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Valeyard Vince 03-01-2017 01:13 AM

Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Ocean's 11 (Inches Tall) - Small Fortune is out now!

Shrink Fan gives the "heist" genre a turn with Small Fortune, the story of a shrinking cat burglar looking for her "big" score.

Synopsis: Kelly Salinas is a master cat burglar. She can get in and out of almost anywhere totally undetected, easily making off with a wealth of ill-gotten loot. Her secret? A magic ring that can shrink her down to doll-size, making infiltration easy. But even the best thieves can get caught…

Release date: March 1st, 2017
Written by: Cezar Nix
Artwork by: LWJ (Sedna Studio)
Tags: Shrinking, slow shrink, shrinking out of clothes, magic, crime caper

Issue Link: Small Fortune

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Small Fortune? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Captain Ash 03-05-2017 04:03 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
From the preview was this my most anticipated comic.
Besides the awesome drawing and coloring it has interesting characters and great story.
Any of these characters, and may they be friends or foes, has a reason to shrink our mouse-burgler.
I liked the many details how our tiny thief breaks into the houses of the rich and powerful.

Without spoilering too much, it is one of the best comics, I've read so far.
It has all what I expect from from a good SW comic:
a great story and well-written characters.

The more I was disappointed when the story suddenly stopped.
But with a 18 page story the amount of pages are limited. :D
I hope that a second issue of this will come out soon.
I'd like to see our overconfident burgler shrunken again.

Captain Ash

ArcaneBEFan 03-06-2017 02:58 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
would that I could buy individual issues...

Clickme 03-08-2017 02:42 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
would that I could buy it at all. MY bank seems ot have auto-flagged th site and wont let me process payment unless I call them up and ask for it to be unflagged. And I'm not about to call my bank up and ask them to pretty please let me have my fetish material.

vincent_richter 03-08-2017 03:53 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Invest in Visa gift cards like One Vanilla, the kind with the upfront activation but no registration. Pay cash. Enjoy. ;)

Doll-Elf 03-08-2017 08:04 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Just tell them that you authorize the payed amount for a virtual art appreciation.

Masked Man 03-08-2017 08:13 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Verotel doesn't take gift cards apparently.

qzar9999 03-08-2017 09:25 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Seems like it would accept a prepaid Visa card. I mean, that's essentially just a debit card...

Also, who cares what some rando at your bank's call center thinks? I know for a fact that somewhere in America there's a woman who knows I use my Wells Fargo card at Clips4Sale, but IDGAF.

vincent_richter 03-09-2017 04:51 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by Masked Man (Post 790996)
Verotel doesn't take gift cards apparently.

That's easy, Comcast doesn't "think" they do, either.
Just tell them it's a Visa debit card, the prepaid part is not something they "need to know".

Clickme 03-09-2017 08:18 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
That's a good point. I haven't yet seen an instance where a prepaid visa hasn't been treated by machines and automated systems as a regular visa card.

Still, it's too bad they don't take paypal. If I'm being honest, paypal feels more secure to me, but that might just be because I'm more familiar with it. Similarly I don't really trust bit coin, as I'm not very familiar with it, among other reasons that cause me to narrow my eyes suspiciously lol

Masked Man 03-09-2017 08:31 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by Clickme (Post 791035)
That's a good point. I haven't yet seen an instance where a prepaid visa hasn't been treated by machines and automated systems as a regular visa card.

Still, it's too bad they don't take paypal. If I'm being honest, paypal feels more secure to me, but that might just be because I'm more familiar with it. Similarly I don't really trust bit coin, as I'm not very familiar with it, among other reasons that cause me to narrow my eyes suspiciously lol

Well, I have. Verotel. They seem to know it's a gift card.

vincent_richter 03-09-2017 08:40 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
If my bank ever gave me shit about not accepting Visa gift cards, I'd raise high unholy hell about it. Visa's big selling point is that everyone takes them, so what business of theirs is it how they're acquired? People trade stolen CC#'s every day, I very much Verotel stops those without being informed, so do they accept Visa or is their advertising just patently false?

If you have options for banks, I would get far the fuck away from those assholes.

Also, for the sake of argument, I dealt with that by establishing a Bitcoin account that's funded by Visa gift cards. Fan took Bitcoin at one point, not sure if they still do.

qzar9999 03-10-2017 12:45 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Vincent, if I'm not mistaken, the reason certain subscription services (evidently including the Fan sites) don't take prepaid cards is because they can't be rebilled if there's no money on them.

