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Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:32 AM

New story. A.C.E.S.
Just a "Little" Disorder

In the early part of the 21th century a new and debilitating disease that targets only women has emerged. Actually to call it a disease is not entirely accurate it is a new genetic mutation in our society. It is called Mamroengorgus disorder where as an imbalance in the genes of young women ( around the late teens to late twenties ) causes extreme and immediate growth. Given the young age of the individuals the hormone spike is triggered in the chest area and the victims breast grow to extreme size vary rapidly, often the effects of this disorder are so severe the subject is left immobile. The percentage of women with this dangerous gene is not as low as one may think as well, up to 45% of the population has this gene and of that percent many will exhibit symptoms before they are out of the danger age. However all hope is not lost. As a companion to this strange genetic fluke there is another, much smaller group of women that have developed a genetic disposition to the defect in others with this disorder. These women can by means science can't explain absorb and naturally burn off the rampaging hormonal growth and effectively cure the patient, returning them to normal size. In the beginning these women were not allowed to practice there odd ability because medical science could not explain it, however due to public out cry at the effectiveness of this method the gorvernment has now a days imployed these women to help manage the crises caused by this disorder. These women are know as the Accelerated Chest Enlargement Service or A.C.E.S. for short.

“So class that is why today after lunch we will be getting a visit from the A.C.E.S. group to have testing done to determine who in the class has the mamro gene and the ladys from A.C.E.S. will personaly insturct those unforutnet young ladys about how to cope if they feel an attack coming on.” Mrs. Whites human development class was probibly about the same feeling as the stun line at a slauter house, a blunt speech after a short history film. Hanna thought. Nearly half the girls in this room would probably test positive and half of them at some point or another will blow up like a parade flot at a random inconvenient time, way to ease us into it. Of course it's not like any of the girls in this class are learning anything new today, since late grade school all the students her age hear about the horror storys from highschool girls. So and so's best friend ran out of class today and the A.C.E.S. lady had to come see her. Still it would be nice if they could get a teacher with a little tact to explain it, many of the girls looked scared, probably her too. Mrs. White dismissed the class and Hanna and her friends Kelly, Phoebe, and Samantha all left for lunch.

“That class was a nightmare.” Sammy said. “Well we'll deal with it after we get the test,” Phoebe says, “maybe we'll get lucky and all test negative.” “Not likely Phoebs,” said Kelly, “but if I do test positive I just hope it happens early to get it out of the way and I hope I have time to get somewhere private.” “Pore Mary-Ann.” everyone echoed. Mary-Ann Fowler was a senior at there school until she had her outbreak right in the middle of class and was to embarrassed to come back. She had fallen asleep in class and was woken when her breasts started to crush her desk. It was every highschool girls worst nightmare, to have an outbreak in front of everyone instead of getting up dignified and going to the bathroom. Just then Hanna noticed every male eye in the yard trained on the fence and she knew the A.C.E.S. were here.

The two women that got out of the SUV were unmistakeably A.C.E.S. All A.C.E.S. wore relatively the same outfit, some kind of sensible business pants not to dressy and a form fitting expandable top with short tight selves. The tops were not made out of spandex or nylon but some kind of special material that apparently could simply not break when stretched. This uniform is for the fact that women from A.C.E.S. breast grow whenever they heal someone and gradually shrink back over time. The blond of the group certainly was testing her tops endurance with a pair of breast nearly the size of beach balls. “No wonder the boys were stairing,” Kelly said, “she’s a walking wet dream.” The brunet with her was not nearly her size but all A.C.E.S. women have huge breast even when not inflated, hers were well up the alphabet, maybe L, just big enough to rule out being both natural and implants, only A.C.E.S. looked like that. The two women walk into the school without paying the crowd any attention. “One time I saw one of those girls in town, her boobs were so big they were nearly past her waste.” Phoebe said. “And how are they supported?” Sammy asked. “Its not like they can hide a bra under those skin tight shirts even if one big enough existed, but there boobs never sag no mater the size and they can always lift them.” “I'm perfectly happy not knowing.”Hanna replied.

After lunch all the girls in there grade where excused from class to go to the nurses office and have blood taken for the test. The A.C.E.S. girls were nowhere to be seen and the process of taking blood was relatively quick. “The test results will be ready at the end of the day and if you test positive you'll be required to stay behind and speak to one of the A.C.E.S.” The nurse said. Hanna just nodded.

At the end of the day the P.A. chimed and the list of names was read out. It was in alphabetical order and when they pass Hanna's name it was like a wight was taken off her shoulders, or maybe chest. Hanna looked over guiltily at Sammy and Phoebe who both tested positive. At the end of the announcement the P.A. cut out but quickly crackled back to life, “Miss Hanna Summers please report to the principles office as well.” Hanna's heart froze, what could they want with me if I passed? she thought frantically. She looked over at her unfortunate friends who shrugged. At the office the long line of depressed girls ran out into the hall. Hanna was plucked from it and her friends and quickly asked to wait in the principles main office. Principle Sterling was a middle aged women, short, sharply dressed and Hanna had always liked her aside from the fact she rarely ever had to see her. “Miss Summers.” She said as she came in. “There’s been a small problem with your test apparently and the A.C.E.S. women asked if you could be kept here until we're sure the results.” “So I may be positive after all.” Hanna said quietly. Principle Sterling came over and took Hanna's hand. “Even if you are there’s nothing wrong with that dear, you know when I was young I tested positive and later needed to be cured by an A.C.E.S.” She let the words sink in, patted Hanna's shoulder and excused herself. Adults always know how to make it worse she thought, the thought of kind hearted, motherly Principle Sterling with tits down to her waste nearly made Hanna gag.

She didn't know exactly how long she waited but it had to be hours, just then the door opened and the two women from A.C.E.S. walked in. The storys about there chests were true, the blond was now a manigable if not still huge size and it took all of Hanna's will to drag her eyes off her chest. “Hello miss Summers,” the brunet started, “My name is Grace and this is Jennifer we're here today to test all you girls and we've had some problems with yours.” “So does that mean I'm positive?” Hanna asked. “No not really.” Grace said. “But... how much do you know about the Accelerated Chest Enlargement Service?” “You’re the women that can cure people with Mamroengorgus disorder, your special somehow genetically.” Hanna replied. “Yes that’s true and the thing that makes us special is vary rare so it throws us a bit when this situation happens.” “What situation?” Hanna asked the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. “Well dear you have the same gene we do, you’re an A.C.E.S. candidate.” Grace said. “She going down.” Jennifer chimed as Hanna fainted, the last thing she could remember was a huge pair of tits hanging over her as she lay on the carpet.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:32 AM

The Day Off

“Hanna.... Hanna.” Whys mom waking me up on a Saturday? Hanna thought. When she opened her eyes she realized she was still at school and her meeting with the A.C.E.S. girls was not just a bad dream after all. “Oh no.” Hanna said. “Yeah, the ladies from A.C.E.S. told me when I got here.” Her mother said. “Mom what am I going to do?” “That gene is so rare the government pressures anyone with it into joining A.C.E.S.” “Have you seen those women Mom?” “They're freaks.” “It’ll all be ok honey.” Her mom said. “I have already talked to the women and they want to talk to you again when your ready.” Hanna nodded weakly and her mother went to go get them.

“Hello again miss Summers.” Grace said as she came in. “I have to apologise for earlier, this happens so rarely that I never thought I'd have to break this news to someone and I could have handled it better.” “It's ok,” Hanna said. “But I don't think I want any of this, I was planing on going to University not government service.” Grace sighed and leaned back in her chair. “This was handled so badly, we've scared you, eh?” “I'll bet Jennifer showing up after a job didn't help ether.” Hanna blushed. “Well I have to try and convince you to take the job, it's just to rare a trait to let slide.” “But what about my life?” Hanna nearly wailed. “I had plains, I have a boy friend, what about my family? If I were to join I'd get shipped off to some part of the country that needs A.C.E.S.” “Actually,” Grace said. “You wouldn't have to, we have a woman in our city ready to retire and you could take her place, it’s the least I can do after all this.” Hanna couldn't talk she just mouthed quietly. “You know, it’s a good job.” Grace pressed. “We get a generous salary, housing if needed, you wouldn't have to go to university to have a good job.” “But... won't my body change if I join?” “Like yours, no offence.” “Yes that is one of the down sides, your body will pretty much be government property, but it's a normal eight hour shift lifestyle and the rest is free time aside from being on call.” “How about I make you a deal?” “Tomorrows Saturday take that day off to think about it and on Sunday come to the agency and you can come on a call with me to see how things work.” “Do I have a choice?” Hanna asked. “Yes and no,” Grace said, “Technically I have to take you in tonight but I trust you to make the right choice, you'd be helping a lot of people.” “I'll think about it and come in Sunday.” Hanna said. “Good, thank you so much for keeping an open mind.” Grace said.

On the way home Hanna couldn’t even speak. “You know dear I think it wouldn't be that bad, those women are valuable and respected people.” Hanna couldn't answer she was in shock, the thought of becoming one of those women with there huge breasts and strange job, she wanted to be a doctor. When they got home Hanna completely ignored Zoey, her younger sister, asking questions like. “Is it true those A.C.E.S. women wanted you to join them Han?” Hanna just trudged off to bed.

In the morning Hanna was awoken by the ringing phone. “Hanna?” “It's Owen you there?” “Owen hi, um nows not the greatest time.” “I herd about yesterday,” Owen said, “Your sister works fast.” Damn that brat and damn all of Facebook. Hanna thought. She was probibly the laughing stock of the school right now. “Hey it's ok, you need someone to talk about it?” “It's not the kind of thing you can help with, you’re a guy.” “Yes but I'm also your boyfriend and I imagine your feeling pretty shitty right now, come get a coffee with me, please.” “Ok,” Hanna said.

Owen was a tall blond hair guy Hanna's age, he was on the basket ball team and got good grades, he was handsome, caring, and Hanna couldn't help but wonder if he still didn't do a back flip when he herd the news she was soon to have striper tits and a piece of cake day job. “Han.” he said as he huged her and gave her a coffee. “What am I going to do Owen?” “They want to make me a freak and my mom and everyone around me says it’s a career opportunity.” “Well I know its not what you want to hear but I can't really argue that from what I've herd. You'd be saving people, just in a different way.” “I know that,” Hanna said, “but it's not my choise, it's forced on me from my genes, the government wants to force me.” “Well I don't know what to tell you Han, I know your probably thinking I have anterior motives for you joining.” Owen said with a grin. “And how do you feel about that?” Hanna asked, “My body changing, being about as appealing as possible.” “Well I wont lie to you, I think it's great, but not if it's not your choice Hanna.” He said taking her hand. “That makes me feel so much better.” Hanna said sweetly and sarcastically. “Well at least I was honest Hanna, that was about as much of a loaded question as you could give me.” Owen said. “You decide what you want and I'll be on your side.” Hanna couldn’t hold that against him, she had her coffee and wondered what she would do.

The rest of the day was a parade of people coming over or calling asking Hanna about if it was true and what she would do. She wanted to kill Zoey but she was already grounded for her posting this on Facebook and her mother wouldn't let Hanna see her. That night she overheard her mother and father arguing. “Karen I don't want my little girl taking that job, for god sake I don't want my daughter looking like that, what would I do if the sight of her gave everyone including me a boner.” “That’s a bit dramatic isn't it Robert?” “Have you ever seen one of those women walking around Karen?” “Sometimes there so huge its not even sexy its just confusing.” “Rob if she takes this job she's not going to become some whore, she'll be helping people.” “Just like that A.C.E.S. that helped me when I was twenty.” Hanna Father was quiet for a long time. “But she doesn't want to do it dose she?” he asked. “She'll decide that for herself Rob, but ether way we have to support her or this will destroy her life.” Mom. Hanna thought, she's just looking out for me. I guess I can at least go down there and see what will happen. Hanna went to bed undecided but she was no longer dreading the thought of having to chose, at least she had people that cared about her.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:33 AM

The Ride Along

Hanna stood in front of the Accelerated Chest Enlargement Services building working up the nerve to go inside. “This is the dumbest choice I've ever made.” She said and opened the door. In side was like any office waiting room, a woman behind a desk in the corner typed away at her computer and a row of chairs sat along the wall. “Hello.” the secretary said. “Do you have an appointment?” “Yes I think so, my name is Hanna Summers.” “Oh miss Summers have a seat and Grace will be down in a minute.” The woman paged Grace and Hanna waited.

When Grace came out she led Hanna into the back and toured her around the office. It had the feeling of being more like a fire house than an office, there were couches and a big TV in one corner and a workout room in back. Grace lead her over to her desk and started going over how there was paper work and reports to do on every job. “The place looks awfully empty?”Hanna said. “Yeah Sydney and Kesia are out on calls and its Jennifer and Joanna's day off, we'll just wait for a call and then we can head out.” “So, um if I were to agree to all this what happens?” Hanna asked. “Well first there is the hand off.” Grace said. “You would take over for Beth, the woman retiring soon, It's a simple procedure that would make you like us, an A.C.E.S.” “After that we'd train you, teach you how to cure and after a few supervised jobs you would be responsible for a shift like the rest of us.” “And aside from calls what do you do all day?” Hanna asked. “Well there are odd jobs around here obviously and a rookie would get a lot of the work but it would only be for your shift.” “Aside from that mostly we just sit and come down from the last call we were on.” “Come down?” Hanna asked. Grace made a rounded motion in front of her chest and Hanna fought the urge to run. “The effects of a healing last for about 4 or 5 hours, or longer depending on the size of the patient, usually you stay on site until your able to move on your own then come back here.” “If there's another call before you come down though another girl will be called in.” As gently as Grace was trying to sell this the urge to run was building.

Just then a page for Grace sounded and she and Hanna went up front for the details. “What’s up Rachel?” Grace asked. “An in home call, good one for the girl to see, she said she wasn't to big.” The secretary replied. “Great we shouldn't have to wait to long to leave that way.” Hanna fallowed Grace to the parking lot and jumped into the SUV with her. “Oh I forgot, you can drive right?” Grace asked. “Yeah.” Hanna said. “Good otherwise we'd have to have someone drive you to your jobs, you will have to sort of relearn to drive when your big though.” Hanna just stayed quiet. “So... your still not really sold on the hole thing are you?” “Honestly.” Hanna Said. “I don't think so.” “You really think that you can turn your back on all the people that would need you?” Grace asked. “I just think I could help as a doctor more and it wouldn't be so strange.” Hanna replied. “Well lets just leave that for later today, were here.”

