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SoylentOrange 08-21-2016 02:51 AM

Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Harem Protagonist is a visual novel/dating sim where you've woken up to discover a narrator's voice in your head, commanding you to woo the ladies of your school or else. Now, to cut off the most frequent objections to Kickstarter threads, The base game is already funded. Further funding will be to increase the BE opportunities. So you've got a visual novel that already has BE, but further funding could make it better.

Even if no more addition funding goals are met, just look at some of the busts you'll have access to (And these are admittedly the largest you see in the demo, but these are their STARTING sizes):

Also note the game comes with a jiggle slider to alter how much you want the girls' chests to wobble. :D

Now, where's the BE come in? With an optional "wishing stone" granted to the player early on in the game. Not only can you make the girls' breasts bigger, you can make it so you see through their outer clothes ("Panty-vision") and other good stuff. It was one of the early stretch goals, so if you want to play the game regularly that's still an option.

But hey, don't take my word for it- try the demo out!

If you like it, consider backing towards the "New Game +
Stretch goal, which will let you start the game over with all gained/earned stats intact from the start- including any grown measurements! And yes, the story/scenes will have alternate super-busty versions to recognize their now-lifelong hugeness! :D

Go pledge! I did! :D

nedanecin 08-21-2016 06:28 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
This looks great, but 70 bucks for a tier that amounts to "cheat codes" is really steep...
Still, I'll gladly support any quality BE games :D

vakladros 08-21-2016 07:45 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
This looks like an interesting project, but the creator doesn't have the best track record. He previously crowdfunded a game: Cowgirl Farmer on Indiegogo which was, to the best of my knowledge abandoned before completion. After that he started a Patreon to fund another project called: Deviant Island Community which appears to have been scuttled so that he could pursue this project.

I certainly hope that it works out this time, but people planning to fund this should go in with both eyes open.

jack36262001 08-21-2016 07:46 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
It looks fun regardless of BE, and the majority of the stretch goals have been reached, so I just threw a little money st it to get the game. Especially when I say it was € to exchange that into USD and then into CAD is pricy XD.

CuddleBeam 08-21-2016 08:55 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Hello! Thank you for posting up my game, SoylentOrange.

About the Indiegogo. It was only 1/3rd funded, and there is only so much I can do with that, and despite all of the situations, I'm still stubbornly determined to make a goddamn quality game with cowgirls, but given those circumstances, I have to relegate it to a side project. The funds I got aren't enough to make a satisfactory game, and despite that, I still insist that I will promise to make something enjoyable and impressive, because I will go through the sacrifices to make it so. And even after my "disappearance" (due to massive family problems, but that has been solved because I live on my own now), I came back, I didn't change identity, I didn't run away with the cash. I returned, stayed as Cuddlebeam, and I assumed all of the humiliation and responsibility for having to delay a project like that, and offered refunds to anyone who wanted them. If there is anything more I can do, just ask, and I will do my best to satisfy it within my capacity.

I massively appreciate the support Harem Protagonist is having, and I'm very thankful.

Luke2013 08-21-2016 11:51 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Honestly after seeing TFS play this it definitely got my interest peaked there and will gladly support when i csn get the money...

hentayextra 08-21-2016 03:45 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Looks pretty sweat regardless of BE, but since its been brought up where on the kickstarter page does it talk about BE?

Moore 08-21-2016 04:04 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
No offense to you or this project which I've been enjoying, but I hope Retsupurae never hears about this. This is exactly the sort of thing their fans would go bully someone over.

vakladros 08-21-2016 04:15 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by hentayextra (Post 779499)
Looks pretty sweat regardless of BE, but since its been brought up where on the kickstarter page does it talk about BE?

