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Sphore 06-02-2009 03:12 AM

Changes in Store (Complete)
Changes in Store

Reality is a fickle thing.

Jeffrey tagged along behind his mother, through the bustling hallways of the local mall. Full of energy, but contained by his mother?s held hand, boredom had long since began to settle into the 7-year old boy?s mind.

?Mom... why do we have to be here??

?Because we haven?t been shopping for weeks. We were completely out of good food-?

?We had some Oreos left.? muttered Jeffrey.

Sandra, his mother, gave a tired smile. This recurring discussion was just one of her many frequent trials as a single parent.

?A growing boy like you needs more food than just cookies. How are you going to get all big and strong if you don?t eat your vegetables?? She tickled her son?s tummy, playfully, inciting a poorly-contained fit of giggling.

?Come on now, it?ll just be a few minutes.?

Roughly an hour later, the family emerged from the grocery store, mother pushing a heavily-laden cart, son lifting his lollipop- a present for his patience. Jeffrey ran around his mom, excitedly awaiting his escape from the mall, a prison of boredom and punishment. The only times his mother ever brought him there were for dull shopping runs and the dreaded annual event when Jeffrey had to get new clothes for school.

?Can I stay at Mark?s house next time mom??

?Jeffrey, if you don?t come with me, you never end up liking the food I get.?

?I promise I won?t! I mean, I?ll like it.?

?Well, if you keep that promise, and are a good boy, I think you can go to your friend?s house.?

Jeffrey cheered, and started to run towards the sliding doors at the entrance to the mall. Sandra looked up at a nearby store, then checked her list.

?Oh dam- er, darn. Jeffrey!?

?What mom??

?I missed something on my list- I have to go get it.?

?No! I don?t want to go back to the grocery!?

?Don?t worry, it?s not there. It?s just over here.?

Jeffrey looked over, craning his neck to see through the mass of legs and tall people blocking his view. It was a clothes store- girl?s clothes. Its name was a French word that he didn?t know.

?Aww mom... do you have to??

?I?m sorry honey- I promise I?ll be just a minute.?

?Oh, okay.?

?Come on with me, I?m sure this will be fast.?

With some reluctance, Jeffrey followed his mother into the store. Dutifully trodding behind her, he passed by racks of blouses, dresses, and other pieces of clothing which he made a strict effort to ignore.

?Ah, here we are!?

Jeffrey winced. It was the underwear aisle- girl?s underwear, no less. Gross. Still following his mother, he began to feel rather intimidated by the endless row of alien undergarments, staring him straight at eye level. His mom began to browse through the racks, checking a few labels before picking out a pair of white panties and a weird stringy thing, which she held up to her chest for a moment before placing it next to the panties. Jeffrey grimaced slightly, then followed his mom back across the store.

?Is that it??

?Just a minute honey, I have to check something in the changeroom first.?

Jeffrey?s grimace deepened.

?Just wait outside here for a moment- I?ll be right out!?

With that, Sandra disappeared into the changeroom. The door swung into a closed position, leaving Jeffrey staring only at a reflection of himself- a round-faced seven and a half year old boy with light skin, slightly tanned by the summer sun, short brown hair, and bright green eyes. Staring at the reflection for a second, Jeffrey then turned around, viewing his surroundings again. He was distinctly ill at ease- the entire store seemed to oppress him, being filled with so much unfamiliar clothing and all sorts of older ladies- some who might be even as old as his mom!

Suddenly, something captured Jeffrey?s attention. It was Nancy, a girl from his class, and her mother. It was bad enough to be in this place, but to have someone he knew see him there- that was too much! Jeffrey stealthily jumped away from the changing rooms, hiding behind a row of underwear stands. Somewhat satisfied with his hiding place, he ventured a look out. They were coming closer. Desperately, he slipped into the stand.

It was dark inside. Bras surrounded him on all sides, brushing by him as he squeezed his way into safety. One cup caught on his face, triggering a muffled grunt. Jeffrey disentangled himself and crouched down in the fabric cave between the two rows. Safe.

Relieved by his escape, he lay down on his back, feeling the rough, worn-down carpet of the floor. He breathed deeply, shaking his head slightly. Stretching, he felt a cool, smooth feeling on his head, like some chilled breeze running over his scalp. His hand rose up to his hair, and felt it, a short cut half an inch. Pressing down firmly upon his scalp, he felt a pressure building beneath. Pushing its way from between his clenched fingers, Jeffrey?s hair grew rapidly, coming to a halt now two inches in length.

?What the...? murmured Jeffrey, eyes racing from side to side. Suddenly, he no longer felt secure in his fabric redoubt. Within him, a panic attack began to swirl. Rising back to his feet, he spun around and attempted to escape. Once again, he became caught, trapped, and entangled in the deadly bras hanging around him. His face again became stuck on the inside of one of the cups. He paused for a moment. It was padded, soft, smooth.... and cool on his skin.


Jeffrey recoiled, stumbling out of the far end of the row. He staggered back into a brightly-lit hall in the store, underwear dangling from his neck and arms. Still caught on the hangers, he dragged them down with a clatter. Down the row, a handful of customers stared at him. Jeffrey froze, out of fear and embarrassment. An employee started towards him, breaking the motionless moment, and the young boy took off like a bullet. Something still caught on the hanger ripped, hanging limply off his back. His eyes shot around, looking for a place to escape. He knew he was in trouble now- he knew what they did to kids who broke things in stores. Would they hit him?

There was no time to consider consequences. Jeffrey flew towards a line of change rooms on the far side of the store, diving underneath the door of one in the corner. Desperately, he scrambled up onto the changing bench, breathing heavily and sniffling, clutching at his shoulder, which had gotten painfully rug-burned in his escape.

Calming for a second, he looked up at the mirror on the inside of the door. His hair hung down over his forehead- how was this possible? He had gotten his last haircut only a few weeks ago- now his mom would make him get another one-

Someone rapped heavily on the door. A pair of red sneakers were visible beneath the door- not very pretty shoes, Jeffrey noted in a strange moment of lucidity- they belonged to the employee he had seen earlier.

?Hello? Little boy? Are you in there??

Jeffrey cowered, making no response.

?Did you knock over those racks? Don?t worry, you?re not in trouble, I just want to know that you?re okay.?

Jeffrey?s panic began to rise further. It was as if some voice in his head were warning him of the terrible consequences of getting caught. His stomach flipped about, as he stood up on the bench, searching for any escape from his situation, and the room.

?I hear you in there- please, just come out, your mom might be worried- Is your mom here??

Jeffrey looked upwards. At the back wall, just above the walls of the changing room, was a large opening with boxes in it, leading to a back room. Hope!

?I?ll go get a key, okay?? The voice outside was backing away, followed by a fading series of footsteps. Jeffrey stretched upwards, grabbing onto a protrusion for clothes hangers on the wall and trying to reach the ledge- it was only barely out of reach.

?I wish I was taller!? sobbed Jeffrey quietly. Suddenly, he noticed one of the bras still hanging from his arm. In a sudden upwelling of repulsion, he tore the garment off of his arm, preparing to throw it to the floor.


It was so soft, so smooth, so... cool. His heart seemed to slow and grow heavy as his second hand released the coat hanger and gently settled upon the second cup of the bra. It felt as if they were sinking into the material...


Terrified, Jeffrey flung the tempting material away from himself. His hands flew onto his body as he fell into a fetal, squatting position, hugging himself dearly. His fingernails cut into the skin of his back, through his shirt, as they began to pick up a bizarre sensation of shifting position. His arms felt as if they were moving their grip further down his back, but his hands were quite insistent that they were not shifting at all. Waves of pain rolled through his limbs for a moment, then abated.

Unsteadily, Jeffrey rose back to his feet. His clothes did not feel right. The bottom of his pants now hung roughly 2 inches above his shoes, and his previously loose-hanging shirt now only barely reached the top of his pants. Panic took over again, and he looked back at his escape route. He reached up again, and hoisted himself out of the changeroom with ease, and into the opening in the wall. Behind him, he saw a movement, and flung himself into an empty cardboard box- it was not as spacious as it had appeared when he first observed it, but he made nothing of the apparent change of scale. Staying hidden was of the essence.

Jeffrey slid the lid of the box over him, blocking the view of everything, except for a tiny crack through which he observed the employee unlocking the door, checking the room, shrugging, relocking the door and leaving.

Again, a burst of terror- this time claustrophobic, struck Jeffrey. He impulsively kicked the box?s lid away and sprawled out of it. He crawled through the opening and into the back room, which was filled with a variety of boxes, many still unopened. Making a misstep, Jeffrey tumbled down the pile, landing roughly on the concrete floor.

Overcome with pain and confusion, he pulled himself onto a bench, and began to sob. What was happening? Wiping tears off of his face, he looked up to see a mirror in the room. For a moment, he cracked a smile. He looked like David in the 5th grade- everyone called him the stringbean, because he had gone through a growth spurt over the summer, and now looked as if he had been stretched on a rack.

But it wasn?t David in the reflection- it was himself. What was happening to his body?

Jeffrey broke down again, cradling his heavy head in his arms. A cloth slid to his hand, and he lifted it to his face, holding it over his teary eyes. The fabric was not particularly absorbent, but he did not care, until he began to feel the same ominous, smooth sensation. The boy ripped the thing away from his face to confirm what it was- another of the bras that had become entangled around him. With a choked cry, he threw it away as his hair began to fall down into his face.

It was too much to take- Jeffrey completely broke down. He fell to the ground, with his long hair, lanky, prepubescent body and too-small clothes, shaking and sobbing. A feeling of release emanated from his groin, as urine flowed freely. The boy barely even noticed the further sensation as his young penis began to shrink in the sudden dampness and his testes began to withdraw into his body. He simply remained curled up in a tight fetal position on the floor, shuddering and breathing in brief, ragged gasps.

Elsewhere in the room a door opened and an employee moved in.

?Oh my god! Are you alright?? She ran towards the shaking figure on the floor- it was a child, perhaps around ten years old- lying in a small puddle of urine.

?Are you alright!?? She repeated. Jeffrey made no response.

The employee looked around, trying to decide what to do.

?I?ll go and get help!?

She cautiously backed out of the door, heading out towards the front of the store. Jeffrey rose, wet and trembling. No one could see him like this! He needed to get out! Running towards the rear exit, Jeffrey pushed open the door- a much easier feat with his new height. Outside was a crowded street- Jeffrey retreated violently from the scene, leaving the door ajar. He searched the room desperately for a new hiding spot- growing frantic.

There! Jeffrey spotted a half-full container, and dove into it, digging into the contents to hide his body.

Moments later, the door opened and several voices could be heard.

?Where is it??

?The child... is gone- there! She must have left through the door. But she was right there!

?She?? thought Jeffrey, ?What??

?I don?t know how someone would get in here...?

?We?ve gotta look for the kid- something was seriously wrong.?

?It?s not your job to...? The voices faded back into a muffled state as the speakers moved away, until the sound of a heavy door shutting was heard. Only now did Jeffery begin to breathe again. He felt about the insides of his container. It was filled with more fabric of course. The feeling entrapment welled up within him again. Jeffrey shook the box, and it fell over to the side with a muffled thud. He tried to pull himself out, only to realise that he had fallen against a wall, and could not get out! Each movement failed to move the box, as the terror rose. Powerless, Jeffrey felt a new damp warmth as he wet himself a second time. The feeling felt like a relief, as the liquid began to cool. Jeffrey rubbed his smooth legs together as his penis shrank further, flattening into his groin as nothing but a tiny stub. His testes withdrew as well, rising out of his scrotum and into the warmth of his bodily interior.

