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howlingfan 04-05-2017 07:46 PM

“Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Well, it seems this is going to be a good year for female werewolf movies. Right now on Indiegogo, there is a werewolf movie seeking funding called “Bonehill Road” (a boring title, I know, but then again, so is “Betsy”). The movie is a throwback to old-school werewolf films with strictly practical effects and zero CGI. The filmmaker’s three major influences are “The Howling,” “AWIL,” and “Dog Soldiers,” and IMO, you can’t ask for better influences than that. It took a while to find a contact for the writer/director, since his e-mail address isn’t listed on the campaign’s page, but he eventually got back to me with the details, and he said that while there will be many werewolves in the movie (and many different types of werewolves), the major TF at the end will be “an awesome transformation sequence featuring a nude woman.” The TF will begin painfully but will gradually become pleasurable. The werewolf will have a muzzle but no tail. You can see a short clip of the articulated werewolf head at the end of the teaser on the campaign page, and for a low-budget movie, it’s not bad at all—at least it’s definitely better than what any of us could probably do. This guy has made many indie horror movies in the past, especially in the ‘90s, and this is his first time seeking crowdfunding because he wants the werewolf effects to be topnotch. Like "Betsy," he already has the funding for the movie; he's just looking for a little extra for the werewolf effects. He’s not asking for much, and whether he reaches his goal or not, he’s definitely going to make the movie. (He’s already almost at the goal, so he probably will make it.) Needless to say, I already chipped in, and I suggest you do, too. Here is the campaign’s website:

TailBoy 04-07-2017 02:16 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
no tail no interest X(

dude233 04-07-2017 03:55 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
is there ganna be claw and fang growth
thats all i wanna see in a female werewolf tranformation

Anahki 04-07-2017 06:07 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I'm not very convinced about this, as long as although his background seems to be remarkable, the claims for technical help look like 15 y/o requests, I mean, when you are doing things like these, not only you have to be professional, also you have to look like one... in the end, you are promoting yourself asking for money, right? But well, I wish him luck.

CantSaySeeSaw 04-07-2017 06:26 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I don't understand. Someone just showed you a fully funded werewolf movie that promises a nude female transformation. Why are the first posts complaints?

howlingfan 04-07-2017 06:39 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by tailboy (Post 792462)
no tail no interest x(


howlingfan 04-07-2017 06:40 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 792470)
I don't understand. Someone just showed you a fully funded werewolf movie that promises a nude female transformation. Why are the first posts complaints?

Because I've learned over the years that people prefer to bitch on this forum. I actually have updates on this movie, and they're good ones, but honestly, I don't know why I even bother anymore.

irishshane 04-07-2017 07:23 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
People have just gotten hopes up so much only to be letdown. Plus, easier to be cynical these days. I always approach with extremely cautious optimism. Thank you for alerting us. I am curious to the updates

Anahki 04-07-2017 07:46 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
@cantsayseesaw: Nooo. Well, it is not related to the movie itself, what I meant to say was that the advertisement should be at the level of the product, and the seller level too. We will see if the movie is good or not :).

@howlingfan: No, again. On the opposite, I am quite happy because during the latest 2-3 weeks there have been some updates and announcements. In fact, I really appreciate your efforts and the labour of some people here that keep us well informed about every single news on TF content. Just don't give up, ok?

Wbfoot 04-07-2017 11:24 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I want to say thank you too. Keep up the good work.

Betsy and bonehill look like the best thing in years!

Cursebearer 04-07-2017 11:25 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Wow this got funded really quickly! Is this director pretty well known? I'll do some research and see if I can find some past films. It looks like they're intending distribution to backers which is nice. The most frustrating thing about these indie movies is when the movie releases but you can't find it anywhere outside of film festivals.

howlingfan 04-07-2017 11:29 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by Anahki (Post 792477)
@howlingfan: No, again. On the opposite, I am quite happy because during the latest 2-3 weeks there have been some updates and announcements. In fact, I really appreciate your efforts and the labour of some people here that keep us well informed about every single news on TF content. Just don't give up, ok?