LK 03-10-2017 03:04 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Do I interject with actual finance knowledge... hmmm...

Click: You do realize that Verotel isn't a billing solution based in the United States, right? Your bank probably flagged that company as a precautionary measure, especially if you don't make many overseas transactions. But who knows, maybe your bank is one of those Religious Freedom firms that judge you silently rather than provide you neutral service.

Clearing card blocks for Fraud or suspicious transactions usually entail "Did you authorize this transaction?", not "And what was the nature of your purchase?" Porn providers as a general rule don't put "THIS CHARGE WAS FOR PORN" on credit statements for many reasons.

As for not accepting gift cards, it is likely that Verotel, being outside the U.S., has blocked certain BINs as a risk item. I don't know how detailed BIN registries get on the type of cards that are accepted or denied, but you can always look up your card at BINBase and get some insight.

The real questions I have are what's keeping you from one of those nice, private credit cards like I have where you don't have to deal with any of that. I am not really interested in the answer nor is it any of my business, but "I buy prepaid cards for porn subscriptions" is telling of something a bit more interesting about you than about the billing company.

ArcaneBEFan 03-10-2017 03:50 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Hmmm... maybe I can't buy this comic, but I can buy Cabin Fever, Scale Model, Megan's Mini Mayhem 1: Backfire out of the link in qzar9999's signature.


Cezar's Comix - New 6/15!

vincent_richter 03-10-2017 03:51 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Oh fuck off Lore, I keep my private life private.
You can blast your preferences all over Facebook if you like, but my taste in porn is between me and my lover, not you and certainly not some bored worker at Citibank who can make a few bucks off my name.

Although, I can probably leave it at "I know how current your information is, how confident are you in mine when the name sounds that fake?"

Doll-Elf 03-10-2017 06:44 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
How would anyone make a few bucks off your name? Generally the statements made on the credit billing are inane at best and sound boringly generic. They don't give actual names of the comics, or the website billed from.

vincent_richter 03-10-2017 07:11 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Of course I'm not talking specifically about my name, but anyone at a bank could tie Mothership back to a purchase made there, and they're not exactly known for caviar and fine china. Even "my" name sounds feasible, if not laughably contrived. That's the point: I take great pains to make sure only people I trust can tie my perversions back to "actual me", and exactly one other person here even knows part of that persona. The only other person who knows is someone who's already committing her life to helping make "us" work, and that's how it's going to stay.

LK 03-10-2017 09:05 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
You should start using TOR then, wouldn't want any bored broadband employee tying your traffic to these sites. Maybe use a disposable e-mail address. Oh, and for god's sake, get off Google search engines!

Your activity isn't as hidden as you think and you overestimate how much any one person cares. You aren't immune to a DOX should someone care enough. But yeah, people who use Facebook or other social media for this are weird.

Major banks want as little to do with adult sites as possible. If you have ever tried to start your own business that accepts credit cards, you'd know. It is also why I find complaining about Paypal not allowing themselves to be used for adult content to be laughable. Fetishists hide their activity from others because of the social impact, why should PayPal have their brand damaged by being accepted at such fine establishments as Bangerz and CamGirlWhores4U?

LK 03-10-2017 09:13 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I don't get the disconnect where something considered illicit and socially unacceptable should be made more accessible just so you can have your fix. It is like you are a heavy consumer of heroin who doesn't get why you can't use your Bank of America card to get your over-the-counter dosage at Walgreens.

qzar9999 03-10-2017 09:40 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by LK (Post 791107)
But who knows, maybe your bank is one of those Religious Freedom firms that judge you silently rather than provide you neutral service.

Credit where it's due, I'll admit I laughed at that one.


Originally Posted by LK (Post 791107)
Clearing card blocks for Fraud or suspicious transactions usually entail "Did you authorize this transaction?", not "And what was the nature of your purchase?" Porn providers as a general rule don't put "THIS CHARGE WAS FOR PORN" on credit statements for many reasons.

And - what he said, Click. You're not going to have to call your bank and tell them "I want to buy porn." You'd only have to tell them not to block "Verotel."


Originally Posted by ArcaneBEFan (Post 791111)
Hmmm... maybe I can't buy this comic, but I can buy Cabin Fever, Scale Model, Megan's Mini Mayhem 1: Backfire out of the link in qzar9999's signature.

Thanks for the plug! :D I hope you enjoyed my stuff.

