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pseudoclever 02-22-2009 04:42 PM

My Lovely Sylvia (Complete)
Hey folks. I've been leeching for too long now, and I felt the itch to get back into the writing game. So here's something I've been working on for a bit. Incidentally, the genre was decided by dice rolls. This is part 1 of 4. The rest will be posted over the next few days. Comments/criticism welcome. Enjoy!

My Lovely Sylvia

From the moment I saw her, I knew she was special. I was walking into my first college lecture when our eyes met from across the room. That one glance felt like a moment of stark reality, like waking from a long dream. We both looked away quickly but, as she would tell me later, that instant was all it took. I crossed the room, trying to look casual, and took the empty seat next to her.

I turned toward her, mouth open with some empty pleasantry. The words caught in my throat as I found her staring right back at me. We both looked away, blushing. But at least I'd gotten a better look at her this time. Her hair was bright red, like crackling fire. She had a cute face, with perfect skin and a nose with just the slightest hint of an upturn. Her body was firm and trim, with curves in all the right places. Her breasts appeared just a bit overlarge on a girl so thin. An ex-girlfriend once told me that that was a dead giveaway for implants, but somehow I didn't think that was the case here. She wore a skintight black top that showcased her assets beautifully, and a matching skirt.

After another moment, my hormone-addled brain made another connection, one that should've been obvious. This girl was incredibly tall! My driver's license says I'm 5'10?, but I guessed she was nearly a head taller than that. Normally I prefer shorter girls. In this case however, I was willing to make an exception.

Our professor started class. During the dull half-hour he spent reading the course requirements, I snuck glances at her whenever I could. And sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I thought she was doing the same. At last Mr. Whoever finished, then suggested we spend a moment getting to know our neighbor, in case we had to miss class. My heart leapt into my throat.

?Wow, that took forever!? I opened. ?I've never understood why teachers feel like they need to read the syllabus to us.?

She laughed. ?I know! I mean seriously, this is college. Do they think we're illiterate??

Her name, she said, was Sylvia. Her voice reminded me of maple syrup ? warm, sweet, and dark. We were both from metro Chicago. We both played World of Warcraft. We were attending on the same scholarship. I'm normally a little shy around new people, but with Sylvia, the words just poured out of me. We were both smiling at each other, saying ?yes? a lot.

Class ended, and we packed up. This moment felt significant. It was as though I was about to decide which reality to live in ? the one where I asked Sylvia out, or the one where I didn't. Easy choice.

I swallowed, and tried not to notice how far up I had to look to meet her eyes now that we were standing. ?Hey, I don't know if you'd be interested,? I began, trying to keep my heart-rate down. ?I don't know anyone on campus yet, and I thought maybe you'd like to get together sometime....?

?Sure!? she interrupted. ?How about tonight? I saw this interesting-looking place on my way to class today, The Wooden Nickel. You know it?? As it turned out, the bar was only a couple hundred feet from my dorm. After exchanging numbers, she turned to leave the room. Just before she walked out the door, she gave me one last look. She smiled again, and adjusted her shoulder strap.

Later that evening, I sat at a secluded table in the corner of the Nickel. I was trying to decide what the manliest drink was for her to find me sipping, when she walked in. Her height made her impossible to miss. But no matter her size, she would've drawn attention. She wore a gorgeous blue dress that perfectly accented her curves and made her hair stand our like a beacon. She surveyed the room and, noticing me, made a bee-line to the table. Her smile was a thousand-watt lightbulb, and it made my insides feel warm. She ordered a Long Island, and I asked for a beer.

We chatted for awhile. Warcraft girls are so easy to talk up...what server do you play on? Alliance or horde? Don't you hate gankers? Our conversation gradually bled away from such well-trodden territory. The drinks arrived, and with them our talk became more comfortable.

?Let me tell you my philosophy of life,? said Sylvia, setting her drink down with a thud like a gavel. We'd been drinking for an hour, and we both a bit south of sober. ?A lot of things have happened in my life. Some good, some bad. But I wouldn't give up any of them ? not for anything. Do you know why?? I shook my head no.

?Because, some day we're all going to be dead.? I let out a snicker, and she playfully punched me in the shoulder. ?I'm serious! There's nothing any of us can do about it, right? If you're lucky, you see it coming. You're in your death bed, and you get to think about what you've seen. At that moment, all you have are your experiences. Your memories. If you've lived a good life, you drift into eternity surrounded by happiness. Otherwise....? She shrugged, and took another long sip from her beverage.

?What about the after-life?? I asked.

?I don't know what that is. People think they know, they pretend they know. Maybe it's there, maybe it isn't. But I think you need to act like it's not.?

I parried with Pascal's Wager. She explained with a straight face that Pascal was a douche. This caused me to laugh so hard that I nearly fell out of my chair.

Sylvia was so warm, so fun to talk with. Most girls can't hold my interest for the length of an anecdote, and I find myself wishing they'd just shut up. But here was a lady who had a mind. I hung on her every word, and when I talked she seemed to really listen instead of just waiting for her turn to speak. Still, I sensed that on some level she was a bit uncomfortable. It was subtle. But once in awhile, she'd look down and frown ever so slightly, or self-consciously adjust her dress. I'm no mind-reader, but with a couple drinks in me I was ready to trust my feelings. And they told me that it had something to do with our height difference.

?So, I wanted to ask you about something. You're really tall....?

?You noticed, huh?? she replied dryly, though not without humor.

?Yeah well, it'd be hard to miss. Anyway, I remember a psychology class I once took, where we were discussing mate height and gender. Men don't really care how tall or short girls are, as I recall. But women do. And specifically, most tall girls don't want to be with guys who are....?