“Ok so here are the rules.” Grace said. “When we get in there it's not about you anymore it's about her, no mater how bad she is you have to act normal, just stand back and watch, ok?” “Ok.” Hanna said. “So her name is Whitney Doyle, she's 23 and she lives alone.” “How do we get in?” Hanna asked. “Haha perks of the job.” Grace said jingling the car keys and getting out. They went to the front door and Grace took one of the keys on the ring. “We get a master key to all the front doors to apartments in the area.” “And the apartment door?” Hanna asked. “Haha my master keys.” Grace said holding up two small metal picks. “Your gonna pick the lock.” Hanna said skeptically. “Not like we can get the patient to come to the door.” Grace replide. When they got to the door Grace did indeed pick the lock, vary quickly actually. “Your awfully good at that.” Hanna said. “Lots of practise unfortunately.” She open the door and called out. “Hello, A.C.E.S. may we come in?” “Yes please.” A voice came from around the corner. “Now just act normal.” Grace said to Hanna. As they came round the corner into the living room Hanna was hard pressed to act normal. Whitney Doyle sat in the middle of the living room on the floor, her breast were huge, almost the size of small bean bag chairs keeping her from budging an inch, the tatered remains of a T-shirt scatared around her. “Hi my name is Grace Larson.” “I'm with A.C.E.S. and I'm here to help.” “I have to ask, do you mind if this young lady stands and watches?” “She's a trainee.” “Sure I guess.” Whitney said. “I've done everything I was told in my interview and the growth has stoped so I'm ready.” “Good I'm just going to get some measurements for our records and I'll start the healing.” Hanna stood by the door and watched, the pore women could barly move, she had no idea it was like this. As Grace measure the women she said. “Good I should be able to get out of here right after the healing, I have a ride today.” “If you need any time you can stay.” Whitney said. “I owe you.” Grace walked over to Hanna and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Could you really turn your back on helping this woman?” She looked Hanna in the eye. “Ok I'll start the healing now.” Grace said. She walked over to the girl on the floor and knelled before her. Hanna realised she didn't even know how a healing worked, she never had an interview. Grace took a deep breath and placed both her hands on the woman's swollen chest and closed her eyes. Nothing happened at first then Hanna realized Grace's chest was getting bigger under her stretching top, Whitney's chest started to shrink as well. When It was all over It was like Grace switched places with Whitney, the stretch top really was incredible, completely covering her now massive chest. Grace gave a small shudder and opened her eyes. “All done dear.” She said. Whitney slowly stood, gathering the remains of her shirt to cover herself. “Thank you.” She said. “Well all part of the job.” Grace replied. What Grace did next was impossible, she leaned back and lifted her huge chest in one smooth motion. Hanna's mouth hung open. Grace's chest jiggled and wobbled with every small move. “Well we'll be going now miss.” Grace said. “Ok and thank you again, both of you.” Whitney replied. Grace walked over in the direction of the door, the movement of her chest made Hanna stare like an idiot, her breast hung down to her waste and stuck out a good two feet, round and firm. Grace made a shoeing motion, Hanna backed out into the apartment hall and Grace followed, she had to squeeze through the door way, both sides of her chest mashing together.

“How are you moving around?” Hanna asked as they got outside. “Our bodies are different.” Grace replied. “When you do a healing your body will compensate to a certain degree so you can move but after a certain point anyone will be immobile.” As they got down to the car Grace tossed Hanna the keys. “Could you drive dear?” “I'm a little occupied.” Hanna got in but did not start the car. “I don't have a choice do I?” Hanna asked. Grace sighed. “Knew you'd figure that out eventually.” She said as she squeezed into the passengers seat, she barely fit and her tits pushed right up on the dashboard. “The government will force you if you don't agree. It's this or pretty much homelessness, they won't let you hold down a normal job.” “And I won't have to go away if I agree?” “Yes, I promise I'll make sure you stay in the city.” Grace replied. Hanna started the SUV and headed back to the agenise.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:33 AM

The Hand Off

Hanna had to be at the agenise for five o'clock today for the "hand off". That’s what they called the ceremony of becoming an A.C.E.S. She was excused from school now, now she would do a sort of home schooling in her off hours. She sat on the couch staring at the clock, ate lunch, this must be how death row feels. At 3:30 she went to the school to see her friends before she had to go for her appointment. When Hanna saw them coming out she went to them but Kelly went ahead of the others and stoped Hanna. “Hi Han,” she said, “Um Hanna don't get mad but the others, there really awkward about seeing you, you know because the whole A.C.E.S. thing.” “You haven't already....?” “No, not yet, today.” Hanna replied. “I don't understand, they don't want to see me?” “No, it's not that, its just... you know, one day you may have to "see them", they thought it would be really weird.” Kelly said. Of course, Hanna thought, they both tested positive. “If there willing I'd like to see them, even if that ever happens I don't what to loose my friends.” Kelly nodded and waved them over. “Hi guys.” Hanna said. “You don't have to be scared, I'm not the grim reaper of boobs just yet.” In spite of there nervousness Sammy and Phoebe laughed. Hanna rapped both of them in a big hug. “That stuff doesn't matter,” she sniffed, “we're friends.” They stayed like that for a long minute. “Your going today right?” Samantha asked. “Yeah at 5.” Hanna replied. “Um... do you un, want us to come with you?” Phoebe asked. The thought hadn't even occurred to Hanna, was she allowed? It's not like it was some sort of secret organization in an underground bunker. “You'd do that for me?” “A minute ago you were afraid that talking to me would be weird, I get the feeling this will be worse.” “You said it Han, were friends.” Kelly answered. All the pent up tension and stress of the last few days cracked then and Hanna started to cry, her friends were there for her.

The four friends stood out side the Accelerated Chest Enlargement Services building and it was five o’clock. The same woman from the other day was at her desk when Hanna and her friends walked in. “Oh miss Summers your right on time.” “Beth is already here and Grace wanted to be here for you too but it looks like you have that taken care of already.” “Yes,” Hanna replied, “I hope that’s ok right?” “No one ever said my friends couldn't come.” “No that’s fine.” Rachel replied. “It's just that I don't think this has ever happened before... They do know what’s going to happen today right?” She said pointedly looking down at Hanna's chest. “Lady one day we may be a lot worse off than Hanna will be today and she'll be there for us,” Sammy said, “We're here for her.” “Ok, Ok I'm not going to stop you.” Rachel said. “It's just really rare is all, go on in they're waiting for you.”

Inside Grace sat on a couch next to a middle aged woman Hanna assumed was Beth. Grace stood up to greet the girls, her chest was not huge but swollen several sizes more than the norm. Must have had to work today, Hanna thought. “Hanna I'm glad you’re here and these must be your friends?” “Yes they wanted to be here for me.” Hanna said. “Well lets get this show on the road.” Beth said standing up. Grace took Hanna aside. “Ok Hanna now you've seen me heal a woman already, it's just like that only you'll be taking the little extra something you need to be an A.C.E.S. rather than all the excess.” “So I'll be as big as her?” Hanna asked eying Beth’s enormous rack, the woman had big round breast only a little smaller than her head but she had a more appropriate build for it, Hanna would look freakish at that size. “That’s right and she'll be brought back to normal so if it helps think of it like a healing.” A life sentence of a healing. Hanna thought. Would she be that age before she could retire? “So what do I actually do?” “All that’s needed is skin to skin contact and well... will, willing her breasts into you, that’s the only way
I can explain it.” Grace said. “Normally the two women do this topless but seeing as you brought an audience would you like to have my gift for you early?” Grace held up the smallest shirt Hanna had ever seen, almost as small as baby’s clothes. When she took it in hand and felt the stretch she knew right away what it was and thanked Grace.

Hanna stepped out of the back room where she changed, the form fitting stretchy top was a tricky thing to get on but after her head was in it pulled over her body with no effort, stretching as she pulled it down. It hugged every curve she had. Hanna's breasts were never anything to write home about but she was not flat chested, she couldn't help but think the outfit made her look good. Beth stood in the middle of the TV area, topless. Beth's body was strange, though she looked fit and trim the inevitable age wrinkles showed on her skin in all places except her big round breast which looked like those of a woman half her age, they also were perky and firm despite there size which Hanna knew was impossible except for these women. Hanna's friend stood with Grace by the side of the room and Hanna shot a glance at them before approaching Beth. “Sorry sweetie, but there's no other way to do this than touching them.” Beth said. Taking a deep breath Hanna gingerly took both Beth's breasts in her hands, they where perfect she thought, firm but soft. A long moment pasted where Hanna didn't know what to do. “Um... not that I don't like a good grope but could you try to move along dear?” Beth said. “Take it easy Beth,” Grace said. “She's new and only seen this once.” Hanna didn't know what to do, Will them into her, what the hell was that supposed to mean. Hanna closed her eyes and tried to think of herself with these huge tits she was holding. She felt good for a moment, like the idea would be good, was she losing her mind. A moan escaped from Beth but was quickly cut off. “Why'd you stop kid it was working.” Hanna opened her eyes and her hands flew off Beth’s chest like it was a hot stove and straight to her own. They were bigger, not by much but her breasts were definitely bigger. “You have to finish Hanna.” Grace said. “Oh.” Hanna said popping back into reality. “Sorry I think I can do it now.” She placed her hands back on Beth’s chest and closed her eyes. Think of them flowing into you. She thought. The pleasant tingling feeling she felt reminded her of fooling around with Owen but the feeling that came next blew her mind. She felt her chest swell, actually swell and it felt so good she hoped it never ended. She realized the feeling faded when she heard laughing. “That’s all there is girl, sorry.” Beth said. Hanna opened her eyes and looked down.

She'd always herd the joke, can't see your own feet but it was true for her, Hanna had taken every bit of Beth's breasts. The stretch top didn't hide a thing she was huge, and it looked just like they were taken off Beth’s chest and put on hers exactly the same. “You ok dear?” Grace asked and Hanna looked up. “Yeah, it just felt so....” “I know dear, perks of the job remember?” Hanna's friends stood there with a look of mixed confusion and awkwardness. “Hey guys?” She said. They slowly came over to stand next to her. “What do they feel like?” Phoebe asked sheepishly. “Well...” Hanna said trying to come up with an answer. They felt normal enough to the touch but she was sure they should weigh more. “Normal I guess.” she replied. Just then without even asking Sammy stuck out one finger and poked them, they wobbled gently. “Samantha?!” Hanna said. “Sorry, sorry just couldn't help it, there real.” Sammy said. “Your telling me that?” Hanna replied. “Ok everyone just take a breath.” Grace said clamming the group. “Well good luck to you girl,” Beth said, “I've got a government paid trip to a warm sandy beach and for the first time in a while I won't draw a crowd in a bathing suit.” She was getting dressed here breast in a normal B to C range, when she was done she said her goodbyes to Grace and left. Hanna couldn't help but explore her new assets all shyness gone, her friends looked on just as curious.

After her friend left Hanna and Grace sat and talked on the couch. “So tomorrow you'll be in for your first training day.” “I won't be working tomorrow but Joanna and Sydney will be, Joanna is in charge of you but they will both be training you.” “Try to watch out for Sydney, she’s got a bit of a bad attitude but she’s a professional on the job, you can learn from her.” “Will I be doing a job tomorrow?” Hanna asked, with a feeling of dread and anticipation remembering the feeling of growing. “Not likely you need to learn other things first, maybe the next day though and I won't be working that day ether except being on call which means you'd have to go first.” “Ok so other than the obvious is there anything I should know about these.” Hanna asked. “Well they do glow in the dark, you'll have to get used to that.” Grace said. Hanna was dumbfounded. “What!?” she stammered. “Jess look at your face,” Grace said with a grin. “I'm kidding Hanna, aside from when your working there just regular old tits.” “Really not funny right now.” Hanna said. “Sorry everyone else "poked" fun at you, I couldn't help myself.” Hanna blushed. “Come on I'll drive you home it's getting late.” Thank god it is late Hanna thought. She didn't think she could face her family and all that awkwardness until after she had a good nights sleep. The drive was quiet and uneventful but as she got out of the SUV Grace leaned over the seat and held out her hand. “Hanna, welcome to A.C.E.S.” Hanna shook it.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:35 AM

That Morning After Feeling

Hanna's alarm went off at 7 o’clock just like it did every morning. Hanna rolled over and hit the snooze button like she did every morning for that precious 5 extra minutes she had every morning. However that shifting sensation this morning was new and Hanna only had time to open her eyes as her breasts sloshed off from on top of her and leaning on the edge of the bed like she was dragged her out of bed and onto the floor. “Guess I'll get an early start today.” Hanna muttered getting to her feet and going to get dressed. This posed a problem however as her old wardrobe was not quiet up to the task today. She stood topless in front of her mirror. Her breasts were completely out of proportion to her body, they may have been passable on a taller bigger woman but on Hanna the large near basketball size boobs made her uncomfortable. Sighing she pulled back on the stretch top Grace had given her last night which was a little harder to get on this time around, and a shirt that otherwise could not be buttoned. Then she remembered what waited downstairs, the worlds most awkward breakfast. What am I going to do? She thought. Then she had an idea, The hell with it, she was forced into this and it was who she was now, let them deal with it.

She walked down to the kitchen, her family sitting around the table eating and as non-chalantly as possible sat down in her normal spot against the wall. Her breast however wanted there own seat and lay on top the breakfast table, at first she was about to move, tuck them under or something but then she remembered her decision to say the hell with it and she let them lay. You could have herd a pin drop but god bless Zoey after only missing a beat picked up the Fruit loops and said. “Some cereal with your milk this morning?” Hanna could see her mother turn red but before the screaming started Hanna burst out laughing. She opened the box taking out a hand full. “I'll have it dry thanks.” Hanna's father nervously stared and her mother just smoldered there for a minute but Hanna and Zoey went right on having breakfast.

Hanna's mother drove her to the office that morning. Grace said she would get her own roomier SUV in a few days. “So your not as alright with this as you thought hun?” Hanna asked. “No, no that’s not it, I just thought, you know they shrunk back when you weren’t working.” “This is the size they shrink back to.” Hanna said sheepishly. There was a long silence, “Your pore father,” Hanna’s mom giggled just then, “I'll adjust, but you may want to talk to him sometime, most peoples little girls grow up slowly, I think you make him nervous.” “Yeah.” Hanna said grinning. As they pulled up to the agency Hanna's mother said. “Have a good day dear, we're always proud of you.” “Thanks mom.” Hanna said and got out.