J Yubari 03-10-2017 03:26 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Wow... there's a lot to respond to in this thread. :eek:

First things first, we are rolling out Paypal as a payment method this coming week. Integration is tricky but we already have it up and running for VoreFan and BDSMFan.

You should be able to sign up using debit, credit or gift cards via Verotel. I've contacted their client services department and they informed me that it should be OK. If it doesn't work it may be blocked by that specific card issuer, in which case you'd need to contact them to allow the payment to go through. Please note that some cards (like those branded with Disney characters) will not work since payments to adult-related services are not for young folks. Regular visa/mastercard gift cards should work. American Express is not accepted for adult-related services.

I totally understand some of you may want to avoid an awkward conversation with a phone representative about unblocking a payment -- but I doubt they care or even know what the payment is for. If anonymity is essential to you I suggest paying with bitcoin since it's "pseudo-anonymous" and the only info we will receive is a random bitcoin wallet address and your e-mail -- no name, address or any other identifying info.

I should also point out that we do our best to keep your information private (as per our privacy policy). We don't share or sell your information to anyone. We've implemented HTTPS (SSL) across our websites for an added layer of security. :cool:

tldr; paypal coming soon

Ok, carry on folks!

ArcaneBEFan 03-11-2017 04:03 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 791122)
Thanks for the plug! :D I hope you enjoyed my stuff.

I spend money on stuff when it's clearly of a high quality, and also exactly what I'm looking for. Which is why I buy everything BustArtist releases... I even bought his GTS comic (even though I don't care for GTS) because that's an artist I want supported.

Scale Model was the uncontested winner of the purchases. Would love to see a comic of that one.

Backfire was brief, but satisfying. The dialog was very solid, making it easy to focus on the artwork.

Both represented sort of iconic shrinking fantasies for me, and for that reason I was doubly satisfied with the purchase.

Cabin Fever is on my to-do list.

ArcaneBEFan 03-11-2017 04:27 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by J Yubari (Post 791138)
tldr; paypal coming soon

Ok, carry on folks!

I will confess, my unfamiliarity with companies like ccbill or verotel did make me uncomfortable when I did register for Expansion Fan & Shrink Fan. And it was a contributing factor to me canceling. Being able to use Paypal definitely makes it easier to keep track of the subscription and adds to my sense of security in the transaction.

Though the other reason i unsubbed was... harder to pin down. The artwork and writing on all of your comics are definitely top-notch, no question there.

Power Patrol & Watch Your Tongue had the best shrinking scenes out of the whole site catalog, being the only two I REALLY enjoyed.. but at the same time I was really only happy with the shrinking scenes themselves. I couldn't justify a subscription based on that assessment, but I aaaaalmost just kept the subscription exclusively so I could get Small Fortune when it was released.

I know individual sales are not presently a thing, but I would happily pay $20 for a PDF of this comic. Otherwise....I suppose more comics written by Cezar Nix could be solid motivation to renew that subscription (once Paypal is implemented).

J Yubari 03-13-2017 11:32 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by ArcaneBEFan (Post 791182)
I will confess, my unfamiliarity with companies like ccbill or verotel did make me uncomfortable when I did register for Expansion Fan & Shrink Fan. And it was a contributing factor to me canceling. Being able to use Paypal definitely makes it easier to keep track of the subscription and adds to my sense of security in the transaction.

Though the other reason i unsubbed was... harder to pin down. The artwork and writing on all of your comics are definitely top-notch, no question there.

Power Patrol & Watch Your Tongue had the best shrinking scenes out of the whole site catalog, being the only two I REALLY enjoyed.. but at the same time I was really only happy with the shrinking scenes themselves. I couldn't justify a subscription based on that assessment, but I aaaaalmost just kept the subscription exclusively so I could get Small Fortune when it was released.

I know individual sales are not presently a thing, but I would happily pay $20 for a PDF of this comic. Otherwise....I suppose more comics written by Cezar Nix could be solid motivation to renew that subscription (once Paypal is implemented).

Paypal is now accepted on!

There will be more comics by Cezar Nix in the future. Feel free to resubscribe when there's something you really want to read. We appreciate any support we can get from the community and we totally understand that it may not be feasible to keep your account active year-round.

qzar9999 03-13-2017 11:49 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Indeed there will be. I think I've got either one or two in the pipeline already... And you know there's gonna be more issues of Small Fortune. :-D

Raso719 03-13-2017 01:34 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 791311)
Indeed there will be. I think I've got either one or two in the pipeline already... And you know there's gonna be more issues of Small Fortune. :-D

Can you hint at how many chapters some of the comics already released will be?

qzar9999 03-13-2017 02:14 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Well, Small Fortune is likely to be either 4 or 5 issues in total. I have one coming that's two issues (the one inspired by you, in fact) and I have a couple of other two-parters that I've edited for other writers. Beyond that, I couldn't say, though I do know Mac has plans for probably at least another two issues of Undertoe.

