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Mytransformations 02-15-2015 07:55 PM

New WG/Nerd Ebook: From Nikki to Nerdy
Nikki is a blonde bombshell with a hot body and an empty mind. Zeke is the geeky leader of her study group, and begrudges the attention she gets from everyone. When Zeke's friend says Nikki is perfect, Zeke says that the perfect woman is someone even nerdier than he is. Soon, Zeke comes across the magical "Ring of Change," and it finds its way onto Nikki's finger. What will happen when Zeke gets his wish? Can he really handle a woman who can out-nerd him in every conceivable way? From Nikki to Nerdy: the Ring of Change Saga features weight gain, nerd changes, and a healthy dose of philosophy. It's most longest (over 18k words long) and most detailed ebook to date. Please - let me know what you think! I take reader feedback very seriously.

Katsumend 02-17-2015 10:00 PM

Re: New WG/Nerd Ebook: From Nikki to Nerdy
Wow, extremely detailed. A few typos but overall very well-written. Would have liked to see a little more internal conflict, just a little too convenient in terms of Zeke's reaction. Yes, he seems concerned, but not to the point that he explains the situation to her (in non-hypothetical terms), or asks her to take off the ring. You could have delved deeper into his reaction and guilt about what is admittedly pretty awful for Nikki (but of course a dream come true for him)

Mytransformations 02-20-2015 02:22 PM

Re: New WG/Nerd Ebook: From Nikki to Nerdy
Thanks for the feedback! I greatly appreciate it. I've actually just gone through the file and fixed the typos, so thanks for alerting me to that.

Mytransformations 03-05-2016 01:09 AM

Re: New WG/Nerd Ebook: From Nikki to Nerdy
For this weekend only, you can download From Nikki to Nerdy absolutely free on Amazon!

If you haven't read it let, let me know what you think!

farkas17 03-11-2016 03:43 PM

Re: New WG/Nerd Ebook: From Nikki to Nerdy
To T. F. Wright:

You wanted feedback on From Nikki to Nerdy, which I liked well enough to purchase From Zero to Xena and From Charlotte to Chavette. What’s refreshing is that you present characters, not just situations. Some transformation fans might want steamier scenes, but the warping of personality is almost as sexy, and in fact I also enjoyed the philosophical wrangling, which tied into the issue of whether what’s being done to Nikki is ethical. I also happen to think that smart is sensual, and the more Nikki turns into Nicola, the snappier her dialogue becomes.

Like Katsumend, who commented earlier, I think that Zeke’s reactions to the transformation could be a bit more realistic, but I understand that this is a fantasy. Tiny cavil: when Nicola comes into her own, big and bossy and eloquent, she’d probably bark at Zeke to lie on the bed, not lay on it. Anyone capable of saying, “Don’t wimp out and use a cautious euphemism,” has a keen ear for language. And yes, fix the typos, though good writing isn’t all about proper spelling.

I see that you’ve written a slew of transformation stories. I’ll check out some more. (I used to publish BBW and giantess fiction as Aaron Farkas.)

Mytransformations 05-14-2016 03:12 PM

Re: New WG/Nerd Ebook: From Nikki to Nerdy
Thank you for your feedback! I've started hiring an editor for my stories now, so hopefully typos will be less of an issue.

If you enjoy the intellectual component of the story, "Going Bananas" might be for you, that's a human to anthro transformation. It's both an ebook and an audiobook:


Originally Posted by farkas17 (Post 768063)
To T. F. Wright:

You wanted feedback on From Nikki to Nerdy, which I liked well enough to purchase From Zero to Xena and From Charlotte to Chavette. What’s refreshing is that you present characters, not just situations. Some transformation fans might want steamier scenes, but the warping of personality is almost as sexy, and in fact I also enjoyed the philosophical wrangling, which tied into the issue of whether what’s being done to Nikki is ethical. I also happen to think that smart is sensual, and the more Nikki turns into Nicola, the snappier her dialogue becomes.

Like Katsumend, who commented earlier, I think that Zeke’s reactions to the transformation could be a bit more realistic, but I understand that this is a fantasy. Tiny cavil: when Nicola comes into her own, big and bossy and eloquent, she’d probably bark at Zeke to lie on the bed, not lay on it. Anyone capable of saying, “Don’t wimp out and use a cautious euphemism,” has a keen ear for language. And yes, fix the typos, though good writing isn’t all about proper spelling.

I see that you’ve written a slew of transformation stories. I’ll check out some more. (I used to publish BBW and giantess fiction as Aaron Farkas.)

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