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Rolling AMA
Ok, these are fun, but it's a rolling AMA, or "Ask me Anything" what that would be is a thread where when you post. You can ask the user above, whatever you want (Within reason, I'll detail it later) and they answer. But asking a question lets someone AMA you, and so on, and so forth.
Example flow: User A posts (In this case I am user A) User B can ask her anything. User B, by asking a question, may be asked a thing by anyone User A answers, and ergo is able to now ask a query, but in asking, becomes open to another AMA, and so on. Things to avoid
Well, this will hopefully be fun. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Lol, I think I remember us doing something like this before.
What's your profile pic? |
Re: Rolling AMA
My avatar is Iris Heart from the Cyberdimension neptunia series. She's this little sweetheart who turns into a dominant bdsm mistress when she does her whole god transformation thang, and well, that suits me just fine. ;)
Re: Rolling AMA
So, what's your favorite Tegan and Sara album? |
Re: Rolling AMA
I'm guessing that your question is for TGHawk, beat me to it (I don't even know who Tegan and Sara are!)
So I'll bother OhZone then... hmm... good questions, think think think. Are you extroverted in real life or is it one of those things where you can be extroverted online, yet are introverted IRL? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Oh, I'm a very extroverted party chick irl! Although I do need my alone time sometimes, and I do get shy around certain people, especially very tall women. NO, that question was for you, and since you amazed me that you don't know Tegan and Sara - What are some of your favorite bands/singers/music types!? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Ah, that's a good one. I actually listen to a lot of things from all over the place. I really like anime so lots of my choices are relative to it. But I grew up with lots of my dad's classic rock and will get on a kick of listening to that. I don't really limit myself by genre. I just do as I do. Ah, currently listening to Myth & Roid, ReVoL, lots... I almost always have music playing at all hours. Though it's not often smooth listening as my career is to make fiction and games and stuff. So I often have whatever suits the scene playing. Kind of a complicated answer.
Re: Rolling AMA
So you're into the bimbo thing buuuuuutt if I getting this right it's like a you'd rather have it done to yourself, tell me bout that. What is it that jives your drive about that? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Oh-k, let me ask you, what is your favorite music lately?
Re: Rolling AMA
I don't exactly have favorites when it comes to music, but I've been enjoying AJR's music recently! |
Re: Rolling AMA
For me, currently listening to, Ghost Data: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqoEplBvXkI
Question for whoever feels like it in that case. Name a meal you've had that you thoroughly regret going for. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Oh that could work on my workout playlist. Hey, if you take out the s out of the https, Your youtube link will imbed! Bad meals, huh? We were disappointed in trying this new Chinese place the other day.It was like put together by people who never made Chinese before. The General Tso's Chicken was like little orange meatballs. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Oh lol. the embedded tumbnail is like "Oh no, it's adult material, think of the children!"
Re: Rolling AMA
Ok, I'm shamelessly doubleposting. Similar question aimed at OhZone, what does it for you with the Shrinking women thing? Like, I admit I like the bimbo thing too so like, that actually kinda clicks with what TGHawk said, but the SW fetish is a foreign one to me. I wanna understand, what makes that a "yes" for ya?
Re: Rolling AMA
Now SW is amazingly so different for a lot of people, which is a shame, really. Some are very violent toward SWs, like jae can be. And even toyogub could be in his Dark Zone. But for me it's more about shared pleasure, not pain. Some are into feet, and that's what they like most about GTS/sw. Some like Vore, but if it threatens to lead to death, how is that fun? Some just want a poof change and have a little doll in their hands. That's hott too, but not as hott. I'm into other changes too, like GTS, BE, and almost everything but weight gain. Yeah, like you, I prefer hour glass. ;) And there are some things we need more of, like clit expansion, not futa, but clit. ha Anyway, SW process is what drives me crazy, in a good way. |
Re: Rolling AMA
You're still here??????
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
I guess that takes care of my question. :P |
Re: Rolling AMA
(oops!) |
Re: Rolling AMA
Counts posts, who answered what question, and promptly gets confused.