Hanna entered the office and went to the front desk. “Morning Rachel.” Hanna said. “Good morning Hanna, Joanna is in back waiting but Sydnye is out on a call.” The secratary said looking up from her screen. “Oh dear, forgot about that yesterday, after work you can take the company credit card and get yourself some new clothes dear.” “That obvious hun?” Hanna replied. “You'll also get a few more stretch tops for personal use.” She said with a grin. Hanna went round back, she didn't see this Joanna person so she took the chance to poke around the office. There was a small kitchen in back. There were shelves of books and curent magaziens on the table. A row of office desks lined the front area. Hanna found the staires going up just as a tall curly haired red head was coming down. “Hi you must be Hanna,” she said, “I'm Joanna I'll be training you this morning.” Joanna was about 25 Hanna guessed, she wore the usual A.C.E.S. outfit stretched over a big round rack that quaifed her for the job. “Sydney will be back later today and I'll take the next call that comes in so hopefully it won't be till she gets back.” After saying her hellos Hanna asked. “So what am I supposed to be trained in today?” Hanna asked. “Well first I'd like to talk to you about procedure around here and on the job.” “If we have time I'd like to teach you the filing system but Sydney will probably have you do her paperwork since your a newbee, You have herd about Sydney right?” “I herd she’s a little hard to get along with.” “Well that’s one way of putting it.” Joanna said. “She was pissed this morning she had to wake up early for you so I'm afraide your already off to a bad start.” “Get up early?” “Doesn't she come in on time?” Hanna asked. “She's housed here, her, Kesia ,and me.” “So she usually sleeps in untill she's paged.” “You do know thats an option right?” “To live here, there are apartments style rooms upstairs.” “Yeah I herd that.” Hanna said, “But I still live with my parents.” “Oh that must be tough.” Joanna said. “Normally when you join A.C.E.S. you move away from your home, It would be weird adjusting to the change with your family around.” “I don't know, I think they're coping alright.” Hanna said. “You haven't gone on jobs yet.” Joanna said. “What do you mean?” Hanna asked. “I'd wait around here until I came down before going home.” “It's not just size dear.” Joanna said. “That’s one of the things I want to talk to you about, come sit down.”

“So first off when you heal someone you know its not just there size you take, though that’s part of it.” “The hard part is that your correcting a hormonal imbalance in the patients body by taking away the excess hormones.” “Do you know what kind of effect that has on your body?” “Especially someone as young as you?” “You mean the feeling when I took Beth’s breasts?” Hanna asked. “Sort of,” Joanna said. “The feeling is a by product but what last after, even some time after your size comes down is your hormone levels.” “What’s wrong with that?” Hanna asked. “Our bodies are different so we can survive it without being hurt, Right?” “Huh.... There's no good way to say this so I guess I'll just be blunt.” “At your age a healing is going to give you such a hormone spike you'll be as horney as a rabbit.” Hanna didn't even know how to respond to that, her brain took so long to process something so out of left field. “When I was your age they wouldn't even let me leave the building for a few hours after work, you'll be getting all the morning calls.” “Oh come on, it can't be that bad.” “I'm sure it'll suck but I think I have enough self control not to turn into a nympho.” Hanna said. Whenever her and Owen made out she alway had control even when things got heated. “You'll see dear.” Joanna said in a humouring voice. “What about my boyfriend then?” “I'm never allowed to see him?” Hanna asked. “No it's not like that dear.” “It's just for your own protection, it's like being drunk, less self control.” “And I don't know how much experience you have with sex but trust me no man, even a teenager can satisfy a real bad healing rush.” Hanna blushed. “It gets more controllable as you get older.” Joanna said. Great, Hanna thought just when I wasn't dreading this job quiet so much I get more good news.

Just then the doors to the front office flew open and somehow Hanna knew the woman standing there was Sydney. For a change it wasn't the giant breast that identified her, though they were hugely swollen from her job. Sydney was average height with short spiky hair. She was dressed in leather pants and a leather bike jacket that could only be done up at the bottom, her breasts wrapped in a stretch top took up the rest. She tossed a helmet down on the desk. She rides a motorcycle like that? Hanna thought. “So this is the new girl then?” She said. “Thanks a lot, not only did I have to get up early today but I was at that house for 2 hours till I was small enough to ride back.” “Not her fault you refuse to take an SUV Sid.” Joanna said. She leaned into Hanna's ear and whispered. “Another side effect of to much hormones, Boob rage.” “I'll come down when you have to go out.” Sydney said. As she crossed the room she started taking off articles of clothing, tossing jacket, gloves and other things off right on the floor. Hanna could see that she had cut the bottom half of the stretch shirt off to expose an elaboret lower back tatoo of an ace of spades but the bottoms of the spade was shaped into breast and beneath it read A.C.E.S. When she got to the staires all she had left was the top and pants. She grabed the bottom of the top and Hanna braced herself. “Hope there's no calls.” Sydney said and yanked the top off, her massive breasts swaying in there new freedom. Hanna relized she had never got a real good look at Whitney the patient from Sunday or any woman inflated. Sydney’s breast were incredible, that really was the only word she could use. They where so full, round and hung striate out from her chest. They were so big she wouldn’t have been able to reach around them, her large nipples standing erect. She turned, a motion that swung them impressively and stocked up the stairs.

“Sorry about her Hanna.” Joanna said. “Hopefully by the time I get called out she'll be settled down.” “Is there any chance there won't be a call?” Hanna asked. “Not likely, there’s rarely a day we don't work, it's a big city Hanna.” Hanna sighed. “Lets talk about something else hum?” Joanna asked. “Like what?” Hanna said into her chest as she slumped on the couch. “You know after you get used to things you can take online corses to finish highschool?” “Yeah, I know.” “I want my highschool at least but what will it really be good for?” “I won't go to university or get any other jobs.” Hanna's phone started to ring and she apologized before picking up. “Hey Han, hows your first day going?” It was Owen and Hanna realized it was lunch. “Oh learning lots, its not to bad.” “That good I'm glad, well I was wondering what time you get off?” “If you want to do something?” “Want to check the damage hun?” Hanna said sarcastically. “Come on you know it's not like that.” Owen said. “I know I'm sorry it's just been hard.” “I have to go clothes shopping after work, It's on the agenise.” “Ou every girls dream, a limitless charge card.” Owen said and Hanna laughed. “Could I meet you?” “Before, after?” Owen asked. “How about after, in the food court at the mall?” “How about 7, 8 o’clock?” Hanna said. “Ok I'll be there.” He said. “I'll see you then, bye.” Hanna said. “Bye.” Owen said as he hung up. Well at least she had something to look forward to. “It's good you see him today so you get it out of the way for tomorrow when your working.” Joanna said. “Lets get lunch.”

Hanna and Joanna went down the street to a small restaurant. Joanna got a sandwich and Hanna had a salad. Hanna never thought about it till now but she was really self conscious about her appearance in public. Maybe it was the thrown together clothes and the stretch top but she felt like every eye in the room was on her. “You'll get used to that after a while.” Joanna said. “What?” Hanna asked looking up. “If you slump any more you'll be hiding under the leaves of that salad.” “Don't worry, we've been coming here for years.” “No one but the usual deadbeats are staring at us.” Hanna sat back up and took a deep breath. “I know I sound like a broken record but it will get easier.” Joanna said. “I'm ok.” Hanna said and finished her salad.

When they came back from lunch Rachel waved over Joanna and Hanna knew what that meant. “Just got a call in.” Joanna said. “You'll have to go upstairs and let Sydney know, just act natural she's not so bad after she's used to you.” Hanna nodded and Joanna left. “What’s the best way to go about this?” Hanna asked looking to Rachel. “Well, like a bandaid I think, just go up there, tell her, tune her rant out and then she should teach you.” “She still hasn't turned in her paperwork so it’s a good bet you have that to look forward to.” “Ok” Hanna said. “Third door upstairs.” Rachel said. Hanna went up stairs. The third door in the hall was obviously Sydney’s with the ‘go away’ floor mat in front of it, Hanna knocked. A few seconds later the door opened, thank god she had clothes on. “What?” Sydney said. Hanna knew how to play this. “Um, Joanna had to go out on a call and I herd you have paper work due so I was wondering if you could teach me how to do a report and I could do yours.” Sydney frowned but looked like she was considering it. “Ok it'll be worth it.” “I'll be down in a minute.” She said. Hanna went down and sat at an open desk she decided was hers now. Sydney walked over and slapped a file folder on the desk. Hanna opened it, inside where little paces of paper with notes scribbled down on them, there had to be a dozen. “That’s all for one job?” Hanna asked. “No that’s for the weekend, you'll get some practice.” She said with a smirk. Hanna knew it was better just to play along, one day of work and she'd know how to do her own. “So what do I do?” Hanna asked. “You fill out the form on the computer then print it out, here.” She said leaning over Hanna’s shoulder and clicking away at the computer. Hanna dared not move, Sydney’s still swollen breasts rested on her shoulder, not by accident she thought, and if she turned to protest she'd get a face full. Hanna filled out the files for each slip of paper. Sydney did not have good hand writing but she managed to copy it down. A report consisted of a patents name and information, a size measurement of they’re chest, and a description of the situation. As Hanna worked through the pile she found a slip that had “over limit” marked as the size. “What's this mean?” Hanna asked. Sydney was watching TV in the reck room. “Over Limit?” “Oh ya see they give us a standard 15 foot measuring tape to take sizes, It's rare but some girls go beyond that so you put over limit.” Hanna went pail. Large than 15 feet around? At that size they'd be taller than the person attached to them. Hanna sat for a long minute and just closed her eyes and held her head in her hands.

Joanna came back just before 5 when Hanna was allowed to go. She was very big and only said goodnight as she when up stairs. “Never sticks around long after a healing.” Sydney said with a grin. “What do you mean?” Hanna asked. “She likes to come down with a little "privet time” Sydney said. It took Hanna a minute to remember her talk this morning before she understood. “But she said it was easier to handle after a few years.” Hanna said desperately. “Just because you can control yourself doesn’t mean you won't still choose not to.” Sydney said with a wolfish grin. “Trust me there’s nothing better.” Hanna spun on her heels and walked out the door to Sydney’s laughing, she'd had enough for one day.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:35 AM

Second First Date

“Hanna?” “Hey Hanna wait.” Rachel yelled after her as Hanna made for the door. “Hey take the card so you can get your cloths.” She said. “Oh, yeah sorry I forgot.” Hanna said. “Something bad happen?” “No just me, it's ok.”Hanna replied “So you know there are a few stores in the mall that can handle your, un, size.” Rachel said. She handed Hanna a small list. “I hear from the girls they carry stylish stuff so at least you'll be able to look good in your off hours, spend lots.” She said with a smile. “Well I guess that’s something, most girls wish for this kind of figure right?” Hanna said. “Y..Yeah sure.” Rachel said weakly. “It's Ok, I know how I look.” Hanna said. As she walked away she said. “It'll all get easier eventually.”

The stores Rachel sent Hanna to were actually in the more expensive part of the mall and instead of a moomoo shop like she was afraid of most had high end designer brands, all tailored to her unique shape. At one particularly pricey place Hanna actually had a woman help her pick out outfits. “My you developed early miss.” “But don't worry you came to the right place I have a new V cut sweeter set that will make all your friends at school jealous.” Her personal shopper said. Hanna did still feel self conscious but with this overly enthusiastic sales woman and no spending limit she could stand a complement or two. “I need a new wardrobe as you can see and my rich aunt Rachel said I could get anything I wanted.” Hanna lied her ass off but it was better than admitting to this stranger that her bust line was government property. “Well I can help there, my names Nicky I'll help you get everything.” Hanna went though what must have been hundreds of outfits. Sensible, dressy, workout, even a sexy black number that showed a little more cleavage than she would have liked but Nicky insisted it looked great. “Now we need to pick out some underwear.” Nicky said. “Lets go in back and I'll measure you for a bra.” “Oh I won't need one.” Hanna said without thinking. “Honey you may be young but trust me those won't stay that fantastic long if you don't take care of them, It's not like your with A.C.E.S. or something.” She said laughing. Hanna couldn't keep a strait calm face and Nicky's eye's went wide and she started blurting apologies. “It's ok.” Hanna said. “I'm a little new at this.” She said making a tired gesture at herself. In the end Hanna had a weeks worth of day close, some more dressy things for going out, Sensible work close that brought on another awkward moment when she explained why she needed buttons all up the front on her shirts, and the black “boob dress” as she decided to call it, she'd keep it for a special occasion to really drive Owen wild. “Oh Owen.” She said looking at her phone for the time. “I have to meet my boyfriend in the food court in 15 minutes.” “In what your wearing now?” Nicky said making a face. “Look.” She said. “You've already got a bill into 5 digits here let me dress you for your date, on the house.” “Oh no I couldn't.” Hanna protested. “I'm making enough on this commission to pay for all my school books this year.” “The least I can do for you is make you look your best.” Nicky said. In the end Hanna left the shop in one of the soft cashmere sweaters Nicky had mentioned before, with a decent swooping neckline and a matching skirt with leggings. “Good luck.” Nicky said. “And thank you.” She said it with a little to much emphasis for it to be a thank you to a customer. Hanna said your welcome. Is this the life she had to look forward to? Being revered because of her job.

Owen sat at a table in the food court waiting for Hanna to arrive. She's shopping, he thought, I could be here a while. He watched the crowd looking for Hanna and inconspicuously eyed a nock out of a girl in an expensive looking sweeter that
showed off an incredible rack. What would Hanna look like he thought, the stories he'd heard about the A.C.E.S. were all pretty much the same, That they all without exception had huge tits. He liked the way Hanna's body was sure, she had a great
ass and she was in shape but you always fantasize about your girl having that one perfect trait that she doesn’t have. Wait, that girl, she looked awfully familiar, and she was carrying several large shopping bags. Oh My God.

Hanna saw Owen across the food court. She saw the look of recognition pass over his face, she couldn't decide if it was mixed with excitement or confusion. “Hey Owen.” Hanna said. “Hanna.” “You look.... fantastic.” He said. “Where'd you go shopping?” “It looks like if the government paided for this they'll raise taxes.” Hanna laughed. “Actually they sent me to this store.” “So seriously though it's not to much?” “My body I mean?” “I was afraid I'd scare you off.” Hanna said. “Are you kidding Hanna?” “You look like you stepped off the cover of a magazine, I didn't even recognize you at first.” Hanna blushed. “I already told you I'm on your side no mater what.” Owen said. “Well before you get to excited there’s a lot to tell you about and not all of it was as hot from my perspective as it will be for you.”

