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qzar9999 02-12-2017 11:34 AM

New EBook: "Scale Model"

Now available at my store!

Glamour model and pinup girl Paige Turner thinks she's landed a cushy gig as the star of an art exhibit. All she has to do is sit in a booth all evening to get paid - she doesn't even have to interact with the patrons. Talk about money for nothing! But what does the artist mean when she calls the booth a Compression Chamber...?

Contains shrinking process, shrinking out of clothes, public humiliation. Contains DOC, EPUB, and PDF formats, as well as a separate cover image. Appx 9000 words.

Soon, Abby stopped by the exhibit and smiled brightly at Paige. “Hey! How’s it going in there?”
Paige yawned pointedly. “Boring. And I don’t think the illusion is working--none of the people who’ve looked at my exhibit seem like they noticed anything happening.”
“Really?” Abby looked puzzled. She pressed the button, watching Paige closely.
Paige felt the curious tingle again, and she shivered. “Ooh. I keep feeling this weird tingly feeling, but otherwise, yeah, doesn’t seem like much is happening.”
Abby smiled enigmatically. “Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s working just fine.”
“Okay…?” Paige cocked an eyebrow skeptically. She fidgeted on the stool again. “If you say so.”
“I’ll leave you to it, Paige. I’ll be back to check on you again later.” Abby walked away, still smiling.
“Weirdo,” Paige muttered. She smoothed out her skirt again. She noticed her bustier had also shifted slightly out of place; scowling, she adjusted it, wondering why it didn’t seem to want to stay in place properly. While she was looking down at herself, she felt another tingle. She glanced up to see a young girl with curly red hair, perhaps ten years old, pressing the button.
“What does this do?” the girl asked.
“It’s supposed to create an illusion, I think,” Paige replied noncommittally. She looked back down and returned her attention to her bustier, but she soon felt another tingle, and then another. “Hey!”
“Aw, man. It’s not working,” the girl whined.
She hit the button again, sending another tingle shooting down Paige’s spine. This was followed by another sensation--the feeling of her hair tumbling down her back and shoulders. “What the hell?” Paige asked, grabbing her jet-black tresses in disbelief. “How did that happen?” She could feel the bow and hairpins she’d used to hold it up tangled in her locks. It was as if her hairstyle had spontaneously fallen apart. Paige held a hairpin up to her face, staring at it in confusion.
“Oh, your hair changed! That was kinda cool,” the girl said. She pressed the button again.
This time, in addition to the tingle, Paige felt a bizarre sensation of movement in her hand, as if the hairpin had suddenly come alive and stretched out between her fingers. She dropped it as if she’d been shocked, staring down at the pin where it fell on the floor. She was momentarily struck by the odd notion that the floor seemed farther away than it should.
“Aw. It doesn’t do anything else? Bor-ing,” the girl grumbled, turning and walking away.
Paige climbed down from the stool to retrieve the hairpin--or tried to. She misjudged the distance, and her platform shoes hit the floor of the booth with a loud thwack. She nearly lost her balance, wobbling unsteadily in her shoes, and she felt something brush against her legs with a rush of air. She grabbed the stool to steady herself and looked down to see what it was. Paige was mortified when she realized that her skirt had fallen off her hips and plunged to the floor.

LK 02-12-2017 02:00 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
OK, that's twice I can recall in recent memory that you had platform shoes on a character. But did you describe the outfit before introducing them this time? There was no real way to visualize Liz's outfit in Interview, but at that point in the story, that wasn't the point.

Premise is interesting: an interactive shrinking process as an art exhibit. I will pick it up. I was not disappointed with Interview.

As an aside, I would really research female fashion trends. Most writers I see dress up their women like 90's grunge teenagers. If I see another pair of sneakers on a character, I will gag.

Doll-Elf 02-12-2017 02:33 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
But sneakers are fashionable for women. Atleast casually. Especially if they are Converse. I prefer the simple black and white while my sister loves the pink and the other likes yellow. Can't be walking around in Sergio Rossi or Vusumok all day. Then again, I've never seen any of us deny a pair of Prada...

If anything, I would love to see some more outrageous outfits myself. Less casual but not pure bondage or skyrim slut mod material.

LK 02-12-2017 02:36 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Sure, but when I see women as clothed by male fetish writers, it is painfully obvious they have no insight or they are dressing them like a teenager.

Leather booties are all the fucking rage in urban settings, can't deny Converses popularity, but what I see most often is like the writer has only ever been to a Payless Shoe Store.

LK 02-12-2017 02:38 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Like flip through a Vogue or something FFS.

OK, rant over.

