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thefatman 11-21-2006 08:37 AM

Expansion Comics is Online!
I'd like to welcome you all to the first site that caters exclusively to the comic expansion community>
This site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced and the forums promise to put you consumers in direct contact with the artists to discuss what you want to see. I've posted this here in BE only so as not to repost, but deals with all forms of expansion including BE, Butt/Hip/Thigh Expansion, Belly & Pregnancy Expansion, Inflation, and various types of Growth. Check it out. You won't be disappointed.

Tombot 11-21-2006 08:56 AM

Sounds like a plug if you ask me.

Sutibaru 11-21-2006 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by thefatman
This site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced

So you are saying the artwork and comics being produced by the artists there is better than the artwork and comics being produced by our own artists on this forum? I do not know about the other artists here, but I take a bit of offense to that (not saying that my art is the best).

BTW, I am going to be gone for a day or so. So seeya. ^w^
If I took this advertisement the wrong way, I will not be able to reply until I get back.

Taimou 11-21-2006 09:35 AM

a comics site hosted by Bambi Blaze,
with commissioned stuff from artists all over..

volkenfox 11-21-2006 09:40 AM

It's like they say, never walk into the Pepsi Center trying to sell some Coke.

Prophet Tenebrae 11-21-2006 09:42 AM

You probably want to get a better plug quote than the webmaster of the parent site - I assume that this is under the auspices of the Expansion Mansion et al - saying "gee wilikers, this is swell."

Otherwise, the proof of the pudding is in the eating... and as Sutibaru says, it's a bit much to say "THE best", given the number of quality artists here.

wolfman-al 11-21-2006 11:13 AM

Like Subitaru I feeL a little insulted.
And this is pretty shameless advertisement, since this is here is a free site and you just come here with the intention to make money. Seriously, I´m disgusted.

Cernex 11-21-2006 11:51 AM

I'm not an expansion artist myself, and I don't take offense out of n00bish advertizing (because crap will always exist), and I'm actually quite positive about this, as anything that contributes to the BE community is good, lame marketing ploys or not.

El Cernex

Expansionist 11-21-2006 11:54 AM

Jeez, guys, lighten up a little. It's a simple advertising slogan that's been around for years. I think that some of you are taking this a little too personally. I welcome any opportunity for ANY kind of new material to present itself and if it costs a little money, oh well.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the work all the artists on this site have put into their work - that's not my issue. But to take offensive at a simple phrase that so OBVIOUSLY is just an attempt to gain new customers, when you acknowledge it yourself, is just ridiculous.

"I'd like to welcome you all to the first site that caters exclusively to the comic expansion community"

I think that WLP has been around for quite a while. You guys are nowhere near the first to "cater exclusively to the comic expansion community". Nevertheless, I'll take a look around.

Eviscerator 11-21-2006 12:14 PM

That's not true. You CAN sell coke on a pepsi center, you know those guys have to be snorting something...@_@

The Lord of War 11-21-2006 12:30 PM

Well at least there's some decent free stuff.

thefatman 11-21-2006 01:23 PM

well i apologize if i offended anyone. that was surely not my intention and i hope yall don't take it that way. here's how i look at it. i've been surfing around various places like the process, the EM (and stormrszone before that), bambi's sites, project p, and the BEA for about 5 years. in that time, there have been significant advances in the quantity and quality of the art, videos and stories coming out of those places. when i said that the site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced, i simply meant you won't be disappointed by anything there. this is a community of people all working toward the same goal: the contributions of work to our fetish groups. the BEA provides BE content, the EM provides primarily belly expansion, preggos and WG, and here is the place to get artwork, mangas, transformation and processes work. sure there was a little shameless plugfest in that message but i put it there to inform yall about the continuing efforts of the people in our community.


Originally Posted by Sutibaru
So you are saying the artwork and comics being produced being produced by the artists there is better than the artwork and comics being produced by our own artists on this forum? I do not know about the other artists here, but I take a bit of offense to that (not saying that my art is the best).

not in the least. like i said we all contribute to make our community better. but just so you know, some of the artists that contribute here on the process are also contributers on


Originally Posted by slicer15201
"I'd like to welcome you all to the first site that caters exclusively to the comic expansion community"

I think that WLP has been around for quite a while. You guys are nowhere near the first to "cater exclusively to the comic expansion community".

when i said that i meant that the only thing on the site will be comic expansion. actual comic series that deal with expansion. pardon my lameass attempts to dress it up abit and don't take offense cause none was meant. i don't get paid for advertising this nor am i any good at sales. just check out the site if you're interested. if not thanks anyway.

funfun74 11-21-2006 01:41 PM

bah, all that site did was make me think about battle chasers, good comic that was never finished. stuff looks intresting but, i think i already have on the comics on my drive, the one with red monica (battle chasers), and it had BE but was also pretty weird so it kinda put me off. thanks for the site though.