Hanna suggested they go out to the car to talk as some subjects may not be vary public appropriate. They moved the car to the back of the parking lot and sat on the hood of Owen’s car as Hanna told the story of the last few days. For a guy Owen took it pretty well. “So after days when you work your going to be...un.” “Yeah uncontrollable according to the girls I work with, so I think maybe it would be a good idea not to see each other on those days.” “Yeah...” He said. “I only work 4 days a week, and on call, it won't be that bad.” She said. “Yeah.” He said weakly. “And there's always the phone right?” “It's not like we couldn't still talk.” “Yeah.” Hanna said just as awkward. “Owen I don't want you to think I'm trying to get out of being physical with you or any thing it's just I'm honestly a little scared of what tomorrow will be like.” “It sounds like you have plenty of people that won't let you make an ass of yourself Han, you'll be ok.” “And as far as we go you take as long as you need, I un.. think I have a lot to look forward to.” He said and leaned in to steal a long kiss.

Owen drove Hanna home and walked her to the door. “Good luck tomorrow Han, you'll do great.” “Thanks Owen.” She said hugging him and she went inside. Hanna's father sat alone in the living rooms dim light. “Daddy?” Hanna said. “You alone?” “Your mother and sister went to a friends house.” He said. “What's all that you got there?” “Oh new cloths, the agenise paid to replace my wardrobe.” She said sheepishly. “Can we talk dad?” “Talk? sure.. sure, come on over.” He said. “Dad I know all this....” she gestured to her chest. “It must be hard for you to, I know you were so proud of me wanting to be a doctor.” Hanna's father sat there in deep thought, he nodded gently. “I just un... I always had the stereotypical dad dreams for my daughters.” He said. “I see you getting pushed into all this because of something as small as your genes, and I see you.... changing so fast.” “Your mother told me when they called from school about what happened and I honestly didn't know what to think, as a man, seeing one of those women from your work walking the street, well you know.” “And now I can't stop thinking other people will be thinking that about my little girl.” He said. Despite the Grose admission Hanna tiered at her fathers concern. “Daddy you don't have to worry, all the girls at the agenise are there looking out for me.” “I'm going to be fine, and I'm going to be helping people.” “It's not exactly the way I always wanted it.” She said looking down at her chest which now felt extremely exposed. “But I'm ok with it.” She took his hand. Hanna's father was quiet for a long minute. “I'm glad honey.” He said. “I'm proud you can be so mature about the crappy situation you've been forced into.” Hanna hugged her father and he froze in place on the couch. Hanna backed off some time before her chest did. “Umhum.” Hanna's father cleared his throat. “That will take some getting used to.” He chuckled.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:36 AM

A Swell Day At Work

Hanna didn't sleep well that night, she was kept up by horrible dreams. In her dream Hanna was sitting in class, the bell rings and Hanna’s friends start clearing out of the room. Before Hanna can get up she feels a tightness in her clothes and realizes she is having an outbreak. Her friends all abandon her as her chest starts growing at amazing speed and right before she is smothered, as her breasts take up the whole room she sat bolt upright in bed. Her breathing was heavy as she clutched her chest. Today’s my first job. She thought, What would she end up like? Hanna showered and dressed for the day in one of her new button up shirts and a nice pair of pants. It was nice being in normal close again, even if she was waring the stretch top underneath so she was ready to work.

Hanna stepped up to Rachel’s desk and handed her the credit card. “Looking good Hanna.” Rachel said. “Do I even want to know the bill?” She said with a grin.”You may not get a raise this year.” Hanna joked. Sydney was not working today, in her place a beautiful African looking woman sat on the couch talking to Joanna. “Hanna.” Joanna said. “I'd like you to meet our other member, this is Kesia.” “A pleasure.” The woman said in an accent Hanna had a little trouble catching, she was defiantly new at English. She had long kinky hair and a chocolate skin complection displayed on generous cleavage, Hanna had no idea were she was from but this must have been one of the agenises foreign exchange people. “Hi.” Hanna said as she shook her hand. “So Hanna this is your first work day yes?” She asked. “I guess so.” Hanna said looking to Joanna. “Yes it is.” Joanna said. “I'll be accompanying you today, your first call.” “Ok.” Hanna said, she no longer felt like hoping she could get out of it. “While we wait for a call I was thinking we could practice lock picking.” Joanna said. “It is easy enough once you get the skill for it.” Kesia said sitting at the table.

The three women practised with a lock in a piece of wood meant to be a door. Hanna scraped the picks in the lock for an hour before she managed, under Joanna and Kesia's guidance, to click the lock open. “Well at this rate I won't have to worry about healing, the patient will starve to death before I can get the door open.” “It is not that bad.” Kesia said. “On my first job in your country I was out side the apartment room for 2 hours, we have no such things as door locks in small villages back home.” “And where is home, may I ask?” Hanna asked. “It is a large but sparsely populated country named Namibia in southern Africa.” “I was a healer woman for an entire province and my coming here was an exchange for several American Healers to take my place.” “An entire province?” Hanna asked shocked. “Yes not so many countries have the resources yours does to supply healers.” “Back home a young woman can spend up to a week affected by the diseases before I could get there to heal them, coming here was the sacrifice I made so that could be fixed.” Hanna felt a new and deep respect for this woman.

The office phone rang and Joanna answered the page. “Ok Rachel we'll be right up.” “This is it Hanna.” Joanna said hanging up. Hanna obediently followed into the front office. Rachel was handing Joanna a file and explaining the call. “It was from Pinewood, the patient is a senior, she excused herself from class and is waiting in the ladies room with the P.E. teacher.” They say she is calm but at the time of the call the growth had not stoped yet.” Rachel said. Pinewood was a highschool on the other side of town, Hanna had watched plenty of games between Owen’s team and there’s. “Robin Maylan.” Joanna read. “Ok Hanna lets get going our job is to be fast.”

In the SUV Hanna sat nervously as Joanna went over how things would go. “I know you watched Grace do a healing but I just wanted to make sure you understand this.” Joanna said. “Yes.” Hanna interrupted. “I know it is about her, no complaining or acting scared in front of her.” “It's a little more than that when the hormones hit you Hanna.” Joanna said. “Being professional takes on a whole new meaning.” “You could get angry at the slightest thing, break down and cry without warning, and... you know the other thing I warned you about.” Hanna covered her face with her hands. “Hey, that’s the most common reaction and you need to know.” “There’s nothing to be ashamed of and when we get back you can go upstairs and come down any way you like but at that school even after when we're alone in the bathroom you can't give into those urges or you simply won't stop.” “How long will we have to wait before we can leave?” Hanna asked trying not to let her anxiety show in her voice. “I don't know, depends on how big she is.” “Anything over 5 feet around is usually to heavy to move far with, you saw Grace move right?” “Ok.” Hanna said. “You have to maintain contact until she is completely cured or there could be future troubles with growth.” “No mater what happens you have to keep contact even if you end up off the ground on top your boobs to do it understand?” “Yes.” Hanna replied her answers becoming more and more clipped. “There’s a measuring tape and a pad to wright down the size in the glove box.” Hanna retrieved the tools. “Don't be scared, I'll make sure your taken care of I promise.” “Ok, Thanks Joanna.” Hanna said weakly.

They pulled up to the school and headed to the principals office. Hanna wondered how many times Joanna had been to just this school on calls, she probably knew which way to go without being guided. “Hello I'm Joanna Weston and this is Hanna Summers where here from A.C.E.S. on call about a student.” Joanna said at the front desk. A man in a suit came out from the back room before the secretary could answer. “Joanna thanks for coming, its to bad we never get to meet on good news.” He said. “Peter, Hi.” Joanna said. “Peter this is Hanna, she's my new trainee and she'll be performing the healing today.” “Nice to meet you, Peter Black.” He said shaking her hand. “We'll probably get to know each other well I'm afraid over half my junior year tested positive this year.” “We want to get started right away.” Joanna said. “Ok, Miss Drake the girls P.E. teacher stayed with her up there, last report was she stoped growing and is calm.” “Good, I know the way.” Joanna said and they left the office. When they got to the bathroom Joanna knocked quietly on the door. A tall athletic woman stepped out and had a word with Joanna. “Ok Hanna.” Joanna said coming over. “Molly knows a thing or two about our work, she says the girl is big enough that we will be here for a while after but she's not enormous so don't worry.” “So when you go in you know what to do right?” “You can't be coming out asking for tips after she's seen the woman that’s supposed to save her.” “Your not coming in?” Hanna asked panicked. “This is your job, I'm here for you.” “When she can walk out of there you'll have my complete support but once you go in you have to do it yourself.” Hanna took a deep breath and pushed past Joanna into the bathroom.

Robin Maylan was 17. She was an art student, had lots of friends and now was sitting in the middle of the floor on her knees leaned against her huge swollen breasts that were so big they partially blocked her view in that position. Hanna walked up and said. “Hello my name is Hanna Summers and I'm with A.C.E.S.” “I'm here to help you.” “You?” The girl said making a face at Hanna over the horizon of her chest. “Your like, younger than I am.” Hanna was a little taken back by this kind of answer. “Well I'm new at this but trust me I'm here for you.” Hanna said. “No kidding.” Robin said bitterly nudging her breasts. “Well I need to measure you for our records then I'll heal you, you remember your interview right?” “Yes, go ahead, sorry.” Robin said. Hanna took the end of the tape and realized a problem. “Um... could you please hold this right here?” Hanna asked offering the end of the tape and pointing to the spot where her chest ended and her breasts started. She took it and Hanna made the painfully long walk around her. The thought that this would be her in a few minutes snuck into Hanna's mind only for one second while she was outside Robin's field of vision and Hanna clamped down on her emotions, she was a professional. Hanna looked down at the tape. “8 foot 4.” Hanna said aloud. There was no getting out of it, after this she would be grounded. “Ok.” Hanna said knelling down in front of her. “Now after a certain point I won't be able to move.... your gonna have to make sure my hands stay on your chest until I say, no mater what.... even climb on top if you have to just don't let me let go.” “God.... Ok.” Robin said. Hanna unbuttoned her shirt exposing her stretch top. Hanna placed both hands on the girls chest and closed her eyes. The familiar tingling feeling was there but the surge that fallowed was like comparing a title wave to a splash with what she felt with Beth. Hanna's chest slowly swelled and she ground her teeth to keep from moaning, it was the most incredible feeling she'd ever had, her heart pounded like a fright train and her skin burned but it was all so pleasurable. Hanna's eye's shot open as her breasts touched the cold linoleum floor, the stretch top was practically a second skin it did so little to block feeling, thank god it was clean in here. She shifted position so she could reach over herself and keep contact. As the swelling feeling faded Hanna felt herself gently pushed up by her chest, when it stoped she leaned back and rolled to a knelling position again. Robins breast where back to a normal size and she sat in front of Hanna staring at the spectacle. “They were that big?” Robin said. Hanna never noticed this strange other person mumbling in front of her, her body was on fire from head to toe, she felt..... great. “Um accuse me?” Robin said. Hanna dragged herself back to reality by her fingernails. “Aaaarrre you ok?” Hanna stuttered. “Yes, thank you so much, I'm back to normal.” “Good... un if your ok could you do me a favour and ask the other A.C.E.S. woman outside to come in?” “Sure, are you ok?” “You don't look so good.” Robin said. Hanna couldn't even take the opportunity to be sarcastic. “No, I'm ok, please just get her.” “Ok, bye.” Robin said walking around Hanna and going out the door.

As soon as the door closed Hanna's eye's rolled up into her head and she used the last bit of her will power to only moan quietly. “Hanna you ok?” Joanna said. “Oh my god Joanna!” “It feels so....” her hand moved around the side of her breast to go between her legs but Joanna grabbed it before she could reach herself. “No Hanna, control.” Joanna said. “At your size I'd say you have about an hour till your able to move on your own.” Hanna suddenly practically saw red, she was as enraged as she'd ever been and lunged across the expanse of her chest at Joanna. Joanna however seemed to expect it and quickly moved away. “AN HOUR!” Hanna screamed. “I'm going to be stuck here feeling this way for an hour!” “Calm Down.” Joanna said. “Your feeling the hormones remember?” Hanna blinked and realized she had tiers in her eyes. “What the fuck.” Hanna sobbed touching her cheek and holding up the tier. “Just try to calm down and focus.” Joanna said. Hanna took a deep breath, the shift made her chest move slightly and Hanna moaned, her chest was like a raw nerve only it felt good instead of painful.

The slip and slide emotions and arousal did indeed last an hour and when Joanna suggested trying to lift herself Hanna managed it effortlessly, hefting a bust line wider than her arm span but the jiggling, jostling movement made her melt back down to her knees and Joanna had to hold her hands till she stopped trying to play with herself. When they managed to get her standing and still in control of herself she realized they would have to walk through the school with her this size. “Joanna, Wait I have to go out there?....” “There's no difference between now and your size before, this is from helping that girl, be proud not ashamed.” Hanna walked through the door as Joanna held it open. The side of her breast brushed against the frame and she barely contained herself but being in public seemed to help and she just shuddered. It was an awfully long walk back down to the SUV, every step made her leg sink into her breast as they hung in front of her waist and sent a vibration through her, but it’s so damn good, she thought. As they passed the principal’s office Peter came out and tried to strike up a conversation with Joanna but she briskly said. “I have to get the new girl back before there’s a scene.” As they were walking away Joanna whispered to Hanna. “That creep loves to chat after a job, especially if your having a hard time controlling yourself.” “I sware he can smell it.” Hanna just groaned and held on to the sides of her pants to keep her hands still. When they got to the SUV Joanna had Hanna sit in the back. “More room.” she said. Hanna squeezed into the to tight back seat. A safety belt was both impossible to put on and unnecessary as her breasts pressed against the seat in front of her. Hanna giggled stupidly. Air bags. She thought, it was a stupid joke but for a moment she couldn’t stop laughing, damn emotions.

The ride back was fantastic. Every little vibration of the road was transferred through the car and into her chest, It drove her mad but she couldn’t reach herself in the now cramped backseat so she contented herself with rubbing the sides of her breasts and revelling in the sensation. At some point in the ride Joanna looked back at her and said laughing. “New found respect for car rides hun?” When they got back to the office Hanna staggered from the car. “Come on.” Joanna said. “Not much farther, your going upstairs.” As Hanna passed Rachel said hi but all Hanna could manage was something between a grunt and a moan as she clutched her well over body ball size boobs. Upstairs Joanna opened a door and "guided" or more like pushed her in. Hanna needed no convincing, she lay back down on the bed, reached down past her breasts with both hands between them and started to play with herself. Joanna closed the door.