Doll-Elf 02-12-2017 02:46 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
No, rant on. I completely agree. It's either some super fetisised outfit that would never be meant for public, despite it being there, or like they are only remembering what fashion their high school crush wore back in 1999. I would even like to see a classic 50s scene with their outfits if it meant we got away from every character always wearing jeans or pantsuits. If I wanted pantsuits, I would look to the former president- *stops before comment attacked for political joke* As I write this, there is probably some writer puting in red plaid shirts as an outfit because those seem to be super popular with the walmart and target crowd. Yay for average...

LK 02-12-2017 02:51 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I get not everyone is here for those details but hyper-focus on minute changes in sensory perception and experience that would be beyond the capacity of any human to recognize or verbalize while skipping the work on the other details shows where the writer's head is at.

But, hey, these aren't about realism.

Doll-Elf 02-12-2017 02:57 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
If I was shrinking, and I would be having a blast normally, I would love focus on how the clothes were different. How my belt had to be sinched instead of whatever I wore always instantly falling down to give a draft. It's always an unexpected draft... As if we don't spen out time on our clothes the most, tugging them back up or pulling down. Tube tops and strapless dresses are always wanting to casually rest on our hips if they could. And don't be me started on the belts who were formerly known as strapless bras. If more so, I think the casual input of their outfit is important. From earrings and bracelets to what happens to their nail polish and contacts. Things you forget but would be obvious when growing or shrinking. And by casual, I mean that it's slipped in here and there, not all at once. This isn't a character profile you read before talking to them. This is a person and you notice things at different times. Lips, hair, and eyes are seen first. Normally.

qzar9999 02-12-2017 02:58 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Actually, the person who requested this story picked out Paige's outfit. Because of that, I'm very careful to describe it ahead of time. :)

And I had to go back and reread Interview to see what you were talking about. You're right that I didn't describe them ahead of time, and also that that wasn't really the point by then, lol. I just liked imagining the visual and sound that a chunky platform shoe would make falling off of a pair of shrinking feet and hitting the floor, so I tossed it in.

I am glad to see that people seemed to like Interview. Maybe it'll get a sequel someday.

Oh, btw, generally when I choose outfits for my female characters, I either Google female outfits and describe one of the images that catches my eye, or I base it on something my wife wears. I only pick specific outfits if there's a plot or request reason for it.

Doll-Elf 02-12-2017 02:59 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
On another note, I should attempt my way at writing again but most of my works are Roleplays. If I could simply record them and put them up I would. But the as is work is normally unfinished or just a bit silly to place down. Mostly because I'm dealing with non process fans. So, if anyone wants to do an RP and get featured in a story, send me a message.

qzar9999 02-12-2017 03:01 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I don't address nail polish, usually, because I don't often think about my characters wearing it...and when I do, I find it hard to fit in a bit about it flaking off without it feeling out of place. That may be personal preference talking. Maybe I'll keep it in mind as a detail in my next eBook.

And I don't write about contacts because *ouch*. Lol

Doll-Elf 02-12-2017 03:03 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Less ouch. They would just become uncomfortable and then one would easily use their fingers to take them out. As one who wears them, taking contacts out is the easiest thing in the world.

LK 02-12-2017 03:09 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I should just pay you to write a story where a woman is just trying to get through her day as she shrinks throughout. Fully aware she starts the day six feet tall and ends it at four, wears chunky platform booties to throw people off and make it less obvious later on, just super mundane stuff made interesting because of details like Doll provided.

Day In The Life or something.

LK 02-12-2017 03:14 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
God the costume design on some thing like that would be an engineering project in itself. Outfits designed for women afflicted with Size Flux, as it is commonly known. Having to live in secret because if anyone knew, she would become a spectacle. It would be like reading Co stantine or something who has to make a daily effort to keep their world hidden from the rest of us.

qzar9999 02-12-2017 03:47 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Doll - as a former contacts wearer myself, I'm just picturing how uncomfortable that would be when they started stretching and shifting. Especially if she shrunk kinda fast. And if nothing else, she'd be at high risk of losing them constantly.

LK - Ya know, you might be on to something there...

LK 02-12-2017 03:54 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Nobody has done that. Managing a shrinking condition like a secret identity out of self-preservation. THAT fantastic scenario has some grounding in The Real.

Little details about her day would matter. She always wakes up at the same time and sleeps the same amount. Otherwise her size would destabalize. Something to do with her metabolism. The minute she wakes up, she starts a timer tied to her Fitbit or something which measure caloric burn and turns that into a realtime height display. Alarms sound at certain heights telling her "Hey, it's time to ditch the skirt," etc. Putting tissues in the toes of her boots.