?Shorter,? Sylvia finished. I nodded. She took a pull from her drink, and seemed to consider this. ?I guess you can say that I'm not most girls. It's...complicated. But the simple answer is that I'm a lot more interested in a guy's personality, and whether we have any chemistry.? Here she reached across the table, and confidently rested her hand on top of mine. ?And I can tell you, you don't have anything to worry about.?

Holding her hand made me feel better than I could have imagined, and again I felt warmth spreading through my body. Our talk grew more intimate. I found myself telling her things that even some of my best friends didn't know about me. She listened thoughtfully, and her answers showed a real depth of understanding. Still, I couldn't help but think that she'd dodged my question. And she kept fiddling with her outfit.

We talked late into the night. At midnight, the waitstaff began to put chairs on tables, and the bartender gave us a significant look. We took the hint. ?Mind walking me back to my place?? she asked, with the barest hint of nervousness. ?It's late, and these streets are too dangerous for an unescorted lady.? How could I refuse?

Outside, the night was pleasantly warm. I could smell the faint aroma of burning leaves. A half moon was rising, big and orange on the horizon. Once more she slipped her hand into mine, causing a giant grin to cross my face. We walked on in silence, enjoying each other's company. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something was off. I thought about it, but the closeness of Sylvia's body made it difficult to concentrate.

?This is me,? she said at last. We stood in front of an elegant two-story house. The building looked like a relic from a long-past era, and I took note of a plaque marking it as historic. In any case, it was far nicer than my tiny dorm, and way too big for one college student. ?I'm renting it with a couple other girls,? she explained, sensing my confusion. ?They haven't shown up yet.? I followed her up the sidewalk, not knowing what else to do. I definitely didn't want the night to end. We climbed the porch and stood together, the foot between us feeling like a chasm. This was another nexus point between realities.

?I had a great time tonight,? I offered lamely. I turned, hoping for a good-night kiss, when all at once it stuck me; Sylvia no longer towered over me. We were nearly the same height ? maybe I was even a bit taller! My mind lurched, trying to make sense of this development.

Our eyes met, and I started to sputter out a question. She silenced me with a look. ?Please, don't ask,? she whispered. ?Just....? And with that, she placed her hand behind my head, and drew me in for a kiss.

Time seemed to slow down as I felt her lips pressed against mine. I've been with other girls before, but never have I been aware of so many details in a moment. Her hot breath against my face. The warmth of her skin. The tightness of her body. And her lips ? soft, wet, and delicious. I wrapped my arms around her, and she sighed in contentment.

A happy eternity later, our kiss ended. I beheld the girl who, in the past twelve hours, had managed to capture my heart. Sylvia's hair was slightly our of place. She was panting just a bit, and the way she was looking at me, I could tell that our evening was just beginning. I also noticed that her dress was hanging off her now. Where hours before it had been form-fitting, it now appeared several sizes too big. With a shock I realized that in the time we'd been kissing, she'd lost at least another inch of height.

This development was so intriguing, and so strangely erotic. I burned to ask her what was happening, and why. But instead I held her hand as she fumbled with her keys. She unlocked the door and led me inside.

Ninja In The Night 02-22-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Wow.... that's an amazing beginning. I really hope to see more. Your use of words is grade A. Good job & keep up the great writing.

LOD 02-22-2009 05:08 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
You sir are a great storyteller. You've definitely peeked my interest.

scidram 02-22-2009 05:11 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
WOW! What a great start! And I love her telling him not to ask, like she obviously knows what is happening to her and why. Very intriguing.

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for more.

toigye78 02-22-2009 05:19 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
nice sweet slow shrinking, i look forward to more:)

Nom Anor 02-22-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Great kick-off and a very nice style; well done.

Clickme 02-22-2009 06:24 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Wow. You did a nice job in the first part, and now I can't wait for the next. ^_^

strawman1985 02-22-2009 06:41 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
you got me interested, more please :)

Transformationist 02-22-2009 07:00 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
I absolutely love this. Well-written, nice descriptions, good dialogue. It's believable.

That, and I -love- slow shrinking, especially when the girl starts out taller.


TB Tabby 02-22-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Oh yeah, I love this. I love any SW story where the love in a relationship isn't based on Stockholm Syndrome.

wilkem101 02-23-2009 09:15 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
great start so far. can't wait for more!!

pseudoclever 02-23-2009 01:17 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+) Updated 2-23
Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it. The story gets pretty mature from here on in. You've been warned. :) Enjoy.

The house was dark and smelled musty, as though it had spent a summer standing vacant. For a brief moment I regarded the room, lit by the ruddy orange glow of a streetlight. The floors were carpeted, and old-fashioned chairs and a couch were arranged about the room. I barely had time to take in these details before I was being pressed hard into the door by an incredibly beautiful woman. It was not unpleasant.

Sylvia took each of my hands in hers and gently but firmly pushed them above my head and against the wall. ?While I still can,? she said cryptically. She began to kiss me, softly at first, but with ever-building passion. Her movements became more frantic. Her lips pecked mine again and again, then she pressed into me open-mouthed for a long moment. Our tongues met, and I tasted her saliva mixed with the delicate flavor of vodka and triple sec. As far as I was concerned, it was the best thing I'd ever tasted. Gradually she migrated, finding my cheeks, my eyes, my neck. She nibbled briefly on my ear, and tugged on my earlobe with her teeth. The feeling of her warm lips against such a sensitive part of my body made my head swim, and I moaned loudly.

Somewhere in the middle of this she'd let go of my hands. I used this new-found freedom to touch her amazing body. My hands stroked her back, up to her neck. I ran my fingers through her long red hair. Opening my eyes, I found her looking right back at me. The stare she returned, the expression of adoration on her face, spoke volumes. This was more than a fling. This was something special.

I continued to her shoulders, running my palms across her arms, down to her hips. I felt compelled to touch every inch her, and I think she approved. The loosening fabric of her dress clearly indicated that, whatever had made her smaller, it was still happening.

