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mr small 03-07-2006 08:14 PM

Video - Random Girl
1 Attachment(s)
Not quite a body expansion but it definitely has the appearance. I'm not sure where this originaly hails from because it was sent to me through e-mail by a friend who got it from a friend so on and so forth. Anyway I think it's pretty cool and I know the "bod" section needed something new, so here you go. Enjoy.

wraith14 03-08-2006 04:51 AM

WHat the? She inflates on command. :O

Nice find. Looks real too!

Nakhakren 03-18-2006 07:58 PM

WOW. That is probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I'm almost 100% certain it's real too. I've heard of people who can do that, though this is the first time I've ever seen it captured on video. I know that on one of the Yahoo groups I belong to, there used to be this guy who's best friend had some condition that made her skin much more elastic than normal. She could inflate her stomach like a balloon, and if the pictures he posted were any indication, she could get pretty big too (MUCH bigger than the girl in that video, and all on lungpower to boot). For a while, there was even talk that she was planning on joining the community as a model, or sorts, but nothing ever came of it, and he stopped posting a few months after. Oh well. Pity there isn't more stuff like this out there on the net.

Redundant Contradiction 03-20-2006 12:19 AM

Would it be possible to supply us with a link to the group you mentioned, Nakhakren? I'm a little curious.

Nakhakren 03-20-2006 05:22 PM

I'll see if I can find it again. It's been about two years or so since it happened, so my memory is a bit fuzzy as to which group it was. Once I find out, I'll post the link.

MrOriginal 04-03-2006 05:33 PM

Better yet, anyone who knows the name of the condition?

TF-Viewer 04-03-2006 07:24 PM

To me, just looks like a girl with a big belly "sucking it in" then letting it back out again.

shadow 04-03-2006 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by TF-Viewer
To me, just looks like a girl with a big belly "sucking it in" then letting it back out again.

That basically is what it's suppose to be.

I remember talking with some of the people who used to go to, and this came up.
Apparently the whole basis behind it was that she was sucking in her stomach since she entered the room, but it just raises a question...

Why is it that her skirt only ripped after letting her breath out, wouldn't it have been pre-ripped from the stomach before?

Nakhakren 04-05-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by shadow
Apparently the whole basis behind it was that she was sucking in her stomach since she entered the room, but it just raises a question...

Why is it that her skirt only ripped after letting her breath out, wouldn't it have been pre-ripped from the stomach before?

Shadow: It looked to me like she was inhaling, not exhaling. Her chest is heaving in the video, as if she's taking-in and swallowing air. Also, the way her stomach looks in the video post bulge (ie. it's shape) is something I've ONLY seen people achieve via inflating the stomach with air. Unless she has some medical condition that causes her stomach to look like that naturally, she's been swallowing air. She's too slender to have a potbelly.

Mr.Original: I'm not positive, but I think the condition is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I do know that it isn't the sort of thing you play with lightly though. From what I've heard, many of the people who have it can often develop health problems related to it, and have to be careful not to abuse their elasticity too much, or they can severely injur themselves.

Fake_Name 04-05-2006 11:14 PM

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome



Cutaneous hyperextensibility (stretchy skin) characterises all types of EDS, except for the Vascular Type (type lV), which has noticeably translucent skin with visible veins. When skin is over-stretched it still retains normal elastic recoil and snaps back once released. This is best tested at the neck, elbows, or knees.

foxmaster5 04-06-2006 02:17 PM

Hey what ever its still an interesting find to say the least, now only if people could do that with their breasts ^^,

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