This time, Jeffrey noticed the changes, to a degree, but felt so utterly defeated that he simply stopped thrashing about, and began to sob, shaking limply. Muscles in his groin loosened and reformed as he allowed the last of his warm liquid fear to escape his body. Jeffrey?s penis sank completely into his body, his urethra expanding into a larger opening as other structures shifted into an underdeveloped vagina. The sobbing continued, the former boy oblivious to the significance of what he had just felt.

He remained in the box, silently sobbing and holding himself, until the box suddenly shook, and was reoriented. A voice outside made an exclamation of some sort, then the box toppled over, sending Jeffrey and a collection of training bras scattering out on to the floor. The woman who had been moving the box did a double take, staring at Jeffrey.

?What the- oh god, that?s disgusting!?

The child nearly burst into tears again. Something strange flashed behind the woman?s eyes, as a collection of memories shifted out of her mind, to be replaced by new thoughts. Jeffrey was huddled up on the floor when the woman crouched down and embraced him.

?It?s going to be okay dear, let?s get you cleaned up. I?m Leah.? Jeffrey did no resist as the woman helped to lift him to his feet, guiding him to an office attached to the back room. Sitting him down on a chair, she pulled off his shoes, socks, damp pants and boxer shorts, exposing his new anatomy to the air. He did nothing but breathe raspily, and shiver slightly. Leah returned with a cleaning cloth, then helped guide a pair of simple white panties over Jeffrey?s legs and up to his groin.?

?Wait... miss... this isn?t right.? He protested weakly as the loose-fitting panties settled into place.

?Oh, of course- you?re a big girl. You can dress yourself.?

?That?s not what I...? Jeffrey began to pull on a pair of jeans, for some reason feeling neither the capacity nor the desire to correct the woman. He slipped his socks and shoes back on, then buttoned up the top of his jeans. In doing so, he felt as if the underwear beneath was changing shape, to better fit him- or was it the other way around? At any rate, his new organs no longer felt out of place. He looked up at Leah, to see her face in an odd expression, as if it was coming to some sort of comprehension, before her eyes went out of focus again and she began to speak again.

?Now, your mom left you with me to pick out your first bra, right??

Confusion enveloped Jeffrey?s mind- he mouthed words, but said nothing. Suddenly, he realized- his mother.

?I have to find my mom!?

?Don?t worry, she?s just waiting for us, we?ll be back to her soon!?

Jeffrey?s mouth hung open, with no response forthcoming.

?Right, the bra then...? mumbled Leah as she returned to rummaging through the upturned box just outside the office. She returned immediately, a simple undergarment in her hands. She held it out to Jeffrey, who accepted.

?Okay, now, hold your arms up!? Jeffrey obeyed, as Leah pulled out a measuring tape and held it around his chest. The sliding tape tickled as it brushed over his nipples, and he giggled. The tape was then removed, and Jeffrey scratched at his chest, which felt slightly irritated from the measurement.

?Alright, it should fit- let?s try it on now.?

?It?? thought Jeffrey. Suddenly, he remembered the bra in his hands.

?Agh! No!? He hurled the thing away, landing on the floor before the employee?s feet.

?You?re right, this won?t do. Let?s go out and get something bigger that?ll fit you better.?

Jeffrey shook his head, to try and get rid of the cloudiness and confusion. Nonetheless, he nodded to Leah- it sounded like a good idea. He put on his t-shirt and followed her into the store, scratching again at his irritated chest. These activities were beginning to cause some rather alien sensations- a bit like pushing around fat under his skin. But how did that make sense? Jeffrey knew that he wasn?t fat.

?Here we are!? said Leah, pulling a collection of bras off of their hangers. Jeffrey looked around noticing that the once knocked-over stand was back in place, and that his mother?s changing room remained occupied. Distracted from the events at hand, Jeffrey did not resist having the fabric piled up in his hands- he was simply relieved that his mother was still trying on clothes, and not worriedly looking for him. Calmed, Jeffrey walked alongside Leah towards an empty changing stall. He closed the door, with Leah waiting outside, and looked into the mirror. Looking back was a tall and skinny child, perhaps 11 or 12 years old, with ear-length brown hair, a girl?s jeans, and a red t-shirt that was only slightly distorted by contours beneath. Jeffrey noted that he would have to go shopping for some new clothes.-although he did like the fit of this shirt- it left a cute little bit of belly exposed.

Pausing for a moment at the odd thought, Jeffrey then lifted the t-shirt off of his torso. He winced as it dragged roughly across sensitive regions- his chest looked like it had been irritated, as his nipples were swollen. Shrugging, he placed the bras he had been given on the hooks in the room, and took out the smallest. It was very soft... his expression fluttered for a moment, then settled into a smile. He slowly massaged the material between his fingers, and then held it up to his chest. It slid off.

?Miss Leah! Could you come in? I need some help.?

The door opened and Leah slipped in.

?Oh you need a help with clasping it in place? Just a moment!?

Leah stepped in behind the standing Jeffrey and pulled the garment tightly around his torso, clasping it into place.

?Hmm... this isn?t going to work.?

It was true. Jeffrey brushed a lock of hair dangling down into his field of vision before adjusting the bra- it felt far too tight. He looked down, to see his tiny breasts growing increasingly uncomfortable in the constricting AA cups. Leah removed it, prompting a sigh of relief from Jeffrey. He reached over, and picked out the next largest size, fitting it around himself. He smiled as he ran his fingers over the soft material. The repulsion was almost nonexistent, and Jeffrey sighed as he rubbed the cups between his hands. His stiff nipples slowly began to expand from the stimulation. Leah?s eyes shifted out of focus again, her jaw hanging slack. Jeffrey, satisfied, put on the second bra with practiced ease. However, there was a problem. As Jeffrey adjusted the bra, his breasts tingled and grew further. He grunted with discomfort, raising Leah from her reverie.

?You certainly are a fast-growing young lady, it seems like just yesterday I was fitting you with those A-cups. Here, try this B.?

Jeffrey slipped out of the tightly caressing material, and accepted the offered bra. Quickly clasping it into place, he simply slipped it from side to side for a moment, until his tingling breasts filled it out perfectly. Leah complimented the fit, as Jeffrey slipped on his red t-shirt. It now rested a fair distance above his waist, exposing a ring of skin around his body, all the way up to his belly button. He got up, stepping around and experiencing the subtle movement of the new anatomy of his chest.

?You?re looking lovely- oh, pardon me.? Leah stepped out of the way, and Jeffrey looked into the mirror. Staring back was himself, no longer looking quite so gangly- much to his relief. His brown hair would have reached his mouth if he hadn?t earlier pushed it behind his ears. His breasts were noticeable, and perhaps on the large side for someone around 14 years old.

Though was he 14? His lower body remained thin and childish- embarrassingly so, the other students in his class would undoubtedly make fun of his uneven development. Well, that problem could wait.

?Thank you very much for your help Leah!? he said, smiling to his helper. A lock of hair fell into his face.

?No problem!? beamed Leah, as more hair began to fall down on Jeffrey?s face. ?Tell you what, I?ll get you something for that hair. I think you need it.?

Jeffrey couldn?t agree more- it was starting to become a real annoyance. The two walked side by side out of the changing room. Jeffrey stretched his back from side to side, noticing with pride that he was almost as tall as the grown-up next to him. Leah stopped at a desk near the back of the store and pulled out a hairbrush, with a few elastics wrapped around it, from a drawer on the far side.

?It?s a little something for a first-time customer.? She said, passing it to Jeffrey. He accepted, and brushed the rogue hairs out of his face. More, however, began to fall down into view.

?If only it were a bit longer, I could comb it behind my ears and this would be far easier to handle.? thought Jeffrey. He continued to stroke his hair backwards, past his ears, down his neck, and over his back. A strange sense, as if his hair was being stretched out of his scalp, continued throughout, until Jeffrey was satisfied. He slipped his fingers into an elastic, pulling it around his long hair, and tying it into a loose ponytail.

?It looks lovely.? complimented Leah as she accepted the brush back. ?Well, I suppose that?ll be all I can help you with- have a great day!?

?You too!? Jeffrey waved, turned around and began to walk away. For a moment, he hesitated- wasn?t he supposed to pay for these things? The bra... The bra! Turning into a different aisle, out of sight from Leah, Jeffrey?s mind was consumed by doubt. Something was wrong, he shouldn?t be getting a bra, he?d just been trying to get rid of one a moment ago... right? He?d been trying to get rid of... something to fix something. The brief flurry of mental activity began to subside. Jeffrey searched his memories, trying to find what he was looking for. As he walked, his stride started shifting into a subtle swaying pattern. His legs lengthened and shifted their angle. This went largely unnoticed. Catching his attention, however, was a growing discomfort in his hips.

Legs... hips... That was it! He was trying to remember that he was supposed to be getting a pair of pants! Arriving at the end of a row of folded jeans, Jeffrey quickly found himself drawn to an attractive pair of bellbottoms. He didn?t bother checking the measurements, simply knowing that it was the right pair for him. En route to the changerooms, some sexy black lingerie caught his eye. On a whim, Jeffrey reached out, picking up a lacy bra and some thong panties, placing them upon the jeans.

As he arrived in the changeroom, the discomfort was worsening. He winced, pressing at his lower back, then tenderly sat down. As his weight settled upon the tiny bench, his hips slowly slid into a wider position, turning outwards. Jeffrey sighed with relief, his spine curving, thrusting his torso further forward. He shifted around, removing his uncomfortably tight shoes, socks and jeans with some difficulty.

?Well, these won?t do,? thought Jeffrey as he eyed the preteen girl?s jeans on the floor before him, ?I guess the store can have them back.?

Jeffrey then picked up the new jeans, unfolding them and dropping the underwear down beside him. He stood up, pulling the shaped legs over his own. As he did up the buttons at the top, however, it became clear that the pants did not fit- they were embarrassingly loose around his rear. Jeffrey mentally kicked himself for not checking the size first. He slid the pants off and prepared to put on his old pair, in order to walk out and get some more fitting jeans, when he remembered that his old pants did not fit properly either. Considering his options, Jeffrey?s attentions fell upon the exotic undergarments- he might as well try on these before going out for more. With what was almost trepidation, Jeffrey reached for the black, lacy, embroidered bra. Carefully gripping it with both hands, he felt an electric tingle as he lifted it. It seemed to flow around his fingers, as they rubbed the material. The bra was both firm and delicate, and it felt smooth and abrasive at the same time. Jeffrey?s body began to move rhythmically along with his hands as he stroked the bra, unfamiliar feelings beginning to well up in his body. He began to sweat as his heart accelerated, breathing grew ragged, and pupils dilated. His nipples felt a tingling ache, and his groin... felt something entirely alien as he shifted in an increasingly pleasant discomfort.

