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pseudoclever 01-18-2012 02:04 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
18. Mini

Tiffany shrieked in surprise as the cream schlopped wetly into her back. It dribbled and rolled down between her ass cheeks like hot Jell-O. Anthony, who had been watching and known this was about to happen, was ready. Slowly, carefully, he pulled the tiny girl off him as columns of steam once more began to rise from her body. She was just beginning to shrink when he exited her with an audible 'FOOP.'

“You...fucking...bitch,” Tiffany gritted, but there was no force at all behind the words. She was dwindling, and fast – no longer a giant to me, but still quite large.

I moved to stand at her feet, staring up, watching her as she shrank. “Sorry, sweet cheeks. But you aren't allowed to get my man off. That privilege belongs to me, and ONLY me. This seemed like the quickest, easiest way to get him out of you.” I gave her a wink, tracing a finger along her abdomen as her shrinking intensified. “Fun, too.”

“You don't understand,” she whimpered, biting her lip as if to hold back a scream. The girl was less than a head taller than me now, and falling. “Samantha, I NEED it. I was so close! If I don't come, I might really die!”

Fair point that. Tiffany had been on the verge of orgasm only a few seconds ago. That was AFTER she'd declared herself to be as horny as she'd ever been in her life! And now I'd given her a massive dose of shrinking cream. The aphrodisiac effects combined with her own natural sex drive had her nearly out of her mind!

Or in other words...this was going to be sweet.

I took another step forward, leaned, pressed myself against her. That faint grinding friction of her body as it shrank against mine...exquisite. I stroked her gently, waiting for her to be small enough for me to reach those luscious lips. I didn't have to wait long. She leaned down to meet me, and we kissed. I swear in that moment I could actually feel the waves of desperation coming off the dwindling girl. She fought me, urged me to fight back. And all the time she was getting smaller...and smaller!

She was shorter than me again before the kiss ended. The knowledge filled me with that same familiar rush of power, and I decided to act on it. Taking a tiny step back from the shrinking girl, I created the teensiest bit of space between us. Into that space I slid the flat of my palm, ran it down her stomach, between her creamy thighs. There was no hesitation, no foreplay. I simply pressed my finger to her sex, and like dipping it into a bowl of hot caramel, I slid inside.

Tiffany was struggling to breathe, clinging to me, her little fingernails scraping down my back as I diddled her. Smaller and smaller and smaller she shrank. Wetter and wetter and wetter she became. I found myself bending to reach her shrinking little pussy, almost having to drop to my knees before her.

Her cries were getting louder. Her muscles twitched and spasmed. I sensed it coming, I knew my little Tiffany's orgasm was only moments away....

And so I pulled out.

“Sa-Sa-Samantha! Please...please don't do this to me!” She looked like she might actually burst into tears at any moment.

“Just reminding you where you stand,” I growled, raising myself to my full height. I did it slow enough so she could watch, and understand. The massive dose of shrinking cream had run its course, and our sizes had been almost exactly reversed. I was much, much bigger than her now. The top of her head was just below the bottom swell of my breasts.

“Now Tiffany, here's the deal. If you want to cum...and I know you do,, so're going to have to do exactly as I say. Understand?”

She nodded at once. “Anything!”

I smiled benevolently, and took her little hand in mine. “Well then, as long as you have THAT attitude...I MIGHT be willing to share.”

Together we turned, and looked up at titanic boyfriend. He was being so good, waiting patiently, sitting there without a stitch of clothing on. It was amazing the sort of details you can see in a person who is almost thirty feet tall. The mischievous twinkle in his eye, the smile of anticipation on his face. But also, that straining at the corners of his lips. And the faint, almost angry shade of purple creeping down from the head of his cock. Yes, Tiffany wasn't the only one who was desperate for a release.

“I was wondering if you'd forgotten about me,” rumbled Anthony's deep, basso voice. He shifted, laying further back on the pillows as he watched us. “Well, Samantha dear. Now that you've gone and shrunken my toy too small for me to play with, how do you propose to make it up to me?”