Permafrost 11-21-2006 02:56 PM

The first and only thing I noticed was the Battle Chasers bit as well! The rest of it all looked fairly unimpressive too me, no offense meant. But then, I'm more for stories and writing than art anyway when it comes to this stuff.

spongebathe83 11-21-2006 03:21 PM

Seems like Bambi Blaze is hosting more and more stuff. As long as it has free stuff, I say more power to ya.

NARUZIMO 11-21-2006 03:43 PM

I dont do paysites......

The Warlock 11-21-2006 04:19 PM

Yes, good lord, how evil can these people be, trying to make money. What's the world coming to? :rolleyes:

The Warlock

The Lord of War 11-21-2006 06:02 PM

Who would want to make money?

dljosef 11-21-2006 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by NARUZIMO
I dont do paysites......

Neither do I, I really don't have the patience to deal with paying online by credit card.

Magniphile 11-21-2006 08:56 PM

Um... is there a potential lawsuit waiting to happen since they're using properties/characters that aren't legally theirs to use (Wonder Woman, for example)?

kingnitros 11-21-2006 10:10 PM

too expensive for me!

Sutibaru 11-21-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by thefatman
when i said that the site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced, i simply meant you won't be disappointed by anything there.

Well you should think about writing what you meant instead if you think of advertising elsewhere.
If I made a site with my own artwork and advertised it as "the best expansion artwork currently being produced", I am sure that a lot of people (artists) will not be happy.

BTW, I accept your apology.

gamonthehand 11-22-2006 01:31 AM

YAY more pay sites just what we dont need.

SoylentOrange 11-22-2006 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Magniphile
Um... is there a potential lawsuit waiting to happen since they're using properties/characters that aren't legally theirs to use (Wonder Woman, for example)?

This is a good point. It's all fun and games and porn using licensed characters, but the instant you try to make money off of it, that's some troubled waters legally...

VincentJ 11-22-2006 03:25 AM

Well, there is going to be a fairly comphresive free area. We're also hoping to have regular updates by a wide variety of artists covering all aspects of inflation (boob, butt, body).

I know it's a pay site but not everything in life is free. Especially not specialist fetish content. Occasionally you have to pay for stuff.

As for the copyright, we're covered by fair use since it is a parody.

Prophet Tenebrae 11-22-2006 03:59 AM

If Marvel or DC could sue for misuse of their characters in porn... A LOT of people would be in court.

And I agree - inherently, not all content can be free at the point of delivery. Especially as there has been a historic disdain of sites trying to get by on ad revenue alone (see early BEA history). Someone has to pay the piper...

And could people please go "I can't afford a credit card" if you don't buy anything, you don't have to pay for anything. At least, that's how things work in Britain - colonial backwaters might have something else.

night 11-22-2006 05:44 AM

visit the site, saw the covers, and can say that save for battle chasr, que quality of the other works is not even near the best I saw about this topic, I have no problem with people claiming to have the best in theyr site, but you should actually have it to claim such things...
even mi works are better quality than some of those and I m not even that good...

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 06:48 AM

Hi babes :)

Wow! Nice topic here about the new expansion comic site, and thanks to thefatman for getting the word out! ;)

Ok, first off the feedback is great - positive & negative, so thanks!

Secondly, we see this as a way for artists to make $$$ for your work. Each comic on the site has been purchased by M & L Productions, with artists being compensated immediately upon completion and delivery. If you'd like to offer a sample submission please contact, drcury is the expansioncomics publisher and he'll be glad to talk to any and all artists.

Thirdly, please keep in mind that our current EC artists ARE contributors here at The Process and deviantArt. Seeing comments posted here that the quality of the art isn't that great just may offend guys/gals that you interact with on at least a weekly basis. Personally, I think the art is great and considering that we've giving some up and coming artist a platform for getting his/her work out there with the potential of advancing their techniques is a good thing. Of course, we're all intitled to 'freedom of speech' so this is only a suggestion offered with a little background info. (It may not be an adequated judge anyway until an entire comic is viewed.)

