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JBird 02-17-2014 10:34 PM

Comic Talk - She-Hulk #1
I haven't done a Topic Talk thread in a long while. Figured I'd share my thoughts on the new She-Hulk on-going title, from Charles Soule and Javier Pulido. A comic so nice, I read it twice! No, really. And that's a rare thing for me.

This issue was everything I wanted a She-Hulk book to be: a lighthearted courtroom drama. Which is pretty similar to Dan Slott's series, only with less fourth-wall-breaking. There isn't much in the way of super-heroing, save for an off-panel robot battle. Charles Soule definitely nails Jen's personality, in my opinion. Just the right amount of professionalism and sass. The only other thing I can mention about this issue was that it sure was wordy; and I mean that in the best way possible. Far too many comics, lately, don't offer much in the way of actual reading substance. At least, the ones I've been reading.

I know most people feel differently, but I think Javier Pulido's art was simply wonderful. Sometimes it's good to see minimalistic illustrations in comic books. I especially love how expressive he makes Jennifer. And whenever Pulido does draw backgrounds, there's always a little something going on that catches the eye. On a side note, I would recommend the Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat for more of his gorgeous artwork; good story, too.

If you love the Jade Giantess, then this book will be a no-brainer. For $2.99, it's more than worth getting.

For anyone who wants it digitally, here's a link to Comixology:

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