Okay. Honestly, I was more annoyed at TailBoy’s comment. A chimp could predict his comments at this point.
Since I’m not as cynical as some, here are the updates (not sure whether people here will care or not, though):

1. You may already know this if you’ve been following it, but the campaign already achieved its goal with a month more to go. You can still contribute though by preordering DVDs/Blu-rays and even werewolf body parts from the shoot, and every extra dollar is going to more, better special effects, according to the writer/director. He’s not taking money from the Indiegogo campaign for his salary. He just loves werewolf movies, especially “The Howling,” which happens to be my favorite werewolf movie, and he wants to bring back the old-school, practical effects work of those classic ‘80s movies. In fact, I didn’t even ask him if there would be nudity in the TF when I first e-mailed (since “Betsy” originally didn’t have any nudity, I figured this movie also wouldn’t), but he immediately came out and said he wants a full-body transformation in his movie featuring a nude woman, so it seems he’s almost as enthusiastic as we are about this subject.
2. Here is the actress who will feature in the TF:
To be honest, I’m a little disappointed that she’s platinum blonde, since I prefer brunettes, but at least she’s pretty, so there’s that.
3. The TF will be 3-4 minutes long, which is longer than I was expecting. (Usually, they're around 2 minutes, if that.)
4. There will be clothes ripping in the TF, if you count a robe. She will first start ripping out of the robe as the TF starts, and then the whole thing will be removed.
5. There will be bladder work and no skin ripping.
6. Now for the news that most people will like. I asked about the prosthetic work, and the actress is having her feet and everything above the waist cast. This will at least please the foot fetishists here (I don’t happen to be one, but whatever floats your boat), since there will be a foot TF.

That’s about it for now. Now here come the complaints…

Lycanthrokeith 04-07-2017 03:10 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I'm just happy that someone out there is trying to pick up the mantle of Rick Baker and the "practical effects" artists of old. It's a lost art, but it's nice to see that it isn't completely lost.

I am somewhat surprised that the director feels it can be done with such a low budget, though. Granted, I don't know what makeup, latex, etc cost nowadays, so maybe it is possible.

And I still consider the AWIL TF to be one of the best TFs of all time, tail or no, because of both the effects and David Naughton's acting.

lowes96 04-07-2017 03:23 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I don't think the girl is cute

GenYun 04-07-2017 04:31 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 792470)
I don't understand. Someone just showed you a fully funded werewolf movie that promises a nude female transformation. Why are the first posts complaints?

Because being into werewolves apparently isn't niche enough for some people.

"Not walking on the balls of her feet? ugh"

"It's fur is blonde? major turn-off"

"Skin rip? no thanks"

"Only two breasts? count me out."

"A left handed fully naked she-wolf? wtf no."

dude233 04-07-2017 04:43 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
sooo will there be claw growth to???
because that dose sound like something i can get behind
but the claw growth is the best part of a female werewolf tf

Cactus Jack 04-07-2017 05:42 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by GenYun (Post 792504)
Because being into werewolves apparently isn't niche enough for some people.

"Not walking on the balls of her feet? ugh"

"It's fur is blonde? major turn-off"

"Skin rip? no thanks"

"Only two breasts? count me out."

"A left handed fully naked she-wolf? wtf no."

To be fair, I would say no to skin rip.

popperock 04-07-2017 06:22 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I'm not expecting anything great with this movie. Not because of any particular nitpicks with werewolf type, but more because Todd Sheets is making the movie, and, well, let's just say he doesn't have the greatest reputation as a filmmaker, if the clip below is any indication. I could be wrong, but best not to get too hard on the hype train.

