed.

This time I dipped two fingers in, brought out a much larger dollop. “Better?”

He nodded, smirking. “Have at her.”

“Don't...Samantha, please don't do this to me,” Tiffany whimpered. “PLEASE. I don't want you...or see me this way! Even if it WAS true that I liked it, w-which it's not, I...would want...I mean...don't!”

The smile I directed at her was now patient, understanding. “It's embarrassing, being this small. Believe me, I know. So I'll tell you what. If you can look me in the eye, and honestly tell me that some part of you – something deep, deep inside, doesn't want this...then I won't shrink you. That's a promise, Tiffany. So...can you?”

Tiffany raised her chin bravely, met my gaze. But when she opened her mouth to speak, it was too much. She drew in a long, quivering breath, eyes dropping to the floor, and said nothing.

“I see.” I closed the remaining distance between us. We were so close now that I could feel the faint heat coming off the smaller girl's body. As gently as I could, I began to brush the shrinking cream across her lips. “It wasn't admission, not yet. But we'll get you there soon.”

Tiffany groaned. A new, darker flush spread along her cheeks. Thin, almost invisible trails of vapor began to rise from her body. And then, to my inexpressible delight, Tiffany started to shrink. I could actually see it happening! The girl, already an inch shorter than me, suddenly getting smaller and smaller, right there before my very eyes. She receded from me, slowly. Like she was sinking into herself, compressing. Or maybe it was more as if she was melting.

Listen. If you've made it this far through my little narrative, then by now I think you know me pretty well. Well enough that at this point, I probably don't even need to say this. But just in case, I'll make it clear. Watching Tiffany, the girl who had always been so much bigger than me, and never afraid to point out that fact? Seeing her shrink even smaller than I was, into a petite, sexy little waif of a thing? And knowing that soon, I could – and would – do whatever I wanted to her, make her scream and beg...for mercy, among other things?

Yeah, you guessed it. Hot as HELL.

The top of Tiffany's head had been at eye level, was just now slipping past my nose. She moaned, body shuddering and spasming, then all at once the girl slumped forward. I didn't know whether she'd lost consciousness, or if her balance had failed her, or what. But suddenly, she was falling. Without even thinking about it I moved, braced, caught the shrinking girl by both shoulders. I held her unsteadily for a moment, doing my best to prop her up. Then I realized that 'my best' was probably a lot more than was necessary – it was amazing how light she had become, and she was rapidly getting even lighter.

I set my feet, pushed, lifted. And then I held the dwindling little beauty pinned against the wall. Tiffany let out a startled little “Oomph!” The girl's eyes fluttered. Most of the glaze of confusion and fear was gone now. That pleased me – I would rather have Tiffany lucid for all this. More fun, you understand, if she was aware of everything I was doing to her, and how small she was getting.

But then she fixed me with this stare, and that was a moment I will never forget as long as I live. I still remember every detail. The smallest bit of cringing embarrassment, while still there to be seen, was eclipsed by the clear gratitude on her face. Gratitude for catching her, maybe. Or perhaps it was for making her do exactly what she had wanted to do all along...the thing she would never have had the courage to do herself.

More images burned forever in my mind: the little trail of blond hair that was billowing up against the wall behind her as she dwindled. The steadily falling level of her eyes, eyes that shone with a mysterious yet obvious affection. And the pouty, insecure line her lips made...the way they trembled with desire.

Yes, I think it's those lips I'll remember most of all.

The kiss that followed was a primal consequence. I could have no more fought it than a billiard ball could prevent itself from rolling when struck by a cue. Tiffany was much smaller than me now, enough that if she wanted...well, she couldn't have stopped me. But she could at least have made the angle difficult. She didn't. In fact, Tiffany reached out to me, rose on her tip toes, titled her head just the tiniest bit to accept my kiss. Far from fighting me, Tiffany seemed almost greedy for it.