His fingers continued to rub rhythmically on the exotic garment, beginning to thin and lengthen, growing smooth and delicate in appearance. Short, practical fingernails began to extend and curve as Jeffrey?s strange dance continued. He began to shift his torso more dramatically from side to side, the bra now held in only one hand as he attempted to remove his tight-fitting red t-shirt. The discomfort this caused on his tender breasts only furthered his growing sense of physical excitement. His elegant hands reached down across his front, crossing and catching hold of the bottom of his t-shirt, sensually lifting it off of his body. He waved the inside-out shirt over his head twice, then threw it across the small changing area. He looked at himself reflected in the mirror, and gave a small smile, with his thin eyebrows raised suggestively- he was clad only in his modest white bra and panties.

Well, there was only one way to get on new clothes. Still shifting to the rhythm inside his head, Jeffrey unclasped the bra, pulling the released straps forward. The material hung precariously on his breasts before another shake of the torso caused them to fall off, with a jiggle. Pinkish nipples, perhaps an inch across, greeted him. With the new bra still held in his left hand, Jeffrey?s right moved onto his exposed chest, stroking his left nipple just as he had earlier done with the unfeeling fabric. He arched his back as the heavy pleasure splashed through his body. His left hand dropped the bra and joined the game, triggering new waves of sensation. Calming for a moment, he willed his hands off of his chest, picked the lacy bra back off of his bare legs, and held it in front of himself. Embracing the material, he bound it to himself, effortlessly shifting the cups into place on his tingling breasts. Releasing his hands for a second and experimentally shaking his back again, a distinct sense of shifting and looseness was felt between his chest and the material of the bra. His nipples, further stimulated by the friction, demanded the continued attention of his hands, a request to which they happily obliged. Slowly and sensuously now, his hands kneaded and brushed the soft flesh. Jeffrey struggled to keep silent as the sensation built. His breasts tingled and pulsed, growing in pleasure as the stimulation continued. Gradually, the bra grew more and more comfortable. As the close-fitting pressure spread, Jeffrey was prompted to, albeit slowly and reluctantly, stop.

Breathing heavily from his experience, Jeffrey admired his breasts. They were of a pleasant weight- not burdensome, but like a thing of comfort, to be held close at all times. The new C-cup bra flaunted his attractive, thought not excessive, cleavage- especially, he discovered, when he brought his arms close together. Jeffrey smiled coyly at the mirror, shaking his assets into the reflection flirtatiously, before turning his attentions to the panties which remained, resting on the seat next to him. He picked them up cautiously, beginning to feel second thoughts. His current panties were modest and comfortable- what he held in his hand was narrow in the front, and naught but a collection of strings behind. However, his uncertainties were overrun by stronger considerations. He certainly couldn?t have non-matching underwear. Besides, the boys would love the thong. That seemed reasonable.

With his mind set, he wriggled slightly, and pulled off the white panties. The mirror showed his vagina, shrouded only by a small strip of pubic hair. Jeffrey was happy that he had shaved recently- had he? He must have. Taking the thong, he brought it over his feet, then began to slowly pull it up his long legs. Goosebumps rose along his skin as the garment rose higher and higher, before coming to a stop around the groin.

Jeffrey once again felt disappointment regarding his rear. While it was reasonably wide, just enough to accentuate his tapered waist, it lacked... body. He twisted around to examine the view in the mirror. The thong was not particularly flattering as it was- the string that should have been between his buttocks was slightly off-center, and outside of its intended location. He shifted it from side to side, smacking his cheek lightly. Hopefully, he moved his weight from leg to leg, shifting his hips and helping to move the garment into place. Much to his satisfaction, the thong seemed to sink down into position. Jeffrey repeated the movement, noticing only the improving fit, and not the subtle expansion of his derriere, which was rounding out his figure into an attractive hourglass. The moving thong rubbed erotically against his labia, threatening to renew the excitement that had previously been put on hold. Jeffrey looked his beautiful self in the mirror, smoothly moving from one pose to the next. The boys would love to see this- Jeffrey giggled at the thought, waving his hips from side to side and rubbing at his right breast. However, he realized that something was still missing.

Looking beneath the bench, Jeffrey saw a leather shopping bag filled with products from the store- had someone else forgotten it, or perhaps neglected to return its contents to the shelves? Perhaps... wait, no! This was Jeffrey?s purse, he clearly recalled. Jeffrey reached in, produced a pair of sexy, black, 3-inch heeled sandals. With no hesitation, he slipped his left foot, then his right, into the sandals. As they slid in, his previously unspectacular feet reshaped and arched to perfectly fit their sculpted form. Like his fingers before, his toes smoothed, with their now-elegant nails extending to an attractive length.

Standing up, Jeffrey again looked at his sexy reflection. He blew it a kiss, and winked. The heeled sandals altered his stance beautifully- a few experimental steps gave his stride a delightful sway. His posing, however, was rudely interrupted by a knock on the door.

?Are you going to be all day in there?? asked an impatient voice.

?Just a moment ma?am.? Jeffrey croaked. He coughed lightly, rubbing at his throat. ?I?ll be out in a moment.? he repeated, in a smooth alto.

Jeffrey pulled off his sandals, and pulled on the new bellbottom pants. The fit was perfect. He put on the red t-shirt with care, pulling it down as far as it would go. The shirt revealed a significant amount of waist, upper arm, and gave a hint of the top of his cleavage, which further enhanced by the tight shirt. Slipping back into his heels, he twirled around to carefully place the old socks and sneakers in the bottom of his purse, followed shortly by the white bra and panties. Instinctively, Jeffrey pulled a small cosmetic kit out of a side pocket of the purse, and examined her face in the mirror, with mild disapproval. Her face was youthful, some might even say boyish- especially without makeup. However, only a few strokes of mascara defined her dazzling green eyes. A light dusting of blush heightened her cheekbones, and a touch of lipstick filled out her delicate lips. On a whim, she pulled the elastic out of her hair, and shook her head, allowing it to freely spread across and over her shoulders. With a confident smile, she packed up the kit, closed the purse, slung the old, small pants over her arm, and strode out into the store.

?Jessey,? exclaimed a voice, ?There you are! It certainly took you long enough.? It was Sandra.

?Ah, you know how it can be- one thing led to another.? Jessey responded with a knowing smile.

Sandra laughed. ?I suppose I can let you get away with holding me up this once- let?s get these things and go.?

The two women, laughing and talking, moved into the lineup.

?So Sandy, what did you get??

?Oh, nothing fancy, I just needed to get fitted for a new bra. I think you got a good deal more- I love the way those pants look on you.?

?Aren?t they adorable? There?s some more underneath.? Jessey winked, and fished a credit card out of her purse for the cashier.

?So Jess, do you have anything planned for tonight?? asked Sandra, bagging her purchases.

?Hmm... now that you mention it, I don?t think that I made any.? responded Jessey, handing the cashier the small pants and accepting her bag.

?Meeting up with Mark, perhaps??

?Oh, you.? laughed Jessey, giving Sandra a playful smack on the side. Together, the two young women set out into the Mall, avidly chatting and joking. Neither looked back.

derfy 06-02-2009 11:02 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Verrry nice. Two thumbs up!

CNash 06-02-2009 01:21 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Good story; very descriptive, which is always good.

A question I always find myself asking in these kinds of stories, though, is "what if there was no reality change?" In this story, for example, what would happen if Sandra had come back expecting her young son and had instead found a young woman?

Leonides 06-02-2009 06:19 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Spake the non-contributor.

Sphore 06-02-2009 10:05 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)

Originally Posted by CNash (Post 310534)
Good story; very descriptive, which is always good.

A question I always find myself asking in these kinds of stories, though, is "what if there was no reality change?" In this story, for example, what would happen if Sandra had come back expecting her young son and had instead found a young woman?

Well, an ongoing reality change is kind of the crux of the story, so it would probably become dramatically different from the point where Leah first finds Jeffrey onwards- it would make for a significantly altered course of events which I haven't yet worked out.

I have plans of writing some stories without reality change, but that's quite hard to do believably without completely isolating a character or a small group of characters from society as a whole.


Originally Posted by danio13 (Post 310561)
is that it?

Well, naturally the story would go on from that point, but it was just this snapshot that I wanted to write about.

I've actually been accumulating a few ideas for a while, some of which are related to this, and have only recently started to write them out. If I get the time, I might post some more of them here.

Thanks for reading everyone!

DangerousCharles 06-03-2009 01:29 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)

blblblblbl 06-09-2009 07:58 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
So does this mean that this story might continue on?

Also, The ending kind of confuses me? How old is he/she at the end? Is he/she still a teenager? Or possibly closer to the mother's age?

Another thing, considering that he/she called the mother by her first name, is he/she closer to the mother in age or possibly is the mother now closer to his/her age?

I am just trying to clarify what happened in the ending.

Sphore 06-11-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
It means that, if I get the time, I'd like to write some more stories- though not necessarily with the same characters.

As for the ages, his mother is around her late 20s or early 30s, and Jeffrey's final age is somewhere in the 20s. No one else underwent any physical changes.

blblblblbl 06-30-2009 08:53 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Well, if this is any indication of how well you write, I am certainly looking forward to any of your future stories.

Hopefully, you will do another story in the near future.

Katsumend 06-30-2009 10:48 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
That was hot! :) I love that he changed genders and THEN aged, lol.

blblblblbl 07-11-2009 09:51 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Just out of curiosity, when might you be able to post another story?

You did a fantastic job with this story so it would be really cool to see another!

Of course, this is entirely up to you.

Vengeance1701 07-11-2009 11:21 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I'd enjoy more sans the ishy part of it with the urine....

Psychologically and all, I can understand it but...bleh.

Sphore 07-13-2009 01:13 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Well, I've been quite busy as of late, but I've done some work on another story- I'm not sure whether I should post it in segments, or as one single block. Also, I'm wondering whether or not it would be best to post any new work I hav here, and keep my stories together regardless of continuity between them, or to start a new thread- I think I'm leaning towards the former.

blblblblbl 07-13-2009 03:28 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
My personal opinion, you should probably post them in a single block because it is just easier to read them that way rather than searching through the posts to find the parts of the story. That is just my opinion though.

In regards to the thread issue, I think you should keep all your stories in this thread rather than starting a new one.

Sphore 08-04-2009 02:45 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Jake's Initiation

A thin, sandy-brown haired boy crept around a corner in the washroom, entering a stall and shutting the door to behind him, nervously. He paused, to make sure that the room was still silent.

“Damn it...” he mumbled to himself, “They could have come up with something more creative than this.”

Sneaking into and using the girls’ bathroom was not a particularly difficult or dangerous task- perhaps one of the reasons that Jake was so ill at ease.

Well, nothing to do but get to the task. He unzipped his fly and prepared to let loose when the door opened, and a group of girls caught in avid discussion burst in. In a panic, Jake spun around - his standing up would be a certain giveaway- they’d notice his backwards-turned feet, or maybe even his head above the walls. He himself down on the seat and looked below - his white sneakers and loose jeans, the only things that could now be seen from outside the stall, were ambiguous to not immediately give himself away- he would just wait this out.

The girls were now visible through a crack between the wall and the door. They gathered in a group by the sinks, directly across the room from the toilets, continuing their conversation. Jake, focused on remaining utterly silent, paid no attention to the discussion and stayed put.

“Hey, who’s here?” asked one voice.

Jack tensed in panic, hoping that the voice was referring to someone else.

“Yeah, you with the nasty white shoes. You know that this is our meeting place Friday noons, right?”

Jack had to respond. He strained his voice and spoke with a passably female voice.

“Uh, yeah! I’ll be out in a moment.”

That was it. Was he busted? A pause seemed to last minutes, before a few voices laughed slightly and the first voice spoke again.