Cursebearer 04-07-2017 07:40 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by popperock (Post 792509)
I'm not expecting anything great with this movie. Not because of any particular nitpicks with werewolf type, but more because Todd Sheets is making the movie, and, well, let's just say he doesn't have the greatest reputation as a filmmaker, if the clip below is any indication. I could be wrong, but best not to get too hard on the hype train.


CantSaySeeSaw 04-07-2017 07:42 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by popperock (Post 792509)
I'm not expecting anything great with this movie. Not because of any particular nitpicks with werewolf type, but more because Todd Sheets is making the movie, and, well, let's just say he doesn't have the greatest reputation as a filmmaker, if the clip below is any indication. I could be wrong, but best not to get too hard on the hype train.

See, this is a valid complaint. You don't like his other movies-- understandable. The trailer did seem to have decent prosthetics though, so I'm curious anyway, and I don't even like werewolves.

howlingfan 04-08-2017 06:53 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
A couple of points:

1) I don’t give a damn about this filmmaker’s choreography skills. I didn’t contribute to his campaign to watch a good fight scene.

2) For those who aren’t attracted to the girl, well, you’re entitled to your opinion. Again, she’s not my type either, and she isn’t gorgeous like Kelci from “Betsy,” but I wouldn’t say she’s ugly. That’s just harsh. I’d say she’s at least as attractive as Sabrina from the “American Werewolf Girl” photoshoot project by Lobo Leo that everyone here drooled over, and that was just a series of Photoshopped images; this is a 3- to 4-minute live-action FILM of a nude, full-body female werewolf transformation using strictly practical effects. If that doesn’t at least SOMEWHAT interest you, you’re in the wrong forum.

3) For evidence of this filmmaker’s prosthetic/mask work for the werewolves, see the end of the teaser on his Indiegogo campaign. Is it Hollywood blockbuster quality? No. But unless you guys can do better, as Dr. Evil once said, “Zip it.”

howlingfan 04-08-2017 06:55 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by dude233 (Post 792505)
sooo will there be claw growth too???

I think that goes without saying.

dorintf 04-08-2017 10:10 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

"A left handed fully naked she-wolf? wtf no."
This might be the best thing I've read all day.

Seriously, it's very disheartening--both for content makers and people drawing attention to new content--to hear nonstop bitching. If it's not your cup of tea, go find something that is. Seriously fucking tired of this.

howlingfan 04-11-2017 01:43 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
4 Attachment(s)
Quick updates, for those who still care:

1. More photos of the werewolf suits and a design for a future suit were released. As you can see, the werewolves in this film will all look different from each other, just like people do. It won’t be like the werewolves in “Underworld,” for example, where they all look the same. I posted the photos below. (Keep in mind the design in the fourth photo isn’t finished; the creature will have more hair and a longer snout.)

2. It was bothering me that the actress who will feature in the main TF at the end of the movie is blonde since I can’t take a fluffy blonde werewolf seriously; it’s not threatening at all. (I’m reminded of the Dee Wallace Pekinese-looking werewolf at the end of “The Howling.”) Also, seeing light, blonde hairs sprout on a body isn’t as dramatic as dark hair, not to mention it’s harder to see on camera. I expressed these concerns with the director, and he said the actress is actually brunette, but she dyed her hair platinum blonde for a few movies and modeling gigs. I asked if she could go back to her regular hair color before the shoot, and he said it would probably be easier to dye it back its original color at this point just before shooting the movie, which she will do after some financial persuading on my part. Yes, this is yet another female werewolf movie I threw money at to achieve a particular TF vision. The actress in the movie will now be brunette, and her werewolf alter-ego will have brown fur. I realize there may be a few people here who prefer a blonde werewolf, but a) I’m pretty confident it’s a minority, and b) it was my money, so that’s the way it goes.

That’s all for now. The campaign has a little less than a month to go, and all the funds for it are going towards the creature costumes and transformation special effects. Again, here’s the link:

GenYun 04-11-2017 02:20 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

TF at the end of the movie is blonde

Jesus Christ, I thought I was being absurd when I put that it my list, I didn't think it was an actual issue for people.

