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SuperSecretUserName 09-26-2021 12:17 AM

Re: Rolling AMA
Ooo honestly I don't do twizzlers but ill eat real licorice from time to time even though it is like... hyper bad for you.

UpsAndDowns, have you ever eaten an insect!?

Blake Isaac Gordon 09-26-2021 07:30 PM

Re: Rolling AMA

Originally Posted by SuperSecretUserName (Post 850914)
Well, what do you want to know then? I'll answer ya.

(Okay, riddle me this: )

I am confident in myself and what have you, but in fetish I like the concept of being taken down a peg. Usually through inflation or transformation (doll ones really rock me)…SuperSecretUserName

Well, there ya go! On the same page then, sorta! ha It rocks to be dommed and controlled, whatever the size. Ohzone

I've been trying to wrap my head around these two statements. I think it all boils down to trust; more on that in a bit.
If I grasp these two concepts, it's all about subject to another individual's 'whim.' The, 'taken down a peg', has me wondering:
• Is it a form of punishment for doing something not right?
• Is it a loss of power and responsibility and thus a loss of stress as well?
• Is it about being in control and then losing it? Then you can be free to go with someone else's flow?

If it is all about the surrendering of control and the release of pressure to get everything right… then… This gives me a ton to ponder if I ever write another BE story again. Subs really have a good deal. They just get to focus on their own pleasure; there's no need to ensure other events, actions, and or anticipations are being met.

One scenario I have in mind:

A guy has a sex dungeon with a magical artifact. He explains to the woman he is with that whoever wears the crown becomes queen. The queen's roles are being rubbed down with body oil and getting pounded. Being a BE Story, the crown has a side-power of granting the wearer near WOW-sized boobs. The woman as queen is immobile. All she can do is scratch her butt. Yet her one form of control is when she takes the crown off. When the crown is removed, she returns back to normal.

Now to explain the trust. The woman is at the guy's mercy. Yet, the moment she is uncomfortable with the scenario, the crown comes off, and it's over. Trust might be the key theme in this story. Both individuals understand the limitations and requirements of the story. One gives up their autonomy for the other's whims. Yet if the other's urges are toxic, the game ends immediately. (Even though one has all the power, the other has access to the end switch. Thus it's the Sub that determines everything.) The moral of the story, even though one character has all the control, it's their responsibility to maintain the dynamic requirements of the relationship. At the same time, the Sub can yell 'CUT' at any time.

Makes me wonder how long would the average lady character make it on a three-day weekend sexual bender?

Final thought: I've always enjoyed writing BE fiction where the protagonist has motivation to actually want the BE and not to be just a pair of parentheses.

Would a SUB/DOM element help with the foundation of this theme? Suppose a character loses control of her very own body (BE). Would the sexual tension increase exponentially if said character became the utmost focus of another character's desire?

Personally, I feel this wouldn't be a good story if the male protagonist was a pure creep and only took delight in exploiting the female protagonist. But maybe some enjoy reading this kinda thing...

SuperSecretUserName 09-28-2021 10:44 AM

Re: Rolling AMA
So, ok, trying again, my last post I lost to timeouts so I’m going to try my best to pre type it in word and post it here. DISCLAIMER: I’m talking from my perspective, I intend to put 0 words in the mouth of other women in this world. But nevertheless it is a female perspective. It’ll probably hurt at least 1 guy’s feelings in this world but, eh. There’s unrest in the middle east, rent gets more expensive, and there’s a dude crying. However, I firmly believe most people in the world are more mature than that, so, ikuso!

I've been trying to wrap my head around these two statements. I think it all boils down to trust; more on that in a bit.
If I grasp these two concepts, it's all about subject to another individual's 'whim.' The, 'taken down a peg', has me wondering:
• Is it a form of punishment for doing something not right?
• Is it a loss of power and responsibility and thus a loss of stress as well?
• Is it about being in control and then losing it? Then you can be free to go with someone else's flow?
I’ll start with point 1 “Boils down to trust” – Yes sort of but not entirely. It CAN be a trust thing, and those can be some of the sweetest ones (Like the kind my wife will write for me from time to time ^^) but I’m talking more about the uh… less sweet ones.

Is it a form of punishment for doing something not right?
Nope. No one gets to determine what’s right for me. That’s not how life works. There’s what a woman can do and what a woman will do. This is too male gaze, step back and think about things more objectively. If you want to do a “Master says this is right” type thing, realistically, prepare for confrontation, violence, and if posted on a place where women actually are around, the same in the comments section.

Is it a loss of power and responsibility and thus a loss of stress as well?
I work in software so I don’t believe in a loss of stress. But no, on this one for me I’ll only ever flip a switch if there’s a genuine higher power or ambition. What’s sexy is there’s someone who wants what I want, MORE, not exactly. Like some of the things I find hot are like be/hourglass via monster girl… ness, and so on because not only are they just cool as hell, but because it’s often a scenario where there’s someone grander that can come along and go “I will go further” and that’s where I am like “Ok, sign me up, I’ll be your sexy monster girl, let’s do this.” Though probably not aloud they gotta make me first. This is also usually not going to end up a male character for me as this proverbial more dominant individual. There are guys out there in the world capable of this, they’re just… so rare and require such dexterity in writing that it doesn’t come off as some nerd’s self insert. IMO Most of the “Male masters” in porn are horrendously weak self inserts that couldn’t survive their own situations. It’s so annoying and makes it tricky to ever find good porn.

