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dartnet 08-15-2016 09:47 AM

[Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
By Dartnet

Chapter 1 Unknown Artifacts

Off the coast of Round Island Alaska....

Rachel sat in the helicopter and felt very small. It was not an uncommon feeling for the young Paleoanthropologist. Everything about her could be called small. She was only five foot one inch tall, but skinny at 90 pounds of weight, with short ear length red hair that complemented her green eyes. She had an A cup chest, and dainty size 3 feet. She had a mousey look about her as she sat with her back pack between her legs in the seat looking out at the sea.

"How much longer till we get to the island?" She asked.

"Not long." Said Bob the Alaskan Park Service liaison that sat across from her. "About tem minutes and the artifacts are not far from the beach. We came across them when we were setting up the walrus observation camera. I have seen allot of Inuit artifacts and these look nothing like what I have seen before."

"I looked over the pictures you sent me and they look Neolithic Siberian. But I really don't think the one is a spear head it's much too large."

"Heads up, we land in about three minutes." The pilot yelled to the two passengers.

The helicopter maneuvered to a wide area on the beach and the passengers climbed out. Bob had to give Rachel a hand down as her legs didn't quite reach, and they proceeded down the beach.

"Watch out for the walruses they can be territorial." Bob stated.

Rachel looked around seeing a few of large aquatic animals. "I didn't think they would be so big." She said.

"Yea," He said pointing up the ridge. "The artifacts are up this way."

The two proceeded up the beach till finally Bob stopped. "Here is where I found them."

Rachel took out a pair of latex gloves and her camera out. She then proceeded to look around and she stopped and took a picture took out a not book noted something down. Then she moved a little up the trail took another picture, noted something. Then she moved a bit further and then she turned and yelled back to Bob. "I think you should take a look at this."

"What is it?" Bob asked.

"It appears to be a...." Rachel said as she fell disappearing from view.

"Dr. Kendrick?!?" Bob yelled as he ran forward. "Are you ok?"

"Yea. Nothing hurt but maybe my pride." Rachel's voice replied out of the hole in the earth she had fallen in to.

Bob hurried up to the lip of the hole reaching for the flash light on his belt. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Nothing fells broken. I will probably have a nasty burse on my left shoulder but other than that I am ok." She said squinting as Bob shined the flashlight in her eyes. "Do you have a spare? I am not sure where my equipment went."

"No, but catch." he said throwing the flashlight down to her.

Rachel fumbled a little but was able to catch the flashlight. She scanned the light around to see her situation. "I think I found a cave."

"What do you see down there?" he asked.

"Yea, there is allot of bones, and some skulls. That's from a mammoth I think, and there are paintings on the walls. This is defiantly not Inuit." Rachel said moving her flashlight back and forth.

"Ok. You stay there. I am going to go and get a rope. I have some in the chopper."

"No problem. There just seems to be the one room. I am just going to look for my gear."

Bob rushed to the helicopter and hastily grabbed the rope and ran so fast back to the cave entrance that he almost collided with a female walrus. As he approached the edge he yelled. "Rachel are you still ok down there? I have a rope."

"You need to see this." She replayed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"A skull and a REALLY big one."

"A mammoth?"

"No it's human!"

dartnet 08-16-2016 07:37 AM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 2 the Cave

Bob climbed down in to the cave and looked about. The floor was strewn with bones and stone tools. He heard "Catch!" as he spun around and to have a flashlight in his face and was just able to react in time to grab the flashlight being tossed to him.

"I found my gear." Rachel said, pointing her light at the walls illuminating many primitive cave drawings.

Bob looked in wonder. "Wow this looks like that palace in France."

"Yes the resemblance to Lascaux is striking."

"You said there was something I needed to see, a skull?"

"Yep." Rachel turned the beam of her flashlight over to the far end of the cave to revel what appeared to be a human skull with tuffs of long black hair still attached to it. However the skull was the size of a beach ball. "Hold the light still I need to get some pictures."

Bob whistled, and said, "My god, that's incredible. How did it get in here?"

"I think that the entrance used to be over there." Rachel pointed her light a pile of rocks along one wall. "It looks like there was a cave in and our giant friend was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"I have heard that there were legends of giants in these islands. But I never thought I would see one."

"Many legends have a basis in facts."

Rachel moved about the cave taking pictures. As she did Bob noticed that there was a small cut in her shirt on her left shoulder.

"Hold up." he said moving over to her. "Let me take a look at that."

"Look at what?"

"You my have a cut and that could be dangerous in a cavern."


"Right here." Bob responded shining a light on her shoulder. "Hold still. It looks like there some blood; we should get out of this cave, and get some antibiotics on that."