It felt strange at first, initiating a kiss with another girl, especially one who was so obviously getting smaller as the kiss went on. But it was also right in a way I could never hope to explain. I moved closer, leaned further, until I was pinning her not just with my hands, but my entire naked body. God! The warmth of her, the softness. There were just too many sensations to list in this moment, and too much stimuli to make a good account of anything that happened.

I'll try, though.

The plushy firmness of her breasts. The way they gently squeezed together as I held her against me, and how their cusps fit so snuggly into the small hollow just beneath my own. Tiffany's rapid, almost frantic heartbeat, how I could feel its rhythm even muffled as it was by her over-ample chest. Two small, insistent little exclamation points – her tits – pressing into my ribs. The way they drew down me like a pair of stroking fingers as she kept dwindling. How Tiffany's constant shrinking kept forcing me to push forward, and forward, just to keep from breaking contact with her. I remember her arms narrowing and thinning in my grasp, until I could reach all the way around the largest part of her bicep and hold it between my thumb and forefinger. And how I was bending further and further to reach those lovely little lips of hers.

At some point I realized that in the midst of our kiss, she'd stopped shrinking. It was more curiosity than any real desire to do so that made me release her. Can you understand me wanting desperately, more than anything else in the world, to see how small Tiffany had become? Somehow, I think you can.

When I had been my original five foot ten, seeing girls who were more than a head shorter than me was pretty common. I'd liked the way it made me feel...big, powerful. I had never felt so huge around one of those petite little girls as I did standing before Tiffany in this moment. She was small, of course. Smaller, relatively, than most girls I had seen in my normal life. And small enough that her improvised bikini had at some point slipped, fallen all the way past her waist, and was piled up beneath her on the floor.

The top of her head was perhaps a thumb's width beneath my chin, and her entire body seemed to have once against lost muscle mass. To compensate for this, the potion appeared to have decided to give her even MORE up top. Her breasts, already too large for her frame, were approaching the realm of ridiculous. I don't know my cup scale well enough to do more than guess. She'd told me she was an F...maybe a G, or an H? Whatever. All you need to know is, they were big, firm, and ah, had that little flaring shape at the end that almost seems designed to fit the caressing hand of a lover.

But more intriguing was the look she was giving me. Or perhaps it needs proper noun status. The Look. Every girl has one, you know. It's the way we tell you our thoughts are in the gutter, without having to be so brash as to say so. Tiffany's, as it turned out, was submissive. Well, mostly. The I'm-so-timid cast to her eyes, the nervous way she was chewing her lower lip. But behind it was that scheming expression I had been so used to, back when I'd needed to look up to see it.

“Are we ready to come clean yet?” I asked, gently cuffing her little chin. “You enjoyed that, didn't you? Shrinking. Just like I knew you would. Tell me, little girl.”

Tiffany's blush brightened. “I...I did enjoy what just happened,” she replied, in a voice much smaller than fitted her stature. “I like you, Samantha. I've already said so. And that felt really, really good. But that's just...YOU. Being smaller isn't, I mean....”

I patted her cheek twice. Firmly. Naughty-naughty. “You know what it was.”

The smaller girl laughed, put her hand over mine, and when she spoke it was much closer to her usual tone. “Maybe. I think we need to experiment a little more to be certain. Purely in the interest of science, of course. And if it's all as enjoyable as THAT was....”

“It will feel much, much better.” My hand, still on her cheek, was slipping lower now. “I haven't even touched you anyplace...interesting. But I will, Tiffany. Once I make those interesting places a WHOLE lot smaller. And we're going to start with” Without looking I held out my hand, snapping my fingers. “Anthony, give me some more shrinking cream.”

Anthony tapped me on the shoulder. He was close, almost disturbingly so. He had come up behind me so quietly that I hadn't even sensed him. I turned, looking up into his enormous face, and was quickly reminded of two things. First, that as big as I might feel while playing cat-and-mouse with Tiffany, I was still almost laughably small. And second, that it probably hadn't been a good idea to starting ordering my giant boyfriend around.