I grinned, though the expression was more to hide my sudden wave of fear than anything. God, there was just so MUCH of him! “Well, I don't think I can take her place. I'm not as...loose as Tiffany is, and I'm even smaller than she was. But how about this? You've heard that two hands are better than one? Why don't we try four.”

Anthony laughed, his prick bouncing wildly with each chuckle. “My girlfriend, the genius.”

Pulling the tiny girl along behind me, I stood at the base of his shaft. The smell of him was what really surprised me. I hadn't expected it to be so strong...and definitely not so pleasant. Pheromones can be a great thing sometimes, you know?

Feeling my libido skyrocket, I reached down, scooped Tiffany into my arms. With some difficulty I lifted the tiny girl higher, and hoisted her into Anthony's lap. She clung affectionately to me for a moment, then willingly let herself come to rest just above his pelvic bone. How different the view must look to her now! Before, Anthony's cock had been large, but manageable. Now it was more than three quarters her size.

Tiffany understood what I wanted her to do at once. She rolled to her knees, shuffled forward, and took his length in a lover's embrace. In a sensuous haze, I did the same. Together Tiffany and I touched him, our little hands roaming up and down his manhood as his groaning voice washed over us from high above.

Sometimes we moved together, each using our palms to give him a good, firm rubdown. We'd work from the crest of his penis to the base of his shaft, and back again. Sometimes I let her lick and suckle at that ultra-sensitive spot just behind his head, while I knelt to gently stroke his balls with my arms and chest. And sometimes we would give him a break and merely pet him, let him keep his furnace warm while the two of us shared a long, passionate kiss. Our heights made this last one perfect – at her size, I could reach her mouth quite easily. And having my much larger tongue shoved down her throat seemed to be really amping Tiffany up.

But gradually we were building toward the end. Anthony was pulsing and throbbing more frequently. His moans were growing louder. We responded, pressing into his cock more and more firmly. We were so focused on his impending climax that neither of us saw him go for the shrinking cream, not until it was too late. And even if we had? Well, how could it be anything other than a good thing.

The tingling heat spread over my cheeks, down my shoulders, a tiny dab of it finding its way into my mouth. Instantly a bolt of incomprehensible pleasure shot through me, and I felt his already giant cock begin to swell in my grasp. Tiffany chirped in delight as she saw me dwindling, had time to give me a sweltering kiss before I shrank out of her reach.

“There you go, Tiffany,” Anthony husked, speaking through a dry throat as I continued to shrink smaller and smaller before him. “Just wanted to even the playing field for you, and make your teammate a bit smaller. You're both doing so good, not much longer now!”

“Cum for us Anthony,” Tiffany urged in her tiny, piping voice. She now seemed to be wrestling with his cock more than jerking him off. And joy of joys, she was starting to look big to me again.

“Cum!” I agreed, standing on my tip-toes to nibble on the soft skin of his glans. A moment later I was too small to reach, and I settled for pressing my cherry-sized breasts against his shaft.


My mind wasn't working. There was no way I could have guessed what he meant by that. Two heartbeats later I found out, as I felt his gargantuan finger sliding along the tiny cleft of my slit, and knew at once what was on it.

As soon as the shrinking cream touched my pussy, I lost myself. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. I stared glassy-eyed, watched the maniac surging of Anthony's cock, saw it rush up to meet me as I shrank. Tiffany was there too, already a giantess, still growing larger. She was smirking at me, but that smirk left her face in a hurry. In slow motion I watched as Anthony reached, parted her miniscule thighs, slipped his cream-coated finger along her tiny little sex. At once her face contorted in ecstasy, a soundless cry of rapture escaped her lips. And then she was dwindling to match me.

When he touched me, I could feel each bump and ridge of his fingerprints along my back. He pulled me against him, held me tight against his massive erection. Tiffany was with me, squeezed there between his fingers, forced in a rough, sensual embrace with his manhood. Both of us were screaming full voiced, completely overcome by the blissful sensation of shrinking against Anthony's dick, and the overpowering ecstasy of the serum. The humid warmth of him, the sense of being thrust and squeezed against his nine-foot cock...and finally, the earthquake rumbling of his release in the instant before it came.