My hands rubbed her sides, and inched up to trace the edges of her bosom. She responded by stepping back slightly, giving me free access to her chest. I spent a moment teasing her, letting my fingers draw circles around and between her boobs. Sylvia's eyes glazed over, and she clung to me tightly. When at last I could wait no longer, I gently took hold of her ample breasts. I fondled them, savoring their firmness, and squeezed them lovingly. She gasped in pleasure, and in that moment I actually felt her body dwindle in my arms. For some reason, this turned me on even more, and I redoubled my efforts.

Eventually she took my hand in hers and gave me a slight tug. ?Come on,? she said, her voice hungry, ?let's get more comfortable.? As she walked, I took the opportunity to gauge her size. The top of her head was now roughly level with my nose. My geometry isn't great, especially when another part of my body is sucking all the blood away from my brain. But I estimated that she was just a bit less than 5'6? tall now. That meant she'd lost nearly a foot in height since the evening began.

Her outfit, by some miracle of architecture, still clung to her frame. Its straps looked like they would desert her shoulders with the slightest provocation. Following along behind her now, I nudged one of them mischievously. Just as I'd hoped, any principles of physics that had been holding her dress up failed. Sylvia turned, a mixture of shock, humor, and lust on her lovely face, and I got my first glimpse of her unclothed. Her skin was creamy and flawless. Her body showed a surprising amount of tone, from a flat stomach with visible definition to subtle projections on her arms and thighs. Her breasts were huge and tear-dropped shaped, and in the instant that she'd spun to look at me they'd bounced in a way that was almost impossibly enticing. I was a bit disappointed to find a pair of silk panties, the same blue as her dress, still hanging to the generous curves of her hips. All in good time, I thought.

?No fair!? she pouted. ?If you're going to undress me....? And with that she began to slowly unbutton my shirt. It took awhile, because in between each button she paused to kiss the portion of my chest she'd exposed. I didn't mind waiting. Her lips felt so warm, so dainty against my flesh. As she worked her way lower however, an issue arouse. The sensual way she was kissing my stomach was really turning me on, and I began to wish I hadn't worn such tight jeans.

Sylvia noticed the uncomfortable bulge in my pants. ?What have we here,? she cooed. ?I wonder what I should do about this.? Her hand cupped my swollen manhood, and she massaged me gently. My moan was so loud that I startled myself, and I took hold of her shoulders for stability. She gave me one last pass with her palm, from tip to base, then abruptly stopped. The whole incident had lasted, at most, three seconds.

?Speaking of no fair,? I groaned. She stood, smirking. With a quick motion she unbuttoned my pants, mercifully relieving some of the pressure. Then she turned, and with her hips swaying majestically, sauntered to the couch.

I followed her quickly, the way a puppy follows its mother. Sylvia had lain down, spread-eagle, arms crossed behind her head. The view was easily one of the most inviting things I'd ever seen. I moved to join her, but she held up one hand to stop me, grinning. ?This is the no-pants couch. Only people who aren't wearing pants are allowed on the no-pants couch.? I laughed, and complied with her request.

I climbed on top of her, letting my body rest on hers. The feeling of our bare flesh pressed together, the soft pillows of her breasts beneath my chest, her lips once more against mine ? if this wasn't heaven, it was as close as I would ever get. We playfully wrestled, just enjoying being so close. Before long my erect member brushed against her womanhood and we thrust together, with only two thin pieces of cloth separating us. We pressed harder, building up steam. Our noises of pleasure mixed together, filling the room with the music of love.

Before long I noticed that my weight was getting a bit uncomfortable for my little lover. I sat up and, lifting her surprisingly light body, pulled her on to my lap. I kissed her again, with a slow, gentle precision, trying to convey the depths of my passion for my beautiful Sylvia. My hand caressed her inner thigh, drawing closer and closer to her sweet honey pot. At last my fingers came to the loose, silky folds of her panties. After a quick trace of anticipation, I stroked her firmly. She purred like a contented kitten, and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Before long her underwear were damp with her juices. With almost no effort I pulled them down and tossed them across the room. With her defenses gone, I began to finger her dripping little pussy in earnest. I teased her outer lips, then ventured inside, and thrust in time with her ragged breathing. She whimpered, and clutched me tighter. I pressed upward into her g-spot for a long moment, then pulled out to massage the hard nub of her clitoris. She bit her lip cutely, her eyes clenched shut. And again I became aware of Sylvia dwindling away. I could just barely feel her tightening around my finger, and if I looked close, I thought I could see her whole body getting smaller. I was beginning to formulate a theory.

Without a doubt, Sylvia was a few steps ahead of me here. Before long she rolled off my lap. The look on her face was diplomatic, almost pleading ? aren't I small enough already? She stood in front of me, and once more I was startled at her loss in height. It was difficult to judge from a sitting position, but she couldn't have been much more than five feet tall now. More evidence to support my hypothesis, I thought with a smile.

Sylvia knelt before me. With the slightest pressure she parted my legs, and began to rub my cock through my boxers. I groaned and leaned back, feeling all my muscles relax as she set to work. The lady was good, no question. The way she used her fingertips to tease me. The way she varied her speed. And she seemed to always know the best place to touch. Before long I was bucking my hips in time with her motion, lost in ecstasy. All the while she looked at me with a condescending smirk on her face. Somehow this made her all the sexier.

Before long she tugged at my underwear. Removing my undergarments was somewhat more difficult for her than removing hers had been for me. I lifted off the couch obligingly, and she slid them down my legs. Now that there was nothing between Sylvia and my rock-hard penis, she attacked me with everything she had. She stroked up and down my shaft while massaging my balls with her other hand. Periodically she'd rub the sensitive spot behind my head with her thumb, and whenever she did this my vision blurred.