Check the stretch goals - It's already been hit, but the wish stone was unlocked at 12,000. It's unclear from the rest of the description, but it seems like the content may be largely cosmetic only, unless the 53,000 New game plus mode is hit. The extent of change possible is also unclear.

hentayextra 08-21-2016 04:22 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by vakladros (Post 779503)
Check the stretch goals - It's already been hit, but the wish stone was unlocked at 12,000. It's unclear from the rest of the description, but it seems like the content may be largely cosmetic only, unless the 53,000 New game plus mode is hit. The extent of change possible is also unclear.

thanks, I was looking at the stretch goals but I was also looking all over the page and must have missed it

yellowbelt 08-21-2016 04:49 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Well what kind of BE is in it. Being purely cosmetic would kinda dissapointing. This forum is called Process-Productions. So what will be the process?

matteso586 08-21-2016 05:41 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
My prediction: This narrator is just a figment of the player character's imagination.

SoylentOrange 08-21-2016 06:06 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Well, see for yourself:

What's got me real interested is that they say the story will reflect their growth, like it'll be noticed and acknowledged in the scenes that they've grown. That's what's got me interested...

yellowbelt 08-21-2016 06:24 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
We will see. Another thing since I've played the demo this seems rather sweet and playful. Which can be fun and all, but unless there is some type of compelling hook or drama I can't see myself paying for this. If you are going on erotic possibilities I simply see none.


Originally Posted by SoylentOrange (Post 779528)
Well, see for yourself:

What's got me real interested is that they say the story will reflect their growth, like it'll be noticed and acknowledged in the scenes that they've grown. That's what's got me interested...

Moore 08-21-2016 10:53 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Well, they say they'll throw some H-Scenes in there independent of the Kickstarter campaign so that's something erotic. If they finish it this time, anyway.

pokerus 08-22-2016 04:12 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Does this have hilarious voice acting like Hunie Pop?

SoylentOrange 08-22-2016 06:26 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
It's going to have some, according to the $17,000 stretch goal, but there's always the mute button. ^^;

Torizu 08-23-2016 05:43 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!) is there any actual BE in the demo?

Moore 08-23-2016 05:55 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
No, the BE was a stretch goal, not a part of the demo.

Speaking of, Cuddlebeam deleted his Deviantart profile. I assume that's a bad sign.

vincent_richter 08-23-2016 06:03 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Possibly, but IIRC that's been deactivated for upward of a year now.

bw121212 08-23-2016 06:49 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Can I support this through Steam? Don't want to create a kickstarter acct just for this. Demo was fun. Great job

I guess a better question would be: Can I purchase the full game with BE and NG+ (since the kickstarter made it) using my steam account when it is ready for sale? Or do I need to donate to the kickstarter to be on board? Kind of a make or break answer here.

bw121212 08-23-2016 07:03 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Super confused at first but now I think I get it. Just to be sure though:

If I purchase this game through steam when it becomes available will I get access to wish stone and NG+ element?

Sorry for the newb questions! Never contributed to kickstarter or used greenlight but this game looks awesome! Cheers!


rocklee248 08-23-2016 08:21 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
i hope he goes extreme with the BE, like you can get stages of BE instead of a one time deal. making them big to huge to massive, gigantic. etc(not to a point where you only see the boobs and head,but like covering either torso or even more like this pic he did or the earlier pic).. cuzz why big you planning on letting them grow?

Me301 08-25-2016 09:04 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
well i wish i had seen this a bit sooner. would have gladly supported this. BUT! I have marked my calendar for next July to pick this up!

Gagecoalbrace 08-26-2016 10:31 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
I got mine in on the last 3 days

SoylentOrange 08-26-2016 11:32 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by bw121212 (Post 779691)
Super confused at first but now I think I get it. Just to be sure though:

If I purchase this game through steam when it becomes available will I get access to wish stone and NG+ element?

Sorry for the newb questions! Never contributed to kickstarter or used greenlight but this game looks awesome! Cheers!


Yes, the retail version will have all the stretch goals applied to it. When you buy it on steam you get all of it.

epilogo 08-26-2016 06:22 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Where is the relased version? Or... When the game will be relase?
There is a website with all the info and upgrades about the game?

Mrblond 08-26-2016 07:31 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
I believe it lists 2017 as the release date.

Me301 08-26-2016 11:43 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
July 2017 is what I read. just finished the demo. its very good. with another year of work plus all the money it made it should be great

doc_wanabe 08-27-2016 05:43 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Speaking of the demo, when you planning to update it? I believe you said you were going to fix the bug where the blonde girl doesn't show up.