“So who is it then?”

“Uh, Jackie.”

“Well, hello then Jac-que-line.” she spoke, enunciating every syllable, “Take your time, we’ll be taking ours.”

A few members of the group giggled again, talking amongst each other. Jack remained petrified with fear.

“But damn Jackie, where did you get those shoes? I’ve never seen them on you before, and they look like you dragged them through the bog.”

“Oh no!” cried Jake within his head, did this group know someone named Jackie?

“Embarassing, eh? Well, they don’t haaave to be dirty, you know.”

With a weird flowing sensation, Jack looked down to see that his sneakers had become a bright, clean white.

“Aw, but they still look like a boy’s shoes.”

This time, the sensation was a painful crushing. Still looking down, Jack saw his shoes grow bent, then snap into a new, smaller size. More subtly, their design had shifted- they looked quite clearly like a girl’s running shoes. Jack had to say something- this kind of thing didn’t just happen.

“Uh, thanks, but I’m fine.” he called, voice straining. The girls outside giggled again.

“If you’re sure, Jac-que-line.” The first girl laughed, and the conversation resumed. Jack simply remained in place, frozen in fear of discovery. Why wouldn’t this group leave?

A few more minutes of discussion went on, before the first girl walked back up to the stall.

“So, are you going to be getting out at any time? Or do you still need to get around to the ‘going’ bit?”

“Uhh...” responded Jack, too distracted to notice that he was not struggling quite as much to maintain the higher-timbre voice. The girl was right- he was being even more suspicious by just sitting in the stall. Also, he had been holding back ever since the girls had first arrived, and he was almost to the point of squirming in discomfort from his need. With that in mind, he finally released the tension. Ah, relief. Jack felt his genitals slide slightly lower in his groin as he urinated, just assuming it to be a result of the delayed release. After a few seconds, however, he noticed something amiss. He simply continued to ‘go’, with no feeling of conclusion approaching. The straight stream pouring into the toilet bowl began to grow somewhat erratic, and Jake found it necessary to put his hand on his penis to keep it under control.

“Well, you certainly were ‘holding back on us’.” laughed the same girl’s voice from outside. Jake felt indignant.

“Who do you think you are, talking like that?” he shot back, still straining his voice into a higher pitch- it came out particularly high this time- Jake made a mental note that he was overdoing the voice.

“Hahah, you know who I am Jackie-girl, but fair enough. I’ll give you a little reminder as soon as you’re out. Leave this one to me, girls.

Jake’s heart sank heavily in his chest. He was trapped. He was going to be caught, and humiliated. The feeling of dread masked the actual sensation in his chest, as a small accumulation of fat began to build up in front of his ribcage. Meanwhile, further down, the flow continued- his penis beginning to shorten slightly from the prolonged exertion. Still, no end was in sight.

“Wow, that is taking a while- are you okay?”

Jake felt the flow change somewhat, its intensity shifting. The shrinking of his penis suddenly caught his attention. It was only 4 inches, but erect. His hand still held it down, preventing it from firing at an upward angle. Before his very eyes, it slowly shrank to three, and the opening at the end growing taller and lower. His foreskin began to retract, then shrink away altogether.

“You okay Jackie?”

“I’m fine!” shouted Jake angrily into the door, his voice feminine with only a slight effort, “Now please, leave me alone!”

He looked back down- his penis was just a stub, the opening stretching further and migrating lower. As his penis was about to shrink away into naught, the opening suddenly split, making a final jump off of the former organ and stretching taller, down his crotch to his testes. The last sad remnant of his penis settled into the slit, and the urine completed its flow seconds afterwards.

Jack stared in horror, his hand now resting on a newly-formed vagina. He pulled it away with a repulsed cry, staring at his hand as if it was unclean.

“Is... is it your time of the month?”

“No! It’s...” Jake was cut off by a sudden clenching in his scrotum. His testicles felt like they were bubbling, as the skin around them lost its hair and contracted. He held back a moan of sensation as they suddenly pressed against him, then sank into his body. A dull sensation followed them through his bodily interior, gradually fading into nothingness.

“Then why are you taking so long?”

Jake had no answer.

“Are you just ashamed of your looks? I think you could look quite nice.”

Jake hunched over forwards, and felt a strange expansion in his buttocks. He shot upright, and felt a pressure build downwards and outwards as he sat. He felt the expansion slide downwards along his legs, widening his upper thighs the slightest amount, subtly sculpting them. Muscle lightened in his legs as they thinned. Jake’s hand rested upon the exposed skin, shivering with the sensation of skin like the underside of his arm, devoid of roughness or hair.

“Sure, you’re a little blockish, but there’s great potential!”

Suddenly, the sensations in the legs concluded, and a constriction began around his waist. Jake hugged himself tightly, fingers digging into the contracting region, and bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out in pain, noting how his arms were pressing the slight flesh on his chest together, and how his lower lip was a little thicker than before. As he continued to hold himself, he felt his chest begin to expand further, its two sides growing ever softer and being pushed more and more together. Shifting from angular muscles to curved spheroids, his pectorals became breasts. As the sensation reached its conclusion, his nipples crowned the change by expanding to several times their original area, poking obviously through his shirt. All the while, his arms had been thinning, his hands shrinking slightly and fingers tapering.

“And your face is adorable just the way it is!”

Jake felt a slight tingle wash over his head, but nothing else.

“Now, you don’t have to be embarrassed. Come on out!”

Jake looked down- he had a lot to be embarrassed about- he had a completely female body with male clothing- other than his sneakers, he wore baggy blue jeans, cotton boxer shorts, a green and blue t-shirt, and a white hoodie. He pulled off a piece of toilet paper and patted himself dry, then stood up and flushed. Immediately, he found further problems. He had lost height- while he had originally been just taller than the stall, he now was roughly the same amount shorter. He estimated his new height to be around 5’8”, just a little below than his original 6’. His boxer shorts were uncomfortably unfitting- stretched around the rear, but with excessive space in front. Meanwhile, as he pulled up his jeans, he found them to be ridiculously baggy- even around his apparently widened hips. He pulled his belt up to the tightest notch, which barely held them in place. His shirt hung awkwardly and chafingly over his new breasts- he might have guessed them as B-cups had he been in the mood to be making such considerations at the time.

Standing in his ill-fitting garb, his boxers suddenly shuddered. Their short legs began to retract up to the crotch, which pulled itself flat against him. In the back, the fabric loosened until it snugly fit his derriere. Their plaid pattern faded to white- the boxers' form was now dramatically different- that of a modest pair of panties.

Next, his jeans rustled and began to contract. First, they tightened around the top, snugly closing off the top. A wave of compression then passed downwards, encasing his slight, but pleasant curves. Reaching their tightest point around his knees, the contraction then began to cease, leaving him in a pair of bellbottoms.

His shirt undulated, tickling Jake as it shifted into a more comfortable female cut. However, the changes there were not complete. Around his breasts, the material began to thicken and stiffen. A strange feeling of living cloth snaking over his shoulders and around his back caused Jake to arch his back in surprise, as the straps met. Finally separating from the inside of his shirt, a bra now provided pleasant support for his new anatomy. His hoodie shrank slightly, and then the changes were complete.

Trepidatiously, Jake stepped out of the stall- the room was empty, there was no sign of the girl or any of her companions. He took a few cautious steps towards the sinks, noting a slight change in his stride, before turning on the water and washing his hands, his eyes firmly downcast. It was only as he turned on the hand drier that he worked up the courage to look in the mirror.

The sight greeting him was... not as horrifying as he had feared. He was inarguably female, as far as he could tell from his reflection. His face could have belonged to his sister-no, it was even more similar than that. It was unquestionably his face, just slightly different. His eyebrows were a little less pronounced, his cheekbones a little more pronounced, his chin slighter... it was all him, just slightly shifted. His hair was completely unchanged- it had been shaggy and untrimmed on a boy, but looked quite cute and appropriate now. With controlled calm, Jake walked across the room to the changing benches and sat down, dropping his head into his hands. Was this a bizarre, vivid dream? If it wasn’t, what would he do now? Something completely inexplicable had happened- now, he had to do something about it. He couldn’t hide in a bathroom forever.

Taking a deep breath, he turned around and stepped towards the door.

blblblblbl 08-04-2009 10:38 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Another great story. I love your work!

One question though, is this new story finished or is there a part 2 to it? I couldn't tell with the ending.

Sphore 08-05-2009 12:19 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I've definitely got plans for more of the story, as well as a few other ideas that I've got partly written. Eventually, I have an overarching goal of tying these stories together, but I'll save that until I've built up a few more written.

Miracle overloading 08-06-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I loved how in Changes in Store the change progressed whenever he came into contact with girl's underwear. Didn't even notice the first time through.

Both stories were great.

blblblblbl 08-06-2009 10:50 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
After seeing this new story, I am certainly looking forward to your upcoming stories (whenever those come).

Just out of curiosity, when do you think you might have another story up?

No pressure though, just wondering.

Apsm 08-07-2009 01:32 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I love your stories! I can't wait to see how these stories tie in to each other.

Sphore 08-07-2009 01:34 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I'm really not sure when I'll be finished the next story- I'm working on a few, but have been fairly busy this summer- so I can only speculate on when the next bit will be complete.

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Grungepunk 08-09-2009 10:54 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I have to say the first story was absolutly phenomenal. I just love a good young man to older woman story with reality change thrown in there. Keep up the fantastic work.:D:D
Dodge caliber specifications

blblblblbl 09-03-2009 10:06 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Not to rush you or anything, but how close are you to posting another story? I can tell that you are very busy but I was just wondering

Sphore 09-03-2009 01:38 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I've put a few hours into one just today- a burst of inspiration for a new story. :) I can make no promises, but I think I'm close.

blblblblbl 09-04-2009 07:04 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
That's cool. I'm looking forward to it.

Grungepunk 09-05-2009 01:42 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Nice glad to hear that. If this next one is anything like the other two we're in for a treat.
Yamaha xv535

Sphore 09-06-2009 05:12 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)

Ray slid the DVD into place and flicked on his television screen. Tapping the remote, it began to play. The 22 year old relaxed back onto his couch, and watched with eager impatience. He was a rather uninteresting looking young man, with a tangled mess of wavy light-brown hair, bluegreen eyes, slightly below-average height and freckles. With a hum, the disc began to play.

?Damn,? he muttered, ?David was right- this is quality footage.?

With a grin, he rubbed at his pants as nude girls paraded their way around the screen.

?Yeah... very fine.? Ray grinned, rubbing himself harder.

As the images on the screen ramped up in eroticism, Ray unzipped his fly, groaning at the pleasant pressure as he forcibly worked at his stiffened member. He pressed down firmly, grimacing as he felt the ejaculation coming. His eyes unfocused and his mouth hung open, tensing for the release. Tensing... tensing... tense...

Ahh!!! The release had come, but he felt no unpleasant stickiness. In fact, it had felt as if he had came... well, differently. As if the pleasure had been reflected back upon itself, rather than fleeing away.

It was not important, however. Ray turned his eyes back to the screen, feeling a pleasant rush continuing to echo through his body as he worked himself up for a second go. The sensation was heightening- the girls on the television growing more fantastically explicit every second. He pumped at himself fiercely, a manic grin on his face and his eyes fixed on the screen as a smooth-shaven, muscular man moved onto the screen and began ravishing two of the figures of his attention.