She began to lick the sides of my cock, covering me with her hot saliva. By the time she finally took my length into her mouth, my reality was an incoherent mass of pleasure. Her tongue swirled crazily. She swallowed me deep into her throat, and pressed her lips tight against me. That was all I could bear. I came explosively, harder than I ever have in my life. I was scarcely aware that I was gripping her hair in my fists, or that I was howling at the top of my lungs. Sylvia, for her part, gulped down every drop, and managed to smile at me the whole time.

I laid on the couch, gasping for air and feeling my heart pound. The French call it la petite mort ? the little death. For once in my life I understood why. Sylvia crawled into my lap. Her body felt good against mine, soft and warm. She nuzzled my neck, and we cuddled together while I recovered. Meanwhile, I noticed that she was nearly the same height now as she had been when I stopped fingering her. My strength returning, I decided it was time for a test.

LOD 02-23-2009 01:41 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Thank you for posting this story. Your style makes it very easy to visualise every action.

qzar9999 02-23-2009 07:21 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Well, this is certainly well-written. You've got style, pseudo.

Max24 02-23-2009 07:22 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Keep going we like it so far.

Nom Anor 02-23-2009 07:48 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)

Clickme 02-23-2009 08:00 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Again, very well written, and amazing descriptions that, well conveying spectacular detail, do not poor out as badly scripted porno lines.

Can't wait for the next installment! ^_^

pseudoclever 02-24-2009 03:26 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+) 2-24
Wow guys, I love The Process. You guys are really supportive. Quick question there a way to change the title of this thread as it appears in the shrinking forum? I'd be nice to be able to say "Updated!"

Anyway, here's part 3!

Once more I found myself in the world of the living. I brushed my lips softly against hers. And again I tried to communicate an idea with a kiss ? round two. Maybe she understood, because the kiss she returned felt like wind upon dying embers, raising them again into a towering inferno.

I took Sylvia in my arms and, with some effort, stood to my feet. ?Which way to the bedroom?? I grinned. She hesitated, but just for an instant. She squeezed me, and nodded towards the stairs. Holding her tight against me, I carried her across the dark room.

Upstairs, the hallway was black as pitch. After a moment I sensed more than saw a light in front of me. I headed towards it, feeling my way with my foot, and found a door. From across the room I could see a clock radio gleaming in the darkness. Sylvia hugged me in a way that I took to mean that she wanted down. I obeyed, and a moment later she clicked on a bed-side lamp. It was a fifteen-watt bulb, obviously meant for reading. Appropriate mood-lighting, I thought.

The room was full of boxes. It looked as though she'd made some effort at unpacking. Bookshelves and dressers were in place, and some school supplies and nicknacks were strewn about. In the corner I could see a desktop computer, fully assembled, with cables running to a blinking router. ?Nice rig,? I commented.

?Thanks. It was the first thing I unpacked actually.?

But at this moment, these details were of little concern to me. I crossed the room and playfully pushed Sylvia down on the bed. I pounced, landing with my knees on either side of her hips. Taking her hands, I pinned them above her head. This action had the feel of symmetry. It hadn't been so long ago that she'd taken control of me in this way. Now I was in charge. While you still can, I thought to myself with a hint of mischief. You won't be able to again for a long time.

I kissed her roughly, and pressed my naked flesh against hers. She was pretty strong for a girl, but by now she was small enough that I could over-power her without much trouble. I reveled in this advantage. Sylvia, for her part, seemed to be enjoying herself. Perhaps after a lifetime spent towering over most people, she longed to be dominated, to have someone else be the boss. Maybe she was just horny.

I was conscious of her body receding beneath me with each passing moment. Before long I found that I only needed one hand to hold both of hers in place. I used my other to caress her, letting my fingers search out every sensitive area they could reach. Her moaning grew louder as she writhed beneath me. At last I broke our kiss. ?Do you have any condoms?? I breathed softly into her ear. My pulse quickened in anticipation of her answer.

Again, her hesitation was barely perceivable. But then she smiled. ?Don't worry,? she said. ?Part of my 'condition.' I can't get pregnant.? Condition, I mused. I would have to ask her about that eventually. But there was time enough for that later. For now, her words had raised my excitement to a fever-pitch. It was as though I was a child who had just been told there would be two Christmases this year.

I placed my hands on each of her thighs, and nudged suggestively. With eyes locked intently on mine, she slowly spread her legs. I kissed her, trying to append the message ?everything is going to be alright.? My finger briefly stroked her womanhood, making sure she was ready. When at last I judged she was wet enough, I slid down the bed and positioned myself in front of her. And slowly, carefully, I pushed into her.

For the first moment the friction was too much. Sylvia grunted in discomfort, and I almost pulled out. But then I was in, surrounded by a velvet softness that was almost indescribable. Her juices flowed, and our pain was quickly replaced with the glowing pleasure of this most human act of love. Our thrusting was wild and random at first, but before long we found our rhythm. Her moans became one deep and constant song of ecstasy.

And now her shrinking was impossible to miss. I could actually see my lover dwindling away. Each time I pushed forward I found myself pressing deeper and deeper into her. Her body grew lighter, her chorus of pleasure louder. Meanwhile the feeling of her sopping little sex was driving me over the edge. So warm, so tight. Reality became a blur of sensation. Her fingernails were digging into my back. Her head was sliding lower on the bed. My cock was being squeezed harder and harder.

?Oh my god! It's amazing, oh my god!? She was screaming now, a sound that was much higher-pitch than I would have expected. ?Oh god don't stop!? I felt her start to pulsate against me. Each time her body spasmed she shrank smaller. Suddenly her howls of ecstasy changed, became more desperate, and she struggled against me. With a sudden rush my brain started to work again. One thought burned in my mind ? pull out! I snapped backward, exiting her with an audible POP.