Much later, we agreed that Tiffany had come first. She remembered losing herself several long seconds before Anthony began to pulse and throb, drenching us with his thick, heady cream. I was definitely the last. I know this because it was Anthony's climax that led to mine. The clenching of his shaft between my tiny thighs, a vein pulsing like an overcharged vibrator against my scorching little pussy. I would like to explain to you what this felt like, I really would. But unless you've experienced it, I don't know that I could do it justice. Imagine blasting off in a rocket ship, while the hit of acid you took an hour and a half ago finally kicks in, while somehow simultaneously playing in a field both full and made of puppies. Yeah, like I said, you don't get it.

Just take my word on this one, okay?

qzar9999 01-18-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

O_o That was hot.

Nom Anor 01-18-2012 08:46 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Nice work, as always.

black harry 01-19-2012 04:39 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward is really hot and i want to know how size of them , and they will keep shrink another 6ne?

bigjoo12 01-21-2012 11:23 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Phenomenal. Hot. Fanastic. Attention grabbing.

Incredible enough to get a lurker to pop his head up and say something. Keep it up.

gladewalker 01-22-2012 07:30 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Wow this story has nowhere to go but.... down ;-)
In a good way!

pseudoclever 01-22-2012 12:50 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
19. Hypothesis

I don't know how long I dozed there, lying naked on Anthony's stomach, feeling his heat radiate through me, letting myself rise and fall with his breathing. Enough time that his 'essence' was beginning to dry on me. It felt as if I were wearing a suit of hardening Play-Doh. Both my lovers were still pretty out of it. The smaller of the two, Tiffany, had ended up even smaller than I was. She might've been five inches tall, to my six. But honestly, at that point, what was the difference? We were in the same boat, regardless of who had a slightly larger paddle.

Anthony was watching me through slitted eyes, and to say he was huge would be like saying the center of the sun was vaguely warm. He was bigger than a house. It might've been thirty feet from where I was laying to the tip of his chin, and further than that down to where his feet rested at the end of the bed. I remembered how it was only twenty-four hours ago that I'd considered him 'adorable,' and had to stifle a laugh.

?Morning, sunshine,? Anthony grunted. His gigantic hand came slowly into view. Under different circumstances the scale of it might've frightened me. Not with my Anthony. He reached out to me, and oh-so-gently caressed my cheek with the rough tip of his finger.

From my back I wrapped both my little arms around it, hugging the enormous digit the way I wanted to hug him, and kissed him soundly. ?Morning,? I agreed.

He let me crawl to a standing position. I took all of three steps toward his face before he scooped me off my feet, and brought me to his lips. It was more than a little disorienting, but I didn't mind in the slightest. It wasn't a kiss that he gave me, not exactly. Anthony just pressed my entire body softly against his lips, let me feel their smooth texture against my stomach. His breath was warm, and after the chilling air it was making me tingle with pleasure.

Tiffany, as was her habit, ruined the moment. ?If you two are done playing snuggle bunnies, we have a rather serious situation to deal with here.?

Begrudgingly Anthony released me, set me down on the center of his chest. Walking down his body, I met up with Tiffany somewhere around his bellybutton. What I said before, about it not mattering that I was an inch taller than her? Yeah, scratch that. She barely came up to the rosy tips of my breasts, and it gave me that same, cheap thrill to be larger than someone ? even if it didn't mean much in absolute terms.

?Wipe that smile off your face,? Tiffany demanded. ?This was a fun evening, most definitely. But do you have any idea how long it's going to take for us to get back to normal? If we have to spend the next year living like Anthony's little pet hamsters, we'll be lucky. Think about that ? A YEAR! What do you think is going to happen to your apartment, Samantha? Your job? Do you think you'll just be able to....?

?Shut up.?

It might've been my tone, how I was neither asking, nor demanding. I said it as if there was no doubt in my mind that she would obey. And so of course, she did.

The silence hung between us for a long moment. Little Tiffany stood there, arms crossed, watching me expectantly. Something had been nagging at me all evening, tickling the back of my mind. I thought I might have finally made the connection...but before I opened my mouth, I wanted to be sure.