"Your right," she said looking at all the relics around her. "We should get back anyway and I can start to get a team to do a proper excavation of the sight."

Little did she realize that it was already too late, as a single microorganism has in fact entered her body. The same organism that had infected the woman whose remains rested in the cave.

topcat37 08-16-2016 07:19 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
good so far!

dartnet 08-16-2016 09:05 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)

Originally Posted by topcat37 (Post 779138)
good so far!

Thank you. I am glad you enjoy it.

dartnet 08-16-2016 09:09 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 3 Infection

The microorganism floated in Rachel's blood stream and began to stir. For millennia it had slept waiting for the conditions it needed to activate and now it detected what it needed and that was body heat. Its rudimentary senses felt the warmth and began to respond. It had two goals, to create a large colony, and then to spread to other hosts.

It quickly assessed that the new host was much too small and was loosing too much heat to reach optimal colony size. Larger hosts while generating less heat they can not release heat as efficiently. The host would have to be enlarged as such it began to release a chemical mixture to alter her DNA. After a few minutes it had collected enough heat to induce mitosis and the two organisms continued on with there mission.

Meanwhile on Bob was spraying some antibiotics on Rachel's arm. "That should deal with any bugs you may have picked up. Now let's get this show on the road." Bob said wrapping a bandage on her arm.

"Yea this is the find of a life time, and right now I feel like I can eat a horse." Rachel replied.

As she rode back Rachel felt a dull ach in her bones like the flu was setting in. What she didn't know is that and her increased appetite was the first symptom of her transformation.

vermin316 08-17-2016 01:03 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Looking good so far.

dartnet 08-17-2016 08:47 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 4 Awakenings

Rachel awoke covered in sweat. It had been one tough night for her. First she ate like a pig, and then she was so tired that it was all she could to crawl back in to bed. Even then she wasn't able to get a good sleep as she was so hot and achy. She realized she had fallen asleep in her clothes and it took her a few moments to realize why she was now awake her phone was ringing. She picked up the phone and said "Hi, honey...Yea I am heading back tonight...I think I may have caught a cold....Yes I am taking care of my self.....Ok see you at the airport...Love you too."

Rachel put down her phone, something was off. She couldn't put her finger on in but something was different. She put her hand on her faces and wiped her brow. She felt like she really needed to stretch but just couldn't. She got up and brushed the hair off of her ear. "Wait a second." she thought as she walked to the bathroom.

She looked in the mirror and her hair covered her ears. "That's odd I just had my hair cut last week." she said out loud. She tuned her head back and forth and yes her hair was covering her ears, and her lips looked fuller. She was interrupted by the grumbling of her stomach. She walked over and called room service for a large breakfast, and headed to the shower leaving a trail of clothing behind her.

The shower was amazing, never before had she felt so alive. As Rachel dried her self off she noticed that a scar on her arm that she had since 4th grade was gone. Little did she know that deep with in her the infection was spreading, altering her biochemistry, repairing damage, and preparing new growth plates in her bones, and the heat of the shower had only accelerated the process.

topcat37 08-18-2016 05:36 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Really good so far!

Mr GorpThorp 08-18-2016 05:49 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
I like where this is headed

dartnet 08-18-2016 10:34 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 5 Plans

Rachel walked over to the bed to begin getting dressed. Everything was normal until she got to her wedding ring; it was tight on her fingerer. "My hands must have swelled last night with the fever." she thought. "Oh well the swelling should go down soon." as she took the ring and put it in her jeans pocket.

As she put the rest of her clothes on she felt as everything felt a little off. She could not put her finger on what was wrong but nothing fit right. Just as she completed getting her shoes on there was a knock on the door.

"Room service." the female voice on the other side said.

"Come in." she said walking towards the door.

The door opened and in waked a room attendant with a cart with two big plates on it. "Planning to have a guest for breakfast?" she asked.

"No just hungry." Rachel responded.

"All right." the woman responded. "Anyway the bill is in the cart. Anything else we can get you?"

Just then she caught sight of Bob in the hall.

"...No." Rachel responded with a pause. "I am good. Thank you."

Bob walked in as the attendant walked out. "So I got just got off the phone with Juneau and it may take about a month to get the ok to do the excavation."

"That's fine as long as no one disturbs the sight." Rachel said loading up a plate with food.

"I don't think that would be too much of an issue. It is in the middle of no where on an island that in a few days will be covered in 2,000 pound love struck walruses. Anyway I sent a couple of rangers to cover the cave entrance this morning. Did you do something with your hair?"