People in her life are slotted into certain times / sizes in her day. The schedulr management alone! It would have to be exhausting to her or anxiety-provoking at any deviation. There is no larger narrative or stakes. It's just a tale of someone's routine dealing with a troublesome condition that she wants to keep private

qzar9999 02-12-2017 04:30 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I can certainly see the potential in this idea. Could be fun to write!

Well, I'm always game for a commission, if you ever decide to go for it.

OhZone 02-12-2017 05:03 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Ha I never thought about how EVERYTHING inorganic to the shrink might not shrink with me. Not sure it would even be that sexy, if makeup would itch, smear, crack, and flake? Thinking about contacts "growing" in your eye sounds uncomfortable. Glasses growing in your hand seems a better easy contrast. But those are very interesting levels of detail. But it would depend on the kind of magic being used, on a story level. I loved the way qzar described the jewelry getting too big in his story "Take my breath away." The hoop earrings getting too big, and finally touching her shoulders. Good stuff.

qzar9999 02-12-2017 05:55 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I will say that I covered my bases in this one. There's a reason that her outfit doesn't shrink with her, though I didn't explicitly state it. :D

LK 02-13-2017 01:47 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Was there at any point a physical description of the character Paige? I mean, at least her height? The only thing I could tell you about the shoes were that they had chunky platforms, black, and with ankle straps, I think?

It seems like you emphasize the action of a scene over painting a picture with words in your writing. Objects are given very non-descript labels like redhead or child. Is it just me? I may be exagerrating but it can't be by that much..

qzar9999 02-13-2017 11:52 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
It's possible that it slipped my mind a bit while writing this one. I'm usually a bit better at descriptions and stuff. I certainly feel like I did a fairly good job of it in Interview, for instance.

Truth be told, it took me a very long time to actually finish this one; I kept picking it up, writing a little bit, and putting it back down. I don't think I was bringing my "A" game, for whatever reason. It's entirely possible that details I'd usually cover may have escaped my notice. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's bad or I wouldn't have released it. I just feel like I've done better.

As for the nondescript labels...that was on purpose, because I figured most people reading this story wouldn't care very much about what the gallery patrons looked like, ya know? lol

EDIT: Having gone back over the story...


She flicked her eyes up and down Paige’s body, taking in the chunky platform heels, the sheer black hosiery and garters, the tight black miniskirt, the black-and-silver bustier, the studded black leather collar, and the elegantly coiffed, jet-black curls of her hair, done up in a fifties-style bouffant.
That, plus at least the suggestion Paige is busty, is about all there is. I actually remember why this happened now - I was basing her image on a picture that my patron sent to me. It's one of those "I have a clear picture in my head and don't realize it's not on the page" things. Something I usually catch, or a beta reader catches for me...

LK 02-14-2017 01:00 AM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Ok, just saying. The reader will substitute missing detail but leaving out heights in a shrinking story? :P

Shinji2015 02-14-2017 05:28 AM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"

I will say this: one thing I hate, hate, HATE in a shrinking story is the mention of an exact height.

Like, it feels unnatural. If the shrinkee is of unusual height (either extremely tall or short), then it makes sense; if you're a few inches shy of five feet tall naturally, it makes sense to mention that you're very short, and vice versa if you're pushing seven feet tall. That's gonna color your world view.

However, if you're of relative normal height, then it shouldn't matter if you're 5'2 or 6'1; you're not thinking "I'm 5'3," you think, "I'm short." If I meet someone over six feet, I think "he's tall," not "he's 6'4."

I completely understand it from the fetish POV; it's easier to fantasize about the shrinking if there are concrete numbers to start with ("I'm now barely 18 inches tall... and I used to be 69!") That, along with other physical descriptions of the person, helps to build a description of the character that the author wants us to think about when the magic happens. Again, I get that.

What I don't like is how unnaturally it occurs.

If the character is tall, then introduce us to that character like someone would in real life; by asking ("How tall am I? Well, last time I checked, I was 6'7."). If short, then perhaps mention how they sometimes struggle to get anything above their heads at a grocery store ("I hate how they always put my favorite peanut butter on the top shelf! How the hell do they expect anyone under five feet to reach it?!"). It just doesn't gel organically for me to read a sentence like "The 5'7" 34D-26-36 woman was always having to fend would-be suitors off." Who thinks like that?