I took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and began. ?Okay. So Tiffany. We know that the shrinking cream....?

?Serum,? the tiny girl interrupted, rubbing her temples in exasperation. ?Call it serum. 'Shrinking cream' makes it sound, I don't know, like you think it's magic or something.?

? I was saying. We know the shrinking cream can take away an almost unlimited amount of height in a single day. I mean, we've prove that conclusively. But the GROWTH cream can only give you a couple of inches at most. True??

Tiffany sighed. ?Yes. That's exactly the center of our problem!?

I grinned, spreading my hands. ?Why??

She looked at me like I was stupid. ?Why? WHY?? Tiffany paused, chewed her lip thoughtfully. ?You know I've never...I always assumed it had to do with...well, it's easier to lose mass than it is to gain it, of course.?

?The steam,? Anthony put in. His chest shook as he spoke, and it was all Tiffany and I could do to keep our footing.

?The steam,? I agreed, giving him a go-to-the-head-of-the-class nod. ?When you're shrinking, all your 'mass' comes off you in that stuff. Maybe, just maybe, the reason you stop growing so quickly is because you've already absorbed all you can from the air around you. And possibly just the teensiest bit from the person massaging you. So the conclusion is...what??

?If you kept moving to a different places, you could grow a lot faster!? Anthony crowed in his booming giant's voice.

?And you might be able to reclaim it,too,? the five inch girl added, with an air of finality.

I cocked my head. ?Sorry, you lost me there.?

The smaller girl grinned at me wickedly. She came to stand by my side and, reaching way up, managed to slip her arm around my shoulder. ?That steam you're talking about. The distilled essence of our height. It's still in the room right now. Can't you feel the humidity? Don't you see it fogging up the windows??

I nodded slowly, a smile blooming across my face. ?You're right. Anthony closed the door when he came in, and that trapped it in the room with us. It could work, it really could! It might not be enough to get us back to normal, but it WILL cut down our recovery time.?

Anthony coughed apologetically, and this time both Tiffany and I DID fall. ?I ah...I left the growth cream in MY bedroom. I'm going to have to open the door to go get it. Some of the steam is going to escape.?

There was a long, awkward silence. Finally I said, ?Still, it's better than nothing. Come on, the sooner the better.? With something of a maternal air I took little Tiffany by the hand, and led her toward the edge of Anthony's chest. Together, we prepared to slide off him down to the bed.

?Um...w-wait!? she chirped, squeezing me with her little fingers. I turned, and found her looking up at me with a cringing, nervous kind of expression. Another first, as far as I could tell. ?Samantha? If...if it's alright with you...why don't YOU take most of the growth serum this first time? I think...I'd like to stay small awhile longer.?

I frowned, raising my eyebrows. ?You're sure??

The tiny girl nodded at once. ?It took some time. And more than a little convincing on your part. Let's just say you were very...persuasive.?

?Well I won't argue with you. As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to having you the right size to cradling in my arms again. Like my tiny, little pet.?

?That makes two of us,? Anthony agreed, giving me a significant look. ?And believe me Sam, once you get a bit bigger...cradling will be the least of it.?

I grinned. ?Get on with it, then.? And with that the two of us jumped down onto the bed, and Anthony got the potion.


Honesty's Reward will be concluded Tuesday.

qzar9999 01-22-2012 01:36 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Well that was interesting but very short... And...


Originally Posted by pseudoclever (Post 630267)
Honesty's Reward will be concluded Tuesday.

Already? You're breaking my heart here, pseudo. :(

darktaro 01-22-2012 01:51 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Now that Megaupload has gone the way of the dodo, will the files be reposted to another service? I never downloaded them the first time around. >_<

Blackbat 01-22-2012 09:30 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by darktaro (Post 630271)
Now that Megaupload has gone the way of the dodo, will the files be reposted to another service? I never downloaded them the first time around. >_<

i hope mediafire is used more, its so easy

pseudoclever 01-24-2012 10:28 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
20. Razor's Edge

During the summer months, the sun came blindingly through the massive picture window at ASM Nutrition. The only place to escape it was in the back of the store, on that little raised platform Tiffany had built so long ago. From here I could save myself from the glare, and watch the half dozen or so customers browsing the shop. Today though, I had eyes only for my little stock boy.