We're very excited about this new site. The EC community will offer a venue for expansion artists to publish their ADULT content in the member's section, the FREE forum & gallery without certain content restrictions that we've all noticed at dA and a few other platforms. Also, the EC is a "comic expansion" themed website. In otherwords, the content provided there will exclusively be expansion comics...not one page artwork but story/bubble lines with expansion art.

Personally, I believe the artists here at The Process are FANTASTIC. This is one reason we approached some of the artists here, and as is your choice, some of you said YES I wanna work for EC and some of you declined which is of course your personal right and we fully understand. ;)

Regarding complaints "it's a paysite"...hey, we had to PAY the aritists - and babes...I personally don't have a money tree growing in my recouping our investment with intentions of hopefully receiving a monetary gain to reinvest back into the site and OUR artists in the community can only be a good thing in my opinion.

Lastly, we previously checked with our legal department regarding 'character use' in our comics and we're in compliance with copyright and trademark laws.

Hope this clears up some of the buzz going around so that the community will know where we're coming from.


Tombot 11-22-2006 06:53 AM

This site is going to be hacked, sorted and torrented before anybody can blink.

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Tombot
This site is going to be hacked, sorted and torrented before anybody can blink.

I hope not, but if this happens it will be addressed. Thankfully, our dedicated server, webmaster, and hosting company monitors this sort of thing 24/7.

If it happens, it'll be a bump in the road as with anything else dealt with on the web. ;)

gwadahunter2222 11-22-2006 07:48 AM

Well Well after read the three pages. This is my opinion, there is no reason to blame thefatman he advertises his site, it's normal in advertisings don't reflect exactly the truth. Sorry if people gets hurt by his words, personally I don't like to pay for the fantasy I like. Everyone wants everything is free but it's not the case. If someone decides to do a paysite is his choice and we must respect it, he is free to do that and we are free to decide if we accept to pay or not. So if you want you pay if you don't want you don't pay this is freedom

Sutibaru 11-22-2006 08:11 AM

Question. What artists from the process forums is having art there?

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 08:17 AM

Vader7476 and Litch are in the process of finishing their first installments. I'll check with Dr Curvy to see who the other TP artists are. ;)

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 08:20 AM

Sutibaru, if I remember correctly Dr Curvy contacted you? We were very disappointed that you declined.

If I'm mistaken please forgive, but I do KNOW you were/are on Dr Curvy's list of desired artists for EC. :)

thefatman 11-22-2006 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Tombot
This site is going to be hacked, sorted and torrented before anybody can blink.

hopefully nobody here on the process would do that seeing how much time, effort and money goes into the production of this art. and im sure lorekeep wouldn't allow that to be spread around on his site seeing as how it would only hurt the community.

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by thefatman
hopefully nobody here on the process would do that seeing how much time, effort and money goes into the production of this art. and im sure lorekeep wouldn't allow that to be spread around on his site seeing as how it would only hurt the community.

I agree, seeing that post here at The Process took me by surprise.

I hope Lorekeep sees the comment.

Sutibaru 11-22-2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bambi_Blaze
Sutibaru, if I remember correctly Dr Curvy contacted you? We were very disappointed that you declined.

If I'm mistaken please forgive, but I do KNOW you were/are on Dr Curvy's list of desired artists for EC. :)

Yes I remember that. I was asked to do a pretty long comic series I believe. Not only that kill the time that I have to focus on my own art, but I just do not care much for money. I think in all, I only have done one commission. I have declined the rest because I had no desire to do them.

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sutibaru
Yes I remember that. I was asked to do a pretty long comic series I believe. Not only that kill the time that I have to focus on my own art, but I just do not care much for money. I think in all, I only have done one commission. I have declined the rest because I had no desire to do them.

Fair enough, and I completely understand. :) Sutibaru, if you change your mind just let us know. ;)

CattyN 11-22-2006 09:44 AM

Who doesn't like money? Money provides you with food and keeps you alive @_@; The only people who say money is of no value are either teens still living with their parents and getting free food and rent... or the extreemely rich who don't really need more money cuz they already have tons of it. As soon as you get into the real world you suddenly realize how imporant it is to have. Just surviving week by week is what i've been doing since I graduated college. Commissions keep me afloat. I can barely make enough money to buy myself a bag of potatos each week. If you think i'm joking I can assure you that i'm not. I'm so poor I eat potatos. I know that sounds funny but it's really not... it's sad and depressing. All the money I make from Commissions goes to paying Rent, Gas bills, and food. Never to myself. How sad is that? And i've had a pretty strong flow of commissions lately too...