Yubari, any beans you'd like to spill on that front? :-)

ArcaneBEFan 03-14-2017 04:50 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by J Yubari (Post 791310)
we totally understand that it may not be feasible to keep your account active year-round.

OH! Right then! I was worried I'd be sort of a jerk canceling and re-upping all the damn time. Made me feel like I would be cheating the system...

But if my somewhat modest interest (and finances) aren't a major concern or source of offense... I'll be seeing my way to a somewhat infrequent subscription basis.

J Yubari 03-14-2017 06:12 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by LK
More interested in financial statements and whether revenue justifies increasing the production and release schedule. You essentially said Small Fortune will be wrapped up sometime after 2020.

I respectfully decline.


Originally Posted by ArcaneBEFan
OH! Right then! I was worried I'd be sort of a jerk canceling and re-upping all the damn time. Made me feel like I would be cheating the system...

But if my somewhat modest interest (and finances) aren't a major concern or source of offense... I'll be seeing my way to a somewhat infrequent subscription basis.

No worries! It's totally fine to cancel and rejoin when there's more content to your liking.

Silver Spoon 03-16-2017 02:25 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I'd be more interested in whether more money would equal more comics being made over, say, people spending whole posts over how they can't afford to get the comic. Which happens in a lot of these paid comic threads on this site. There's always the one "I would buy this if I could" post.

I will, however, throw out a question: do you ever plan to allow for individual sale some of the lower-viewed comics for any of these Fan sites?

Clickme 03-16-2017 05:40 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Thanks to paypal I am enjoying several comics, but I do think Small Fortune is my favorite. Thank you for accommodating more payment methods.

qzar9999 03-16-2017 09:11 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I'm not senior staff, so I can't speak to any plans about when/if we ever plan to have individual item sales. I will say that site revenue can be *one* consideration in the production schedule, though it's far from the only one. It's not as simple as "if we get X amount of subscribers we'll definitely move up to two comics a month."

Click, thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I'm expecting issue 2 to be a lot of fun. :-D

J Yubari 03-18-2017 04:04 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
So... is anyone else looking forward to the next chapter of Small Fortune? :rolleyes:

a0040pc 03-18-2017 04:38 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I am looking forward to it. I also have a few scripts that are being made into comics on the site.

qzar9999 03-18-2017 05:39 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I think you guys are going to like where I'm going with Small Fortune.

Considering what happens to Kelly next, MISfortune might have been a more apt title... :-D

scidram 03-18-2017 07:08 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by J Yubari (Post 791660)
So... is anyone else looking forward to the next chapter of Small Fortune? :rolleyes:

YES! So absolutely looking forward to the next chapter!

And looking forward to the next few comics already previewed on the site!

And looking forward to others that may be in the works!

And looking forward to other new writers and their future comics!

Rah rah! GO ShrinkFan!

qzar9999 03-18-2017 09:09 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Man, someone told me there were cheerleaders in this thread.

This is not what I expected. Lol

Thanks for the props, sci. :-)

Prof_Sai 03-18-2017 11:55 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 791691)
Man, someone told me there were cheerleaders in this thread.


Originally I drew detailed faces and figured I'd put them on smaller figures. (No room on the page to draw bodies that big.) But once I drew above, I decided they wouldn't match. And the smaller ones have better expressions anyway.

J Yubari 03-21-2017 12:31 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Thanks for the feedback and the drawings! We will continue our efforts toward bringing you sequels to our fan favorite comics.

Valeyard Vince 02-01-2018 01:31 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Shrinking Out of Control - Small Fortune 2 is out now!

Everyone's favourite shrinking thief returns in Small Fortune 2, but this time around she's facing the most unfortunate and perilous complication possible: her size-changing powers are no longer within her control!

Synopsis: Kelly Salinas, cat burglar extraordinaire, has enjoyed great success thanks to the size-changing power of her magic ring. But when she finds herself shrinking against her will, the ring suddenly refuses to work for her. Is she losing control of the magic? Can she get herself back to normal? And how many times will she embarrass herself by falling out of her clothes at some fancy event?