Ok, question for all of ya, I've seen some self referential female pronouns. I know enough kinky people in this life to know dang well I'm not the only girl here. (Personal data shows usually guys are more vanilla) How many of you are also women irl? |
Re: Rolling AMA
But this thread has been an absolute GOLDMINE for random story ideas. Just when I think someone's going to cover this forum under six feet of dirt this awesome thread pops up. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Rolling AMA
EDIT: On my earlier post. I dunno if anyone's been around long enough but back when this was like "Lorekeep: The Process" or something one of the admins posted a stats figure that had the userbase's listing. And lots of it was like 18YO Asian/White women and I was at the time like "Aw frik they're onto me!" At the time the only way I could be on the computer was sneaking downstairs for the family PC in the kitchen late, late at night and I didn't know the ways of the internet at the time and assumed there was some kind of way to figure out who was actually using your forum. I was like scared for a week that my parents would get notified. |
Re: Rolling AMA
It does sounds vaguely familiar but I can't remember if it's a real memory or a fake memory or if this whole world is a fake memory. ha I've tried to use some google fu and found that the process used to be on gtsdepot and I think theprocess.cc. web archive is not playing nicely today and gives me just 503's. Anyway, I wonder if an earlier incarnation of the process asked for gender and origin of members. Did they? I don't think they'd have that info now. They have your email, the date you entered for a birthday, your ip, and that's about it. There is a field for location, but most peeps don't take that seriously. I mean how would you know my Jersey Shore wasn't in England. I didn't add my zip. You can get something from your ip but it's not that accurate either. Ha. My Avast keeps saying my location is exposed (by my ip address I assume), and they give me a picture of a town south of me, so I laugh and say, Nope, it aint. Anyway, it's no one's business, but we are not alone as women on this site. I'm sure there are quite a few, including some I know personally. Quote:
This Tegan and Sara. <3 Current mood- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e9NSMY8QiQ |
Re: Rolling AMA
Weirdest one was having a guy follow me home after doing a show when I was in Waikiki and a dude just follows me. Like, I had walked home to my apartment, and dude just followed me. I let him into the building because I didn't notice him and thought he was like you know another tenant in the building. Then he just waited out front of my apartment door. For like hours. I thankfully had an intercom to not like, have to open the door and could be like "What... dude, what do you want?" but apparently he didn't have a plan. Plan was follow me and ???? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Oh God! Thankfully he didn't have a plan. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Man, we're getting all kinds of personal info in this thread! (Which is totally fine, of course, since none of us are creeps who would use any of that. ...RIGHT???)
Re: Rolling AMA
Also this forum's been around quite a while. Like... quuiiiite a while. But, I think I remember seeing your name around for at least a decade if I'm not mistaken. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Here's a question for ya. Do you prefer sneakers or combat boots? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Oh oh, I have a fun one that can work for BOTH OhZone and TGHawk. Would you rather go into a big city, shopping, or out in nature, hiking? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Why that brand?
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
I have a potion for that. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Except for sparklers. I love sparklers. I'll light boxes of those at the same time. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Sparklers are fun Julie! I love those too! I've... never thought of lighting the whole box at once... Now I must do this!
@Potion Victim. I see your sig. So, my question is: 日本語を分かりますか? |
Re: Rolling AMA
kupo |
Re: Rolling AMA
Do you prefer longer stories with lots of background and character development, or would you rather get straight to the process and the dom/sub aspects of the story? |
Re: Rolling AMA
Why thank you. I guess, it depends on my mood, but I guess I like fairly long stories, but that have a little process not too long after the start. I'm digging Junko on giantesscity for example. |
Re: Rolling AMA
I know! This thread has been spectacular for gaining new insight. I would have never associated the themes of (B)E/GTS/SW into the SUB?DOM genre. Sadly my internets research has yet turned up an easily digested concept of SUB/DOM. |
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Red or black twizzlers?
Re: Rolling AMA
Ooo honestly I don't do twizzlers but ill eat real licorice from time to time even though it is like... hyper bad for you.