Bambi: I'm strongly reconsidering your original offer now that i've seen the fruits of your labors... But first i'm going to see how my second job pans out before I commit to having to work on a longer-running comic. Time is definately not on my side ^_^;

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 09:51 AM

Awesome news Catty ;) Hon, just let me or Doc know if/when you're ready.

BTW - I've sent you a couple of emails over the last 3 days or so... did you get them?

Prophet Tenebrae 11-22-2006 11:17 AM

Feel free to advertise any new work on FTF10, Bambi... I'm fairly sure that not EVERYONE is so bitter about paysites over there... in fact, they hardly say anything. Even if you slap them, as I frequently do.

Bambi_Blaze 11-22-2006 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Prophet Tenebrae
Feel free to advertise any new work on FTF10, Bambi... I'm fairly sure that not EVERYONE is so bitter about paysites over there... in fact, they hardly say anything. Even if you slap them, as I frequently do.

Thanks babe! I'll for sure take you up on that! ;)


Vader7476 11-22-2006 01:04 PM

Congrats on the site opening Bambi. And she is correct, I'm doing a comic for that site at the moment. :P

Deadric 11-22-2006 02:01 PM

My 2 Cents
Heres my 2 Cents *throws in 2 cents* well im not big on paysites since i cant afford to pay for it as Catty said its hard to keep a float thats how i feel thats why i cant be bothered with paysites they are too expensive for me... anyway i Love your Work bambi But i cant pay for any paysites wich isnt such a pain since i see no need for it im sticking with The process ^^ and the forums on EM >< ^^ Well my rants over for now anyway sorry if my english isnt that good Since im Dislexic and English is my second Language

LK 11-22-2006 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by CattyN
Who doesn't like money? Money provides you with food and keeps you alive @_@; The only people who say money is of no value are either teens still living with their parents and getting free food and rent... or the extreemely rich who don't really need more money cuz they already have tons of it. As soon as you get into the real world you suddenly realize how imporant it is to have. Just surviving week by week is what i've been doing since I graduated college. Commissions keep me afloat. I can barely make enough money to buy myself a bag of potatos each week. If you think i'm joking I can assure you that i'm not. I'm so poor I eat potatos. I know that sounds funny but it's really not... it's sad and depressing. All the money I make from Commissions goes to paying Rent, Gas bills, and food. Never to myself. How sad is that? And i've had a pretty strong flow of commissions lately too...

Bambi: I'm strongly reconsidering your original offer now that i've seen the fruits of your labors... But first i'm going to see how my second job pans out before I commit to having to work on a longer-running comic. Time is definately not on my side ^_^;

If you need some nice paying commishes from me man, let me know. ^^;

Prophet Tenebrae 11-22-2006 04:15 PM

I believe Erik is always looking for people to do new Covergirls for the Overflowing Bra.

The Warlock 11-22-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by CattyN
Who doesn't like money? Money provides you with food and keeps you alive @_@; The only people who say money is of no value are either teens still living with their parents and getting free food and rent... or the extreemely rich who don't really need more money cuz they already have tons of it. As soon as you get into the real world you suddenly realize how imporant it is to have. Just surviving week by week is what i've been doing since I graduated college. Commissions keep me afloat. I can barely make enough money to buy myself a bag of potatos each week. If you think i'm joking I can assure you that i'm not. I'm so poor I eat potatos. I know that sounds funny but it's really not... it's sad and depressing. All the money I make from Commissions goes to paying Rent, Gas bills, and food. Never to myself. How sad is that? And i've had a pretty strong flow of commissions lately too...

Bambi: I'm strongly reconsidering your original offer now that i've seen the fruits of your labors... But first i'm going to see how my second job pans out before I commit to having to work on a longer-running comic. Time is definately not on my side ^_^;

Some people in this community seem to think accepting money for art is wrong. Or at least, them having to pay an artist is wrong, I imagine most of them would like to be paid for their work.

I can only imagine they're A) communists or B) just idiots.

