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shampoohat 09-20-2008 07:53 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
awesome thinks

Rei-Lin 09-23-2008 08:19 AM

Re: Penis Expansion
1 Attachment(s)
Heya, finally finished grabbing a clip from the old 80's flick, Jeckle and Hyde: Together Again, which featured a little PE. Hope you like it, it's very brief, but it's still one of those funny moments in films you don't expect. Enjoy.

DwarfPriest 09-24-2008 11:41 AM

Re: Penis Expansion
In the 4th Scary Movie, the guy that plays the main character in the 3rd is shown in the beggining taking a whole bottle of aspirin, but he then notices it's actually a bottle full of viagra, and his penis grows big (around a foot or so, still covered by the pants).
He ends up falling from his apartment's window while trying to put it down, though. A pity, as he had three blondes waiting for him in his room :p

s0unds 10-02-2008 05:22 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
There has got to be more out there! Tons of BE so why not tons of PE?

sencho 10-02-2008 09:11 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
As the market consuming this stuff tends towards younger males, PE isn't going to be an 'in demand' item. How there's less PE than the scatological and maiming stuff is something that still blows my mind. :D

soloferro 10-02-2008 09:45 PM

Re: Penis Expansion

Originally Posted by s0unds (Post 224245)
There has got to be more out there! Tons of BE so why not tons of PE?

Well, thanks to McCarthyism and the "homosexual menace," there is still a great deal of stigma in admitting that one may even have slight homosexual tendencies. As a result, the vast majority of male masturbators purposely avoid anything that may cause them to question their sexuality. This should be somewhat obvious, really.

Very_Good_Karma 10-02-2008 09:53 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
soloferro, I'm not sure exactly what you meant by your post, but I'm positive a guy's PE fetish need not have anything to do with homosexuality. If it did, we'd have to say that all girls who are into BE have lesbian tendencies.

soloferro 10-02-2008 10:18 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
Did I say it was? It is a perception thing. The idea of sexual identities is a fairly new one, and is generally a self-generated way to define oneself. Sexual behavior may or may not have any bearing on sexual identities, hence the great deal of straight men who have sex with men, or adolescent boys who get together and circle-jerk, sometimes called "dude sex." Though these actions are pretty clearly scientifically defined as homosexual, they may not have any bearing on what one thinks of oneself as. Viewing, and fantasizing about penises growing is perceived socially as a homosexual behavior. Doing so invariably causes most people to question their sexual identity and worry whether or not they are conforming to a "deviant" sexual identity such as homosexuality. Women who view BE solely for the sake of BE and envisioning their or others breasts growing could indeed be considered socially as lesbianism tendencies, but usually are not for two reasons. If you'll notice, the most common reason for women to get breast implant surgery is to impress and attract men, whom society deems more important. Envisioning BE fantasies could be simply considered socially as women's attempts to attract men. The other reason why it is considered A-Ok for women to view breast enlargement pornography is simply because it is much less off-putting to be a lesbian in this situation. Look at the vast amounts of lesbian porn films and the yuri hentai industry for examples. Men are fine with lesbians because "it's hot to see two women doing it" while seeing two guys "do it" is anathema to the modern ideas of manhood.

I think you made the mistake of assuming I was discussing psychology. I'm talking about the social values and norms surrounding the tensions between heterosexual identities and the homosexual identities.

Oh, and yes, having a PE fetish means that you are at least partially psychologically homosexual. Or very very egotistic. See the Kinsey scale for further details

Kyutetsuki 10-03-2008 02:29 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
Saying that everyone who enjoys PE is somewhat homosexual is a bit narrow. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are only the extremes, most people are varying degrees of bisexual. Som are as close as 50%-50%, but most end up somewhere between 75%-25% in either direction.

For more information, read Butler or Kinsey.

soloferro 10-03-2008 02:41 PM

Re: Penis Expansion

Originally Posted by Kyutetsuki (Post 224495)
Saying that everyone who enjoys PE is somewhat homosexual is a bit narrow. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are only the extremes, most people are varying degrees of bisexual. Some are as close as 50%-50%, but most end up somewhere between 75%-25% in either direction.

For more information, read Butler or Kinsey.

You can't quote the same guy I'm quoting. Cheater. And it is not narrow at all. I said it makes one at least partially homosexual. Would prefer I said "leaning down the homosexual side of the scale" instead? Or to assign a point value? e.g."enjoying PE is .75 points away from the heterosexual end of the spectrum."

Semantics are annoying.

But, this helps demonstrate a point. Notice how defensive people are when someone mentions even that they might be gay. Or even some distance from the pure heterosexual identity. Everyone is afraid of the social consequences of self identifying as homosexual.

Kyutetsuki 10-03-2008 02:56 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
Well, my point exactly. Most people don't understand that in the end, we usually "choose" our sexual orientation.

soloferro 10-03-2008 03:19 PM

Re: Penis Expansion
Well that's what I said! Quit agreeing with me!

The idea of sexual identities is a fairly new one, and is generally a self-generated way to define oneself. Sexual behavior may or may not have any bearing on sexual identities...Though these actions are pretty clearly scientifically defined as homosexual, they may not have any bearing on what one thinks of oneself as.
But you have to recall, what others perceive is a very important part of identity. Though individuals may create and support their identity, they often incorporate external input as to what that identity should be. Basically, society teaches you what is or is not to be considered a gay identity. I think the problem we're having here is that homosexuality is a scientific term for being attracted to or doing it with men. Being a homosexual in the social sense is a set of expected behaviors and stereotypes. They get mixed up sometimes.

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