Joanna walked down the stairs, Loud moans floated down the stairs behind her. She stood at the bottom and looked at her friends and co-workers. Sydney Grinded, Kesia was laughing quietly, Jennifer stared with one questioning eyebrow lifted, and Grace sat there with a grin too but she blushed lightly at the situation. “She sounds like her first job went well.” Sydney said. Joanna smiled wide and shrugged. “Kids.” She said. They all laughed.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:36 AM

Impulse Control

Hanna woke up, were am I? she thought. Then the memories started to come back. Oh god, that’s embarrassing. They threw me up here to Jill off in privet. How long was I up here? The dampness between her legs and the fact her breasts were back to normal said far to long. Hanna looked around the room, It was plainly furnished for a new occupant, a plain bed and desk were all that was in the room. On the desk Hanna spotted a pile of cloths and a card, it read. Hanna don't be embarrassed it happens to everyone, take these sweats and shower up then come down. Bathroom is at the end of the hall. Hanna found the bathroom and showered. Her breast despite having returned to normal were still sensitive but touching them only made her feel sick at how little control she'd had. Hanna could not remember large chunks of time after doing the healing, she remembered having to lift her enormous chest, and coming back to the office but nothing in between. What she did remember was the feeling. Oh god the feeling, her hole body a live wire and every little stimulus setting off an over compensated response. “How am I supposed to do this 4 days a week?” she said aloud.

At the top of the stairs Hanna took a deep breath, stood straight and as dignified as possible walked down. “Hey there she is.” Grace said sitting at the table with Jennifer. Hanna sat at the table and didn't respond. “Hanna I know it's embarrassing but the only people who saw that was us and that’s the way it will stay.” Grace said. “What time is it?” Hanna asked she could see that it was dim outside. “Around 7.” Jennifer said. “Ug,” Hanna groaned. “I guess I'll be heading home then.” “Well No not really.” Grace said. “7AM, Hanna.” Hanna froze. “You went at it for 5 hours straight and then passed out for the rest of the night.” Jennifer said. “My parents?” Hanna muttered in a state of shock. “We called them and said you were having a hard time after your first job and were going to spend the night here.” Grace said. Hanna sobbed. “The first time is always the hardest, Hell I wasn't much better my first job.” Jennifer said. “How about I make you something to eat and we just sit around?” Grace asked.

Hanna ate her eggs mechanically, Grace made a good omelet but Hanna was numb. “Now Hanna I know your probably more gun shy than ever but when the next call comes in we have to go, I'll come with you.” Grace said. Hanna shuddered. “The good news is after today you'll have the weekend off and I'll make sure you’re the last on the list for on call, ok?” Hanna couldn't fight anymore she was so torn between the embarrassment and how good it was. Hanna sat at the table fiddling with that damn lock again, she needed the simple task, her mind was racing. It was a slow morning and Hanna stared at the phone like a poisonous snake. Just before noon Rachel did page them and Hanna fallowed Grace up front. “Hi Hanna.” Rachel said shyly. “Good news your job is an in home and the woman says she’s relatively small.” Hanna knew that her co-workers perception of size was way off so she didn't get excited. Hanna looked at the file, Trisha Brim. “Oh I've got a surprise to cheer you up Hanna.” Grace said. She led Hanna out into the parking lot, the row of clean new SUVs had a new edition. Grace jingled a set of keys in front of Hanna and Hanna's heart did lift a little. “All yours.” Grace said with a smile. It was your standard government black SUV but Hanna loved it, she had never had a car and now she wouldn't have to borrow her parents. Hanna looked down at the key chain, aside from the car key Hanna recognized a master key for buildings and a shinny new set of lock picks. Hanna drove to the job herself with Grace telling her the way, She loved her new car.

When they got there it was Hanna's job to get them in too. The front door was easy with the master but Hanna looked at the apartment door with dread. She sild the picks into the lock and the thought she may not have to do a healing for a while yet was crushed when it clicked open on her first try, Of all the times to get it right. “Damn that was good.” Grace said. Hanna cracked the door and announced herself. “Hello? A.C.E.S. may we come in?” “Yes come in.” A voice said. Hanna entered alone, Grace shook her head when Hanna looked at her. Compared to yesterday Trisha Brim was actually small, God what am I thinking, Hanna thought. Trisha sat on the couch and her breasts filled her whole lap. “Sorry I can't get up anymore but these shouldn't be a problem for an A.C.E.S.” She said. “Well I'm Hanna Summers from A.C.E.S.” “I just need a measurement and I'll start the healing, do you remember everything from your interview? “Yes, I know I was supposed to get to an open area but luckily the growth stoped fairly early.” “I’ve seen women from your organization this size walking around before.” She said. Hanna took her size, 4 foot even. “I should be able to leave as soon as I'm done, lets start.” Hanna began and she realized size really wasn't the issue. The rush of hormones was no less potent from Trisha as it was from Robin. Hanna could feel the weight build as she leaned over Trisha and the hanging position she was in was stimulating in itself but she didn't dare brake contact. As Hanna got to full size her breasts engulfed Trisha’s head and Hanna trembled with every hot breath blown up her cleavage. Hanna stepped back as the swelling stoped and supported her chest in her arms to keep her hands occupied. “I'm sorry but I need to be going now.” Hanna said. “Oh thank you.” Trisha said. “My legs were falling asleep haha.” She slowly got up and hugged Hanna as best she could with so much between them. Hanna's vision practically went white for a minute at the squeezing and she trembled with the effort to remain professional. Even though Hanna couldn't remember yesterday she had a better idea of what to expect and she figured that was what was helping her keep control. Hanna excused herself and squeezed through the front door. In the hallway Hanna leaned against a wall shuddering. “Hanna this is a public hallway you have to keep it together.” Grace said. “Get me to my bedroom.” Hanna growled at her.

The ride back was just as great, and torturous, as yesterday. Grace insisted that she drive, learning to do that was for when Hanna had more control. “You did vary well today Hanna, Fast and professional, get in get out.” Hanna herd this but was particularly weepy at that moment and started to cry. When they got back to the office Grace shoved the keys into Hanna's pocket and helped her get out. “You did great today Hanna, you earned these.” She said. Hanna just hoped that today wouldn't be a wright off like yesterday as they headed inside. “There she goes.” Sydney said as she passed Hanna in the hall. She gave a sharp poke to the side of Hanna's tit and Hanna shrieked with pleasure. She couldn't resist anymore and reached into her pants right there and collapsed. “Sydney you dumb ass!” Grace yelled. “Now I have to carry her up stairs without her helping.” Grace gently deposited Hanna on her bed, Hanna didn't even notice as her back arched even under all that weight. Grace left her alone.

The ringing of a phone woke Hanna up. She tried to sit up but her chest was still in the sporting goods range and she had to manoeuver herself to a sitting position on the side of the bed. She emptied her pockets and found her phone and car keys. “Hello?” She answered. “Hanna hey it's Owen.” OOOOwwweeennn..... She thought. “Hi Owen.” She said softly. “I just got out of school and I was just calling to see if your busy after work, we could hang out.” He said. “Actually I'm off for today.” Hanna lied. “I would love to come over and see you.” “Oh good my fokes are out for the day so come on over when you can.” He said. “Oh I'll be right there, I've got something to show you.” Hanna cooed. “Oh sounds exciting, see you then.” Owen hung up. Hanna's eyes darted around the room, how was she going to get out of here. She couldn't walk down stairs but Hanna had a window, out side she could see the parking lot. There was a small oning right beneth her, no bars or alarm on the window? What a joke keeping her in here. She opened the window and realized why it was a good place to keep her, at her size it was iffy weather she could squeeze through and if she got stuck she'd look like a complete ass. The itch Hanna was feeling over road all her good sense and she wedged herself into the opening. She had to really squeeze and it was hard not to moan especially when her breasts popped free and bounced on the window sill. Hanna climbed down, keys in hand and got into her SUV, her boobs were in the way but she would have no problem driving, she was out.

Hanna went round the back of Owens house and knocked on the door as she leaned against the doorframe. Owen opened the door and his eyes went as big as tea cups. “Hhhhiii Ooowwweeennn.” She said in a smooth sexy voice. “Oh my god Hanna.” He said. “I was hoping we could have a little fun while your parents were out.” Hanna said. “Hanna I don't thi.....” Owen was cut off as Hanna pushed him back with nothing but her chest. “Oh Owen, your so noble.” “I want to pay you back for being so good to me.” “Hanna, Hanna.” He said backing up trying not to cop a feel. “Hanna this isn't you, your controlled.” “This is whatever you warned me about your work, it wouldn't be right.” He tripped over the arm of the couch and she sprung over on top of him. “You really are to good for meeee....” She said grinding her hips on him. As much as he protested Hanna could feel he was hard as rock and she smothered his face in her chest. “Wait, wait.” Owen said in a muffled voice. “How about a drink Hun.?” A drink.... that would be nice she was burning and if it loosened Owen up great. “I guess I can wait a minute stud but don't you dare sneak away.” She said playfully as she slid off him. Owen grinded that fantastic grin and left the room. “Hurry or I'll start without you.” She yelled. Owen came back with two glasses, something and coke. she thought. After her drink she climbed back on top of him, he no longer protested but she could tell he was still awkward, she'd have to loosen him up herself. She reached down his pants and stared stroking. He groaned as he leaned back. Hanna's head felt a little foggy she leaned against him and continued......

The psycho that used to be Hanna passed out on his chest. “Damn, its to bad I'm not a dirt bag.” Owen said as he pulled her hand out of his pants, she groaned. He found her phone and looked for the number to the A.C.E.S. office.

Hanna woke up on the couch down stairs in the brake room. How'd I get down here? She thought. She remembered going up stairs, and she remembered being left there. She remembered a phone call too..... She sat up right. It was like snippets of the afternoon were flashing through her head, climbing out a window, driving, Owen underneath her.... Oh shit. “That Owen of yours is a keeper.” Grace said, Hanna spun around. “That must be the first time a man has ever drugged a girl to not have sex with her.” “Oh Grace what have I done?” “I can't remember.” Hanna said panicked. “To be fair it's my fault again.” Grace said. “We won't be leaving you unsupervised again.” “Grace, I didn't?....” “No your boy stopped you, like I said he really loves you.” Owen.... Hanna thought. “Grace I'm so sorry.” “Don't apologise to me.” “I've been there remember?” “You should be worrying about apologizing to your boyfriend you tried to rape.” “Was he mad?” Hanna sobbed. “Shockingly no, he seemed to understand.” Grace replied. “Oh Owen.” Hanna cried out loud and Grace held her. “I didn't do you any favours keeping you in your home, sorry Hanna.” Grace said.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:37 AM

Making Changes

The next day after Hanna's little incident she decided it would be for the best, if for at least a few years if she lived at the office with the others. Hanna's parents had to be convinced about the idea but Hanna took her mother aside and told her more than the safe version she told her father and her mother understood. Hanna spent her weekend off packing her things, her friends came over to help and the bigger pieces of furniture were taken by a moving company. Hanna felt bad for the moving guys, that day Sydney had a job in the morning and insisted she sit in the brake room the whole time they where moving Hanna's things up. When they were finished Hanna went over and asked. “Was that really necessary?” “What’s necessary?” Sydney asked, as she turned one of her huge breasts shifted in her oversized jersey of a t-shirt and sloshed off her lap. Hanna shook her head and sat at the table. Later on Grace came in and joined her. “All moved in?” Grace asked. “Yeah, the movers even got a tip.” Hanna said pointing out Sydney. Grace laughed to herself. “I think your doing the right thing but after a few years you'll probably want to get your own place like me, you seem the private type.” “You and Jennifer live alone right?” Hanna asked. “Well I live alone downtown but Jennifer lives with her boy friend not far from here.” Grace said. “She lives with her boyfriend?” “Yeah they’re pretty serious, I think not to long from now we'll be going to a wedding.” Grace said. “But how does she cope with all this and have a guy live with her.” “Well I bet he just hates when she comes back from work.” Grace laughed. “I'll be easier after a while Hanna and then it's up to you how much your involved in your relationship, speaking of?” Hanna groaned as she thought of Owen. “You still have the rest of the weekend to go see him and apologise.” “If your open to suggestions I have an idea to make it up to him but you have to talk to him first and set things straight.” Grace said. “What kind of idea?” Hanna asked genuinely curious.

Hanna dreaded the call she was going to have to make to Owen. She cleaned the office, did her paperwork, and decorated her new room just to avoide her cell phone and Grace's questioning stare. What was she supposed to say? Sorry I turned into Mrs. Hyde and jumped you. The worst part was she knew Owen wouldn't be mad. He was so clam, understanding, she'd love it if he would have been awkward about all this or even acted the way most guys would and she could be the one to be mad. Grace had a fantastic plan to, but she had to call Owen and apologise before she could do anything. She hit speed dial on her phone and prayed Owen picked up, she didn't know if she had the nerve to make this call again. “Hello?” Owen answered. “Hi Owen.” Hanna said quietly. “Um, hi Hanna you feeling better.” Hanna couldn't take it anymore he was supposed to be mad, or at least turned on dammit. “Owen that's all you have to say?” “Your concerned for me?” “I practically jumped you and made an ass of myself.” Her voice raised in volume as she went. “If anything you should be mad at me but not only did you stop me rather than take advantage of me but you sit there and act like I'm the victim!” “Have you been working again today?” Owen asked. The question snapped Hanna out of it. What was she doing? It was like she was having mood swings, she'd called to apologize. “Oh, Owen I'm so sorry.” She chocked out. “I'm fucking everything up and I can't seem to stop, It's this place, this Job, these things attached to my chest!” She balled clutching her chest. “Owen you have no idea what it feels like when I heal someone.” “Hanna just calm down and take a breath.” Hanna did and she stoped. “Hanna you acted like you just accept all that’s happened to you, in a really short time I might add.” “But it's pretty obvious this is a wake up call.” Owen said. “Your right.” Hanna sobbed. “Now if you want to know how I feel, I feel like a knob for turning you down but I'd do it again because that wasn't you on top of me, and it makes a difference.” “I feel like the luckiest bastard in the world because of your new job and I know I'm an ass hole if I act on it because it hasn't changed you, has it?” “Your tied up in knots about how you act in a situation were your supposed to be out of control.” Hanna didn't know what to say, he was right she'd put on this brave face about her situation and now she was falling apart only because he had controlled himself more than she could. “Hanna I don't know what to tell you.” “I don't think there's anything to forgive but if you feel like this I don't think we can do this.” “No! no.” Hanna was instantly sobered and was ready to fight for Owen. “No your right Owen I didn't trust you when I couldn't trust my self and I was wrong, and I'm sorry.” “Please forgive me for that not what happened the other day.” There was a long pause and Hanna nearly died every second. “Alright Hanna I'll forgive you but if you can't trust me with your whole life what’s the point?” Owen asked. “Actually I wanted to do something to make it up for you and having you be part of my life was part of it.” Hanna said. “What do you mean?” Owen asked. “I want you to come over to the office and have dinner with me.” Hanna said. “One of the girls offered to cook for us and after I thought you could meet my new, un.... family.” “Your living over there now?” Owen asked. “Yeah for my own good but your right it doesn’t change the fact that you should be involved.” “Alright Hanna I'll come but..... the other girls, they won't be, you know... post work?” Hanna couldn't help but laugh at this sudden shyness, according to Grace she nearly suffocated him with her own boobs, what was so hard about being around one of the others after that? “No they shouldn't be.” Hanna giggled. “There, you happy?” “I am awkward see.” Owen said. “You'll be picked up later tonight, ok?” Hanna said. “Picked up?” “By who?” Owen asked. “Part of the surprise, one of the girls will pick you up and drive you here.” Hanna said. “Ok I guess, What exactly do you have plained if I'm getting chauffeured around?” “It's a surprise... this time not a bad one, promise.” Hanna hung up.