Rachel blushed a bit. "Yea I haven't had a chance to comb it." she said with a smile. "Anyway it will take me about that long to get my team together, and get the funding in line. How much dose your higher ups know?"

"Not much, just the basics."

"Good this is the find of a life time. The less they know the less the chance some one will talk to the press. What about the tribal liaison?"

"Don't worry I know how deal with my uncle. As long as were respectful to the remains it will not be an issue. When dose your flight leave?"

"In about two hours." Rachel said brushing the hair off of her ears.

dartnet 08-18-2016 10:38 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)

Originally Posted by topcat37 (Post 779243)
Really good so far!


Originally Posted by Mr GorpThorp (Post 779244)
I like where this is headed

Thank you. I am glad you enjoy it.

dartnet 08-20-2016 07:20 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 6 the Plane Ride

Rachel had felt uncomfortable, she had been in the air for over an hour and everything was off. Not only could she now feel her hair brushing the bottom of her neck, but her shoes and bra felt tight. Even the sides of her jeans were tight in the hips.

"What the hell is going on?" she thought to herself. "This bug must be causing me to swell up like a balloon. Or maybe I am just retaining water. Or maybe I am..." She paused. "No I can't be. I mean we have been working with the clinic but nothing has come if it yet, but I mean...No I must have the flu or something."

"Can I get you anything?" a voice interrupted her train of though. Rachel looked over to see an attractive blond haired flight attendant standing in the isle pushing a cart.

"Yes some water, please." Rachel got a good look at her. She was about five six with out her heals on she thought, her hair came down to her shoulders, striking blue eyes, great legs, and a B cup. The name tag said Jenny, but then Rachel stopped and thought to her self "You're a married woman. Must be the flu causing my eyes to wander."

"Here you go." Jenny said as she handed Rachel the water bottle. "Anything else?"

"No that will be fine." Rachel responded as she settled in to her seat, and drifted to sleep. While she slept deep with in her the colony after the expansion period switched into rest mode for now the priority is to maintain the health of the host and slow the expansion.

dartnet 08-20-2016 10:49 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 7 Homecoming

Rachel awoke to the fasten the seatbelt notification. For the first time since she cut her arm she did not feel like she needed to stretch. Her fever had broken and she was feeling better than ever. If only her clothes and shoes fit correctly everything would be perfect. She brushed the hair off of her ears and got out of her seat.
As she walked off the plane she passed the flight attendant that had caught her eye on the way out of the plane. She thought to her self how attractive she was and then she stopped for a moment in three years of marriage she had never had wandering eyes. Maybe she was pregnant and it was hormones running amuck? That might explain some of her symptoms but everything all at once? "It's the flu, I am just bloated and hormonal; I will be back to normal in a few days." She thought as she stepped on to the train to take her to luggage pick up and her spouse.

The train trip was uneventful. As she arrived she caught sight of the one person she had been waiting for, her wife Wendy. Wendy was wearing the nice summer pastel dress that Rachel liked so much. Rachel admired how the dress fit her B cup chest and how her shoulder length back hair, and dark brown eyes perfectly fit her Asian features. She was much to Rachel's frustration wearing four inch heels. Wendy was already 3 inches taller than her with out shoes but she just loved to wear heels to make the difference even greater and make short jokes at her expense. But that is something she loved about her.

"Hey love, how is my sick little girl?" Wendy asked as she waked up to Rachel and engaged in a hug.

"I am feeling much better now."

"What happened to your hair? I mean we both got haircuts the day before you left a week ago, now it looks all grown out, and where is your wedding ring? You didn't lose it did you?"

"Of course not my dear, I am a bit bloated so it's in my pocket, I think it was the flu." Rachel replayed picking up a suite case.

"I don't think that's how the flu works." Wendy said picking up the other suite case.

"Well then maybe I am pregnant?" Rachel said walking toward to the exit.

Wendy stopped and looked at Rachel.

dartnet 08-21-2016 09:49 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 8 Revelations

The drive home had been awkwardly silent as Wendy was beside herself. Finally as the car tuned the last corer to there house she asked "Are you sure?"

"No." Rachel replayed, "It could just be the flu."

"There is only one way to find out." Wendy said parking the car.

Rachel's stomach squirmed as she got out of the car, and walked to the front door. After entering the house Wendy hurried to the bathroom and quickly emerged. "Well here is the test dear." Wendy said holding out a small plastic cylinder to Rachel. Rachel took it and walked in to the bathroom. Wendy looked at the door with a worried expression and waited. Her mind was on fire, ever sense she was a little girl she wanted a child, and now after all the fertility clinics visits there was a chance. A few moments later the door opened.