Cursebearer 04-11-2017 09:09 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
It's pretty telling that people in these threads will get down on others for complaining about very specific details not meeting their tastes, and then will on the other hand be so concerned about something like hair color that they go out of their way to email the director about it.

howlingfan 04-12-2017 08:43 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I was going to let this go, but since I’m being tag teamed here, I think I deserve a chance to defend myself. While I can understand my last comment as coming across as hypocritical, I see a clear distinction between a person finding a worthwhile TF project and going out of his way to alert this board about it, only to be met with cynicism and scorn, and a person who’s producing said project having an influence on the creative decisions of the film. It’s not like I threw 20 bucks at this thing. I spent a LOT; therefore, as one of the producers, I have more say on what happens in the project. That’s simply how producing works, not to mention the fact that, based on my years of experience on this forum, most people here DO prefer brunette werewolves to blonde ones, just like most people don’t like skin ripping. (Again, “Bonehill Road” won’t have any skin ripping.) I’m sure people will bash this comment as well, but don’t bother. I’m done. Once again, I have to quote good ol’ Cartman: “Screw you, guys. I’m going home.”

irishshane 04-12-2017 09:23 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Doesn't bother me what she looks like. I only want a woman transforming. Sure I have preferences (feet into paws & face extending) but I'm pretty easy just desire a quality change

Cactus Jack 04-12-2017 09:38 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Same, I'm cool with brunette or blonde.

Anahki 04-12-2017 09:45 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by howlingfan (Post 792672)
I was going to let this go, but since I’m being tag teamed here, I think I deserve a chance to defend myself. While I can understand my last comment as coming across as hypocritical, I see a clear distinction between a person finding a worthwhile TF project and going out of his way to alert this board about it, only to be met with cynicism and scorn, and a person who’s producing said project having an influence on the creative decisions of the film. It’s not like I threw 20 bucks at this thing. I spent a LOT; therefore, as one of the producers, I have more say on what happens in the project. That’s simply how producing works, not to mention the fact that, based on my years of experience on this forum, most people here DO prefer brunette werewolves to blonde ones, just like most people don’t like skin ripping. (Again, “Bonehill Road” won’t have any skin ripping.) I’m sure people will bash this comment as well, but don’t bother. I’m done. Once again, I have to quote good ol’ Cartman: “Screw you, guys. I’m going home.”

Hehehe. What you really wanted to is another Marsha, ein? :D

Cursebearer 04-12-2017 03:04 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by howlingfan (Post 792672)
I was going to let this go, but since I’m being tag teamed here, I think I deserve a chance to defend myself. While I can understand my last comment as coming across as hypocritical, I see a clear distinction between a person finding a worthwhile TF project and going out of his way to alert this board about it, only to be met with cynicism and scorn, and a person who’s producing said project having an influence on the creative decisions of the film. It’s not like I threw 20 bucks at this thing. I spent a LOT; therefore, as one of the producers, I have more say on what happens in the project. That’s simply how producing works, not to mention the fact that, based on my years of experience on this forum, most people here DO prefer brunette werewolves to blonde ones, just like most people don’t like skin ripping. (Again, “Bonehill Road” won’t have any skin ripping.) I’m sure people will bash this comment as well, but don’t bother. I’m done. Once again, I have to quote good ol’ Cartman: “Screw you, guys. I’m going home.”

The thing is, your comment was totally hypocritical. Just because you have enough money to actually take action when the project doesn't meet your specific fetishistic taste doesn't change the fact that you rag on people for having particular things they want from a TF and then turn around and do the very same thing. Nobody was scorning you for bringing this to our attention, people were taking a critical look at the PROJECT ITSELF through the lens of their own interests. This is a fetish board, and it's something that should be expected. People are here to find things they like, after all. You took that personally for some reason, and then turned around and did the very thing that you were yourself criticizing. That's why you got a negative response.