Owen sat on the couch in the living room waiting for his ride tonight. His parents thought the idea of a chauffeur was impressive and that was probably for the best, they hadn’t been thrilled with the idea of his girl friend joining A.C.E.S. and if the impressive salary kept there minds off Hanna’s inflatable chest it was a plus. Of course he never told them about the incident with Hanna the other day. If they knew what had happened and the fact he had to dose Hanna just to stop her they’d never approve of Hanna again. The incident the other day played through his mind again and again. It wasn’t the fact Hanna had been so big or so eager that freaked him out, when Hanna had been on top of him he had tried to push her off physical at first and had found she was incredibly strong, stronger than he ever remembered and according to that Grace woman that came to pick her up it was all normal for her work. The fact he was a hair away from going along with it wasn’t bothering him nearly as much as the thought that he couldn’t stop it. Owen decided he would never mention such things to Hanna. She was a ball of guilt about this already and hearing that would probably finish off any chance of them ever having consensual sex in the future, he was noble but it was so damn tempting yesterday.

An SUV pulled up in the drive and Owen said his goodbyes to his parents. A vary good looking blond sat in the drivers seat waiting for him. Owen didn’t recognize her but knew she was one of Hanna’s co-workers from the ample cleavage displayed in a purple dress top. “Hi I’m Jennifer.” “I work with Hanna and Grace and said I’d pick you up.” “Thanks.” Owen said. “I’m Owen but I guess you know that.” “Um, don’t mean to pry but any idea what there planing for me tonight?” “Jess don’t look so scared, but then again I guess you have your reasons.” “My boyfriend Dave was pretty freaked out to the first time we were together after I worked and I have experience controlling myself.” “Please don’t be to hard on Hanna that was only her second job and it’s not something that’s easy to get used to.” “Oh, no I get that, she’s probably hating herself more than I ever could.” “You’re a good kid Owen, and that noble morality wins you points but can I give you a suggestion?” Jennifer asked. “Please.” Owen replied. “Hanna’s not as up tight as she lets on, but you didn’t hear that from me.” “If you step up a little, respectfully, she wouldn’t shy away, I guarantee it.” “Ok I guess.” Owen said. “She’s into you and according to Grace you’re a good guy so it’s the least I can do, I like Hanna.” This woman made a relation ship work in her situation, maybe she was right. Owen knew Hanna was a little shy about sex stuff but Owen could remember a few time when just the right moves drove her wild, maybe Jennifer was right about making the first move.

They pulled up to the agencies and Owen fallowed Jennifer in. “Hanna is waiting for you on the roof.” Jennifer said. “The roof?” Owen said. “Yes Grace is working on your dinner now, follow me.” Owen followed through the office and saw Grace in the small office kitchen. “Hi Owen good to see you but I can’t talk right now just fallow Jennifer.” Grace said. Owen continued to follow Jennifer up stairs and down the hall to the roof door. “Grace will bring the food up later and after you eat we’ll come up so you can meet the rest of the gang.” Jennifer said leaving Owen.

Owen stepped out onto the roof. The whole roof was made up into an elaborate garden, many exotic flowers filled the path and trees and vegetation blocked out the city view. It all led to a patio set in the corner. Hanna stood at the edge and the city view behind her was spectacular. Hanna turned to look at Owen as he approached, she was wearing that simple kind of little black dress he heard all women had one of. This one however showed her new cleavage to perfection and hugged her figure, it made his heart race thinking of all the things that dress suggested.

Owen stood there stunned, the dress did it’s work Hanna thought. “Owen I want to say in person how sorry I am for earlier.” “I can barely remember anything from it but I still fell bad for the way I must have acted.” Owen stood there in deep thought. “You know your really something Hanna, he said, most guys have to beg to get there girl even half as eager as you were and your still the one apologising.” “If there is anything to forgive that dress makes up for it.” “You big ouf.” Hanna said teasingly. “After all this your forgiving me for teasing you further with a dress.” “You’re my girl Hanna, that’s all there needs to be said.” “This whole thing, I know why it happened and there seems to be nothing you could have done about it yet you’re still bothered, that kind of self consciousness is to rare and special to let go.” Hanna was touched and they sat together at the table and talked till Grace brought up there food.

Grace was an excellent cook and the whole dinner was great. After they went down stairs and met the group. Owen got on great with the girls, he seemed to know a little about Kesia’s country and he was really impressed to find out that the roof garden was all her work. He could not say enough good things about Grace’s cooking and he was so grateful for how Grace cared about her. He held small talk with Jennifer but it seemed like Jennifer already knew all he had to say, they had definitely talked on the car ride. It turned out Joanna was a real sports buff and she and Owen talked for some time about there favourite teams. Sydney had blessedly been bribed to stay in her room for this first meeting and no scene was made.

Later that evening Owen and Hanna sat out on the roof and continued the conversation on what they would do with this unique situation they were in. “You know.” Owen said. “I hear that Jennifer carries on a relationship even with this job.” “Oh you did, did you?” Hanna replied. This was what they had talked about. “You know, after work aside we still can be together without having to worry.” “So is this a subtle way of saying you want to explore the new me so long as it’s safe?” Hanna asked sarcastically. Owen sat silent for a long moment and then without warning leaned over and kissed her. “I love you Hanna, all of you.” There was no more restraint and Hanna as much climbed into his chair as he puled her over. After several long minutes of groping Hanna said. “Owen I have my own room.” “Ok.” Was his replie and they scrambled down the stairs trying to be quiet as everyone was in there rooms for the night.

Hanna sat Owen down on the bed and began to undress for him. As she removed the black dress Owen could see every curve outline in the dim light. Pealing it off Owen saw for the first time Hanna’s new and improved body. The hottest super model could have been compared to the perfect shape she had, her slender figure extenuating the huge round breasts she now had. Suddenly she flinched and hissed. “Shit, you don’t have a rubber do you?” Owen’s heart turned to ice and the look on his face told her his answer. “Oh no after all this an accidental baby is not going to happen.” Hanna said. Owen’s brain worked a mile a minute to come up with an answer. “Would one of the other girls have one?” He asked. Hanna didn’t know that much about her roommates but she knew the one person in this building who would be the most likely to have a condom, she winced.

Hanna stood on the GO AWAY floor mat thinking this was not a good idea but it would absolutely crush Owen if she turned him down now. The drone of heavy music did still come from the inside but it was turned down for the night so there was no way of knowing if Sydney was still awake. Hanna knocked gently and she could hear the ‘What the fuck’ from outside the door. The Door flung open and Sydney stood there fuming. “This had better be good.” She said. Hanna stood there in nothing but her night shirt and squeaked. “Um, Sydney Owen and I were, Um wondering....” “Oh this is just great, you don’t even want me to meet lover boy but when you need a rubber it’s Owen and I.” “I’m sorry Sydney.” Hanna said as she began to turn. “Hey.” Sydney said taking her hand out from behind her back, half a dozen condoms fanned in her hand, she had them even before being asked. “Your running the risk of making me like you.” “Make sure you wake up the others with your fun or I won’t forgive you for waking me up.” She handed Hanna the condoms with a grin and closed her door before Hanna could even say thank you.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:38 AM

Pt. 10
Around The Office

Hanna stirred next to Owen, twisting her fingers in his short blond hair. Owen had never been as forward as last night. Honestly, after all that Owen had gone through for her this week and he still stuck with her, that first unannounced kiss excited her. She giggled to her self as Owen began to wake next to her. “Um, that sounds naughty.” Owen said without opening his eyes. “Good morning.” Hanna said snuggling in next to him. “Last night.....” Owen trailed off, it was the first time for both of them and Hanna shared the sentiment. “We’re gonna have to go down stairs at some point.” Hanna said pausing. “Well I’m sure it’s not the first time someone’s had a guy over here before, three grown women live here.” Owen said. “I know,” Hanna pouted, “but it was my first day here, it’s embarrassing.” “Well lets take our sweet time getting down stairs.” Owen said fondling her under the covers. “Umm.... I like this new side of you.” Hanna mussed. What was another 30 min’s?

Hanna and Owen came down the stairs into the break room. A shuffling in the kitchen made them turn and as Grace turned from the cupboard she was standing in front of Owen and Hanna froze facing Grace. “That you Hanna?” Grace said as she turned. She must have just came back from a job because her chest was massively swollen, so big she couldn’t reach around it to the cupboard. If Hanna gapped at her poor Owen was like a dear in the headlights, he had only seen Hanna after she had hours to come down. “Oh damn, Sorry Owen.” Grace said seeing him behind her. “I thought you went home after I left last night.” She giggled. “Had fun?” She was obviously under the influence. Hanna grabbed Owen’s hand and he actually jumped. “It’s ok.” She said to him. “Yeah...” he said slowly. “Sorry Grace, how are you.” He replied. “Oh good, thought I’d make brunch, want some guys?” “Ok.” Hanna said. “You un.... need any help in here?” “Oh no. not my first time around the office, you two go get comfy out there.” “Oh I almost forgot Kesia is out on work to today she should be back soon.” She said eyeing Owen. “I’ll be ok, it’s not that uncomfortable so long as I’m not being jumped.” He said. Grace just laughed as they when out into the common room.

Shortly after breakfast Kesia did come back. Huger than Grace she bounced into the room and on seeing Owen still there she waved but muttered something in a langue Hanna couldn’t catch as she went up stairs. Owen looked like he was at his limit and Hanna suggested she drive him home. Owen just nodded and Hanna fallowed him out. “I’m sorry about this morning.” Hanna said as she drove. “Well I guess your work goes on even on the weekends, outbreaks happen.” Owen said weakly. “Hanna... you, actually get that big?” Owen asked hesitantly. Hanna sighed, he was freaked out. “Yes. After a job sometimes I’m VARY big.” She said not wanting to scare him but she owed him the truth. Owen looked uneasy but after a minute said. “Well there’s nothing that can be done about your job, I’ll... I’ll deal with it.” Hanna let the silence hang. As they pulled up to Owen’s house Hanna asked. “How much trouble did I just get you into with your folks for spending the night?” “They trust me pretty much to make good decisions.” “I don’t think I’ll get in to much trouble but I’m definitely telling them we sat up all night and I slept on the couch.” “There not retarded,” Hanna said, “you honestly think they’ll buy that?” She rased an eyebrow. “They’ll like that story better than the truth and I don’t think they object anyway.” He said. “Besides we were safe.” “Yeah.” Hanna giggled and leaned over to kiss him before he got out.

For the next little while Hanna got into the rhythm of a ‘normal’ work week at A.C.E.S. The hardest new thing was that she was no longer allowed to be alone after a job, to prevent another escape. After her first job of the week, supervised by Sydney, she was headed up stairs after her job and Sydney yelled, “Hold it.” Grabbing a handful of stretch top. The extra tightness drove Hanna wild and the only thing she could do to prevent breaking down was being lead to the couch and sat down. “Your staying right her till you come down.” Sydney said. “I’m responsible for you today and I’ll be damned if I’m chasing your ass down after an escape.” Hanna was miserable, she only knew one sure way to satisfy the feeling of coming down and she sure as hell wasn’t doing that out here. Hanna sat there holding her chest in both arms quivering with desire as Sydney watched a soap opera on the couch across from her.

Hanna couldn’t say it was any easier the next day with Joanna watching her. Joanna thought the best way to help Hanna cope with the urges was to get her to practice working and moving around the office at her inflated size like everyone else did. It worked for a while, with lots of effort but eventually Hanna took a corner going into the kitchen to fast and her bust bounced off the wall sending a shockwave and a mind shattering orgasm through her body. The rest of that day was a wash and Joanna ended up putting her in her room in the end.

Hanna’s days when she didn’t have to work were much easier. Cleaning the office was much easier when she didn’t have a hormone time bomb strapped to her chest. Going to the store for groceries for the kitchen was kinda fun to considering she got a credit card from Rachel to shop with. She had never been out of school during school hours before. It was strange though everyone who saw her knew from her figure why she didn’t go to school and every woman she passed, regardless of age, gave her a respectful nod. This job is too weird. She thought.

As the days rolled on Hanna did mildly adjust to coming down, she could walk about if she was careful and light bumps and touches became somewhat more controllable as she inevitably had several over her time around the office. Eventually Hanna was allowed to be alone again, and although the first time she all but ran for her room Hanna actually chose to stay out every now and then and she was much more controlled. “You know Hanna your doing really well lately.” Jennifer said after a job she joined Hanna on. Hanna craned her head around from her seat on the couch, her breasts taking up her whole lap and a good portion of the rest of the couch, the girl that day was enormous. “You may be able to take a job on your own soon.” She mused. Hanna thought that was good but with the surge of emotions she was having she burst into tears grinning the whole time.

Hanna’s days off with Owen and her friends improved to. Now that the awkward adjustment to her new size was passed it was like old times. Hanging out at the mall and the park, shopping, although her friends couldn’t find anything there size in the ‘Hanna sized’ stores. The girls even came over to the office every now and then to hang out and although they were just as freaked as Owen the first time they saw one of the girls after work they adjusted and it became common place to them to.