?Oh yeah... ahh...?

His penis was firmly erect again, and he was about to come. His testes tensed, and Ray grunted pleasurably- but again there was nothing physical. However, he didn?t notice this as the orgasm blasted through his body, electrifying everything it reached. Ray leapt to his feet, catching his breath and panting. His t-shirt and sweater were damp with sweat, as were his buttocks and groin. He noticed the lack of semen again, and began to grow concerned- but then again, he?d heard of people stopping it through massive self control- that had to be the explanation.

Eyes slipping back upwards from his groin to the television, Ray was captured. The near-orgy on screen bid him to stagger forward, hand at his groin again. In the background, several nude women were engaged in a sensual, waving dance. On a whim, he began to mimic it, shifting his body through the air, one hand waving above him, the other pressuring his member. It had shrunken slightly, but remained just as firm. The dancers on the screen changed their dance, still waving their bodies, but also massaging their breasts. Ray, grinned and continued to mimic the dance, removing his hand from his groin raising it, rubbing his chest sensuously and running his hands over his muscles- nothing too impressive, but certainly not flat or scrawny. He was certainly glad that his chest wasn?t flat- he?d worked hard- well, he?d worked a little for it.

The dance changed again, with the girls now pumping their hips forwards and backwards, rubbing their asses.

?Yayeah... that?s nice.?

Ray grinned, flexing his glutes and rubbing them like the girls on screen. He felt the tough muscle, and with annoyance felt a thin layer of fat over it- he had to go to the gym more often.

As the dance returned to its original, waving form, one of Ray?s arms raised and the other eagerly returned to his penis. He gasped, as if the sudden sensation had been unexpected. It twitched wildly, before his hand closed around its circumference. Powerful, electric pleasure emanated from his slowly shrinking organ, down to 5 inches from 7. The pressure was building again, and Ray hunched forward. Building, building, here!

The sensation was more extreme than any before it. His legs numbed and gave away, Ray falling back onto the couch. His penis shrank down to a relaxed 2 inches, and he gasped for breath. The sensation was unspeakably powerful, and he needed to bring himself to it again. Sweat beginning to slide through his hair, and he strained to raise his head back towards the screen. He watched the dancers, and felt a compulsion to join the erotic dance a second time. However, there was seemingly no strength left in his legs. His upper body was slumped over his knees, and the second attempt to rise dropped him onto the cold, wooden floor. He felt a tremendous draining, an absolute exhaustion where he was unable to even consider moving. Externally, his muscles were all quivering, his tendons loosening. With herculean effort, Ray pulled his right hand a few inches to rest on his penis. It closed around the tip, and shook weakly. However, for all he could feel, he could have been working with all his might. His member responded with wild abandon, releasing several waves of ecstatic, orgasmic energy through his body. With each wave, his muscles tensed then relaxed, shrinking slightly further each time.

As the pleasure faded, Ray felt the strength to move returning to him. He turned his head towards the television and propped up his torso with thinned arms. A new muscular man was locked in a firm embrace with one of the dancers. Ray grinned, flexing his arms and chest in mock imitation. It was only then that he noticed.


Ray scrambled to his knees, staring in a panic at his body. What had happened? He rushed his hands over his body- it was himself, but almost devoid of his previous- and admittedly modest- musculature. This was impossible! It was...

Ray?s frightened eyes turned back to the screen. The physicality of the girls on the screen caught his notice for the first time. They must have been very fit to continue their dance for such a long time. He caught himself almost beginning the dance again, following the movements as if in a trance.


He was desperately trying to reason with himself. One voice rose above the clamour in his head. It was just exercise- if he exercised, he could work himself back into shape... and the girls were exercising, weren?t they? Hahah! Yes, they were.

Thus, after a moment?s hesitation, he began the dance again, smoothly shifting his body in a vertical wave, from his feet, through his torso, to his head and above. His arms followed the dancing girls?, to his chest, which he began to massage. Slowly but surely, he felt flesh returning. It was working! Giving into the hypnotic dance, Ray repeated what he saw, feeling waves of pleasure washing through his body- specifically his chest- as he exerted himself. The watery energy seemed to settle in him, padding his chest which had so recently been emptied.

The dancers hands shifted to their rears, and Ray did the same. He looked down, and saw definition beneath his shirt once again- wonderful! But his glutes were all but gone- he felt almost nothing as he rhythmically massaged them. He flexed, and felt the settling feeling in them as well. Sensuously, as he tensed the area and rubbed as they began to regrow, giving his hands some purchase in the flesh.

Finally, the music changed and Ray raised one hand above his head, the other racing to his groin to find- an entirely unexcited penis. Disconcerted for a moment, he seized the 2-inch organ and rubbed it fiercely. The sensation was overwhelming, bringing him to his knees. Shuddering, he repeated, bringing the shrunken organ to its full length of 3 inches. He rolled over onto his side, gasping and moaning, his left hand racing to his chest. He pulled at his shirt, struggling to remove it with a single hand. Eventually, he settled for pulling the bottom of the shirt inside out and around his head, exposing the naked chest to his fondling fingers. The sensations only grew more powerful as Ray moaned louder, coming closer and closer to orgasm. He flexed and tensed his pectorals, in a futile attempt to bring some musculature back to them, but as he massaged them they only produced more of the settling sensation, beginning to grow flabby. His exposed nipples stiffened and darkened slightly on contact with the air.

Ray felt his penis contracting, ever intensifying in sensation. A few final movements, and he came more powerfully than ever before. The organ retreated to a stub, and he rolled over, his hands now on his chest and ass. Both of them seemed to swell with the attention given to them, and Ray was moaning loudly at each and every new sensation. He was moving into a frenzy of self-pleasure, on a few instances trying to pull himself up, but each time bringing himself back down onto the floor. The nipples on his flabby chest were the subjects of particularly strong attention, as Ray alternatively ran his rough fingers in circles around them or kneaded the soft flesh upon which they stood. The nipples responded, darkening from just off skin tone to a darker brown. At the same time, they remained stiff and erect. Ray pushed down on them occasionally, causing them to spread out wider, but they nonetheless kept on rising up for more.

At the same time, fat deposits were pleasurably building up around his buttocks. He felt it most clearly whenever he was rolling around- slightly more flesh was catching on the floor every time. Some of the smooth flow emanating from his core began to settle further down his legs, seemingly returning quadriceps to where they had once rested. However, their softness and distinctive jiggle suggested their identity to be something else entirely.

Ray brought himself to orgasm several times, each time pushing him into a greater and greater set of curves. By the end, it would not have been unreasonable for him to be wearing an A-cup bra, and he had a derriere to match. Physically exhausted, he had finally lost the ability to keep on moving. He simply lay on the floor, heated by his exertions, staring up at the screen. The characters he saw seemed to speak straight to his mind, whispering to his half-asleep brain. As he rested, his body hair and epidermis began to slough off and evapourate into nothing, leaving smooth, bald skin behind.

Ray suddenly shot upright, unsure of how much time had passed. The DVD was still playing, but something was terribly wrong. His vagina had grown- no! His penis had shrunken down to a stub, and he had the bloody figure of a little girl stapled onto the figure of a thin man! His t-shirt was soaked with sweat, his boxers and jeans likewise. Unsteadily, he rose to her- his! To his feet! He felt an alien jiggle in his chest, causing him to cross his arms over the offending region, to hold it in place- he needed something to keep them from moving like that. Ray turned around and sat down, only now beginning to notice how cold he felt after lying on the floor of his dark television room, motionless and sweaty, for who knows how long. Shivering, he reached over the couch and pulling on a zip-up sweater. He looked at the television- an attractive black woman wearing some fantastic clothes was performing a slow, seductive striptease for a gaggle of men lying on the floor around her. Ray noticed that she was wearing a white lace bra, partially obscured by a black leather jacket with red trim. He looked down at his sweaty, white t-shirt and idly wondered if he could get it to do the same job. He stretched at the fabric around his neck, and found it to have surprising give. She reached- he reached around the waist of her shirt and pulled it up to the bottom of the swelling at his chest, deftly tying off the slack in the middle, then rolled up his short sleeves until they met up with the neck hole. He looked up at the screen to see the woman?s leather coat, now removed from her body. She rubbed it erotically against her groin, with one arm in front of her and the other behind. Escaped beyond in self control, Ray did the same, whipping off his sweater and grinding it between his legs. Moaning with ecstasy, the stub in his groin writhed, beginning to distort, stretching vertically. At the same time, his lips began to thicken and darken, and new facial features began to grow outward from his mouth. His skin began to slowly tan, visible even in the dim, screenlit room, and his nose grew subtly wider. His bluegreen eyes, rolling around in his head, began to slowly give way to a hazel tone.

?Unh... unh!?

The feeling in his groin was maddening- he was stimulated beyond imagination, but no release could come. His mousy hair began to twitch, as individual strands began to curl and coil, darkening to a shiny black. All over her head, Ray?s follicles went mad, as hair began to push its way outwards and downwards. The tan was spreading throughout all of his body now, and even darker tones were emanating from his sensual mouth. His darkening hazel eyes caught a glimpse of the scene, where the black woman, now topless, was being groped from all over. Ray whimpered and keeled over sideways, releasing his sweater. With one hand, he violently groped his left breast, and with the other he sought out his groin. The frantic hand tried to take hold of the last remainder of his member, but it could not get a grip. The penis down into his pelvis, leaving only a small hole behind. In close pursuit, his hand pushed inside of him- then out, and back in, repeating as the cleft grew and deepened, becoming more sensitive with each touch. As he continued this action, his fingers emerged thinner each time, their nails becoming ever longer-

Ray screamed with ecstasy as her orgasm came, flooding throughout her body, washing over her again and again. She rolled over the floor, her skin settling into a dark coffee brown, her buttocks expanding into two voluptuous hemispheres, straining his ill-fitting jeans, but her breasts remaining as small as they had been before. Ray moaned, sense slowly and irregularly returning to him. A vague awareness was all that allowed him to raise his frizzy-haired head towards the screen. The black woman was being carried off, exhausted by her sexual exploits, and a busty but athletic Scandinavian woman was taking her place, once again surrounded by men. With an unexpected return of energy, Ray rose, swinging his sweater back over his shoulders, not noticing that it had now shifted partly to leather. He slid it across his back, waving alluringly, as if she too was trying to capture the attention of the fantasized men around her. On the screen, the woman continued her slow dance, but Ray was losing patience. He didn?t need to follow what he saw on the stupid screen! He seized his small, A-cup breasts, and began to rub them, in two mirrored circles. Sensuous pleasure radiated outwards from them, drawing energy back into them. As Ray rubbed, he felt an inflow in the opposite direction, a pleasant, pushing firmness, working from inside his breasts outwards. The rhythmic actions spread out further and further as his chest measurements expanded with almost unnoticeable speed, through A, B and C, all the way to D-cup.