She quickly reached down with her hand and took hold of my length. She gave me a few sensual jerks, and she kneaded my balls lovingly. With that, I came all over my lovely Sylvia. My cum spewed out, coating her stomach and breasts, some even landing on her beautiful face. Exhausted, I collapsed next to her on the bed.

We lay together, side by side. My legs felt like rubber. My head swam. My lungs burned. And then I felt a tiny, childlike hand taking mine. She gave me a squeeze, and I returned it. I wondered just how small she'd become, and soon my curiosity was enough to fuel my recovery.

I maneuvered myself into a sitting position, and beheld the woman lying beside me. Her eyes were open, and she seemed to be studying me. I must've seemed huge to her. Sylvia looked no larger than a child of six or seven. Her body was proportioned exactly the same. The same curves, the same pretty face. But somehow, she seemed...cuter. It was impossible to quantify. Maybe it was the way she appeared so helpless and fragile. Or perhaps it was the expression on her face ? adoration, twinged with just a hint of fear and insecurity. ?Well?? she asked expectantly. ?Aren't you going to say anything??

I bent down and placed my face at her level, trying to be as non-threatening as possible. ?You're gorgeous,? I said, and kissed her soundly. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me. For some reason, this felt better than anything else we'd done that night. I lifted her into my lap, and she wrapped her legs around me. We sat together like that for a long time. I held her small body against me, and savored every detail of the moment. The slow throbbing of her heart. Her hair tickling my cheek. And I thought about how strange and wonderful this evening had been.

When at last we parted, the beauty of the experience was marred somewhat by the sticky substance she had left on my chest. I looked down at her in horror, and she burst out laughing. ?Well, as long as we're both disgusting now,? she said, ?what do you think about taking a shower??

I helped her to the floor. She padded around the room, childlike fascination on her face. ?Wow, I don't think I've ever been THIS small before!? she exclaimed. ?You really did a number on me.? Seeing her walk around like this put her size in perspective, and I had to stand back in awe. The top of her head only came up to middle of my chest, which put her somewhere in the neighborhood of four feet tall. She ran over, and grabbed my hand. ?Come on, let's get cleaned up!?

Her loss of height seemed to have imbued Sylvia with joyful energy. She practically skipped ahead of me as she led me to the bathroom, looking over her shoulder every few steps to make sure I was following. Her face was alight with happiness, her eyes twinkled.

Once in the bathroom, Sylvia fiddled with the ancient plumbing. Hot water poured from the faucet. Giving her a hand up, we climbed into the shower. I helped soap her up, enjoying the feel of her slippery skin. I spent a disproportionately long time cleaning her breasts, causing her to sigh contentedly. At this size they were a perfect handful, and I wasn't able to pull myself away until I noticed that she had started to shrink again. She took the soap from my hand, and began to return the favor, massaging it into my chest.

?You know, I really don't want to spoil the mood,? I said, trying to figure out how to broach this difficult subject. ?But I'm really curious about your...condition. If it's not to hard to talk about....?

She smiled, her eyes betraying an obscure sorrow. ?No, it' deserve an explanation. You've been so good to me. Everyone else, when they found out....? she trailed off, and I waited patiently.

After a long pause, she began. ?It was right after I hit puberty. I'd always been sort of tall for my age. It made life hard. Some of the kids made fun of me for it ? bean-pole, big freak...Stilt-Legged Sylvia, I hated that one the most. I guess I...wished to be shorter.

?Anyway, I was just discovering boys. There was one I had a school girl crush on...Billy Ulman was his name. He was kind of a bully, always gave me a hard time about my height. But it didn't matter. I used to sit in class, staring at the back of his head, dreaming about what I wanted to do to him. And I started to notice that sometimes, after an especially detailed fantasy, my clothes felt a bit loose, or my shoes didn't fit quite right.

?I didn't worry too much about it, until one night. I had just accidentally figured out how good it felt to touch myself. I was lying in bed, masturbating, thinking about Billy. That was my first orgasm ever ? I had no idea what it was. After that I went to get out of bed, and the floor was too far away. I was almost a foot shorter.

?I ran into my parent's bedroom, naked and crying. They didn't know what to do. I mean, what could they do? They took me to the doctor. To a lot of doctors, actually. It was so embarrassing. Once they figured out that getting turned on was what led to my shrinking, it was a nightmare. Have you ever had to jack off in a hospital? And then have tests run on you? When you're tiny?? She shuddered.

?So what was causing it?? I asked, fascinated by her story.

She shrugged. ?The best I ever got from a doctor was, 'the symptoms are consistent with prolonged radiation exposure.' They said my white blood cell count was low, and they found out I was sterile. Other than that...I don't think anyone knows. They gave me some pills that kept me from getting aroused, but that was terrible. I felt like a zombie.

?So for the last couple years I've just been really careful. Whenever I've been with someone I've had to try hard not to enjoy sex. And whenever anyone I was seeing discovered my secret, they'd freak out and leave.

?But you...? she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. Given the emotional nature of the situation, I tried to ignore her bosom pressing into my crotch. ?Something about you makes me I love talking to you, you really get me. And you just turn me on so much, I can't even explain it. That, and the drinks....?

One detail about her story bothered me. ?So how do you get back to normal? I mean, it has to wear off. You were gigantic earlier...not that I mind!? I added quickly.

She grinned. ?It's weird. I go to bed, get a full night's sleep. And I wake up the big, beautiful girl that you met earlier today.?

Convenient, I thought. We stood close, enjoying the hot water and just being together. Sylvia's words had given me a great deal to think about. But instead of musing about her hardships, another sort of idea had started to bounce around in my head. ?What time do you have class tomorrow?? I asked.