Hanna’s family came around every now and then to. Hanna’s mom became fast friends with Grace and Joanna and even Sydney seemed to like being down stairs when she was there. Hanna’s father was still awkward about being around the other A.C.E.S. but had family dinner’s with everyone on occasion and rarely starred after a while. The one thing Hanna tried to prevent above all else was her friends or family seeing her after jobs. Owen for obvious reasons but her family to. Only one time did her mother see her after work when Rachel left her desk out front and Hanna’s mother let herself in. Hanna had just gotten off a job of a fairly good sized collage student and she was huge. As Hanna rounded the corner out of the kitchen, her bust showing well before the girl attached to it, she stood there idly tying off her hair, one of Grace’s sugar cookies in her mouth as she looked up to see her mother. The cookie bounced off her tit right before her mother fainted and pore Hanna was to big to pick her mother up and put her on the couch, it was probably one of her top ten most awkward moments when her mother came to.

And then one day it happened. The one thing Hanna had dreaded would happen when she took this job.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:38 AM

Back to School

Samantha sat in her desk in Mr. Highgarden’s trig class board out of her mind. God, it’s a caleche to say it but would they really ever use this crap in real life? Hanna had always liked math she thought absently, it was strange not having Hanna around any more since her Phoebe, Kelly and Hanna had been together since grade school. Sammy shifted uncomfortably in her chair as a cramp in her side formed. Surprised my ass isn’t the thing falling asleep in this hundred year old desk. She thought. Sammy looked across to Kelly gesturing to her book asking if she knew the answer. Kelly shrugged but as she turned Kelly looked confused and continued looking at Sammy almost long enough to make Samantha ask what was wrong before the other girl gave up puzzling out whatever she was thinking and turned away. Class dragged on and Sammy was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute with the cramps in both her sides now. This is wired Samantha thought, I’m not due for that time of the month for weeks. Sammy tried her best to work the pain out of her side and go back to work. As Samantha looked down at her book her spine stiffened and she sat up straighter. Half her math book was blocked by the curve of her chest and the memory of her interview with Grace weeks ago snapped to mind.

“An out break of Mamroengorgus disorder starts very mundane and can be easily mistaken for the onset of your period with cramps and even the blotted feeling however these feelings will continue to get worse and it will be obvious something else is wrong.” “Next slow light swelling will occur in the bust line and this is the final warning sign before the full blow outbreak will occur.” “After the first signs start to show the time between full out break will very between patient but in general 10 to 15 min’s is the norm.” “In that time you will want to get to a private place with enough open space like a public bathroom and remove your shirt and bra before you get to big to remove them and they rip off.”

The cold business like way Grace had said that before she knew Sammy had made her shudder but it was all clear in her mind. How much longer did she have she thought, it was several minutes ago Kelly was starring at her obviously noticing but not making the connection because she never had an interview. Sammy calmly raised her hand against all impulse to run out, it would only cause a scene and draw attention to herself. Mr. Highgarden excused her without even giving a second glance from the board and Sammy calmly got up and walked to the hall. On her way Phoebe looked up as she went by and her eyes went huge but Sammy knew she didn’t have time to talk.

In the hall on the way to the bathroom Sammy knew it began. The straining tightness of her shirt and her bra digging into her skin as she started to approach poor Hanna’s freakish size but there was no time to stop and adjust clothing now soon she wouldn’t fit through the bathroom door and then she’d be finished. The increasing wight of her chest was slowing her down and as she reached the bathroom she felt a sharp snap as all support in her chest went along with her bra and she staggered through the door. The last thing Sammy did as she moved or crawled to the back of the bathroom as her chest was to heavy to carry now, was to struggle off her stretched out ruin of a shirt. Leaning against the wall Sammy could only think was that Phoebe would discreetly let Mr. Highgarden know what he missed and the A.C.E.S. would be here soon.” Oh god, hurry Hanna......”she groaned.

Hanna sat at her desk at the agenise looking through the website for highschool courses. “Trig.” She giggled Sammy and Kelly were always lousy at math. “Studying hard?” Grace said sliding up to Hanna in her office chair. “Yeah just looking over corses.” Hanna replied. Hanna’s desk phone beeped and from across the room Grace’s did also as she was teamed with Hanna today. Hanna groaned. “How much longer do I need a baby sitter Grace?” “I’ve already done dozens of jobs and I’m getting real good at self control.” “I know Hanna.” Grace said as they headed up front. “Not many more.” Rachel called Grace over with a worried expression on her face and they exchanged words. Hanna came over and asked. “What’s the matter?” “Un... Hanna there’s some bad news and I know it won’t change anything but I think I should go alone on this one.” Hanna knew this never happened and would not budge until someone told her what brought on this fairy tail wish of an offer. “It’s a job from your old school Hanna.” Grace said grudgingly. Hanna stiffened, “Which one is it Grace?” “Sammy or Phoebe?” Grace sighed. “Sammy.” She said holding up the file. “There’s no way I can talk you out of this?” Grace asked. “My friends were their for me at the hand off and I swore I’d be their for them, Lets go.” Hanna replied.

In the SUV Grace drove with the file under her arm. “So I take it by not giving me that there’s more bad news?” Hanna asked. Grace pulled over and looked Hanna in the eye. “Hanna doing a healing on your best friend is hard enough but I want you to really think about not taking this job if I tell you, we could tell her you already worked today.” Grace offered. “What?” Hanna asked annoyed, there was no way she would not do this. “Hanna the report from the teachers is that Sammy is beyond huge and at the time of the call she was STILL growing.....” “Hanna she’s gonna be over the limit.” Hanna took a deep breath. Over the limit. She thought. “Poor Samantha.” She said allowed. “Poor Samantha?” “Hanna an over the limit job is something you can’t even imagine until you’ve done one.” Grace said. “I’ve done this job for 14 years and I’ve only done four.” “It doesn’t matter Grace.” Hanna said. “Sammy’s waiting for me.” “What are we doing sitting here?” Grace reached over and hugged Hanna but muttered. “I love your loyalty, but you’ll regret that later.”

For the rest of the drive Grace briefed Hanna on how they would handle this job together. “An over the limit is so extreme that absolutely all thought of movement during and after goes out the window.” Grace said. “We normally send two A.C.E.S. on an over the limit job.” “You’ll need my help and Sammy’s just to maintain contact throughout the healing.” Grace went over the plan with Hanna and made sure Hanna knew what to do. “First off the school says she’s hysterical which is easy to understand so your going to have to calm her, being her friend will probably actually help with that.” Grace said. “Now she’s in the girls bathroom on the second floor... Is it big?” “It’s a fair size but with an over the limit....” Hanna trailed off. “If we need to we’ll have to make room for you to expand, an old janitor showed me once how to take down bathroom stalls and it gives a whole bunch more room.” Grace laughed to her self. “One time Sydney had an over the limit girl panic and wedge herself into a small public bathroom at a park, one of those cement ones with just the two stalls and the space for a sink.” “You should have heard Sydney curse as she expanded and was squeezed into this thing with that poor girl.” “Sydney’s whole chest was black and blue when she came down.” “Really not helping right now.” Hanna said. “Sorry.” Grace replied. “So the big concern is maintaining contact the whole time.” “One thing we don’t teach for normal jobs is in a tight space like with Sydney’s girl skin to skin contact of the chest will work but so long as we can get the room in there we’re going to try and do the water bed manoeuver.” “Water bed?” Hanna asked sceptically. “Your going to position yourself on top of.... yourself and lean over to touch Sammy.” “I’ll help you lean in at first and when Sammy is light enough for the two of us to manage we’ll lift her up to you.” The thought of this ‘plan’ made Hanna sick to her stomach, on top of all this she would be feeling the worlds biggest hormone spike and she would have to maintain control to she it through. She promised she thought to herself.

When they arrived at Hanna’s old school their first stop was the office to get an idea of the situation. Principal Sterling greeted Hanna and grace solemnly and explained that Samantha was still practically incoherent but the growth had finally stopped. Principal Sterling put a hand on Hanna’s arm. “Dear I heard you and Samantha are friends.....” “Are you sure Grace shouldn’t be the one to handle this?” “I’ve been up there.” “I’ve been a teacher and principal for over 40 years and I’ve never seen a girl half her size.” “That’s why I have to do it Miss Sterling, she’s one of my best friends and she would do it for me.” Hanna replied calmly. “We’ll need to talk to your head custodian.” Grace injected. “Oh, Alright I’ll page Mr. Smith and he’ll be right down.” Principal Sterling said pulled away from her train of thought.

When the middle aged head janitor came down to the office Grace began asking question about all kinds of things related to the upstairs bathroom. What kind of stall set up they had, the plumbing and fixtures, even an estimate of the rooms dimensions particularly the height of the ceiling. After he answered what he could Grace asked him for a box of tools and a ladder which the man fetched and said he would leave outside the bathroom. Hanna lead the way to the bathroom. Outside Grace and Hanna had one last talk about their plan. “Any suggestion about how to calm her?” “I can’t exactly start talking about the weather.” Hanna asked. “It will depend on how she’s acting.” Grace said. “Sammy doesn’t strike me as the hysterical type so she’s probably a train wreck mentally if she’s still in shock.” “The best thing you can do is ground her into reality first, as cruel as that will be.” “Once we get her cooperating the healing will go much faster.” Mr. Smith arrived with the tools and the ladder and Grace and Hanna stepped into the ladies room.

As Hanna turned the corner her breath caught in her troat. As far as Hanna could see from the door way Sammy was not there, there was nothing but a giant pair of breasts taking up the entire end of the room. Hanna stared at the incredible sight, Samantha’s breasts were so huge that Hanna could not see over them standing and could not go around as they pressed up against the wall on one side and the stalls on the other. Hanna stared perplexed as she noticed one of the sinks half way engulfed in the expanse of breast, the bowl of the sink full of flesh. Samantha’s pail pink nipples were as big as trash can lids and standing erect in the cool bathroom air, they were so big Hanna could clearly see the areola and swore she could have put her whole arm in with little trouble. Grace placed the ladder in front of the wall of flesh and gestured for Hanna to go up. As Hanna stepped onto the third step up Sammy came into view over the horizon. Sammy was leaned up against the wall a good two or three feet off the ground her arms laying limp on the curve of her chest, her position at the start of the growth must have given her no were to go but up. “Sammy?” Hanna asked quietly not wanting to agitate or startle her unnecessarily. “Oh not again.” Sammy muttered. “I’ve had this dream so many times I’m board with it.” “What?” Hanna asked. “Your hear to heal me Hanna, only when you try it you grow and I don’t shrink and I wake up screaming right before we squish each other.” “Oh Sammy,” Hanna said, “Honey this isn’t a dream.” “This time I promise it will work.” Hanna tried to comfort her. Sammy muttered something and let her face sink into her cleavage. Hanna quietly went down the ladder and whispered to Grace. “She’s really bad.” “She’s not even acting like herself, she thinks she’s dreaming.” “She’s on sensory overload Hanna.” Grace replied. “She can feel every square inch of these things.” “There’s got to be a way to get through to her, the old Sammy is a fighter, she’d never space out like this.” Hanna said. “Maybe that’s the trick?” Grace offered. “She thinks your going to force healing on her right?” “And if I don’t and walk away she may snap out of it.” Hanna finished. “Grace that sounds risky.” “Your call here Hanna but she’s going to need to take a hand in this to so you gotta wake her up.” “I’m going to start clearing the room, she’s already pressed up against the stalls so your defiantly going to need the extra room.” Hanna grimaced as she climbed back up top.

“Sammy?” “It’s Hanna again, we need to fix you up but you gotta look at me.” Sammy tilted her head back and stared at Hanna. “I can heal you Sammy, remember what we said?” “You were there for me when I had to get these things.” Hanna said hefting her comparatively petit chest in both hands. “I’m hear for you no mater what.” Hanna said leaning out and reaching for Sammy’s face. Hanna’s hand sank into Samantha breast well past the wrist and Sammy gasped with the sudden sensation gibbering and trying to claw her way out from behind her chest. It took Hanna several minutes to calm Sammy without being able to touch her and when Sammy calmed she slipped back into her stupor. Hanna had no choice, she had to go for the shock factor. “Well Grace.” Hanna said allowed from the top of the ladder. “Sammy would rather stay up here feeling sorry for herself so I guess there’s nothing we can do.” Hanna took one step down the ladder and Grace replied. “You sure?” “I’ve already started making room.” She said winking. “Yeah I’m sure they can work around her in here, you know like a bathroom attendant.” Hanna said taking another steep down. “Least you won’t have to bite that bullet for her hun?” Grace said. Hanna stepped off the ladder and began taking it down. What would she do if they made it to the door and Sammy still didn’t snap out of it? Hanna thought. As the ladder went down to a point Sammy could no longer see it Hanna heard stirring, Thank god. “Hey.” A voice called out. “Hey wait a minute what the hell do you mean leave me up here?” Sammy slowly but determinedly squalled. Grace motioned for Hanna to stay quiet, the new panic of being left would help Sammy focus. “Hey?” she yelled. “Hey, no Hanna don’t you dare leave me.” Samantha’s chest jiggled a little and Hanna realized Sammy was kicking and squirming behind her chest. “HANNA DON’T GO!” Sammy screamed and Grace gestured to put the ladder up. As Hanna went to put it up Sammy, who couldn’t see them became more panicked. “HANNA YOU BITCH DON’T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!” Hanna put the ladder back up and climbed to eye level. “Glad your back Sammy.” Hanna said. Sammy leaned back hyperventilating. “Don’t.... leave.....” She wheezed. “I’m not going anywhere.” Hanna said. Not for a really long time to. She thought to herself looking down at the mountain she would soon be attached to. “Sammy, we’re going to heal you but we need you to focus and help along the way.” Hanna said. “I’m ok.” Sammy said weakly. “How bad is it really?” She asked. “Well you can’t see the ground so what do you think?” Hanna said without thinking. Sammy looked at her funny and half laughed at the sarcasm. “Oh laugh it up.” She said. “Wait till the tits are on the other chest.”

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:39 AM

Making Good On A Promise

“Ok Hanna can you give me a hand with this.” Grace asked gesturing to the stalls ready to come down. “Sammy I have to go help Grace.” “I’m not leaving you, ok?” Hanna asked. “Yes, ok.” Sammy said. “Hanna how will this work?” “The healing I mean, from what I was told you’ll take up just as much room as me.” “How will you fit to.” “We’ll explain the plan in a little bit Sam.” “Just hold tight.” Hanna replied starting down the ladder. “Oh. I’ll just wait here.” Sammy said sarcastically. Smart ass that’s a good sign I guess. Hanna thought. Hanna helped Grace take down and stack the panels against the wall in the corner. As they started to take apart the wall Sammy had grown up against the wight pushed the remaining wall off it’s bolts in the floor and Sammy’s breast shifted and spread out nearly squishing them. Samantha wailed at all the movement and feeling and Hanna had to tell her she was still there and awkwardly rubbed the side of a massive breast to sooth her.