As he did this, a secondary change was spreading over his appearance. His nipples were lightening, from a deep brown to an almost pinkish hue. Radially outwards from these points of sensation, the melanin in his skin was dramatically giving away, pale flesh once again appearing. The changes spread slowly through her body, whitening that which had only so briefly ago been darkened. As the changes spread back to her face, there were a few moments as the structure beneath shifted. The nose became aquiline, and her features thinned. As her eyes shifted through an odd light brown shade through to clear blue, individual shoots of blonde hair began to appear, attempting to push their way through the intimidating maze of tight black curls. The other transformations over Ray?s body were coming to completion, and as they did, the curls began to weaken, as more and more of their number transformed into straight golden locks. As the final black hairs gave away, Ray spun her head towards the television, sweat-dampened, shoulder-length hair flying out behind her. The previous girl on the screen was gone, and the group of men stood, striking poses. Ray was caught off guard for a moment by just how sexy she found them, before suddenly wondering why that would be surprising. Ray swung her leather jacket between her legs and began the aggressive rubbing once again, giving a pleasured shudder at the feeling. A final parade of girls began to cross the screen, and one in particular caught Ray?s eye. Her eyes, her appearance, her pose- but most of all, her clothes! Ray thought aesthetically of the girl, but the intense feelings from her groin were focused entirely on the collection of men.

As the sweater slid over and over her groin, it changed further. The last bits of fabric, passing over her organ, now wet with excitement, transformed into a shiny leather. Ray let out a scream of pleasure as the rubbing brought her to yet another climax, and the changes spread from the black garment into Ray?s bizarrely out of place jeans. With an athletic grace, Ray reached her hands behind her as far as she could, leaning back in an extremely erotic pose. As she held it, her skeleton shrank ever so slightly. The shrinking continued as Rae brought her hands in a forward rotation. As they passed over her head, black strands began to appear in her hair once again- but these did not curl, they grew in as straight as their blonde predecessors. A slight fold grew in around the inside edge of her eye, which was paling to a silvery grey.

As her arms stretched further forward, her legs slid sideways apart, descending into a split position. With a rip, the inseam of the jeans tore apart, exposing her cotton boxer shorts to the outside. Rae rose up to a standing position, striking a pose and watching her reflection in the screen. She delicately put her hands to her boxer shorts, and began to pull on them lightly. As she pulled backwards, they seemed to drain of colour, fading darker and darker. She continued pulling, and as they thinned, the legs withdrew to the groin. A few embroidered details appeared as the fabric shrank further, settling into the form of a skimpy black thong.

Turning her attention to the torn jeans around her, Rae began running her hands sensuously down her legs. The material reseamed itself, forming a long, but tight-fitting jean skirt. Bend fully over, hips high in the air, she now began to pull upwards. The skirt drew further and further upwards with her guiding hands, rising over her smooth calves, knees, and thighs, before stopping at the midpoint of her rear. Rei grinned and shook her hips, as her hair became more and more overtaken with black. She had grown shorter and her figure slightly more moderate, but she was by no means any less attractive.

It was finally now when her attentions turned to the last piece of inappriate clothing. In place of a bra, she wore a sweat-soaked white t-shirt, rolled up at the arms and tied off roughly beneath her uncomfortable breasts. Rei ran her hands around the garment, tightening it as her fingers brushed over its peripheries. She flexibly ran her hands around her shoulders and back, thinning the material into white straps, which moulded perfectly to her thin frame. Moving around to the front, her hands gently stretched and massaged the material into place. As the last remnants of the shirt began to form the cups of a white bra, Rei played her fingers over it as fine details spread across the bra. It then stiffened, finally providing structure and support for her C-cup breasts.

This final act complete, Rei looked up. She slipped on her tight leather jacket, leaving it unzipped in the middle so as to reveal her bra. She pulled an elastic from her pocket, deftly slipping her hair into a spiky black ponytail. She looked into the screen to see a reflection. Her facial features were east asian, and her eyes were a shocking grey. Her feet were bare, and her legs led up to a ridiculously short jean skirt. She grinned, and looked over the collection of hunks on the screen, as the DVD came to its end.

?That was quality footage...? she purred, clicking off the television, ?Now to return the favour...?

Octogarden 09-06-2009 09:27 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Quality indeed.

cannonfodder 09-07-2009 03:47 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Sphore: I loved them all! My favorite was Jake's Initiation, though. I can't wait to see any continuation of it!

blblblblbl 09-08-2009 05:41 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Another masterpiece!

Bravo indeed!

blblblblbl 09-11-2009 02:58 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Here's how I would rank these stories so far, from best to worst (none of them are bad).

1. Jake's Initiation
2. Changes in Store
3. Pleasure

Well done, and I'm looking forward to your next story (whenever that is).

Leonides 09-12-2009 02:20 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Very good stuff! Thank you!

blblblblbl 10-01-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
So, are there any more upcoming stories or are you taking a break?

Ryu Hayabusa 10-05-2009 08:50 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Very good work! I don't come out of lurking to say just anything!

Sphore 10-11-2009 02:47 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I've been very busy as of late, but I've got several stories that I'm working on, and hope to post soon. I've also been making sure to keep up my plotline of how these events unfold and are interrelated. I've done some work on connecting stories to form bridges and paths between these transformations, but I'm not sure if I'll post them relatively sooner, or wait until I've written more content within which a narrative might be drawn.

blblblblbl 10-13-2009 02:24 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Works for me!

Take as much time as you need to.

blblblblbl 11-03-2009 01:22 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
It's been a while since your last update. You any closer to finishing another story?

Sphore 11-06-2009 12:23 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Well, I've finished some things... but I just have this weird feeling that they're not up to the same level of quality as my other work. I have been writing, though, so there's still more to come. :)

blblblblbl 11-06-2009 09:05 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Cool! Can't wait!

blblblblbl 11-19-2009 11:52 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
So, do you have an estimate or something for the next installment?

Like 2 weeks, a month, or anything like that?

blblblblbl 01-25-2010 11:29 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
It's been quite a while. Are you still doing the stories?

zdarkness 01-25-2010 11:43 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
For your own safety, I suggest you please stop necoposting. Whether or not the author posts another story is up to them, and we'll be informed if and when it happens.

blblblblbl 01-25-2010 11:46 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)

Vengeance1701 01-25-2010 12:14 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Again with the whining about necroposting...

It doesn't matter, does it? Somebody asks a question, who cares, it doesn't harm anything.

Sphore 01-25-2010 11:36 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
It seems that necro-ing does work. ;)

A Night Out

“So, big boy, what’ll it be?”

George was nervous- it was his first time with this kind of request. He shifted uncomfortably on the motel bed, eyes flitting around the dimly lit room.

“Well...” he nervously began, “I’ve got this... one thing that I’d like to try.”

“Oh?” asked the prostitute, “And what’s that?”

“It’s... okay, hear me out.”

“I’m listening, hotstuff.”

“Okay, you dominate me... but... you’re a man and I’m the woman.”

The prostitute’s eyebrows raised, but beyond that her face remained still. Then, she relaxed, a sultry smile spreading across her face.

“Alright baby, let’s try that out.” Her voice sounded lower and husky, as she crawled onto the bed with George. She gently pushed him back, kneeling over him as he lay flat on his back, staring up at her voluptuous form. Slowly, she lowered herself down beside him.

“Oh girl, yeah, you’ve got the sexiest, longest hair.” She teased at George’s short, curly brown locks, running her fingers roughly through him, “Don’t you?”

“Oh yeah, I do.” George spoke in a breathy falsetto. Sherry grinned, as if about to laugh, but contained herself. She slid further down his body, rubbing his firmly muscled chest.

“And your boobs baby, mmm, delicious. Let me have a taste.” Sherry unbuttoned George’s shirt, lowering her face down onto his nipple and played her tongue around it, sucking gently. George filled his role admirably, moaning effeminately.

“Oh girl, I could spend all day just enjoying the view from here...” Sherry continued to grope George’s masculine body, complimenting his feminine arms, face, curves, everything. George lost control and came, but the foreplay continued.

“Multiple orgasms? Hell yeah babe, that’s what you’ll be getting.”

After several minutes of this, however, George began to wonder when the Sherry was getting to business.

“Er... the domination?”

Sherry was suddenly transformed. She rose back to her knees, glaring down at her client.

“Bitch!” She shouted in the husky voice- “You’ll get it when I damn well feel like it!”

George, caught completely off guard, sat back and whimpered quietly.

“Maybe if you pay the price first- my dick needs some attention.” Slowly and with rough movements, Sherry removed her short leather skirt, revealing her naked groin to the air. Cautiously, George’s hands approached. Sherry responded with a brutal slap.

“If I wanted hands, I’d do it myself, bitch! I want your mouth!”

“Yes mistress.”

Another brutal slap caught George in the face.

“Mistress! You stupid whore, you’re going to pay for that!”

Forcefully, Sherry grabbed George’s head and pulled it up, forcing it into her groin.

“Suck, bitch.”

George opened his mouth and began eating out Sherry. But as he did so, something began to change. Her clitoris, swelling with arousal, was beginning to thicken. George did not think anything of it, until he felt it beginning to extend past his lips. Horrified, George tried to pull his head away, only to be forced back on.

“You heard me!”

Terrified, George could only continue to suck as he was commanded, as the vagina around his mouth rapidly began to change. The clitoris continued to grow, as if being drawn into his mouth, while the rest of the vagina began to shift upwards, or seal up altogether.


George violently pulled himself away from the terrifying occurrences taking places right before him, to see a bizarrely extended clitoris, or perhaps a tiny penis, where the woman’s vagina had once been.

“Massage my balls.”


“You heard me!” shouted Sherry, slapping George and shoving his face back to her groin. Terrified of another painful blow, he allowed the organ back into his mouth and reached his hand to just beneath, rubbing the skin beneath. As his head pressed up against her body, he felt a strange rumbling, like something shifting inside. He continued the rubbing, feeling the skin beneath her lengthening and widening penis beginning to grow coarse hairs and loosen. With disgust, he felt the skin loosen further and further, until it was simply an empty, dangling sac. Then, suddenly, an object began descending down into the nascent scrotum from the bodily interior above it. Sherry grunted with pleasure, then suddenly ejaculated into George’s mouth. He tried to gag and spit the alien fluid out, but Sherry pulled his hair.

“Swallow it, slut... yeah, swallow it.”

Obediently, George did as he was told. As the sperm went down, he felt his mouth, tongue and throat tingling and tightening. He paused for a moment, but fearing further abuse, returned to massaging Sherry’s growing genitals. A second object sank down into the scrotum, and the transformation of the region was nearing its completion. Sherry began to pump George’s head forwards and backwards, pushing his lips up and down the shaft of her penis. As they slid along, they tingled and began to thicken, becoming soft and pouty, although his face as a whole remained unchanged. Sherry’s member was beginning to develop definition, beginning to assume the proper shape of the male organ. Inside his mouth, George’s tongue felt the tip began to widen into a head. He sensed the urethra re-emerge at the tip, and felt a fold slowly growing into the foreskin. Hairs began to grow around the base of the penis, scratching at his face. The penis had swelled up to an impressive size, straining the available space in his mouth. Suddenly, Sherry shoved him away, and came a second time. Her hot semen splattered over his face and chest, leaving George a moment to sit in stunned silence at the recent events. Sherry grunted pleasurably, her voice cracking slightly. A wide grin on her face spread as she looked at George, frozen in shock.

“Lick your lips girl.”

Nervously, George ran his tongue around his mouth, tasting semen. He also sensed that something distinctly different in the shape of his tongue and lips, but put it down to the stimulation of recent events.

“Yeah, lap it up good.”

George obeyed, reaching every bit of his face that he could with his tongue. He raised his hand to his face to wipe away the remnants, before lowering his hand to wipe off his torso. As he did so, his face began to tingle, the skin softening subtly.