Me301 08-28-2016 10:39 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Actually guys I looked into it and you can still back this until Sept 7th! there is an option to back threw paypal if you didn't get your money in by the kick starter deadline. you still get all the benefits for whichever tier you pay for. I'm really excited about this project so as soon as I realized I could still throw my money at it I did!

Gagecoalbrace 08-29-2016 08:40 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
also gives a chance for those who got their payments declined for the kickstarter. usually I am in that boat but not this time yeah

gothvil 06-10-2018 10:16 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
I'm going to necro this incase people haven't heard. But the project is pretty much dead, only Cuddlebeam is left and the rest of the staff has left to work on other things. It will probably be a new Cow girl farmer and Cuddle will run away with the money.

Metatron 06-10-2018 10:39 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
not sure if he will “run” but maybe find new writers/artists. Clearly some as still writing. Anything would be great.

gothvil 06-10-2018 11:10 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
I highly doubt anyone will work with him now. And no all of the writers have resigned.

jack36262001 06-10-2018 06:33 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
That’s the risk with investing in these things, it’ll sting a bit that I get nothing for the money, but it’s is not completely unexpected. Still could pull of a Hail Mary though.

Metatron 06-10-2018 08:34 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by gothvil (Post 810244)
I highly doubt anyone will work with him now. And no all of the writers have resigned.

Even though it says

“Kishou: Willing to let bygones be bygones and to continue with me.”

“Kuiper: We've forgiven each other for both of us being AWOL. He's got 5 events left to get done with Ayano to hit that 30 event minimum to finish her route, and we've been in contact to get those final events done. In the best case, we'll have 3 done per week”

“...I've been talking with Kojiro to get the humor chibis done. So far, results are promising, and we're getting to the training animation...”

I would say from that information some writers are still working though a contingent of them would prefer some character by the name of Donk. That information from the most recent update May 29th

whoknows 06-11-2018 12:10 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Its kickstarter what do you guys even expect? There isn't any insurance protection on it either.. its 100% gambling risk on people that donated to the project...

SoylentOrange 06-12-2018 10:50 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by Metatron (Post 810266)
Even though it says

“Kishou: Willing to let bygones be bygones and to continue with me.”

“Kuiper: We've forgiven each other for both of us being AWOL. He's got 5 events left to get done with Ayano to hit that 30 event minimum to finish her route, and we've been in contact to get those final events done. In the best case, we'll have 3 done per week”

“...I've been talking with Kojiro to get the humor chibis done. So far, results are promising, and we're getting to the training animation...”

Well, what's the source for this information? Cuddle?

Azeroth 06-12-2018 11:20 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Well what happening is that either it got personal and Donk want Cuddle to fail to recruit new artist, programmer and writer by doing a smear campaign. Or she really want to finish the project and is doing everything in her power to compromise the project so Cuddle will have no other option then to let her take over under her condition.

Btw, we are still looking for new artist, programmer and writer to speed up the development of the project if you are interested PM me directly.

Kojiro Highwind 06-12-2018 12:11 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Im just completing one last set of chibi's for the project. after that im out. I had a moment talking to CB directly that left me a bit disturbed that he thinks he doesn't need any help from anyone for anything in the game. That and the mistreatment of some of the dev team and also a missing chunk of the funds and the lack of his presence.

The Dev team that isnt cuddlebeam are off planning a new visual novel that would be the spiritual successor to harem protagonist as cuddlebeam held everyone back and wasnt around most of the time to direct anyone. He's current;y trying to piece together a new extended demo but shown some streams of how he is cutting corners to do this.

Kaisai134 06-12-2018 12:38 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
1 Attachment(s)
Hey everyone, Kai here!

So, people aren't getting the full picture of what is actually going on.

Background: HP was supposed to have been done since last year. Production has been seriously dragging. If you are a backer, you got an update after months talking about how Cuddle wants to redeem himself this month and listing off the different writers. I saw that Sakaguchi had no writer and sent a message to him about writing for her. It was in doing my research on her route and the other heroines that I found out what was really going on behind the scenes.

The development team walked off of the project. Reason? Poor management.