?Ahh, tomorrow is my down day I think. I was just going to explore the town a little. Why??

I didn't answer right away. Again, I was faced with two distinct paths through the universe. My plan felt wrong, like such a dirty thing to do. But Sylvia had said the effects were only temporary. And for some reason, I found it incredibly arousing when she got smaller. I could feel myself starting to get hard, and I knew that my body had already made my decision for me. ?Because...? I said slowly, ominously. ?I'm going to see just how small I can make you.?

Clickme 02-24-2009 04:05 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Another great addition! ^_^

OliverKlozoff 02-24-2009 05:58 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+) 2-24
At the risk of sounding like an echo:

Dude, you're awesome. Not only is your story gramatically correct (a rarity), but it's well-written. The SW community is extremely fortunate to have you as a contributor.

TF-Viewer 02-24-2009 07:20 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
It almost brings a tear to my eye, I haven't read such a well written story in a long time. Great job.

scidram 02-24-2009 07:23 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
This is high-quality stuff. Thanks for sharing, and I am sad that you say it only has one more chapter.

rabbit_king 02-24-2009 07:24 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
has to be one of the best stories i have ever read. and its funny i dated a girl named Sylvia

wilkem101 02-24-2009 07:48 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)

Originally Posted by scidram (Post 267820)
This is high-quality stuff. Thanks for sharing, and I am sad that you say it only has one more chapter.

only one more chapter?:( please tell me that once you finish this story, you'll start another one. this story is great!!:D

Sailordolly 02-24-2009 08:44 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Ooh, I do like the whole idea of a girl who shrinks when she feels good. Not only does it make her semi-unable to control it, but it firmly associates smallness with sexiness in the mind of her and her lovers. ^_^

qzar9999 02-24-2009 09:43 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Very sexy stuff, dude. I've always enjoyed the shrinking-by-getting-aroused thing, and I for one feel I don't see it often enough, let alone as well-written as this. (Puts mine to shame...)

pseudoclever 02-25-2009 12:35 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)

Originally Posted by wilkem101 (Post 267837)
only one more chapter?:( please tell me that once you finish this story, you'll start another one.

I've got another idea for a story in mind, but it's still on the drawing board. To be honest I really like these characters. There's a chance I might make a sequel...the last line of the last chapter will hint what that sequel might be about. But I don't know, it might be better to just let it lie as is. Note that this isn't a question of more or less content from me, just...whether it's more of THIS.

Anyway, whatever I write next, I want to be able to bring something worthwhile to the community. I've been lurking for a long time, I've read a lot of stories. And I feel like there are certain things that are lacking most of the time.

I like the mini-gts/larger sw angle. But, like TB mentioned in an earlier post, way too many stories have characters drawn together by Stockholm's Syndrome, and I think that's wrong. I want my characters to actually like each other, and at least on some level, to have the processee consent to it. Also, good sex scenes are rare these days. ;)

Clickme 02-25-2009 07:41 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
WEll, don't feel like you HAVE to keep a story going for us. If something is forced, it tends to lack the quality of an inspired piece.

I for one will treasure this piece, and while I' look forward to more, I'll be happy if this is all that comes our way for a while.

It's kinda like E.T. Spielberg said that he had been asked to make a sequel many many times, but each time he told them that the movie ended right were it was supposed to, and a sequel would only ruin it. Tkae that and the trend of most sequels made for the sake of a sequel (like the sequels of the various Disney movies) usually suck because they play off another's success wth none of their own.

I guess what I'm, saying is that I love your story, but I'd hate to see you produce something just because. Sorry, I tend to ramble ^_^

pseudoclever 02-26-2009 01:24 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+) Conclusion
And now, the conclusion of My Lovely Sylvia

?Because...? I said slowly, ominously. ?I'm going to see just how small I can make you.?

She stepped back, and for the first time I saw real fear on her face. ?What? Why would you want to do that to me??

?Haven't you ever just had fun with it? To be honest, it's a total turn-on for me. And if tomorrow morning you'll be back to normal anyway....?

?But...? she seemed to consider this.

?I know, it's always been something to be afraid of,? I said. ?Just this once, let yourself go.? She didn't say anything, but her expression was thoughtful.

?How about this,? I tried. ?There's a naked guy in front of you. You like him. He likes you. And he's offering to do all kinds of nasty things to you, for as long as you want. All you have to do is lie back and enjoy it. What do you say??

She looked up at me, her smile full of steely resolve. ?Okay. Let's do it. Show me what you've got.? I pulled her towards me, and we embraced. I stroked her damp hair and massaged her shoulders a bit. Whatever she had said, it was clear she was still nervous. I wanted her to be completely comfortable.

I continued to pet her, and gradually I could feel her muscles relax. Her breathing shallowed, and she leaned against me. My hands moved on to her neck, her face, her ears. Switching from fingertips to fingernails, I gently scratched my way up and down her back, onto her arms. She sighed contentedly, and squeezed me tighter. My hands crept lower, touching her lower back, then around to take a firm hold of her hips.

I was leisurely working my way towards her bust. Each time I'd touched her there tonight, she'd rapidly lost inches. I placed my hands on her shoulders and, with a slight rotational movement, indicated that she should turn around. She took the hint. This left her chest wide open for my attention. I didn't wait. I cupped her, and began to knead her beautiful breasts together. Her nipples puffed up, growing hard, and she moaned low. And as I rubbed, I noticed that she was getting almost imperceptibly smaller. I increased my pressure, then took hold of her tits, pinching them carefully between my thumb and forefinger. She gasped, and gave up another centimeter.

My manhood stood fully erect now, and Sylvia felt it pressing into her back. She swayed her hips, causing me to rub against her. My heart beat faster, and I thrust myself against her damp skin. She responded by doing a little shimmy move that teased me into even greater heights of passion.