“Yes Sher- I mean-“

Sherry slapped him cruelly.

“Master. You’re going to have to lick it off your chest too.”

“But I can’t-”

“Do it.”

George bent his head forwards, until his chin rested on his collarbone. He extended his tongue out as far as he could, but could not reach.

“Move your tits, you dumb bitch.”

Of course! George put his hands under his pectorals, and pushed them upwards, in reach of his tongue, which lapped up the drying semen. As he did so, he felt a strange sensation spreading across the area, something more than the simple sensation of his tongue on skin. The muscle seemed to fade, and it became either easier to stretch his neck downwards, or easier to push the flesh upwards. After a few moments of this, George had removed the stains from his skin, which glistened now with saliva. His pectorals felt strange, as if his whole upper body had weakened.

Sherry grinned lecherously and nodded. She had enjoyed the show, but now it was over and she desired more. Her satisfied smile turned back to a scowl at George.

“So, why are you wearing so much, prude? Not putting out for me huh? Take it off, my little bitch, and do it sexy.”

Shuddering, George tried to back away, but Sherry leapt on him and pinned him down to the bed.

“Fine then, we’re gonna do this the hard way.” Flexing her arms- were they growing wider?- Sherry twisted George around so he was lying on his stomach, and roughly pulled off his unbuttoned shirt, leaving him topless.

“No bra? Slutty, aren’t you. Let’s see what you’ve got going on downstairs.” Sherry stuffed her hand beneath George’s groin and unzipped his fly, sticking in her hand and grabbing hold of his stiffened member.

“Oh yeah, that’s some fine pussy. You ready to use it?”

George didn’t respond before Sherry whipped off his belt, holding it threateningly near his bare chest.

“Take off your pants.” Sherry ordered, putting a knee down on the center of his back.

Squirming, George unbuttoned his slacks and began to wriggle around, pushing them down and revealing black boxers.

“All off!” Sherry grabbed the waistband and snapped it down on George’s rear, triggering an involuntary moan.

“You’ll like more of that... hurry up now.”

George pushed down the boxers along with his pants, struggling to push them past his knees due to the heavy weight pinning him down. Sherry shifted around, now sitting in on George’s back, and began to massage his rear. George moaned pleasurably, his penis hard against the bed.

“Gettin’ wet baby... let’s keep this up.” Sherry continued to rub deeply, and George continued to writhe pleasurably and moan. His voice was slowly slipping higher as he did so, and further places were taking place at the point of contact. Sherry’s fingers were growing less feminine, becoming wider, rougher and stronger. Meanwhile, George’s ass was losing its muscular definition, but at the same time smoothing over with fat deposits, making it ever-easier to get purchase in the warm flesh.

Suddenly, Sherry rolled off of George’s back and violently pulled off his pants, then his boxers, leaving the man naked in bed. With an impressive show of strength, she flipped him over again, flexing her growing arms. George looked up and for the first time saw the full scope of the changes in the prostitute. Her face was the same, and she wore the same black leather tank top, but her arms were... thick, and seeming to be growing hair. And in the middle of her groin was... a rapidly rising penis. Sherry’s eyes met George’s and her intentions became fully known. George could barely cry out before Sherry leapt upon him, pinning him to the bed. Her hand went straight to his penis, massaging it along its length.

“Oh baby, your smooth ‘n sexy slit... it wants this, doesn’t it?”

“N-no!” stammered George, before being silenced by a light punch.

“So girl, I don’t usually get involved, but I can tell you’re gonna be a sweet fuck- what’s the name?”

“Uh... Georgia.”

“Georgia eh? Hah! That’s more masculine than you deserve. Far as I’m concerned, your name’s Tiffany from now on.”

“Yes master.”

“Good. With that out of the way, let’s get busy.” Sherry’s hand moved to George’s scrotum, which she began to stretch and squeeze. George’s penis twitched in excitement, prompting Sherry’s second hand to seize it, keeping the organ under control.

As she massaged the scrotum, she began to push it up against his body. Slowly, the testes began to shrink, as the skin began to tighten. Hair was withdrawing from the area, as the skin smoothed over further. The incredible tension in his groin was almost too much to bear, and George forced himself to remain in control- but he couldn’t. With a breathy grunt, he came, semen spurting out onto Sherry’s hand and dribbling back down his penis. With a smooth, sliding sensation, his scrotum pulled flatter and flatter towards his body, pushing his two testes against the inner surface of his core. His body seemed to open up inside, drawing in the two pressured objects, one after the other. With a few last rubs, the looseness of the scrotum disappeared, and George was smooth and hairless beneath his penis, flaccid from the recent ejaculation.

“Now’s the time baby. Open up wide!”

With an unexpected thrust, Sherry forced her penis just underneath George’s. He gasped with surprise, and a suddenly renewed fear, he tried to withdraw, but Sherry kept on pushing, thrusting the head of her penis into the fold just between the flaccid member and his skin. Holding this position, Sherry moved her hands along the side of George’s body, spreading his semen all the way up both sides, before resting her fingers on his chest. There, they began to aggressively rub his nipples, causing George to moan, the small protrusions on his thin chest stiffening.

“Yeah... you like it when I go at your big, fat nipples, don’t you?”

“Unh...” moaned George, his voice cracking further. Sherry, without warning, halted the rubbing and grabbed George’s nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, squeezing and twisting them. George gave a breathy gasp of pain, arching his back. As he did so, his waist began to give away and lose its width, as his ribcage tapered more and more towards its bottom. Sherry maintained the assault, pulling and twisting at George’s nipples, causing the man beneath her to writhe. The aggression was overwhelming, George began to scream from the intense, pleasurable pain. Finally, she released him, allowing George to flop back on the bed, exhausted. His nipples were large and discoloured from their recent mistreatment, and balanced atop a lightly heaving chest.

While George attempted to recover, Sherry focused her efforts back at his groin. A small cavity was beginning to form beneath George’s penis, and Sherry pushed into it repeatedly. George attempted words, but failed, managing to only cry out a weak moan. His flaccid penis began to grow erect again, but it would not grow back to its original size. As Sherry pumped more and more, George began to cooperate, putting his hands on Sherry’s muscular shoulders, gripping them desperately. His own arms began to thin and weaken, as their hair receded and his fingers began to refine. Meanwhile, his penis was periodically spasming, in futile attempts to ejaculate. Each time it twitched, it softened again, before extending again to progressively smaller sizes. The sensation in it was growing progressively more intense as it rubbed against Sherry’s thick, powerful member. With every thrust, the cleft beneath his shortening penis was growing deeper and deeper. George, overcome by sensation, lifted his legs into the air and wrapped them around Sherry’s back, which was growing ever more thick and well-muscled. He found it a little odd- his legs had never been this flexible before. Meanwhile Sherry’s ran her firm hands along the length of George’s legs, playing with them as his limbs shook and shortened. Their hair too was beginning to recede, and feminine curves were descending quickly down his thighs.

By this point, George’s penis had dwindled to a thick stub, rubbing against Sherry’s. With every new thrust, it shrank further, sinking into the top of the vaginal cavity so recently opened by Sherry’s efforts. George was too far gone in erotic bliss to feel concern. As his new vagina completed its formation, Sherry’s thrusts became even more aggressive, bringing George ever closer towards climax. Then, in an instant, it happened. Sherry gave a deep, satisfied grunt, and George felt a hot spurt burst forth inside of him. He screamed and clawed at Sherry’s leather-clad back, his shrinking feet digging into he.

For a few moments, the two rested, tightly attached to each other. However, Sherry kept her penis in position, resting on George’s soft chest and removing her leather top, letting her breasts hang free.

“Now, you’ve been an obedient little whore, haven’t you?”

George did not respond, still basking in the afterglow of his powerful orgasm.

“Tell me your name.”

George stirred from his reverie.

“I’m George.”

“Tiffany... I’m disappointed. I guess I’ll just have to teach you- now. Suck this.”

Sherry lay her nipple down on George’s face, and obligingly, he took it into his mouth, playing at it with his tongue. Sherry suddenly slapped George.

“I said suck!”

George began to suckle on the nipple, and Sherry rested down heavily upon him. With every suck, a bit of milk entered his mouth, its flavour washing through him. Every bit of milk shrank Sherry’s breast a little more, and George was swapping back and forth. Intoxicated with the idea of serving his master, George did not feel his preteen breasts begin to grow, as Sherry’s shrank, nor did he feel his face, contorted from the suckling, changing shape, features altering from those of a nondescript man to a seductive woman. His hair at last began to grow, at an incredible pace, quickly passing his ears, neck, and spilling down all around him in curly, brunette locks.

George continued to suckle, his mind now overpowered by the desire to obey his master and continue to suck. He struggled to do so, even as the nipples shrank away to small, flattened bumps, and Sherry’s once voluminous breasts gave away entirely to toned pectorals. As the last of Sherry’s femininity was sucked out of her, George’s breasts were completing their final growth into soft, rounded d-cups.

Tiffany stared at her master lovingly. His features were chiselled and strong, and tolerated her holding him tightly in post-coital embrace. After several minutes, he pulled himself free, triggering a needy, whining noise from Tiffany.

“Don’t worry babe, you’ll be getting plenty more of that soon enough.”

“Huh?” asked Tiffany. Her mind was clouded, and filled with thoughts of sex and submission.

“Ah, I’ve set up a... couple appointments- should make some good money.” Tiffany’s master was now pulling on some men’s clothing scattered around the bed, quickly dressing hisself. He picked up Tiffany’s leather skirt and top, cast down on the floor, and threw them.

“Now, get your slow ass out of here, this motel charges by the hour. Our clients are waiting.” Tiffany quickly pulled on the skimpy articles of clothing, and followed her master out of the room.

Quarma 01-26-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
...well. First we start out with fairly innocent stories of a kid in a lingerie shop and a girl's bathroom... and then delve headfirst into dommie prostitutes and sex tapes. How's that for mood whiplash...

Sphore 01-26-2010 03:59 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I took a while to post it. Wasn't sure if it was a good idea...

blblblblbl 01-26-2010 08:16 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Yeah, I think the more innocent ones were better.

forum.gadget 01-26-2010 08:58 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
The change in tone is fine, please continue to write and post whatever you feel like. I have enjoyed every story.

Leonides 01-27-2010 12:35 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Screw the innocent ones. They were good. This is great. Well, in my opinion at least.


blblblblbl 01-27-2010 07:35 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
forum.gadger is right. Please feel free to post whatever you like. I will read it and like it regardless. Nice job as always.

zalabar 01-27-2010 08:05 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Definately a nice job, but... I dunno.

On the one hand, it's excellent process. The descriptions are vivid, invocative, and apt... but it feels distressingly like a snuff piece in the light of day. We go from two characters who are simply defined by the most subtle things; his shyness on the request, her 'anything once' smirk, the scene itself--all of these combine to tell a short, but weirdly compelling little story about how they got here.

And then it goes into something that feels... honestly a bit soulless. The characters lose their character, and it becomes a pimp n' ho scene. A well written, excellently visualized one... but still, a stereotyped and cliche ending... like something from an addventure author that just couldn't get it on the right beat.

Sphore, you're good at this, and don't let anything I'm blathering on about here detract from that. This is not one of your better pieces, and I think it has more to do with how the other two felt like stories, while this feels like a scene. Thanks for the free entertainment, and I hope you continue to do great work.