UpsAndDowns, have you ever eaten an insect!? |
Re: Rolling AMA
I am confident in myself and what have you, but in fetish I like the concept of being taken down a peg. Usually through inflation or transformation (doll ones really rock me)…SuperSecretUserName Well, there ya go! On the same page then, sorta! ha It rocks to be dommed and controlled, whatever the size. Ohzone I've been trying to wrap my head around these two statements. I think it all boils down to trust; more on that in a bit. But If I grasp these two concepts, it's all about subject to another individual's 'whim.' The, 'taken down a peg', has me wondering: • Is it a form of punishment for doing something not right? • Is it a loss of power and responsibility and thus a loss of stress as well? • Is it about being in control and then losing it? Then you can be free to go with someone else's flow? If it is all about the surrendering of control and the release of pressure to get everything right… then… This gives me a ton to ponder if I ever write another BE story again. Subs really have a good deal. They just get to focus on their own pleasure; there's no need to ensure other events, actions, and or anticipations are being met. One scenario I have in mind: A guy has a sex dungeon with a magical artifact. He explains to the woman he is with that whoever wears the crown becomes queen. The queen's roles are being rubbed down with body oil and getting pounded. Being a BE Story, the crown has a side-power of granting the wearer near WOW-sized boobs. The woman as queen is immobile. All she can do is scratch her butt. Yet her one form of control is when she takes the crown off. When the crown is removed, she returns back to normal. Now to explain the trust. The woman is at the guy's mercy. Yet, the moment she is uncomfortable with the scenario, the crown comes off, and it's over. Trust might be the key theme in this story. Both individuals understand the limitations and requirements of the story. One gives up their autonomy for the other's whims. Yet if the other's urges are toxic, the game ends immediately. (Even though one has all the power, the other has access to the end switch. Thus it's the Sub that determines everything.) The moral of the story, even though one character has all the control, it's their responsibility to maintain the dynamic requirements of the relationship. At the same time, the Sub can yell 'CUT' at any time. Makes me wonder how long would the average lady character make it on a three-day weekend sexual bender? Final thought: I've always enjoyed writing BE fiction where the protagonist has motivation to actually want the BE and not to be just a pair of parentheses. Would a SUB/DOM element help with the foundation of this theme? Suppose a character loses control of her very own body (BE). Would the sexual tension increase exponentially if said character became the utmost focus of another character's desire? Personally, I feel this wouldn't be a good story if the male protagonist was a pure creep and only took delight in exploiting the female protagonist. But maybe some enjoy reading this kinda thing... |
Re: Rolling AMA
So, ok, trying again, my last post I lost to timeouts so I’m going to try my best to pre type it in word and post it here. DISCLAIMER: I’m talking from my perspective, I intend to put 0 words in the mouth of other women in this world. But nevertheless it is a female perspective. It’ll probably hurt at least 1 guy’s feelings in this world but, eh. There’s unrest in the middle east, rent gets more expensive, and there’s a dude crying. However, I firmly believe most people in the world are more mature than that, so, ikuso! Quote:
Now if you want a scenario that’ll like… make something happen. Like, let’s take… I dunno. 4-5 ladies (I’m picking numbers at random here.) and they’re on a wall, chained up because IDK space magic. Let’s use your oil concept because oil feels kinda good when it’s actually good oil and it’s magic because space magic. It’ll inflate you but only when you’re turned on by it. You don’t need some guy lecturing about stuff, that’ll keep them all the same size until the end of days and trumpets sound, but have a crossbreeze in the room of oiled up women that’s kinda nice, and you’ll get one starting to break, then as one does… now the peer pressure sets in. So does another, and another… I hope at this point you’re picking up what I’m putting down. Quote:
Whew! Hope this posts nicely! Hope this helps and I’m not too cheeky about everything. Ganbate yo! |
Re: Rolling AMA
How many of you lesbians are sex addicts like Oz?
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
Re: Rolling AMA
What is the sexiest way that another woman has flirted with you or vice versa?
Re: Rolling AMA
I think that was for SSUN, but let me toss a relevant meme atcha!
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net...a7&oe=6198928E |
Re: Rolling AMA
Heh. What about the Look you always brag about?
Re: Rolling AMA
It doesn't ALWAYS work. :P |
Re: Rolling AMA
Was with me anyway. Xx <3 |
Re: Rolling AMA
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