Release date: February 1st, 2018
Written by: Cezar Nix
Artwork by: LWJ (Sedna Studio)
Tags: Shrinking, shrunken woman, sex, nudity, caged, magic

Series Link: Small Fortune

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Small Fortune 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Captain Ash 02-02-2018 02:02 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
The story continues like the beginning of the first comic.
The cat burglar is literally in the hand of her unknown giant captor.

While being on her new owner’s mercy, Kelly tries to reimagining the events how she got into this mess.
Like in “whodunnit”, the reader gets another round to figure out who the Kelly’s mysterious captor might be.

Like a cat cannot stop chasing mice, Kelly can’t resist to keep on stealing from her high-society friends.
However, since her last raid in this comic, something went wrong with her shrinking powers and Kelly shrinks at the worst time against her will.

The one responsible for the artworks the same artist like in chapter 1.
Not only does it keep the quality of work on the same level as in the previous chapter, the artist did a great job with the colors and the shrink-out-of-clothes sequences.
Especially about Kelly’s embarrassed face expressions.
All these details and the scenes are so well done, that it cannot help but to feel sorry for Kelly, but on the same time feeling aroused at the same time.

Unfortunately, this comic does not reveal all of its secrets and so we have to wait for chapter three.
Is it still worth reading it?
Definitely! If you like wonderful artwork, an intriguing story and well written characters, then this comic will give you a great time.
I’m sure I’ve discovered some hints about the mysterious captor, but no spoilers.

I hope we don’t have to wait another year to see the next chapter of this series.

J Yubari 02-03-2018 01:54 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by Captain Ash (Post 805294)
The story continues like the beginning of the first comic.
The cat burglar is literally in the hand of her unknown giant captor.

While being on her new owner’s mercy, Kelly tries to reimagining the events how she got into this mess.
Like in “whodunnit”, the reader gets another round to figure out who the Kelly’s mysterious captor might be.

Like a cat cannot stop chasing mice, Kelly can’t resist to keep on stealing from her high-society friends.
However, since her last raid in this comic, something went wrong with her shrinking powers and Kelly shrinks at the worst time against her will.

The one responsible for the artworks the same artist like in chapter 1.
Not only does it keep the quality of work on the same level as in the previous chapter, the artist did a great job with the colors and the shrink-out-of-clothes sequences.
Especially about Kelly’s embarrassed face expressions.
All these details and the scenes are so well done, that it cannot help but to feel sorry for Kelly, but on the same time feeling aroused at the same time.

Unfortunately, this comic does not reveal all of its secrets and so we have to wait for chapter three.
Is it still worth reading it?
Definitely! If you like wonderful artwork, an intriguing story and well written characters, then this comic will give you a great time.
I’m sure I’ve discovered some hints about the mysterious captor, but no spoilers.

I hope we don’t have to wait another year to see the next chapter of this series.

Thanks again for your review, Captain Ash. We will do our best to get the next chapter out as soon as we can.

Marauder727 02-04-2018 12:09 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I sense ramifications from repeated usage of the ring. Maybe a delayed build-up of using it so often is coming back to bite her on the ass? :)


ArcaneBEFan 02-05-2018 03:16 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Money is tight this month... but this comic is extremely high on my list of things to buy. Soon...

ArcaneBEFan 02-06-2018 10:25 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
broke down and bought the 1-month subscription. couldn't wait till pay day.

I'm not remotely disappointed with the purchase... so there's that. Definitely recommend.

qzar9999 02-06-2018 11:08 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Thanks, folks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)

Valeyard Vince 12-01-2018 05:40 AM

Small Fortune 3 - Shrink Fan Comics
Down and Up and Down Again - Small Fortune 3 is out now!

Kelly's height becomes utterly erratic as her magical powers continue to grow more uncontrollable, leaving her a towering Amazon one second and a human-shaped insect the next! Worse still, Shrink Fan's most popular cat burglar is about have her bizarre affliction discovered by the last person she'd want any of her secrets revealed to!

Synopsis: Shrinking master thief Kelly Salinas has lost control of her size-changing magic. Instead of planning graceful heists, now she's having trouble even keeping her life together as her size varies wildly. And as if public embarrassment wasn't enough, she might have to worry that she'll end up in the wrong hands--literally!