Several wonderful months had gone by before I would have dared call him that – 'My Little Stock Boy,' I mean. There was no way I could think of him as little, not at first anyway. Not during the weeks when I'd been so small that I depended on him for my every need. We'd been right about the steam, of course. Unfortunately, the best I could do that first night was recover a foot or so of my lost height. Tiffany had mumbled something about entropy, and I'd told her to shut up. At that point I was maybe three times her size, and wisely, she had.

Anthony wasn't little for a long time. When I was two, three, even four feet tall, the cream had been so effective that I'd grown in leaps and bounds each day. Then that glorious evening came when everything changed, when I was finally as tall as Anthony again. That had been the night we'd made love for the first time, and I was glad we waited. Not for any puritanical reasons, you understand – even at five foot four, he was almost more than I could handle.

I didn't use that nickname during the long, slow grind that came after. As often as possible he'd massage the growth cream into me. It became our foreplay ritual. And night after night I continued to inch up, get taller and taller, feeling myself grow as we made love. Every day I could fit just a bit more of him inside me. And better, he wasn't afraid of breaking me, the way he'd been before. Once in awhile, I could even turn the tables on him, and give my man a serious run for his money.

When I had finally regained my normal size, he had this convenient way of keeping me from thinking of him as small. He kept it right there, between his thighs. But circumstances demanded that I keep using the growth cream, and bit by bit, his massive member became easy mode for me.

It wasn't until I'd surpassed Tiffany's old height, six foot six, that I'd tried out that nickname. My little stock boy. It'd even come out in song, to the theme from that old cartoon about the ponies. He'd blushed, then laughed in that reedy, carefree way he does when you really tickle his funny bone. “Only a matter of time,” he'd said, and when I asked him what THAT meant he wouldn't say.

Closing time was coming. The sun was growing orange-red out there on the horizon, and one by one the customers came to the back of the store, checking out. Some were familiar, and chatted with me. Most barely had the courage to meet my gaze. One young lady was so nervous that she practically threw her bottle of weight-gain powder at me. It rolled, and dropped to the floor on my side of the counter.

I knew what was on her mind immediately. Like knows like, I think I've said. She was measuring me with her eyes. So when I bent to retrieve the bottle, I made sure to give her an extra-long look down the front of my shirt, at my G-cup breasts that no bra could quite contain. She blushed bright pink, and fled the story without even saying thank you.

That's the funny thing about being a shade under seven feet tall – people don't really know how to deal with you. They're either fascinated, or want to run like hell. Being small had it's appeal, and I do miss the time I spent with my friends, tiny and helpless. Seriously though, I loved being huge. That not-so-secret part of me, that one that was addicted to size, could be high on its favorite drug twenty-four hours a day now. Anthony barely came up to my breasts anymore...and Tiffany?

Speak of the devil. Our little house-elf, as I liked to call her, pushed the stockroom door open, and came waddling in. She carried a massive stack of boxes, maybe a hundred pounds worth. The tiny girl was grunting with exertion, but seemed to manage okay. I grinned at her, impressed. Tiffany returned the smile, then balancing carefully, duck-walk over to Anthony and dropped the boxes at his feet. “That should be the last of the Wheybolic,” she huffed, wiping a trickle of sweat from her brow as she stared up at him.

“Nice work, kiddo,” he said, giving the tiny girl an affectionate pat on the head.

“Hey now,” Tiffany said, taking a step back and sticking her tongue out at him. “I wouldn't do that if I were you. Do you have any idea how much exercise I get lugging this shit around? I may be small, but I bet dollars to donuts I'm stronger than YOU, Mr. Spielman.”

He patted her again. “Yes yes. We're all afraid of tiny Ms. Popeye.” Anthony turned, calling across the store to me. “Hey Sam, do you mind if we close a little early? It's only eight forty-five, but tonight IS a special occasion after all.”

I nodded. “Just this once is okay.” Intimately aware of how they both always watched me, I moved across the showroom in long-legged, sensuous strides. After locking up, I came to stand between my two much smaller friends. “Special occasion, huh? What's all this about, you two?”

