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thefatman 11-21-2006 08:37 AM

Expansion Comics is Online!
I'd like to welcome you all to the first site that caters exclusively to the comic expansion community>
This site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced and the forums promise to put you consumers in direct contact with the artists to discuss what you want to see. I've posted this here in BE only so as not to repost, but deals with all forms of expansion including BE, Butt/Hip/Thigh Expansion, Belly & Pregnancy Expansion, Inflation, and various types of Growth. Check it out. You won't be disappointed.

Tombot 11-21-2006 08:56 AM

Sounds like a plug if you ask me.

Sutibaru 11-21-2006 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by thefatman
This site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced

So you are saying the artwork and comics being produced by the artists there is better than the artwork and comics being produced by our own artists on this forum? I do not know about the other artists here, but I take a bit of offense to that (not saying that my art is the best).

BTW, I am going to be gone for a day or so. So seeya. ^w^
If I took this advertisement the wrong way, I will not be able to reply until I get back.

Taimou 11-21-2006 09:35 AM

a comics site hosted by Bambi Blaze,
with commissioned stuff from artists all over..

volkenfox 11-21-2006 09:40 AM

It's like they say, never walk into the Pepsi Center trying to sell some Coke.

Prophet Tenebrae 11-21-2006 09:42 AM

You probably want to get a better plug quote than the webmaster of the parent site - I assume that this is under the auspices of the Expansion Mansion et al - saying "gee wilikers, this is swell."

Otherwise, the proof of the pudding is in the eating... and as Sutibaru says, it's a bit much to say "THE best", given the number of quality artists here.

wolfman-al 11-21-2006 11:13 AM

Like Subitaru I feeL a little insulted.
And this is pretty shameless advertisement, since this is here is a free site and you just come here with the intention to make money. Seriously, I´m disgusted.

Cernex 11-21-2006 11:51 AM

I'm not an expansion artist myself, and I don't take offense out of n00bish advertizing (because crap will always exist), and I'm actually quite positive about this, as anything that contributes to the BE community is good, lame marketing ploys or not.

El Cernex

Expansionist 11-21-2006 11:54 AM

Jeez, guys, lighten up a little. It's a simple advertising slogan that's been around for years. I think that some of you are taking this a little too personally. I welcome any opportunity for ANY kind of new material to present itself and if it costs a little money, oh well.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the work all the artists on this site have put into their work - that's not my issue. But to take offensive at a simple phrase that so OBVIOUSLY is just an attempt to gain new customers, when you acknowledge it yourself, is just ridiculous.

"I'd like to welcome you all to the first site that caters exclusively to the comic expansion community"

I think that WLP has been around for quite a while. You guys are nowhere near the first to "cater exclusively to the comic expansion community". Nevertheless, I'll take a look around.

Eviscerator 11-21-2006 12:14 PM

That's not true. You CAN sell coke on a pepsi center, you know those guys have to be snorting something...@_@

The Lord of War 11-21-2006 12:30 PM

Well at least there's some decent free stuff.

thefatman 11-21-2006 01:23 PM

well i apologize if i offended anyone. that was surely not my intention and i hope yall don't take it that way. here's how i look at it. i've been surfing around various places like the process, the EM (and stormrszone before that), bambi's sites, project p, and the BEA for about 5 years. in that time, there have been significant advances in the quantity and quality of the art, videos and stories coming out of those places. when i said that the site promises to bring you the best expansion comics and artwork currently being produced, i simply meant you won't be disappointed by anything there. this is a community of people all working toward the same goal: the contributions of work to our fetish groups. the BEA provides BE content, the EM provides primarily belly expansion, preggos and WG, and here is the place to get artwork, mangas, transformation and processes work. sure there was a little shameless plugfest in that message but i put it there to inform yall about the continuing efforts of the people in our community.


Originally Posted by Sutibaru
So you are saying the artwork and comics being produced being produced by the artists there is better than the artwork and comics being produced by our own artists on this forum? I do not know about the other artists here, but I take a bit of offense to that (not saying that my art is the best).

not in the least. like i said we all contribute to make our community better. but just so you know, some of the artists that contribute here on the process are also contributers on


Originally Posted by slicer15201
"I'd like to welcome you all to the first site that caters exclusively to the comic expansion community"

I think that WLP has been around for quite a while. You guys are nowhere near the first to "cater exclusively to the comic expansion community".

when i said that i meant that the only thing on the site will be comic expansion. actual comic series that deal with expansion. pardon my lameass attempts to dress it up abit and don't take offense cause none was meant. i don't get paid for advertising this nor am i any good at sales. just check out the site if you're interested. if not thanks anyway.

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