But I'm sure you already knew this, Catty, I've read some of your thoughts on the public. ;)

The Warlock

VincentJ 11-23-2006 01:30 AM

I'd also like to add this from Sheber himself: "It cost literally thousands of dollars to commision these and other artists. We're encouraging them to continue making expansion content. I think that we can all agree that this is a good thing."

On a personal note, I'm curious- is it just those without credit cards complaining about it being a pay site?

CK01 11-23-2006 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by VincentJ
On a personal note, I'm curious- is it just those without credit cards complaining about it being a pay site?

Nope, most of the people against in this thread seem to be generally anti-pay site.

Prinz Eugen 11-23-2006 07:01 AM

I wish you great success with this new venture..cheers!

Bambi_Blaze 11-23-2006 07:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you so very much Prinz Eugen and ALL who have offered your kindness, support, and well wishes!! It really means a LOT! ;) :)

Please have a wonderful day this Thanksgiving Season!


GreatDragon AD 11-23-2006 08:04 AM

I wish you best of luck too on the site, Bambi. I've been meaning to make my own webcomic series using my characters as well. I got it mostly planned out and finished writing the script for the first chapter. But at the moment, I wnat to get the neccesary pics and comics before I take my time on the project. I'm no artist (heck, the only thing I could draw are stick figures) but I am good in creating characters and writing stories. That's why I often request/commission artists to draw my characters for me. I also host them in my blog at

I got a couple of scripts done. I just need someone to edit them before I find some artists to work on them. If you need a writer, I don't mind helping.

SoylentOrange 11-23-2006 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Bambi_Blaze
Thank you so very much Prinz Eugen and ALL who have offered your kindness, support, and well wishes!! It really means a LOT! ;) :)

Especially the "Support" part, judging by that picture. ;)

phoenyxx 11-24-2006 05:50 AM

Just wanted to chime in here and say thank you for a new BE site. The more, the merrier! :)


Abazaba 11-24-2006 11:47 PM

My Crazy non-sence rant

Originally Posted by Prinz Eugen
I wish you great success with this new venture..cheers!

Agreed, this place sounds great. It is true most people complain about pay sites. However most of those people only complane because they can't afford them. Or don't have access to a credit card to pay for them. Normaly I have not the money to afford pay sites.

However I largely disagree with anyone who would say that its bad to have a pay site. For all the reasons said above plus the fact that if you pay artists. Most of the time that only HELPS us with out the money for pay sites. Because those artists either as a way to promot the site or as a way to thank loyal fans will do FREE art, and post it in places like this. Those are normaly the same artist who wouldn't have the time to do free work if not for the money they recive from sites like this one.

So its a give and take, and as CattyN basicly said money makes the world go round. This place would be much diffrent if not for pay sites even if those who can't afford/get in them would dissagree. Secondly in a decade or two things what were ON pay sites will eventually become free works posted here. Think of all the countless anime/payed works that are here FREE(though some illegaly(subbed anime is still copyright infringment) which I am fully against).

The next time you think about complaining about a pay site think of all the things that you have gotten via a payed/commissoned items that are now free. Or all the free galleries and forums that came from payed sites or out the the kindness of people who PAY for them. Such as this very forum that is generiously donated by someone who has to PAY for the bandwith/site.

In sort I think my odd rant is basicly summed up in as such. "Nothing is truely free. Even if YOU are getting it for free." -shuffles off to ramble endlessly on this subject-

P.S. I want to thank Bambi and all her minons for her near endless work for our little comunity and for the numerus sites we all take for granted(free or otherwise).

thefatman 11-25-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Abazaba
However most of those people only complane because they can't afford them. Or don't have access to a credit card to pay for them. Normaly I have not the money to afford pay sites.

or they just don't want to pay for it period. there's alot of freeloaders out there. sorry but the economy doesn't work that way.


Secondly in a decade or two things what were ON pay sites will eventually become free works posted here. Think of all the countless anime/payed works that are here FREE(though some illegaly(subbed anime is still copyright infringment) which I am fully against).
this is very true. you may find that in a couple years, things that were pay content on or any pay site for that matter will become free reign content that all can enjoy. just like technology. the top-of-the-line computer i bought 10 years ago would sell for $50 today in good condition, because the price i payed for it 10 years ago is the same price i would pay for top-of-the-line stuff today.

jiryha 11-25-2006 01:29 PM

I think one of the reasons most people have problems with stuff like pay sights is from the lessons learned through sports and computers.