Then I remembered that I was supposed to be in charge here. I kneeled down, putting my head roughly level with hers. My hands made their way down her torso, briefly exploring her tummy before moving on to message her little butt. It was muscular and tight, and as I touched it she flexed for me, showing off. In response I gave her bottom a sharp smack. ?Hey!? she yelped, jumping forward.

?Don't pretend you didn't like it, I saw you shrink,? I laughed. She turned, and stuck her tongue out at me. I grabbed her, and kissed her lovingly. Then I spun her around again, picking up where I'd left off.

My palms worked their way below her stomach, down her legs, and back up her inner thighs. One hand came to rest on her pelvis, applying just a bit of pressure. Meanwhile, my other hand was drawing circles around her crotch, getting closer and closer to her womanly center with each pass. I brushed the edges of her lips, causing her to issue a soft groan of pleasure. And then, with deliberate slowness, I ran my index finger all the way across her sex, from back to front, ending with a little flourish on her rock-hard clitoris. ?Ahhh!? she exhaled. She had been soaking wet, and this fact made my cock give a little spasm of joy. I moved in for another pass....

And at that moment, the hot water ran out. We both shrieked in surprise, and quickly sprang in to action. She tried to turn the faucet off, but at her size it was a bit of a challenge. I helped her, and mercifully the shower ran dry. We looked at each other with the same wild-eyed expression, and both burst into laughter.

Stepping out of the shower was even harder for my shrunken little co-ed now, but she managed with stubborn independence. I took down a pair of towels from the shelf and handed one to her. She didn't really need help, but here I insisted. I rubbed the fuzzy cloth on her back, through her hair, making sure to get all her crevices. This took longer than you might guess.

?Okay, I think we've dried the boobs enough now,? she said with mock sternness. I dropped the damp towel into her clothes basket, trying not to pout. When I turned back, she was looking at me with a critical eye. ?How tall would you say I am now??

I walked around her, admiring my handiwork, and noticed that her head only came up to my belly-button now. ?I would guess that you're a little over three and a half feet tall.? Sylvia looked at me, her expression a complex mix of emotions. ?How do you feel??

?I...this has never been something I've enjoyed before. With you, it's...I....? She shook her head, as if trying to clear her thoughts. But then she looked up at me, that familiar determination back in her eye. Her mouth turned up in a grin. ?If you were trying to make me as small as you could, I'd say you did a pretty poor job. I'm not even six inches shorter.?

?Oh really?? I jabbed back. ?I'm going to make you regret those words.?

?Bring it on,? she said, assuming a fighting stance. A stance which, I noticed with smirking irony, involved spreading her legs.

I leaned over her, and took her in my arms. She struggled playfully, but it wasn't much of a contest. I grabbed her under her back and knees and lifted her off the ground. She was giggling hysterically, her feet kicking. I tried to kiss her, but she pressed her lips tightly together, refusing to let me in. Gradually she relented and returned my affection. I couldn't help but notice how strange it felt to kiss such a tiny mouth.

Still holding her, I carefully sat down on the floor and spread her out across my lap. Her whole body was open to me in this position. One hand held her weight, but my other was free, and could reach any part of her. I took advantage of that fact by caressing her, anywhere and everywhere.

My hands moved randomly about her body. Sylvia never knew where to expect me. First I squeezed her ankles, and massaged her feet. An instant later I was tickling her stomach. For a few seconds I fingered her tiny little slit, finding her absolutely drenched. Her breath came in punctuated gasps, and when I moved on a moment later she groaned in frustration. Next I stroked her breasts, her tits already swollen and ready. I played with them roughly, or at least as roughly as I thought I could without hurting her. She seemed to get into this, and she leaned forward into my touch. But then my hands were on her shoulders, denying her the stimulation she craved. I continued this pattern for awhile. Before long, she was writhing in agony. ?Please,? she practically sobbed. ?Don't tease me any more!?

I rested my hand on her inner thigh. I could feel faint heat coming off her womanhood, and I longed to touch her there almost as bad as she wanted it. But I was having too much fun. ?Am I the best you've ever had?? I asked with an evil grin.

?You are, you really are. Now....?

?You're sure you want to get smaller?? I kidded. ?Maybe this isn't such a good idea.?

?I want to be smaller! I want to feel your finger getting bigger inside me, I want to be tiny and helpless in your arms. Please....?

?Say you love me,? I blurted out. Where had THAT come from? In an instant the mood changed. Sylvia looked at me, shocked. I opened my mouth to apologize.

But then she smiled, the happiest smile I've ever seen. ?I love you,? she said.

I felt like my heart was melting inside my chest. ?I love you too, Sylvia,? I said, and knew that it was the truth. I kissed her, and this time it felt different, special. Before that moment, we'd been fooling around. Now this night had become an expression of something wonderful, something magical. Neither of us would ever be the same.

If this was to be so meaningful, then the bathroom floor hardly seemed like the place for it. I got to my feet, holding her tightly against me, as though I was afraid to lose her. I walked out into the hallway, and back into her bedroom. I put Sylvia down on the bed, and sat next to her. She'd lost another couple inches since I'd last measured her, and in this position our faces were perfectly level. She wrapped her arms around me, and I held her close in a moment of peace before the storm that was to come.

My hands began to slide down her body. This time there was no pretense, no teasing. She spread her legs for me, staring into my eyes. At last I reached her slit and, without hesitation, pressed the side of my hand directly into her. It was gooey and hot with anticipation. She took hold of my shoulder to steady herself, and I rocked into motion.

I started slow, stroking her whole length and letting her juices run out all over my hand. Before long I began to finger her clit, using a side to side motion that quickly buckled her knees. With each passing second my hand moved faster, pressing into her more firmly. Her sighs and moans grew in intensity. My other hand caressed her upper body, from her abs to the lovely mounds of her bosom. But this was just a diversion, a mere counter-point to the symphony down below.