Release date: December 1st, 2018
Written by: Cezar Nix
Artwork by: LWJ (Sedna Studio)
Tags: shrinking woman, shrinking out of clothes, sex, handheld, half-size, doll-size, size increase, growth, shrinking, mini-giantess

Series Link: Small Fortune

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Small Fortune 3? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

shrinky428 12-01-2018 07:03 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
The last panel on page six is my favorite ;) .

UpsAndDowns 12-01-2018 01:35 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Who wants to be in control anyway?

Valeyard Vince 04-01-2019 12:30 AM

Small Fortune 4 - Shrink Fan Comics
Kelly Has Been Fooled - Small Fortune 4 is out now!

Not a hoax, dream, or April Fools' Day gag! The fourth chapter of Small Fortune (one of Shrink Fan's most popular titles) is now available to download!

Synopsis: Kelly’s size-magic misfortune continues as she finds herself caught by her hated rival: Nicole. Can she get out of this sticky situation and get back to normal size? And what will she do now that someone knows her secret?

Release date: April 1st, 2019
Written by: Cezar Nix
Artwork by: LWJ (Sedna Studio)
Tags: shrinking woman, shrinking out of clothes, sex, handheld, half-size, doll-size, shrinking

Series Link: Small Fortune

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Small Fortune 4? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Captain Ash 04-01-2019 01:23 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
The thrill in the “Small Fortune” series and greatest strength as well, is not how it will end but how Kelly got herself into this kind of trouble.
Those who paid closer attention to the previous chapter know that someone has tinkering with the magic ring, causing Kelly to shrink seemingly randomly and in the worst possible scenario.
Similar like in Cluedo, you might guess who-did-it.

This is so far the best part of the series, as it thickens the story and tells the plot in the right pace.
Also more intriguing we are learning more of Kelly’s magical artifact.
Only drawback in this story is how an art thief can’t tell if inscriptions are in Latin or not.
But this is only a minor details.

Besides the great story, the dialogues between the characters are perfect. They fit to the situation and the characters Kelly is talking to.
This adds the atmosphere to the story.

The artist has outdone himself.
Were the previous chapters fantastically drawn, so is this one the cherry on the top of it.
Not only has this comic the highest frequency of having Kelly shrinking out of her clothes and reveal her in almost every scene half or fully naked, the different perspective are amazing and really fun to watch. Not to mention the incredibly nice face expressions.
But those who want to take a closer look should pay attention to the background, most of them are full of details and there is lot to discover.
Also those light effects give those scenarios a certain touch.

This is a perfect comic I’ve enjoyed reading it and can’t wait for the next chapter.
Friends of nice shrinking scenes and a good story should definitely read it.
The reader awaits a nice twist which I don’t want to spoiler.

theangelofdeath1986 04-01-2019 03:50 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
I loved it and as per usual poor Kelly doesnt stay one size for too long. The story is compelling as always and the art work is spot on. Roll on chapter 5

ArcaneBEFan 04-02-2019 04:33 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Adored it. Best ending. More please <3

zdarkness 04-02-2019 11:31 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Now that I'm properly subscribed I can finally talk about this comic, as I have actually read it.

IT IS...

pretty good.

qzar9999 04-02-2019 11:42 PM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by zdarkness (Post 822982)
Now that I'm properly subscribed I can finally talk about this comic, as I have actually ready it.

IT IS...

pretty good.

Best. Review. Ever. <3

Lol. I'm glad you folks like it so much. Rest assured, chapter 5 is on the way!

Valeyard Vince 12-01-2019 06:15 AM

Small Fortune 5 - Shrink Fan Comics
Back Where We Began - Small Fortune 5 is out now!

Small Fortune finally comes full circle in its fifth installment as both the secret behind Kelly's "malfunctioning" magic and the identity of her mysterious captor are revealed!

Synopsis: Kelly’s captor is finally revealed. Why have they been tormenting and humiliating her? What do they want from her? And how is she going to get out of this situation?

Release Date: December 1st, 2019
Written By: Cezar Nix
Artwork By: LWJ (Sedna Studio)
Tags: shrinking woman, shrunken woman, shrinking out of clothes, shrinking out of shoes, caged, magic

Series Link: Small Fortune

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Small Fortune 5? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

theangelofdeath1986 12-02-2019 05:12 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Loved it. But having issues with my account :( paid it but its saying expired

AB23 12-02-2019 06:10 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by theangelofdeath1986 (Post 831657)
Loved it. But having issues with my account :( paid it but its saying expired

Yup, same.

theangelofdeath1986 12-02-2019 06:16 AM

Re: Small Fortune - Shrink Fan Comics
Glad its not just me then

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