Once all the room was made as clear as possible Hanna climbed the ladder again and readied herself to explain this stupid plan to Sammy. Grace stood on the ground next to the ladder and managed to explain what Hanna didn’t by shouting. “Samantha, Hanna’s going to start healing you and she won’t be able to move almost right away so I will be helping her maintain contact.” “When you start getting smaller than her I’m going to be over on your side with the ladder and I’ll help you climb up to her.” “Do you understand?” Grace asked. “Yes but with Hanna spreading out how will we get out from behind her after?” Sammy asked. “Well unfortunately for Hanna we’re going to need to force our way between her and the wall to get out.” Hanna looked wide eyed down at Grace knowing the sensitivity she would have with the size and hormones on top of it, Grace shrugged apologetically. “God lets just get this over with.” Hanna groaned. “Hanna.” Sammy said as Hanna went to get down. “Thank you.” She said. Hanna just nodded staring back.

Hanna stood in front of the mountain that was here friend and calmly started to remove her shirt. “Your stretch top to Hanna.” Grace said. “We’ve never tested them to this extent and if it were to stop stretching and start suffocating you there would be no way to free you in time.” Hanna grudgingly took the skin tight top off baring her large, or at least she used to think they were large breast to the cool air. Hanna took a deep breath and placed her hands on Samantha.

Hanna’s breast’s began to swell. She had never actually seen this without the stretch top. The skin did not stretch but simple and inexplicably became more, gaining wight as they started to hang. As they swelled to the point they rested on her stomach Hanna leaned forward and let her breasts rest on the floor and as always the cold linoleum made her gasp. Hanna continued to swell and spread outward and when Hanna got to the point of about two big Beanbag chairs Grace said. “You ready Hanna?” Hanna nodded not wanting to break concentration to speak. Grace grabbed Hanna’s ankles and as Hanna leaned even further forward, now almost with her face pressed against the side of Sammy’s breast, Grace lifted Hanna up on top of her own breasts and pushed her forward into a laying position that did press Hanna deep into Samantha cleavage so as Sammy shrunk Hanna still had hold. The feeling of being hoisted on top of her own breast was incredible. She had been this size before but never touched or felt so much sensation through them before, her brain was racing so fast it was like the white noise of TV static.

Samantha leaned back against the wall and cringed as Grace forced Hanna between her breast. Somehow Sammy knew she was shrinking slowly even though she couldn’t see it. After some time she felt something and slipped down an inch or so from her position on the wall, she was shrinking.

As Hanna began to see light and fresh air again it was clear she was making progress. Hanna lay a good two feet off the floor and her breasts spread out well away from her body. Dam not even half way yet Hanna thought but at least Sammy was noticeably smaller. Grace took hold of Hanna’s feet again and pushed her forward to the edge of her breasts to the point Hanna had to balance.

Hanna grew and grew and began to see the top of Sammy’s breasts though her face was still hidden. As Hanna rose to the point she saw Sammy, Sammy grinned wide and said. “You just couldn’t stand having smaller boobs than me hun?” From the ground, Almost eye level standing Grace said. “Ok Hanna I’m going to push you forward as much more as I can and then get ready to help Sammy.” “Ok.” Hanna chocked off. “Your both doing great.” Grace said. And shoved Hanna’s feet again. This time she did not roll forward but felt the uncomfortable pull of her chest, She now hung to the point where she could almost touch the floor if she wanted to so provided they could move Sammy before she was to far away this would work.

Sammy felt the floor under her feet and she cheered with joy. “I’m standing again.” She yelled. “Good.” Grace said coming into view around her side. “I’ve got the ladder over here so as Hanna starts to have to stretch I’ll help you up.” “How exactly?” Sammy said, Hanna touching her was one thing but it was still creepy feeling unwanted hands on her. “I’ll take left if you think you can lift the right.” Grace said. “Yes.” Sammy said defeated. Sammy watched Hanna’s face twitch and twist as she raised into the air. “Grace, why’s Hanna look like she’s in pain?” “It’s part of the healing, she’s taking all the excess hormones doing this to your chest.” “It’s pretty uncomfortable at this size.” Grace replied. “Hanna?” “Really I didn’t know that’s how it worked, why didn’t you tell me?” Sammy said. “YYYouu, would have felt worse about having mmmmmeee do this if it was so uncomfortable....” Hanna stutter. “Dose it hurt?” Sammy asked concerned. “Nnnnnoooo.... It’s ggreat.” Hanna said but her face was not one of pleasure but embarrassment. “Oh.” “I understand, sorry.” “We should let her work.” Grace said.

Hanna’s head was absolutely spinning. She was now towering over the other two women and Grace was getting ready to help Sammy lift herself up to Hanna. Grace put both arms under what was left of Samantha’s left breast and Sammy took the right. “1...2....3" Grace said as they heaved Samantha into the side of Hanna. Hanna wailed uncontrollably as the soft mass bounced into her own and Hanna’s arms shook as she maintained contact. Grace put the ladder up in front of Hanna and Sammy slowly climbed as the last of her size melted away.

Hanna sprawled out on top of herself and moaned loudly as she no longer had to focus on Sammy and could feel herself. Hanna couldn’t even move on top of the bed formed by her breasts, every move was absorbed by the beyond soft surface. Hanna made the mistake of trying to prop herself up with her hand and she sank to the elbow causing her to orgasm instantly. As Hanna’s vision came back she saw a ladder come into view and Grace climbing up. “Hanna?” “Are you ok?” “Not poking into anything or something?” Hanna couldn’t answer, her mouth flapped like a fish but she shook her head no. “Ok you just rest we’ll give both of you a bit before we take Sammy out.” Hanna didn’t care anymore, the feel of someone squeezing past her would just be one more thing. Grace descended not getting anything out of her. Hanna just tried to adjust to her situation. How many hours would she be stuck here? Every small movement tickled and caused her to shift making it worse. Sammy weakly climbed up the ladder and stared at Hanna. “Look what I’ve done to you.” Sammy said as Hanna locked wide tortured eyes on her. Hanna opened her mouth but could still not force a word out only a gurgling sound. “Grace said I shouldn’t touch you but when I see you next time I’m giving you the biggest hug you can stand.” Sammy said. “We should get going Sammy.” Grace said from the ground. Sammy smiled weakly and climbed down. Hanna took a deep breath and waited. To this day she still had no memory of the next five minutes as they passed by her.

Some time later Hanna vaguely felt Grace squeeze back in front of her but was still only semi contuse from the first pass and didn’t faint again. Grace’s ladder came into view again. “I’m so very proud of you Hanna.” She said. “I don’t think I could have done that for a friend and your first over the limit after only a month if that.” “You won’t be having a chaperone on jobs anymore.” Hanna opened her mouth and managed a “Yeahhhh.” And a look of mock excitement. Grace laughed. “Well bad news then, my guess is you won’t come down for a good 12 or 13 hours.” “So is there anything I can get you up here?” “I’ll pick up dinner, or how about a magazine?” “I, I, I, would jjusst like to tttaake a litle nap rightttt now.” Hanna stuttered and stammered. “Ok.” Grace said. “I’m not going anywhere so if you need anything yell.”

When Hanna came to she was a foot or so lower but still massive. “Grace?” She said weakly. Grace climbed the ladder and looked at Hanna. “Did Sammy get home alright?” “Oh yes.” Grace said. “Her parents were called and Phoebe was still here when we came out.” “Good.” “How long was I asleep?” “An hour or so, you didn’t sleep well you kept muttering in your sleep.” Grace said. “I think I can get by now without blowing your mind again, do you want me to go get you a sandwich or something?” Hanna nodded. “Thanks for being here for me Grace I don’t think I could have done this with anyone else, and for all the things you’ve done for me.” “Oh Hanna.” Grace said and got down.

Memorex75 02-15-2014 08:39 AM

End? Or Beginning?

Hanna leaned back and lifted her chest. “Ok I’m ready but I want to get my stretch top on at least.” She said. “Hanna are you sure?” “It is doable but it’s not gonna be fun.” Grace said. “Grace...” Hanna growled feeling her emotions shift to flaring anger. “I’m not going out their topless like this.” “Ok, ok relax.” Grace said cooly not wanting to agitate her. She picked up the stretch top and not so gently pulled it over Hanna’s head, she had had a long night to with the endless crying, giggling and flashes of rage that was Hanna’s moods. Hanna bit her tung as Grace pulled it over the surface of Hanna’s still huge wide chest and stood looking at her with an ‘I told you so’ expression on her face. “Thank you.” Hanna bit the words off and staggered toward the door.

“God I want a shower, I feel gross after being on that bathroom floor so long.” Hanna moaned from the back set of the SUV. “Well you certainly earned it after today.” Grace said. “The clock reads 5:23AM so we’ve pulled a 20 hour shift at least with office hours on top.” Hanna sat quiet for a good long time thinking. “So I’m really am an A.C.E.S. now.” She said aloud. “Yeah no one can argue that.” Grace said. “Poor Sammy was defiantly the biggest over the limit I’ve ever seen and you took it like a trooper.” Hanna didn’t answer she just let the thought of really being an A.C.E.S. sink in.

The shower was an interesting experience at her size. It felt like thousands of figures touching her at once and had it not been for how scummy she felt she could have done without it. Hanna collapsed on her bed, her still melon sized breasts jiggling to a stop beside her. I can’t believe all I’ve done today. She thought as she drifted into sleep.

Hanna did not have to work the next day, Joanna covered for her and on waking at 3 in the afternoon Hanna sat in the rec room listening to all the praises of Kesia and unbelievably Sydney on all her good work. They had herd it all from Grace on her way out last night. “From what I hear.” Sydney said. “Sammy may have been a record breaker for size.” “It is very impressive work being familiar with the patient and still remaining so controlled.” Kesia said. “I’m just grateful to Joanna for taking my day today so I didn’t have to go out again the next day.” Hanna laughed. Hanna spent the rest of the day not doing much and it was great she would have to take Joanna’s day tomorrow but today she was free and clear.

The next morning was to be Hanna’s first solo job and she actually felt butterflies. So long as I don’t get lifted into the air again, today won’t be that bad. She thought. Hanna dressed a little nicer today than normal, she felt special. Hanna sat at her desk waiting on the inevitable call. “Don’t worry Hanna.” Grace said behind her making her jump. “I know your ready for this.” “Thanks Grace.” Hanna said smiling at her friend. At 10 o’clock the phone on Hanna’s desk beeped and Hanna stood drawing in a deep breath. “Who is it today Rachel?” Hanna asked as she stepped out into the front office. “Wow Hanna looking good.” Rachel said. “It’s an in home job she said she’s done growing and is a fair size but nothing critical.” “Thanks Rachel.” Hanna said and strolled out to her SUV.

Hanna fumbled at the lock for a few minutes but after opening the door she saw a pretty young woman sprawled over her swollen chest in the middle of the floor looking up at her. “Hi, My names Hanna Summers and I’m with A.C.E.S.” Hanna said and hesitated for a minute at how naturally it came out, this was who she was. “I’m here to help.” she said.


In the years to come Hanna Summers became a very well respected and loved member of A.C.E.S. She eventually Married Owen and although they were not allowed to have children because of her job they lived vary content lives together. Upon her retirement Hanna and Owen adopted a child and in her free time Hanna consulted on several cases for the agenise and trained several new candidates.

After retiring Grace decided to become a Chief. The restaurant she worked at was one of the most famous and successful in the city. She remained good friends with all the members of A.C.E.S. her whole life.

Samantha got over her out break and continued going to school and then collage. She got a job as a graphic designer and was vary successful. She remained best friends with Hanna, Phoebe and Kelly her whole life and never had to feel awkward around Hanna and her co-workers because she had topped them all.

Phoebe had an out break late in collage, though not nearly as bad as Sammy’s. Hanna was their for her despite not having to work that day and she preformed the healing for her friend.

Jennifer also married her boyfriend to and they lived together through the years Jennifer had to work at A.C.E.S.

After working in America for many years Kesia returned home to her country and in later years became minister of health for Namibia.

Joanna went into management at the agency after her retirement and was placed in charge of managing the A.C.E.S. departments in an entire state.

Sydney never held down a normal job after her retirement but her savings and government pension kept her living well and travailing the world on her bike.

The End.

LivingBattery 02-15-2014 09:27 AM

Re: New story. A.C.E.S.
Great job!

jsands 02-15-2014 09:34 PM

Re: New story. A.C.E.S.
Not too bad!

Despite spelling and grammar issues and rushed expansion descriptions, the story held me in.

Wish you had more to tell before the epilogue bit.

BillPratt 02-16-2014 01:28 AM

Re: New story. A.C.E.S.
Post timed out and got eaten. Not going to recreate all of the examples. General gist: the single best improvement to this story at this point is to break the paragraphs down. Sentences are ideas. Paragraphs are groupings of related ideas. When the idea changes, make a new paragraph. When a dialogue speaker changes, the focus of the paragraph (and as a result the idea) changes and you need a new paragraph.

For more info, and some editing notes, send me a PM.

PyroWildcat 02-16-2014 06:57 AM

Re: New story. A.C.E.S.
Very much agreed with BillPratt up there. You need to separate your dialog up into new paragraphs whenever the speaker changes; it's a serious pain to read when an entire conversation is crammed into one paragraph. You also seem to bind separate sentences into their own quotations, even when subsequent sentences are said by the same person; that just makes it worse.

Another thing I've been seeing a lot of is that you need to be more careful when using spell check; it's not an automatic 'my work is now proofread' button, you need to be sure that it keeps the words you want to use, not random words that have similar spelling. I saw a lot of 'principle' used in place of 'principal', 'waste' instead of 'waist', and the usual messes with your/you're, their/they're/there, etc.

As jsands mentioned, the BE/breast descriptions were pretty rushed at best, at times almost completely absent; I'm not asking you to go nuts when describing every instance of huge and/or growing boobs, but when you write a story specifically about BE, that's one aspect you don't really want to half-ass.

That said, you have a neat idea here, and this has quite a bit of promise. Keep track of the things you need to work on, and practice writing often; you'll get better. :D

Memorex75 02-16-2014 01:33 PM

Re: New story. A.C.E.S.
Thanks all for the feed back guys. My spelling and grammar defiantly leave something to be desired and i'm the first one to admit that. That said this was my first of three stories and I've been sitting on it for some time and just got it and the others out, which may explain why this one is the worst of the three. I'll defiantly work on that sentence and paragraph structure, I was just kinda learning it as i went. I'd love to hear anything more anyone has to say and please take a look at my other works. Sin City Zoo is my most recent and i'm not finished it yet, I'd love to know what people think. Anyway thanks all.

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