Attached you will find the list of grievances prepared by the former development team. Shedonkadonk wants the game finished so that the backers can get what they have been waiting for. But, Cuddle was dragging his feet. She entered negotiations to get rights to the game so the dev team could complete the work on it. (BTW, it's not even 40% complete). But those negotiations broke down during the talks on splitting profit. He wanted to wash his hands clean, and receive 50% of the profit and 100% of merchandising. He wouldn't go any lower. Cuddle broke off. The team walked off the project until their demands were met listed in the letter of grievance attached.

This isn't a smear campaign. This is a genuine case of poor management. If you want more information, look at the comments section of the Kickstarter where backers have been trying to clarify and correct errors that Cuddle has left out of what is truly going on behind-the-scenes.

Right now, the former dev team is planning a new visual novel to work on because the funds from the original game are only at less than 45% of the total amount raised. And you can see where Cuddle is cutting corners by standardizing everyone's sprite designs in his latest update shown here.

Muscle girl has no muscles... *launches into Spoony BETRAYAL! Rant*

At first, I thought it was typical political power struggle, but then I did my research. I encourage you all to do the same as well.

Ja, ne

Azeroth 06-12-2018 01:18 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by Kaisai134 (Post 810299)

At first, I thought it was typical political power struggle, but then I did my research. I encourage you all to do the same as well.

Been with the project for a couple of month, and it typical political power struggle.

If it was just about making the game she wouldn't call the artist who volunteer to the project begging them to drop it. Neither would she have cut the deal with Cuddle short of 20 days after she saw that he was actually making progress again trying to force him to give away the project.

As long as I don't see the final product of her own making I wont be able to change my mind about the situation that I saw.

BE69 06-12-2018 01:24 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
So what should we backers do now? Get back their money and support the second game of the same team minus the first manager who thought the first promising game but is now getting rid of everyone who was working on it and will try to finish his game that might be a huge disappointment in the end?

The joys of crowdfunding.

Kaisai134 06-12-2018 01:32 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by Azeroth (Post 810300)
Been with the project for a couple of month, and it typical political power struggle.

If it was just about making the game she wouldn't call the artist who volunteer to the project begging them to drop it. Neither would she have cut the deal with Cuddle short of 20 days after she saw that he was actually making progress again trying to force him to give away the project.

As long as I don't see the final product of her own making I wont be able to change my mind about the situation that I saw.

Agree to Disagree.

Kojiro Highwind 06-12-2018 01:53 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by Azeroth (Post 810300)
Been with the project for a couple of month, and it typical political power struggle.

I been with the project since December 2016. Nearly everyone didn't know i was around on our work server during that time. I only started getting attention when all the other artists had gone and CB only had me left. I still worked with him thinking that the project would be fine but in the end after talking with him on some DMs, i decided i just wanted to complete the chibi set and move on. There's a bit too much stress coming from this so I can't really say my views are the same as the others in teh dev team. CB is more than welcome to come to me for some more stuff but im gonna stay neutral about it and just be a 3rd party to commission stuff from rather than a member of his staff. I mean, he did pay me when i asked so i know he has the cash but from talking with the devs, i was the only one that was actually paid on time for anything.

Kaisai134 06-12-2018 01:53 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by BE69 (Post 810301)
So what should we backers do now? Get back their money and support the second game of the same team minus the first manager who thought the first promising game but is now getting rid of everyone who was working on it and will try to finish his game that might be a huge disappointment in the end?

The joys of crowdfunding.

Many have started asking for refunds and have reported it to Kickstarter. Kickstarter is investigating the campaign currently. They have been making contact to some backers who have reported it.

Azeroth 06-12-2018 02:02 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Glad we can still count on ya Kojiro

mechaghost2003 06-12-2018 02:04 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by BE69 (Post 810301)
So what should we backers do now? Get back their money and support the second game of the same team minus the first manager who thought the first promising game but is now getting rid of everyone who was working on it and will try to finish his game that might be a huge disappointment in the end?

The joys of crowdfunding.

probably. Granted all the kickstarters I backed have all gone well so I'm not sure how you would go about reclaiming the money, but given that they are apparently playing bullhockey with your money you as the quasi-board of directors can, in fact, pull out at any time. it's just a matter of figuring out how to get it back. you might want to look up how the backers of mighty number nine did it.