Good on you for bringing this stuff to our attention, good on you for funding niche projects like this, not good on you for being down on other people who are just looking for the same thing you are. Everyone is interested in different things and everyone in this thread is hoping to get something out of this TF, and that's fine.

howlingfan 04-13-2017 06:30 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by Cursebearer (Post 792693)
The thing is, your comment was totally hypocritical. Just because you have enough money to actually take action when the project doesn't meet your specific fetishistic taste doesn't change the fact that you rag on people for having particular things they want from a TF and then turn around and do the very same thing.

Okay, so I lied about leaving this thread, if only because the so-called “tag team” became a free-for-all. First of all, I wasn’t “ragging” on people because of their individualized tastes. (I obviously have my specific tastes as well.) I was, however, annoyed at people for complaining about my posts about this project because they didn’t like it. There have literally been hundreds of threads on this forum that I wasn’t interested in, but I didn’t feel the need to go out of my way to state it. For example, right now there is a thread about this board coming together to make its own TF movie, which I thought was a great idea and was completely willing to contribute to, but then I found out that the animal chosen for the TF was a cow or another type of barnyard animal. I’m not interested in barnyard animal TFs in the SLIGHTEST, but did I post, “Ugh, not my thing! Pass!” No. I kept my mouth shut. That’s what I was complaining about before: all the people bitching about this project because they didn’t like it, not because of their individualized tastes.

Secondly, if I thought I was being hypocritical, would I post the announcement about the updated werewolf hair color in that controversial post? Again, I’ve been a board member here for a long time, and I’ve never once seen someone say they’d rather see a blonde werewolf than a brunette one. I’m not saying these people don’t exist; I’m saying it’s usually the other way around. The general consensus here (especially since my last post) is that people don’t care either way, and that’s fine, but I still stand by my statement that after that group of people who don’t care, there is a larger majority of people who prefer brunette werewolves to blonde ones. Because of that reason—and yes, because of my individualized tastes—I persuaded the director to change the hair color. And btw, he ended up agreeing with me that it would be more visually exciting to see dark hair sprawl across a body instead of light, blonde ones that will be difficult to pick up on camera. Stupid me, I thought people were going to thank me for making the switch, much like some people were appreciative that I had the director of “Betsy” add back the nudity to his TF scene at my expense, but obviously, I was wrong.

I’m not going to be so overdramatic again to say I’m going to leave this thread completely, but really, I don’t see myself posting any more updates about this movie for the few people who are still interested in it. Go ahead and have the last word.

CantSaySeeSaw 04-13-2017 08:12 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Thank you for not bashing my thread. For the record, if you had said, even politely, that you prefer werewolves, I would have politely rejected your request because there are many more wolves then barnyard animals out there. Never enough of either, but definitely more wolves.

The keyword here is polite. For some reason, people (men?) on Process have trouble expressing their opinion without coming off as aggressive or rude. At first, I thought it was a little nit-picky to be requesting a blonde werewolf too, but now that I've thought about it, it makes sense. It isn't that you don't like blondes, it's that you want to see the fur move across the body and someone changing into a wolf that matches the blonde hair on their head wouldn't look wolf-y.

That makes sense. What doesn't make sense are all these constant fights. People *way more skilled then me* want to make movies for this community because they know we are a hungry demographic that has some overlap with people who like monsters, special effects, etc. In other words, money can be made. If we show some kind of community effort, someone will step up to make the movie, but as it stands, no film-maker or porn star wants to deal with Process people because we fight so damn much.

So everyone-- watch your tone, use your empathy, save your pennies and maybe good things will happen. My suggestion is creating a brain storm thread for werewolves kinda like the barnyard movie thread. Collectively, all you canine fans should try to get at the heart of what unites you so that when a person making a movie comes along, they have an easy way to see what we want. Chances are, they won't understand why tail growth is the holy grail, for example, and instead just see a difficult effect that can be skipped to save money and time. However, if more people will fund them because they have a tail growth, that might change their mind, the same way a creator can be coaxed into dark fur based on the opinion of a generous patron.