I could see her steadily dwindling away before me, could feel her pussy becoming tighter. With a soft push I lowered her onto the bed, and took a moment to admire the woman I loved laying before me. My hand still on her womanhood, I began to kiss her all over her body. Her face, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs. They were all so tiny, so close together. Meanwhile I let my middle finger find its way deeper and deeper inside her. She thrust against it in rhythm with me. Beads of sweat were forming on her naked body. She almost seemed to glow. I curled my finger upwards, pressing into the rough flesh of her g-spot.

Her moan dropped an octave lower, and then she came. I felt her pulsate against me, and with each spasm more of her height drifted away. I waited long enough for her orgasm to slow before I lowered my face down to her still-twitching sex. My tongue lolled out of my mouth, and I began to eat her out.

At first she wriggled, shrieking loudly, her body too sensitive to take this much stimulation. But within a few seconds she relaxed. Her fists clenched and face scrunched up as she howled her approval. And my god, I couldn't believe how good she tasted. Each drop was a sweet nectar, and I lapped it up greedily.

Another orgasm, and with it another few inches left her. This time I didn't even slow down. She kicked, grabbed two little fistfuls of my hair, and came again. At last I relented, and she lay on the bed, gasping for air like a marathon runner.

Only a few seconds later, she somehow managed to drag herself to her feet. I couldn't believe that she was still mobile after all of this. She walked shakily toward me, now well under two feet tall, and dropped to her knees in front of my manhood. It was painfully hard by now, having been standing at attention this whole time.

Her first touch was like a drop of dew on a desert rose. She didn't bother pacing herself ? she knew how ready I was. She took hold of me, and massaged greedily with both hands. Her head lowered and she kissed my shaft, licking me from my tip all the way down to my balls.

I lifted her legs into my lap, and leaned forward until my lips could find her pussy again. My tongue pressed into her, spreading her wide open, filling her completely. I swirled around inside her, savoring her juices. She responded by moving faster, squeezing me harder. Sylvia's essence assaulted each one of my senses. Her steaming body, nearly weightless, resting on my stomach. Her song of ecstasy ringing in my ear. Her smell ? strong, sweet, intoxicating.

She tried to take me into her mouth but couldn't, and settled instead for nibbling on the spot just behind the head of my penis. Her moans translated as a wonderful vibration, adding a whole new dimension of pleasure. I could feel the pressure building. She thrashed wildly against me, her voice sounding desperate, frantic. And then, as one, we came. Time shattered around us, our screams echoed from the walls. My whole body tingled, my ears popped. My cock throbbed again and again. And through it all I could feel Sylvia's body sliding down my chest, getting smaller, smaller.

At last our orgasm passed. We clutched each other tightly, savoring the afterglow. My chest heaved, and with it Sylvia's body rose and fell. Before long I decided our position ? her feet on my chest, my crotch in her face ? was a bit undignified. I lifted her, an act that even in my weakened state was impossibly easy, and snuggled her in my arms.

She was by far the smallest human being I'd ever seen. Lying against me, her body stretched from just under my chin to a spot an inch or two above my belly-button. But despite losing more than five feet of height, she hadn't lost an ounce of her grace, her sex appeal. We were sticky again, but this didn't seem to matter at all.

Wearily, I crawled to the head of the bed, pulled back the covers, and slid beneath them. I lay on my back and, placing her once more on my stomach, hugged her tightly against me. ?Best. Teddy-bear. Ever.? I whispered. She rolled over and nuzzled my neck.

?You know,? she said sometime later, her voice squeaky and high. ?If we go to sleep like this, I'm going to be crushing you in a few hours.?

I patted her hair, and felt my consciousness beginning to fade. ?Sylvia, my darling,? I answered, ?tomorrow morning, I don't care if you're twelve inches tall or twelve feet. I'll love you just the same.?


So that's it. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. There's a chance I might bring these characters back some time, but for now I'm happy with letting it lie.

I've got another story in the works, something a bit more light-hearted than this. The tags will be mini-gts, sw, M/F/f, and of course, 18+. Expect it in a few weeks.

TF-Viewer 02-26-2009 01:39 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Great conclusion, awesome story from start to finish.

rabbit_king 02-26-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
wow just wow, this story was great. and i cant wait to see your next masterpiece

Clickme 02-26-2009 04:27 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
It's been said before, but it merits repeating: You are an amazing writer, and the final chapter was fantastic. I look forward to your next literary venture! ^_^

Nom Anor 02-26-2009 06:35 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Great conclusion.

qzar9999 02-26-2009 08:36 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
It reminds me of one of those really well-written stories they put in Playboy sometimes. Matter of fact I'd almost suggest you try sending it to them; it's not as if it would be the strangest one they've ever published ("The Wraith," I'm looking at you...)

ClosetSW 02-27-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
That was really well done. *round of applause* best slow shrink I've read in a long while.

rabbit_king 02-27-2009 10:16 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Everybody CLAP CLAP
*clap clap*

Ninja In The Night 02-27-2009 06:55 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
I loved the story, how the girl tried to usher herself out of growing smaller, but kept falling deeper in love with him, & him her. Wish I could find a girl that was that crazy.

gladewalker 03-04-2009 04:16 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
GREAT story! Flawless description and story pacing!

NecessaryRestraint 03-27-2009 10:59 PM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
Good writing indeed. I liked how true to form the characters stayed throughout, and each chapter seemed to end in just the right place. I dare say you have some flair for this.

Arcbound 06-08-2009 03:25 AM

Re: Story: My Lovely Sylvia (slow shrink, gentle, 18+)
It was well thought out, grammatically sound, spell-check approved, and above all well-written. Very good sir, I hope and eagerly await a sequel.

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