I guess what I'm saying is that most writers do a terrible job of including measurements into stories. Show me that the character is tall and curvy; don't tell me that she is.

qzar9999 02-14-2017 06:07 AM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I do agree that it often feels inorganic. But like you said, it's kind of a thing with this fetish. Lol

If there's one thing I like about writing comic scripts, it's that you get to show that without having to tell it.

vincent_richter 02-14-2017 12:21 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Maybe LK could be a test reader for Qzar. ;)

LK 02-14-2017 06:29 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
No, I don't think that would work out. My editing style is overbearing and perfectionist. Something bugs me about this unidentifiable fundamental aspect underlying all his work that I can ignore for the sake of a good premise or set piece. It is kinda like the Dreamtales problem, where there is a commonality between everything he writes which he has never seem to have grown beyond. The characters are all one-dimensional, blitheringly stupid props in service to the kink, rather than diverse and interesting characters in their own right who just so happen to be in a kink scenario.

qzar's writing isn't as bad as that to where I want to tear my eyes out over wasted potential of art resources, but I gleam inexperience beyond the realm of his fantasy. Compare his work to, say, Tom Holland's Shrunk or The Shrinking Machine by adrammalech. Even classic CJA or other writers found in the size fetish genre from the 90's. A Little Extra Credit, Cursed, The Lotto Winner, My Very, Very Short Story are great references.

Even though it was erotica, they felt more authentic to their circumstances in the way a late-night 80's movie might. Recent writings feel like an extra level of abstraction from that. qzar in particular have a sense that he writes his worlds without inhibition.

qzar9999 02-15-2017 09:42 AM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"

Originally Posted by LK (Post 789604)
No, I don't think that would work out. My editing style is overbearing and perfectionist.

Believe it or not, that actually would work out for me - except that I've already got a draconian perfectionist editor. (Love ya, scidram! ;) )


Originally Posted by LK (Post 789604)
Something bugs me about this unidentifiable fundamental aspect underlying all his work that I can ignore for the sake of a good premise or set piece. It is kinda like the Dreamtales problem, where there is a commonality between everything he writes which he has never seem to have grown beyond. The characters are all one-dimensional, blitheringly stupid props in service to the kink, rather than diverse and interesting characters in their own right who just so happen to be in a kink scenario.

For a moment, I thought you were saying this about my writing. That would have been terribly upsetting for me. My characters are at least two-dimensional, thankyouverymuch.

I do agree that you kind of have a point about DreamTales. Really good art there most of the time, but the writing...


Originally Posted by LK (Post 789604)
qzar's writing isn't as bad as that to where I want to tear my eyes out over wasted potential of art resources, but I gleam inexperience beyond the realm of his fantasy. Compare his work to, say, Tom Holland's Shrunk or The Shrinking Machine by adrammalech. Even classic CJA or other writers found in the size fetish genre from the 90's. A Little Extra Credit, Cursed, The Lotto Winner, My Very, Very Short Story are great references.

Even though it was erotica, they felt more authentic to their circumstances in the way a late-night 80's movie might. Recent writings feel like an extra level of abstraction from that.

Perhaps I can help you put your finger on the je ne sais quoi that's bugging you about most of my stories:

If I'm reading you right, you're essentially saying that my stories tend to feel like what plot there is basically only exists so the sexy stuff can happen. I actually feel that this a completely valid take on my catalog; I've never pretended that I'm writing anything other than high-octane Fetish Fuel™. If the truly classic tales in these genres are like a late-night 80s movie, the stuff I create is more like 90s Skinemax (albeit with better writing!). I do think my writing is better than a lot of the crap that exists on fetish forums, but I'll be the first to admit there are better ones out there than me (scidram, pseudoclever, merritstone, and Mercutio come to mind).

Do I believe that I could create an actual story and have it be there for purposes other than feeding people's fetishes? Sure. But my audience seems to like my stuff just the way it is, so...

I'm honestly almost tempted to have you read the mainstream novel I've just finished. Your feedback on it might be really interesting to read.


Originally Posted by LK (Post 789604)
qzar in particular have a sense that he writes his worlds without inhibition.

You say that like it's a bad thing! :D

Anotherfetishguy 02-15-2017 02:18 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
If you need me I'll be scavenging for any money I can find to buy this

LK 02-15-2017 04:40 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
Ah, the sweet smell of desperation and misplaced priorities.

OhZone 02-15-2017 07:56 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"
I rate it 3 1/2 Ohyeahs out of 5. Def worth reading. But I prefer some of your other stories Quasar! hehe

vincent_richter 02-15-2017 10:00 PM

Re: New EBook: "Scale Model"

Originally Posted by LK (Post 789670)
Ah, the sweet smell of desperation and misplaced priorities.

If nothing else, at least you're honest.
Brutal, at times, but honest.

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