Sphore 01-28-2010 03:48 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Thanks! I really appreciate the constructive feedback.

blblblblbl 02-10-2010 10:12 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
You're welcome. Hopefully, you'll have another one soon. I'm really enjoying your writing.

This is how I would rank your stories so far:

1. Jake's Initiation
2. Reality is a Fickle Thing
3. Pleasure
4. A Night Out

Of course, this is just one man's opinion.

blblblblbl 04-01-2010 07:27 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
So, its been a while since we last heard from you.

Are you really busy or something?

Sphore 04-02-2010 01:16 AM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
Prettymuch, yes.

Sphore 04-20-2010 01:52 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
The Purse

“Do I have to carry this?”

“You're the one who offered to carry my baggage...”

Greg rolled his eyes and picked up the small black bag. It was surprisingly heavy, so he rested it against his hip, hand under its bottom. He couldn't help but think that it looked ridiculous. He was tall and broad in build, with short blond hair and... a woman's purse. Cindy shut the car's doors and started off with what remained of her luggage, her friend following closely behind.

As they walked, Greg noticed a strange soreness in right hip. With every step the bag, held awkwardly against his body, rubbed against him. Cindy was talking animatedly about her trip, but Greg remained quite distracted by the increasing discomfort. After a few minutes, the odd feeling had escalated to outright discomfort. To compensate, he adopted a slight limp in his gait.

Cindy paused for a moment and looked back.

“Are you alright Greg? Having trouble with a purse?”

Greg looked up, eyes wide before cracking a grin.

“'Course not.”

With a casual gesture, he switched the handbag from his right to left hand, and walked along.

“So then, how was your trip?”

“Oh, it was so wonderful to get back in touch with all of my family... Auntie Alice... visit...”

Greg's mind was being drawn back, despite his efforts to ignore the growing pain, to his hips. He felt a similar pressure building on his left side, and suppressed a groan. Twisting his back from side to side for a few steps, he felt the tight discomfort relieving, and returned his attention to Cindy.

“...and the drive back from her summer home was beautiful... are you alright?”

“Yes!” Greg straightened immediately.

“You know, you could actually carry that thing with the strap.”

Greg looked down at the bag, held awkwardly in his hand.

“Yeah, but that's how a woman carries it.”


Greg paused for a moment, then shrugged, slinging the black bag over his shoulder and carrying on. With every step, it swung past, brushing his hip each time. He no longer felt that discomfort, but unnoticed, his legs were shifting angles, as his hips slowly widened. Slowly, his gait began to change, falling more and more in step with that of Cindy.

Meanwhile, as the strap of the purse hung over his broad shoulder, the swinging motion seemed to begin to erode his muscular frame. As the two walked along, Greg's musculature began to sink away, his shoulder shrinking to a slighter and slighter profile. With a slight moan, Greg flipped the purse over onto his other shoulder to relieve the discomfort.

“Are you really having trouble with that?”

Greg laughed, voice cracking slightly as he did so.

“Of course not! I really should be taking one of your heavier bags.”

“Oh no, I'm doing quite fine over here. Just make sure you don't collapse over there.”

Greg stuck his tongue out and continued on, idly scratching his rear- something seemed amiss, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The pair walked in silence for a moments, until a phone in the bag began to ring.

“Probably for you.” Cindy stated flatly. Greg looked at her in confusion for a moment, then reached in and pulled out a pink cellphone.


An indistinct voice on the phone mumbled some half-heard apology about a wrong number then abruptly hung up, leaving Greg holding the phone in some confusion.

“Wrong number?”

“Apparently.” Greg put his cellphone back in the bag and then paused for a moment. Rummaging around the purse for a few moments, he withdrew a very familiar wallet. Flipping it open, he realized it to be his own. In surprise, he reached back and felt for his back pocket- empty! Bizarre... he could have sworn that he kept it there.

“You all right Greg?”

“Yeah...” responded the man unsteadily, “I just thought I'd... never mind.”

Greg's hand wandered back to his pocket. His ass felt... rounder than normal. He scratched his head in confusion, feeling a sudden itchiness on his scalp before dropping his hand back to his side, gently resting on the purse.

Cindy began to fill in the silence with more stories from her trip. Greg listened with interest, as the last vestiges of his muscular shoulders faded away. The change was spreading down his torso and arms, and his legs were now walking with a distinctively feminine strut, hips swaing back and forth with each step. His rear was subtly enlarging, while the muscular lightening happening across his body was repeating its activities along the length of his legs.

“Just a moment, here's my house. I'll drop off my bags here, then we'll head out?”

“Oh, uh, sure!”

“My keys are in your purse.”

The two turned left and began walking up towards Cindy's house. Greg reached into his purse and fished about for the right keys. On a whim, he slipped his hand through a thin gold bracelet, before running his index finger through the key ring and withdrawing the object, tossing it to Cindy. She opened the door, and the two figures entered the house. Cindy began to haul her bags up the staircase, while Greg wandered to the living room and sat down awkwardly, purse on his lap. The leather seat was quite cold, and Greg tensed his rear, squirming from side to side for a few moments and noticing that the chair felt unusually well-padded. He picked up his purse and put it down beside him, and ran his hands down his jeans, suddenly noticing several odd things. His thighs seemed... different. Softer, yet still wide. And were those holes in his jeans? Brushing his growing hair out of his vision, Greg leaned forward and took a close look at his jeans. They were quite a bit tighter than before, and felt distinctly softer too... but the tops of his jeans were rapidly fraying apart, large rounded holes rapidly expanding. His grey boxer shorts, somewhat stressed and ill-fitting, showed through clearly.

Greg quickly stood up, surprised that his pants were staying up, and held his purse against his chest, quickly striding towards his- Cindy's guestroom, an ever-growing sway in his hips. He looked down to see the jeans fray out around the groin and his thighs, leaving some tightly fitting fabric around his legs, and a rapidly disintegrating ring around his hips, which failed to cover his uncomfortable underwear. Putting his purse down on the dresser, he pulled his shirt down, tucking it under his belt and stretching it further downwards. His chest tingled in discomfort as the rough fabric slid on him, causing a small gasp. Pausing, Greg finished pulling his shirt down evenly so that it at least covered his hips, before raising his thinned hands to his chest. He felt suddenly uncomfortable and irritated. His shirt was surprisingly rough, and the nipple upon which his hand rested seemed to be stiffened in response. Greg pulled back his hand in surprise, then nervously pulled at his collar. The fabric stretched down, sinking to reveal a v-shaped portion of his collarbone.

Feeling ever more uncomfortable in his boyshorts, Greg sat down on the bed then slid off his shorts. Carefully sliding them down over the former jean fabric which now was growing soft and fuzzy further down his legs, he stepped out of them and dropped them into his purse. A strange sensation caused him to freeze and giggle for a moment, as he felt the uppermost reaches of his jeans sliding up around his body, underneath his shirt- which he unconsciously pulled down lower again, extending the lower hem of the garment to the middle of his thighs and drawing down the neckline even further. He grinned at the thought that he could now wander about with neither pants nor underwear with no one being the wiser- it made him fell naughty.

The ring of fabric slid up over his hips, drawing up his belt as well, sliding from his hips upwards towards his waist. The inner fabric was quickly softening, but also growing increasingly tight. Greg winced at the pain and flopped backwards on the bed, feeling the tightening sensation around his waist. He slid his hands along his sides, noticing a distinct slimming between his hips and ribs. Then...


Greg cried out as the fabric ring continued on upwards. His belt now rested tightly around his waist, but underneath his shirt, the ring was crawling over his ribs, crushing them inwards. Greg hyperventilated and breathed in quick, shallow gasps, beginning to grow dizzy- when it suddenly stopped. The ring of fabric, by this point developed into a smooth material, rested snugly around his chest. Breathing deeply now, Greg continued to lie on his back, feeling the band grow wider and shaped, thinning around his back while bifurcating in his front, growing to cover his now heavily-stimulated nipples. The delicate fabric embraced his chest, tendrils extending upwards towards his shoulders. Greg shuddered pleasurably as they delicately snaked around him, then met in the back. Idly, one hand rested on his chest, feeling the thin layer beneath his shirt. He felt a slight softness beneath, and gently groped it, smiling.

After a few moments, Greg rose back to a sitting position, breathing heavily. He felt a very slight shifting weight on his chest, but got up regardless. He looked down to see the ongoing source of the tingling in his legs. His jeans had transformed into green knee-high socks, which nicely advertised the curve of his legs. His shirt- though it was really looking more like a minidress at this point, extended halfway down his thighs. The way it gripped onto his curves was fantastic... but something was wrong.

Greg noticed with distaste a slight bulge under the fabric of the groin, and stood up. With a few quick strides over to his purse, Greg pulled out the shorts he had deposited there a brief moment before and removed them. As they rose out of the black bag, he watched with muted amazement as the legs slowly shrank and the fabric faded. Quickly, Greg stepped back into them, sliding them up around his groin. The shifting material seemed to seize his genitals, reshaping them. Greg gasped hoarsely and stumbled back towards the bed, legs locked together. Collapsing, he wriggled and moaned in a voice of ever-rising pitch, shaking bodily at the intense, agonizing, and pleasurable sensation emanating from between his thighs. Greg continued to roll about on the bed, one hand on his groin the other massaging his underdeveloped chest. Suddenly, the sensation came to an explosive stop. Greg struggled to hold back an ecstatic scream, and flopped limply down on the sheets, breathing heavily. Several moments passed before she weakly pushed herself back up, rising unsteadily to her feet. Greg staggered over towards the attached bathroom, turned on the sink, and doused her face repeatedly. With every wash, her facial features shifted subtly- jaws thinned, nose and ears shrank, eyebrows thinned, until the face was finally of unambiguous gender.

Greg reached a long-nailed hand into his purse and sighed for a moment- the black leather didn't match his dress at all. Pulling out a variety of items, Greg brushed her tousled hair back to its wavy norm, then applied a touch of blush and lipstick. Refilling the purse, which shimmered to a greenish hue as she did so, Greg slung it over her shoulder and admired the figure in the mirror. Though her breasts were rather small, she looked fantastic with her shoulder-length blonde hair, green minidress, waistbelt, and knee-highs. Tossing her hair playfully in the mirror, she turned around to leave.

Stepping out into the main hallway, Cindy descended down the stairs.

“Thanks for the ride back from the airport!” she said, dropping a quick kiss on Greg's cheek.

“Glad to help!” Greg returned the gesture and began to turn towards the doorway.

“But... I've got this weird thing I'm forgetting something.”

“If you've left anything with me, I'll be sure to find it and bring it over.”

Cindy gave a relieved smile.

“Thanks, you're wonderful.”

Greg gave a final wave slipped on her heels, stepping out of the house and taking a few quick steps to the car, before freezing for a moment.

Was she leaving something behind?

Giving a perplexed expression for a moment, she nonetheless slipped into the passenger's seat, tossing her purse onto the lap of the man next to her.

“Man, you girls take forever to 'just drop off some bags'.”

Greg just gave a little grin, as the car started up and drove off down the street.

Aquacorvid 04-20-2010 02:19 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
I really enjoyed that one. I do feel like I had some trouble following what was happening with the changes to his clothes, but that just might be my tiredness affecting me. I still found it really good though

Miracle overloading 04-20-2010 03:10 PM

Re: Changes in Store (TG Stories)
very nice

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