Anthony and Tiffany exchanged a significant look. “Well,” squeaked the tiny girl. “First of all, it's your birthday, you big dufus.”

I clasped my hands beside my head, feigning a swoon. “You REMEMBERED!”

“Facebook,” Anthony smirked. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging my giant frame with his smaller one. God, it was still a total turn-on to feel how low down on my body he reached when he did this.

“Yes, well,” Tiffany went on, a tinge of jealousy in her voice. “You see, you've been so good to the both of us these past few months. All the work you've done for my...excuse me, OUR shop. The hours you've put in. Not to mention your attention to my, ah, special needs.”

I laughed. “Those needs are your own fault Tiffany! We might be able to get you over four feet tall for a couple days, if only you would stop convincing Anthony and me to dose you with shrinking cream!”

The girl, who was no taller than my navel, grinned at that. She even blushed a little. “Hey, if you guys would stop making it feel so Goddamn good to shrink....” All three of us shared a long chuckle at that.

“Actually, that's a good transition. It DOES feel good to shrink. So why, I have to ask, have you been depriving yourself of it for so long? Come on Sam, we know you don't want to be a giantess forever.”

Now it was MY turn to blush, a strange thing for a woman who most recently measured in at six foot eleven to do. “I haven't been DEPRIVING myself. I mean, well, I have, feels good to grow, too. You know that, Tiffany. Maybe not quite AS good...and maybe it doesn't hit all the same buttons.” I took a deep breath, and forced myself to slow down. “Besides, I've been doing YOU a public service. Acting as a bank for all the size you've been losing.”

Anthony and Tiffany shared another look. “So, does that imply you've been waiting for her to make a withdrawal?” he asked quietly.

“Anthony?” I peered down at them, seeing them both staring back expectantly. “Do you...WANT me smaller?”

“Much,” he said, immediately.

“Tiffany, you too?”

“More than anything in this world.” Her grin looked twice again too big for her face, and in a moment, I saw why. There was something in her hands. Something familiar, and green, and plastic. With a minus sign scrawled on its side. “I think it's high time someone acted as YOUR size bank. And here...why don't I just make a little deposit for you” She unscrewed the cap, dipped her tiny fingers in, and came out with a massive hunk of serum.

Involuntarily, I started to back away. Anthony's arm slowed me just enough. The cream touched me on my bare midriff. What a day to start wearing belly-shirts, I thought, in the moment before a soft moan escaped my lips. A trickle of steam began to rise from my body. And suddenly, my two little friends didn't seem that little.

I had forgotten how good this felt. The blissful sensation of sinking toward the floor, the pressing building up inside. It was hard to keep myself under control...and soon, I gathered, it would be impossible. “Just how small are you guys planning on making me?” I asked, feeling my formerly skin-tight jeans slide past my hips.

Tiffany advanced on me, seeming to grow with each step she took. “Put it this way. Tonight, you're going to be eating from the kids menu.”

“If you even have the energy to leave the store,” Anthony whispered, directly into my ear. A place he was already tall enough to reach without standing on tip-toe.

Each of them took one of my hands, and slowly, mindful of my shaking legs and impossibly baggy clothing, they led me into the back room. We never did make it to the restaurant that night. Or, for that matter, the next.

It's good to have friends.


I want to thank you one and all for your wonderful comments throughout this story. They really are what makes the time and effort to put together a story like this worthwhile. There will be other stories from me someday, but for now, that old rattling specter, REAL LIFE, has returned to rob me of my spare time. So sad. Though at least this story is finished.

...Except it isn't. There are a large number of blank spaces left by this ending, as you might've noticed. I would imagine some of you would like to find out what happened to our three characters during the intervening months? Well good news. I'm preparing a number of shorter stories - three - to fill in that time in a bit more detail. I have no guess as to a release date. Only'll happen.

Until then.

qzar9999 01-24-2012 01:14 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Sad to see it end. On the other hand, nice to see we'll eventually be getting more Sexy Fun Time with these three. Thanks for the story, pseudo!

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