"Well?" Wendy asked.

"Give it a few minutes." Rachel responded.

They both stared at the pregnancy test and slowly the result became clear. It was negative. Rachel could see Wendy's heart sink.

"It could be a false negative." Rachel said to break the silence.

Wendy hugged Rachel and began to mover her to the bedroom.

Later that night the two sat naked on the bed with Wendy holding Rachel from behind cupping her breasts with her hands.

"It's odd your breasts feel bigger, firmer." Wendy said.



"Maybe it was a false negative."

"Maybe you should see a doctor."

"Yea, I guess."

"Yes you should. I will schedule an appointment for you in the morning. Now let's put that ring back where it belongs." Wendy said getting up and picking up Rachel's jeans rummaging though the pockets. "There it is." she said pulling it out. She walked over to Rachel in a slow sexy strut. She took Rachel's right hand and slowly massaged her ring finger. She took the ring and began to slide the ring on until suddenly it stopped at the second knuckle. She pushed but it became apparent very quickly that the ring was too small for her finger. "Honey I don't think your finger is swollen. It got bigger!"

Mr GorpThorp 08-22-2016 06:04 AM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Dun dun dunnnnnn!

dartnet 08-22-2016 08:55 AM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 9 Growing Concerns

"What do you mean?!?" Rachel stated pulling her hand back and swinging her legs out from under her.

"Let me show you." Wendy said reaching out and placing her palm on Rachel's.

Rachel's eyes grew wide as she realized what she saw. Normally Wendy's hand was a larger than hers, but now they were almost the same size. "That's not possible." she said.

Wendy took the wedding ring off her own finger and placed in on Rachel's ring finger. It was loose but not by much. Rachel said, "Your ring used to be super loose. This can't be happening!?! I am 28 years hands can't just grow like that. Can they?"

"I don't think it's just your hands." Wendy said looking at Rachel's feet. "How are your shoes fitting now?"

"They were tight...on....the....flight. You don't think? No I must be retaining water or something."

"And your hair? Retaining water doesn't make hair grow that fast."

Wendy brushed Rachael's hair behind one of her ears.

"It's just frazzled due to my having the flu. That's all" Rachel responded.

"No dear it's longer, not just that I think your ears are bigger. Go take a look in the mirror."

Rachel got up and walked over the dresser and looked into the mirror on top of it. She turned her head and gasped. It was true her hair was about an inch and a half longer and yes her ears looked bigger, not just that her nose looked bigger also. "What's happening to me?" she asked.

"I don't know." Wendy said.

dartnet 08-25-2016 03:06 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 10 Letting It Sink In

Deep within Rachel the colony of microorganisms reacted to the adrenaline that her body produced when she looked in the mirror. In reaction it released a new hormone to induce muscle growth and more of the general growth hormones to make her body bigger and stronger to deal with the stress.

"There is nothing we can do till tomorrow honey. Let's get some sleep." Wendy said giving Rachel a hung from behind.

"Your right dear." Rachel said turning around and kissing Wendy's lips, as they completed the kiss Wendy had a huge smile on her face.

"What is it?"

"What is what?"

"You have a shit eating grin on your face."

"It's just your lips."

"What about my lips?" Rachel said cocking her head to the side.

"They feel different, softer."

Rachel frowned and Wendy replied, "Sorry."

"Your fine, I am just stressed, that's all."

"Let's get some sleep." Wendy said getting in to the bed.

Rachel did not sleep well, again she had a stretchy feeling, not as bad as the night before but tonight it her muscles felt achy and restless. She tossed and turned having trouble finding a comfortable position until Wendy drew her close and held her like one would hold a stuffed animal. Rachel loved it when she did this. She loved that fact that Wendy was bigger than she was and that she would hold her at night. She fell asleep and slept well for the first time in days.

Rachel awoke the next morning and was full of energy. She could hear Wendy in the other room. Rachel got out of bed and felt slightly off balance. She looked down and cupped her breasts, and she noticed they felt bigger and fuller. Rachel sighed and with out thinking brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. "Wait a second!" she exclaimed heading for the dresser and then as she started to look at her self she felt a sharp pain in her left foot as she stubbed her small toe on the dresser leg.

"What happened?!?" Wendy said as she burst in to the room phone in hand.

"I stubbed my toe."

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I think my feet grew again."

dartnet 08-30-2016 08:08 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 11 Waiting

Rachel sat waiting in the doctor's office. She felt awkward and very self conscious due to a terrible morning. After she stubbed her toe she realized that yes her hair had grown out again and now it reached nearly half an inch below the base of her neck. It was also fuller and starting to become curly.