His huge hands gripped me beneath the armpits, and he lifted me unceremoniously off my feet. With a negligent little flip he threw me onto the bed. I landed, bouncing twice, sat with my head whirling. “Anthony, what are you DOING?”

His face was right on top of me before I knew what was happening, so fast that I almost screamed in surprise. “Nothing much,” he said, speaking conversationally. “Just thought I should mention that we're supposed to be taking turns here. You shrank her first, so I get to go second.” He paused, lips curling into a smile. “I also thought I should remind you of the, hm, pecking order? You just lay there, cutie. And let me take care of this.” He pushed on the center of my chest – quite gently to be honest – but his touch easily put me flat on my back.

It was strange, seeing Anthony this dominant. Much different from his usual well-meaning but spineless white knight routine. It was a game that we were playing, of course. All three of us. I got the impression that, in the context of a game, he could let himself be this way. But his reasons were more nuanced, I think. For someone who had been short his entire life, maybe he was enjoying getting to be in charge for once.

Perhaps Tiffany and I weren't the only ones learning something about ourselves today.

I rolled onto my knees, giving Anthony my best puppy dog eye. “No! Come on, I was having so much fun with her! Let me shrink her just one more time, okay?” I was careful to keep my tone in check, trying to come off childish, not argumentative. “I was only getting STARTED! Let me give her just one more dose, pleeeease?”

Grinning, Anthony lifted the bottle of shrinking cream, gave me a significant look. “You want some of this too?”

Before I had time to think about this question in all the detail it deserved, a mousey little voice spoke up. “Anthony, if you have a moment, I've got a proposition for you.”

“Stow it short stuff,” he growled. He knelt before the tiny, the OTHER tiny girl. They were both out of my line of sight now, and I scrambled to the edge of the bed to watch the action.

Tiffany was once again cornered, back to the wall. Yet she didn't look the least bit intimidated. She only sighed, throwing her hands up as if at someone turning down a free lunch. “Fine. You almost had two girls willing to do anything you wanted, ready to fulfill your every fantasy. Instead you've got exactly one willing girl, up there on the bed. And while you might be able to shrink me, and get some vague enjoyment from it? The experience won't be nearly it could've been.”

Anthony froze, wearing his more customary look of barely suppressed embarrassment. “I...well actually, I wasn't even thinking about...THAT. Samantha may have the hots for you, and that's okay I guess. But I mean, all I was going to do was tease you a little, pay you back for being such a bitch. Nothing...involving...fluids. Just, you know, have some fun.”

“Ah but there's fun...and then there's FUN.” The pint-sized girl winked at him in a way so blatantly suggestive that even I blushed. “Samantha and I were just getting ready to have the second kind. We were SO looking forward to it, but now our big strong protector-man won't let us. If you gave in and allowed us to play...and of course you'd be free to watch...then we'd be EVER so grateful. And afterward, you could probably even...par-ti-ci-pate?”

Anthony turned to me for confirmation. “Sam?”

I nodded. “Truth. Why don't you let us put on a show for you, Anthony? You've got nothing to lose, and a whole lot to gain.” As I said this, I let my eyes drift to the enormous bulge in Anthony's pants.

He pretended to think it over. But honestly, I think he was beyond thought at this point. Eventually he bent, hoisted the three foot girl into his arms, and dropped her at my feet. Tiffany immediately crawled over, embraced me. She did this completely without self-consciousness, the way a little girl might. And as I hugged tiny Tiffany to my breast, I once again felt that not-so-secret part of me beginning to stir.

Anthony sat down at the head of the bed, fixed us with a benevolent grin. “A show. Yes. As long as you both understand which one of us is in charge here.” He crossed his arms, getting comfortable. “Five minutes. And to make it more interesting, I'll tell you that if this isn't worth my time, that you're both going to get a who-ole lot smaller.” He fixed me with a gaze so evil that for a moment I didn't recognize him. “And Samantha...that goes double for you.”

Knightstable 01-03-2012 01:58 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
thank you so much for this series

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