When you make that thread, I suggest making two *reserved* posts after the intro so you have space at the beginning to list all your collective ideas. We need to be funding things as a community and not as individuals.

howlingfan 04-13-2017 08:27 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 792738)
Thank you for not bashing my thread. For the record, if you had said, even politely, that you prefer werewolves, I would have politely rejected your request because there are many more wolves then barnyard animals out there. Never enough of either, but definitely more wolves.

The keyword here is polite. For some reason, people (men?) on Process have trouble expressing their opinion without coming off as aggressive or rude. At first, I thought it was a little nit-picky to be requesting a brunette werewolf too, but now that I've thought about it, it makes sense. It isn't that you don't like blondes, it's that you want to see the fur move across the body and someone changing into a wolf that matches the blonde hair on their head wouldn't look wolf-y.

That makes sense. What doesn't make sense are all these constant fights. People *way more skilled then me* want to make movies for this community because they know we are a hungry demographic that has some overlap with people who like monsters, special effects, etc. In other words, money can be made. If we show some kind of community effort, someone will step up to make the movie, but as it stands, no film-maker or porn star wants to deal with Process people because we fight so damn much.

So everyone-- watch your tone, use your empathy, save your pennies and maybe good things will happen. My suggestion is creating a brain storm thread for werewolves kinda like the barnyard movie thread. Collectively, all you canine fans should try to get at the heart of what unites you so that when a person making a movie comes along, they have an easy way to see what we want. Chances are, they won't understand why tail growth is the holy grail, for example, and instead just see a difficult effect that can be skipped to save money and time. However, if more people will fund them because they have a tail growth, that might change their mind, the same way a creator can be coaxed into dark fur based on the opinion of a generous patron.

When you make that thread, I suggest making two *reserved* posts after the intro so you have space at the beginning to list all your collective ideas. We need to be funding things as a community and not as individuals.

Well said. Thanks.

Anahki 04-13-2017 11:00 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 792738)
Thank you for not bashing my thread. For the record, if you had said, even politely, that you prefer werewolves, I would have politely rejected your request because there are many more wolves then barnyard animals out there. Never enough of either, but definitely more wolves.

The keyword here is polite. For some reason, people (men?) on Process have trouble expressing their opinion without coming off as aggressive or rude. At first, I thought it was a little nit-picky to be requesting a blonde werewolf too, but now that I've thought about it, it makes sense. It isn't that you don't like blondes, it's that you want to see the fur move across the body and someone changing into a wolf that matches the blonde hair on their head wouldn't look wolf-y.

That makes sense. What doesn't make sense are all these constant fights. People *way more skilled then me* want to make movies for this community because they know we are a hungry demographic that has some overlap with people who like monsters, special effects, etc. In other words, money can be made. If we show some kind of community effort, someone will step up to make the movie, but as it stands, no film-maker or porn star wants to deal with Process people because we fight so damn much.

So everyone-- watch your tone, use your empathy, save your pennies and maybe good things will happen. My suggestion is creating a brain storm thread for werewolves kinda like the barnyard movie thread. Collectively, all you canine fans should try to get at the heart of what unites you so that when a person making a movie comes along, they have an easy way to see what we want. Chances are, they won't understand why tail growth is the holy grail, for example, and instead just see a difficult effect that can be skipped to save money and time. However, if more people will fund them because they have a tail growth, that might change their mind, the same way a creator can be coaxed into dark fur based on the opinion of a generous patron.

When you make that thread, I suggest making two *reserved* posts after the intro so you have space at the beginning to list all your collective ideas. We need to be funding things as a community and not as individuals.

