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NinjaSonic 07-11-2006 08:24 PM

I found another clip
This one is short but it came from In Living Color.

This one is one of my faves because of the way they have suntan lotion plumps up women's breasts like hotdogs.

VincentJ 07-12-2006 02:11 AM

Jesus, the links are now gone off the first page. Not that it makes much difference, because on the top of page 9 there's a link to one of the clips already, even though it was already on the first page. First of many, I'm sure. Hell, we still get "new findz foamy d suqril haz bE in it" regularly (on one occasion 2 on the same damn day). I had hoped by just putting them on the list it'd stop everyone starting new threads saying "look I found new clips on YouTube, called Mood Boobs", but Azeroth has just kicked that plan out the window. I hate to break it to you Warlock, but I've seen the links posted on the BEA on at least 3 different occassions (gone now)- and you know how bad the leechs are on those boards.

By the way, I'm not a leech. I've captured the BE scenes from A Dirty Shame, Corpses, American Dad, Singles (HQ version) and Breast Men (all off of DVDs I own myself) and donated them to the EM, and shared them here. I also tried hosting a variety of expansion clips on a free site (some of you might remember my "Prohosting" *spit* rant on EM). Not to mention cataloging a fairly comphrensive list of Yahoo BE & Body inflation groups, plus this thread.

In case you're wondering, no, I haven't purchased Mood Boobs. I've student fees of €2,500 to pay in September because the government decided I'm not eligible for a grant anymore and I only have €200 in the bank- not enough to even get collateral for a student loan. I just can't afford it til at least Xmas. I do have every intention of buying it though, and not second hand.

Warlock, I know you're mad that your hard work has been leaked. I've already e-mailed YouTube's complaints department about removing it, saying that they are posted without permission and causing a loss of earnings (contact details below, in case anyone wants to join in). I'll let your comments slide, because I know you're just upset. Direct your anger at the uploader though, not me.

DMCA Complaints
YouTube, Inc.
71 E. Third Ave.
San Mateo, CA 94401
Fax: 650.854.4829

Back on topic, thanks NinjaSonic. Watter/Ballpark/In Living Colour BE scene is now back up on the list.

LK 07-12-2006 07:10 AM

I'm not banning Vincent. Azeroth, on the other hand...pending review.

Renegade_Storm 07-12-2006 08:02 AM

Poser BE

Star Trek BE

Longer version of the bush show BE

Bozo 07-12-2006 10:24 AM

The tough thing about the internet is this: how do you know if you're actually losing sales? If you've got numbers and can prove a corrolation between free availability and profit declines, that's one thing, but if you don't all we've REALLY got is speculation. I searched for the clips and found them and y'know what? I wanna buy this thing now.

Warlock, there's a fine line between promotional clips and, well, giving stuff away for free needlessly. You ever see those movies where the preview gave away the WHOLE story? Not really motivating people to see it. But then there are those previews where you know what's going to happen, but you just need to know HOW it happens. Yup, fine line. This situation goes beyond that because just over 1/3 of your production was made available without your knowledge...I'd be pissed too, but it's something to think about.

On a side note, Mood Boobs is too cool to just let fade into obscurity...I know it's NOT that obscure because many people seem to know about but I didn't and apparantly Allogagan didn't even have the site. Anywho, why not step up the promotional campaign? Get these clips off YouTube first, then start hitting up all Yahoo groups. You'd definitely be welcome over at The Ripping Zone, from what I've seen on YouTube anyway. As an artist (and the owner/mod), I'd like to help you close the gap you feel may have formed by these clips being made available to the public without your permission.

Hey...ever think about doing a GTS/growth thing? Maybe we can put our heads together...let's talk

Renegade_Storm 07-12-2006 12:18 PM

Side note: 'Unknown animation' and 'CG Sequence' have been removed from you tube

jiryha 07-12-2006 11:33 PM

So you guys know, MOOD BOOBS has been removed from you tube now so it's no longer an issue

Azeroth 07-13-2006 08:20 AM

Lesson number 1 that i can learn from this :when i find some great Be on the web to keep them to myself.

Azeroth 07-13-2006 09:04 AM

lesson number 2 read more than the tree first file of a topic befor getting on my position.

Azeroth 07-13-2006 09:11 AM

well warlock sory about what i post i didn know that ''mood boob'' is actuly your work, when i saw the clip i just thought it would be nice to not be the only one who would anjoy it, so i just look for a place to put this presius piece of arts . and becose of is name ''Complete BE scenes from YouTube
'' i just thought it would be the best place to post it . We can just say it some wierd conicident that my post end up in the medle of a conversation about your movie stolen.

fri2219 07-13-2006 09:11 AM

I didn't realize that those weren't simply trailers.

After viewing those clips, I'm much more likely to buy a copy if and when I can get it through normal channels, like amazon.

VincentJ 07-14-2006 03:26 AM

More removed clips have been marked, and some new uploads added to the list.

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