Is it about being in control and then losing it? Then you can be free to go with someone else's flow?
Somewhat. Kind of like stated above, it’s less about just losing anything and more about finding a better deal. More is more. Like, ok I’m a pretty hourglassy woman myself, took a lot of work and effort, but if something’s coming along that gives MOOOORE… well.. ok, I’m listening. Though if I’m having fun with it, again, the thing’s gotta make me, no easy mode here.


If it is all about the surrendering of control and the release of pressure to get everything right… then… This gives me a ton to ponder if I ever write another BE story again. Subs really have a good deal. They just get to focus on their own pleasure; there's no need to ensure other events, actions, and or anticipations are being met.
The word pressure is fun. But yeah, I wouldn’t surrender for me, more like crack, release, go uppies etc. Subs also have a good deal. I’m frequently jealous of my wife, she gets to hang in the shibari… I get to tie rope for an hour. Frick. I should have been a sub.


A guy has a sex dungeon with a magical artifact. He explains to the woman he is with that whoever wears the crown becomes queen. The queen's roles are being rubbed down with body oil and getting pounded.
That last sentence would be where I’d quit reading. That’s not a reward! That’s something for him, not her. I don’t give a shit if there’s insertion that’s like the 3rd shittiest orgasm option and mostly it invokes images of some teenager ramming your cervix for 90 seconds and going “Are you close?” which, lol, no buddy, not at all. (Also if it’s informative, if she’s talking, moaning names, or anything other than just kind of focused silence, she’s… not all that into it. Lots of that is for the guy so he’ll cum and we can move on with the day.)
Now if you want a scenario that’ll like… make something happen. Like, let’s take… I dunno. 4-5 ladies (I’m picking numbers at random here.) and they’re on a wall, chained up because IDK space magic. Let’s use your oil concept because oil feels kinda good when it’s actually good oil and it’s magic because space magic. It’ll inflate you but only when you’re turned on by it. You don’t need some guy lecturing about stuff, that’ll keep them all the same size until the end of days and trumpets sound, but have a crossbreeze in the room of oiled up women that’s kinda nice, and you’ll get one starting to break, then as one does… now the peer pressure sets in. So does another, and another… I hope at this point you’re picking up what I’m putting down.


Now to explain the trust. The woman is at the guy's mercy. Yet, the moment she is uncomfortable with the scenario, the crown comes off, and it's over. Trust might be the key theme in this story. Both individuals understand the limitations and requirements of the story. One gives up their autonomy for the other's whims. Yet if the other's urges are toxic, the game ends immediately. (Even though one has all the power, the other has access to the end switch. Thus it's the Sub that determines everything.) The moral of the story, even though one character has all the control, it's their responsibility to maintain the dynamic requirements of the relationship. At the same time, the Sub can yell 'CUT' at any time.
That’s actually pretty ok as a concept. I think something might work for like a kinda vanilla heteronormative couple’s porn but it’s mostly going to be for him at that point still.

Makes me wonder how long would the average lady character make it on a three-day weekend sexual bender?
Depends on how much water is offered, and if she’s into cardio.


I've always enjoyed writing BE fiction where the protagonist has motivation to actually want the BE and not to be just a pair of parentheses.
Same. I just also enjoy being a brat about it too.

Personally, I feel this wouldn't be a good story if the male protagonist was a pure creep and only took delight in exploiting the female protagonist. But maybe some enjoy reading this kinda thing...
Oh yeah, and there’s ways to bring about a power structure (male/female/and everyone not seated on a cushion), that’s dynamic or empiric but still isn’t sleeze. Like the power character can KNOW the ladies in question want it, whatever the change is, but they’re maaayybbeee not being 100% honest with themselves ‘bout it. And they’ll enjoy it when they can.
Whew! Hope this posts nicely! Hope this helps and I’m not too cheeky about everything. Ganbate yo!

Blondie 10-02-2021 09:34 AM

Re: Rolling AMA
How many of you lesbians are sex addicts like Oz?

Prof_Sai 10-02-2021 02:57 PM

Re: Rolling AMA

Originally Posted by Blondie (Post 850991)
How many of you lesbians are sex addicts like Oz?


SuperSecretUserName 10-08-2021 03:49 PM

Re: Rolling AMA

Originally Posted by Blondie (Post 850991)
How many of you lesbians are sex addicts like Oz?

You know, not I, actually, but somedays. I wish I was.

JJStrebas 10-16-2021 07:41 PM

Re: Rolling AMA
What is the sexiest way that another woman has flirted with you or vice versa?

OhZone 10-22-2021 08:00 PM

Re: Rolling AMA
I think that was for SSUN, but let me toss a relevant meme atcha!

LuciPyewacket 10-23-2021 11:19 AM

Re: Rolling AMA
Heh. What about the Look you always brag about?

OhZone 10-23-2021 01:22 PM

Re: Rolling AMA

Originally Posted by LuciPyewacket (Post 851405)
Heh. What about the Look you always brag about?

It doesn't ALWAYS work. :P

Julie Juggernaut 10-23-2021 03:41 PM

Re: Rolling AMA

Originally Posted by OhZone (Post 851407)
It doesn't ALWAYS work. :P

It's super effective.
Was with me anyway.
Xx <3

OhZone 10-23-2021 05:08 PM

Re: Rolling AMA

Originally Posted by Julie Juggernaut (Post 851412)
It's super effective.
Was with me anyway.
Xx <3

I was your look back that sealed it. ;)

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