Her hair had not been curly sense she was a teenager, and because it was so hard to control she had started to cut it short. Now she thought to her self she was starting to look like that character from that Disney movie she could not put her finger on with totally out of control hair, she knew that a hair cut was in her future.

That was only the beginning of her troubles. Her feet were longer and wider but not flattening out as would happen if they were stretching out from pregnancy. She had out grown her shoes and had to barrow a pair of Wendy's sandals. They were still big on her feet but for how long she thought.

It was not only Wendy's sandals she was wearing. She had to wear one of her sun dresses also as none of her clothes fit anymore. The shirts were too short and the paints were not only too short as well but her hips had widened and her legs were shapelier. They had always been skinny and stick like but now the calves and thighs were becoming more prominent. Her legs weren't getting fatter but more toned. It wasn't just her legs, her arms, and abs were starting to look like she worked out regularly. She thought how weird it was as she very rarely worked out and only if Wendy forced her too. Now she had a tight body like a dancer covered by a dress that was too big for her.

Her hands had expanded as if not to be left out. Everything felt smaller in them, and she realized that her fingers were longer when she had knocked over her glass of milk during breakfast. Her old wedding ring was much too small for her, and Wendy had given her a chain to keep it around her neck.

She felt stretchy as if she was growing as she sat there. She thought that taking a hot shower would help. It did make her feel better but increased the stretchy feeling, and the weird thing was the hotter she made the water the better and stretcher she felt. It was almost like the warmth of the show was feeding something in side her.

There were more than just physical changes. She had always had issues with getting physical with others; it had been a point of stress in her and Wendy's relationship. However now she felt aroused when Wendy was around, not just with her but she realized that she was checking out one nurses. "What's happening to me?" she asked out loud.

Just then the door opened and the nurse that Rachel had found attractive with her blond hair and green eyes leaned in and said "The doctor will see you now."

dartnet 09-10-2016 02:20 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 12 Tests

In to the door walked an older woman of East Indian descent. Her black hair was more than half grey, or pure white and she had a tired look about her.

"Now what is wrong Miss Kendrick?" she asked.

"I am not sure. Lots of crazy things are going on with my body."

"What symptoms are you seeing?"
"I seem to be swelling."

"You mean weight gain?"

"Yes rapid weight gain part of it."

"Part of it?!? How much have you gained?'

"About 6 pounds in three days."

"That could be water retention."

"Would water retention cause my feet to grow nearly a shoe size?"

"Maybe you're pregnant. Pregnancy can cause those symptoms, I will make sure to add that test today."

"The test came up negative. Anyway I don't think that accounts for my rapid hair growth."

"Rapid hair growth?"

"Yes about an inch a day and I think its accelerating."

"Human hair grows on average an inch a month. I have never heard of this."

"Well it's been going on for the last few days. I almost think I am going crazy."

"I think you maybe pregnant and the hormones are playing with your mind. But I will need to run some test. First let's get you to stand up and I will get your height and weight."

Rachel stood up off the exam bench and both women stopped and stared as they looked eye to eye.

"I have always been shorter than you. Ever sense I first started using you as my doctor four years ago." Rachel said.

Mr GorpThorp 09-29-2016 02:03 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Uh oh...acceleration

dartnet 10-01-2016 01:46 PM

Re: [Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)
Chapter 13 Increasing Concerns

"What's happening to me Doctor Sood?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know." the Doctor replied, "Lets get your height and weight before we jump to conclusions, please take off your shoes and step on the scales."

Rachel got on the scale and Dr. Sood did the adjustments in silence. In what seemed to Rachel an eternity she finally declared. "One hundred fifty nine centimeters, or just under five foot three inches."

"That's almost two inches taller than I was when I stopped growing in high school!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Let me check your chart. One hundred and fifty five centimeters, a little over five foot one inch. When did you start to notice this growth spurt?"

"About two days ago."

"Are you sure?"


"When was your last check up?"

"About a month ago."

Doctor Sood looked at the chart in her hand. "Yes I do see this it has you at five foot one and ninety pounds, as of today you are five foot three and ninety eight pounds."

"I've gained two pounds since I weighed my self this morning." Rachel said with concern building in her face.

"I think before we panic we will need to run some tests." the doctor replied.

What followed was 4 hours of poking and prodding as blood, hair, urine, and skin samples were taken. Rachel was x-rayed and had an MRI done. At the end of the ordeal she walked out of the medical office exhausted, very hungry, and just looking to go home. She was so worn out by the ordeal that she didn't even realize that her sandals were fitting much better then before.

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