Right. My favourite point is something that some people has told about it before: we can "cheat" on regular werewolf/horror movie sectors so we would sell our ideas: ideas about werewolves with that "fetish TF" inside. Well, in my case precisely I am a fan of both worlds, and I enjoy a good werewolf horror movie even though there were not a good onscreen TF. But you get the idea.

And about the funding for a werewolf movie, I have to say here what I preferered not to say in your thread: it is not going to be done the way "I" really want to. If I wanted to see something different than I want to, I already have the mainstream, full of "imperfect" werewolf TFs. And even worse, my preferences for a good werewolf TF collide with the preferences of other people here. And the last insult: some things I want to see on a werewolf transformation would cost the money that a patreon could not afford. Yes, I am horribly hard to satisfy :D.

@howlingfan: Oh man. Please, keep us informed, don't be a bad guy :p. Now I am starving for new info on the movie...

howlingfan 04-13-2017 11:39 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by Anahki (Post 792745)
@howlingfan: Oh man. Please, keep us informed, don't be a bad guy :p. Now I am starving for new info on the movie...

Okay Anahki, just for you, lol:

Here is the Facebook page of the FX house that will work on the werewolf costumes and animatronic masks:

You can see videos of works-in-progress, including a pretty realistic wolf head with moving lips, brows, jaws, etc. Again, this is probably miles above what anyone on this forum can do, no offense, but I’d love to be proven wrong. Also, I don’t think this is the only FX house working on this movie. I think there’s another one working on the transformation effects. This movie is already shaping up to be miles better than “Betsy” (no skin ripping; a much longer, more involved TF scene; movie-quality animatronic suits; full-body shots; and much more nudity). In fact, the director-writer just sent out an update this morning to investors saying they’re pulling out all the stops for the “show-stopping FEMALE werewolf transformation scene” (emphasis was his), so the hype is real, folks, whether you choose to believe it or not. With two female werewolf TF projects on the boards this year, 2017 is shaping up to be the indie version of 1981 when “The Howling” and “AWIL” were released within months of each other. “Betsy” is set to be released to investors around June, and “Bonehill Road” is set to be released to investors around Halloween. Again, my money is on “Bonehill Road” being the one to beat. So if you're still undecided, please consider contributing, as you'll be the first to see the TF goods when it's released to investors:

CantSaySeeSaw 04-15-2017 09:12 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Again, this is probably miles above what anyone on this forum can do, no offense...
None taken. I'm not a film-maker, I'm just sick of people bitching about a drought. That head looks really cool, would really love to see what they could do with a tail. I mean if you have the capability to make an articulate head, a tail can't be much harder.

howlingfan 04-17-2017 06:43 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 792856)
That head looks really cool, would really love to see what they could do with a tail. I mean if you have the capability to make an articulate head, a tail can't be much harder.

As far as the tail is concerned, I think for the director, it wasn’t just about the money to accomplish the special effect but more of what he wanted for his werewolves. I was able to convince him to switch the female werewolf from blonde to brunette but was less successful with adding a tail, though he did say it "could be interesting." Oh well. Maybe in the sequel (assuming this movie does well).

CantSaySeeSaw 04-17-2017 08:45 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Do you think he'd consider renting out the head?

howlingfan 04-17-2017 09:12 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 792925)
Do you think he'd consider renting out the head?

I doubt it, but even if I thought he wouldn't have a problem with it, I wouldn't feel comfortable asking him until his own movie is finished.

CantSaySeeSaw 04-19-2017 12:03 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Wow... so I know one of the actresses irl. I know the one in the monster suit. *_*

howlingfan 04-19-2017 12:19 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 793046)
Wow... so I know one of the actresses irl. I know the one in the monster suit. *_*

That's crazy! Small world, indeed. How did you find this info? I don't even know who's in the cast except for the actress in the TF scene since nothing is on IMDb yet. Maybe you can talk your way into a cameo, lol.