Me301 06-12-2018 03:16 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by Azeroth (Post 810300)
Been with the project for a couple of month, and it typical political power struggle.

Hello! Sin Valmar, one of Izumi's former writers here! May I ask who you are? To my knowledge, only Koji and Kuiper remain on the team. Both of which have been a part of the team for a very long time. Just curious which of my former co-workers you are.

Yarrcanite 06-13-2018 05:30 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
A lack of management skills seems to be biggest killer of kickstarter projects...

I won't keep my hopes up, but I will see if anything happens.

spongebathe83 06-14-2018 10:00 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)

Originally Posted by mechaghost2003 (Post 810306)
probably. Granted all the kickstarters I backed have all gone well so I'm not sure how you would go about reclaiming the money, but given that they are apparently playing bullhockey with your money you as the quasi-board of directors can, in fact, pull out at any time. it's just a matter of figuring out how to get it back. you might want to look up how the backers of mighty number nine did it.

At least Mighty No.9 was finally shipped out

abyssdemonxes 06-15-2018 02:33 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
I was really looking forward to this game but im glad i didnt back this project when i had thought about it. Last time i backed a project was "The Stomping Grounds" on steam. Luckily Valve reimbursed the people who got screwed, not sure how kickstarter works especially since it looks like most of the budget was already spent.

Kaisai134 07-01-2018 07:56 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Hey everyone, Kai here!

Update on the HP situation. Cuddlebeam has released a new build as promised for the month of June.

It's not good.... it is unplayable.

Click above to see my autopsy of the release.

The project is good as gone. =(


DFYoung 07-01-2018 04:18 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
I managed to play 3 events and now none are playable.

Yarrcanite 07-02-2018 01:03 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
The thing is pretty broken, you need to close the thing and restart it after getting to the [Scene Ended] or whatever...

And considering some of the scenes aren't even there and just gives that, it straight to closing and restarting right off the bat.

Maybe cuddle can fix the code to make it at the very least functional, and make it properly available to all backers (even the ones who just got the basic pledge to get the game at 15), that'd be a start.

CuleBurger 09-15-2018 06:51 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Any other updates on the HP situation?
Just curios if the game is still being worked on, or if development has ceased entirely.

foebits 09-15-2018 10:47 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Likely safe to assume that it's five feet under Jim.

Azeroth 09-16-2018 08:19 AM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
KS Update:
Update 61: How June will go down · Harem Protagonist
Heyo, there's been a bit of hassle lately, but things are getting sorted out.Understandably, there's discontent with my slowness, but I want to set things straight again. Maybe this flame under my ass is what I needed.I've talked to each of the staff personally to sort out th...

Ayano Mini Build (has new sprite with mobility test, and a playable event + its spreadsheet):
KS Update:
Update 62: June Update · Harem Protagonist
First build is up:~

Note that it isn't an "extended demo" - hence it being for backers only and not public, because it has everything so far (except the demo itself of course) - all 150 Events, making it very m...

KS Update:
Update 63: July Update · Harem Protagonist
Hello! July update here, although there will be another one mid-August because of difficulties with the forum transfer to distribute the content to you guys. As mentioned in the last update, Icyboards is closing down.The forums have been successfully moved to Jcink from Icybo...

KS Update:
Update 64: Forum back up & Bugfixes · Harem Protagonist
As mentioned, here is that update with the forum and all up for you:Forum is back up on Jcink! (You just need to reset your password though): build!: I finished up...

Me301 09-16-2018 11:22 PM

Re: Harem Protagonist - Dating Sim With BE (Last Kickstarter Days!)
Cuddle has been awol for a month. oh and just do you guys know, there was a bunch of BE content written for the game by yours truly which, as of these demo builds, Cuddle has cut from the game. since he isn't replying to anyone who messages him, there's no way to know why. I know at one point he was concerned about the Steam policy when it came to the BE but steam is cool about mature content now so idk what his reason is now. He still paid me at least, but I really wanted my work in the game...

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