Sports stars now get payed rediculous amounts of money for doing what most people consider a game. They get this money because they were allowed to expect this kind of money. People used to do it for a decent salary then owners would get into bidding wars over certain good players, getting higher wages, ect ect ect. Now even mundane, but professional level, athletes are raking in millions because things were allowed to get out of hand.

Originally all computer software was free, done by people that liked pushing the barriers on what could be done with it. They would pass arround each others programs and improve existing content for free all to see what could be accomplished. Then Mr. Gates, who had been a part of that group for a brief period, pulled the plug, threatened legal action and computer software has become an increasingly commercial affair. Some companies are now charging 20-30 dollars for games that used to be free ware and are usually reproductions of games teens do in flash over the span of one or two weeks.

Most people I think are afraid that if artists go to pay sites that eventually all free content will disappear as artists start to expect money for everything they do.

Not an unfounded fear. However, when it happens(though it will never totally happen) it will just mean that there will be higher quality stuff and more of it. An artist that is getting paid for his work, generally wants to do the work to get payed. I can't afford to go to paysites myself. I don't think I can afford the food I'm going to need in two weeks at this point. But I do support them as a natural progression of material. It's a nessicary step for anything in a capitalist society to survive.

Abazaba 11-25-2006 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by jiryha
I think one of the reasons most people have problems with stuff like pay sights is from the lessons learned through sports and computers.

Sports stars now get payed rediculous amounts of money for doing what most people consider a game. They get this money because they were allowed to expect this kind of money. People used to do it for a decent salary then owners would get into bidding wars over certain good players, getting higher wages, ect ect ect. Now even mundane, but professional level, athletes are raking in millions because things were allowed to get out of hand.

Yes but also take into account the INDUSTRY at large. Sports is a multi BILLION doller industry. Thus employiees are going to make a huge amount of money but speaking ratio wise a very small fraction of the over all industry. I am sure that like sports or ANY other job for that matter. There will be competion price wise, but not to say it will get out of hand THAT much. Due to the fact that the community at large isn't raking in that kind of cash.


Originally Posted by jiryha
Originally all computer software was free, done by people that liked pushing the barriers on what could be done with it. They would pass arround each others programs and improve existing content for free all to see what could be accomplished. Then Mr. Gates, who had been a part of that group for a brief period, pulled the plug, threatened legal action and computer software has become an increasingly commercial affair. Some companies are now charging 20-30 dollars for games that used to be free ware and are usually reproductions of games teens do in flash over the span of one or two weeks.

As for computers, yes it too is proably more like a trillion doller industry world wide. Even with that, there are still HUGE amounts of FREE, or next to free software out there. Shareware for example has proably billions of programs that you can download for free, and use. Some of the better programs charge like what five dollers to keep there projects going. Hell even Linux is a HUGE free program that is compeating very well against top name programs. Not to mention the Open Office programs. So its easy to make that argument, but hard to make it float in this open world.


Originally Posted by jiryha
Most people I think are afraid that if artists go to pay sites that eventually all free content will disappear as artists start to expect money for everything they do.

Not an unfounded fear. However, when it happens(though it will never totally happen) it will just mean that there will be higher quality stuff and more of it. An artist that is getting paid for his work, generally wants to do the work to get payed. I can't afford to go to paysites myself. I don't think I can afford the food I'm going to need in two weeks at this point. But I do support them as a natural progression of material. It's a nessicary step for anything in a capitalist society to survive.

Yes it is true that as more artist go to pay sites the number of high quality works will incease. Not all of it will be on pay sites. I mean there are a great number of PAY sites that HOST free sites, or free galleries for starting artists. I would be hard pressed to even think of a time when no more than 50% of any given communit especialy our non-mainstream fetish. Is in the realm of pay sites or pay anything. The more something goes comercial, the more the free aspect of it will develop. Especaly in this world of instant access and free press.

foducool 11-26-2006 12:09 AM

aww too bad they don't accept visa credit cards >_< I would have loved joining 'em

Bambi_Blaze 11-26-2006 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by foducool
aww too bad they don't accept visa credit cards >_< I would have loved joining 'em

Visa has a new policy with CCBill - all new subaccounts now go through an additional VISA approval. Check back in a few days or so and the VISA logo/option should be available on our join page. ;)

Thanks for your interest and hugs!

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