CantSaySeeSaw 04-19-2017 12:32 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by howlingfan (Post 793050)
That's crazy! Small world, indeed. How did you find this info? I don't even know who's in the cast except for the actress in the TF scene since nothing is on IMDb yet. Maybe you can talk your way into a cameo, lol.

I logged into Facebook and saw the poster. I met her girlfriend first a few years ago when I was living in a queer-punk house and made digital friends. I linked her to this board, so at least one person on their team knows we exist.

howlingfan 04-19-2017 12:37 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by CantSaySeeSaw (Post 793051)
I linked her to this board, so at least one person on their team knows we exist.

Uh-oh. The jig is up. We're outed! lol.

CantSaySeeSaw 04-19-2017 01:59 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
You know, oddly enough, I gave her a wolf plushie years ago.

howlingfan 05-03-2017 08:32 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
In case you haven’t heard it yet, the writer-director of “Bonehill Road” was interviewed on a horror podcast, and he talked extensively about the transformation scene. A couple of takeaways:

1) He announces upfront that he was aware there still hasn’t been a full-body female werewolf transformation with strictly practical effects in the genre (not even in “The Howling”), and he wants to change that.
2) Based off the initial, modest goal, the TF was originally going to mostly take place in the dark, but now with the increased budget, most of it will be in clear lighting so we can see the details.

Here’s the link to the podcast:

There's less than a week to go. If you’re still on the fence to contribute, here’s the Indiegogo campaign link again:

dorintf 05-06-2017 06:08 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
Interesting stuff. Thanks for taking the time to listen to the podcast and pass along the good news.

howlingfan 05-06-2017 06:12 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by dorintf (Post 793697)
Interesting stuff. Thanks for taking the time to listen to the podcast and pass along the good news.

NP. One other takeaway I forgot to mention is that the writer-director was a fan of the early '90s show "She-Wolf of London" but felt frustrated that they never really showed a full TF, which is another reason he wanted to tackle the first full-body female werewolf TF with practical effects. So that's some more good news.

Anahki 05-06-2017 06:48 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by howlingfan (Post 793699)
NP. One other takeaway I forgot to mention is that the writer-director was a fan of the early '90s show "She-Wolf of London" but felt frustrated that they never really showed a full TF, which is another reason he wanted to tackle the first full-body female werewolf TF with practical effects. So that's some more good news.

I really liked the show too, but I guess the director had to deal with how to make the TFs avoiding censorship issues (and budget, yes, but those days they were not afraid of using "cheaper" tricks if they managed to film what they really wanted to). The 90's were no as "mad" as the good ol' 80's :D.

howlingfan 05-06-2017 07:38 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film

Originally Posted by Anahki (Post 793700)
I really liked the show too, but I guess the director had to deal with how to make the TFs avoiding censorship issues.

According to Wikipedia (or some other site I don't remember), the original episodes of "She-Wolf of London" actually featured some nudity when it was broadcast in the UK, but it was only when she reverted back to human, not during the initial TF. Kate Hodge, who played the titular "She-Wolf," was no stranger to nudity, as she did nude scenes in the movie "Rapid Fire." They should remake this show on HBO or Showtime with full nudity during the TFs, but that will probably never happen. Hey, a guy can dream. (And they feature plenty of nudity in "Game of Thrones," so why not?)

oezdemircan aydinoglu 05-06-2017 11:32 AM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I'm fine with implied, non-explicit nudity e.g. where the character shows plenty of skin without actually exposing the nips or genitalia. Of course if they did, that would be a huge plus.

P/S there's a full-frontal revert in True Blood S06E01, but you lot probably already know that. ;)

Cursebearer 05-09-2017 07:07 PM

Re: “Bonehill Road” werewolf film
I broke down and backed this after some of howlingfan's hype. There's only a few hours left, so anyone who's on the fence might want to do the same. Indie films like this can be a bitch to find, and if all you need is a DVD it's as low as twenty bucks to commit.

Hopefully the female TF delivers!

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