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Sutibaru 01-10-2007 05:55 PM

TG Request Thread(Read First Post)
I hope this thread will cure the problem of people making threads for requests and make the process forums a more friendly place. Within this thread you can make your requests but you MUST FOLLOW THE RULES.

1. Requests must deal with process material.

2. Requests should be as descriptive as possible in order to help.

3. Requests must be searched for before requested.

4. Fulfilled requests should be answered in links rather than attachments in order to save Lorekeep's webspace.
If the file is not on the forum at all (linked or attached) and is thought to be good enough, it may deserve a thread of it's own.

5. Requests should be kept to existing material.
Try not to request for process material that you do not know if exists or not such as "I am looking for process material of [insert character].

Lorekeep, if you have a problem with this, go ahead and delete these threads. I am sure you see what I am trying to do here.

CNash 01-11-2007 02:56 AM

Ok, here goes. Suti, I remember you posting some Japanese live-action movie clips with girls who had grown dicks (the dicks were obviously prosthetics). I can't remember what the clips were called or where they were. Can you help?

Crazy12 01-11-2007 03:43 AM

Sabine ive been looking for this forever some old lady fuses a girl and boy and make a dickgirl i dont know if it has a pros but ive been looking and i cant find it i would love some help please

only pic i have

Sutibaru 01-11-2007 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by CNash
Ok, here goes. Suti, I remember you posting some Japanese live-action movie clips with girls who had grown dicks (the dicks were obviously prosthetics). I can't remember what the clips were called or where they were. Can you help?

I never posted it because most of my movie editors were not compatible with it for some reason. I will try again sometime.

CNash 01-11-2007 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sutibaru
I never posted it because most of my movie editors were not compatible with it for some reason. I will try again sometime.

But someone - maybe not you - did give a link to the website where you can see clips and trailers. Although the full movie would be nice, I'd be satisfied just with the links.

pwner 01-11-2007 06:01 PM

I saw this post i don't know if it was in this forum or not about the game elder scrolls III morowind. They had a link to a website that had screenshots of this event in the game where you talk to this elf women who puts a curse on your character and you slowy change in to her. I tried finding in on my own but i guess i suck at searching.

Fattucus 01-11-2007 09:09 PM

i am quite sure this isnt what suti had posted before, but this is the quickest thing i could find before going into a lengthy, hours long search for these things.

here is a link to PureTNA bit torrent of a fake-DG movie. i havent downloaded it myself so im not sure of the contents. u have to sign up to download. sign up is free. though they do have a 1:1 share type of policy.

CNash 01-13-2007 12:01 PM

Thanks for the torrent; it's a similar sort of thing, so I'm happy. Alas, no process, but I'm occasionally partial to futa anyway :)

NinjaBunneh 01-13-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Crazy12
Sabine ive been looking for this forever some old lady fuses a girl and boy and make a dickgirl i dont know if it has a pros but ive been looking and i cant find it i would love some help please

Ah yes! Very much seconded! The pic is from Farhad's TG Manga Site and that was indeed his preview pic. I would very much like to see the rest of Sabine myself so I second this request.

TrunKated 01-13-2007 07:42 PM

Is this a you-have-to-register torrent site?


SkruLuce 01-13-2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by CNash
Thanks for the torrent

I have to echo TrunKated on this. Don't we have a strict policy against posting torrents?

xanderbot 01-20-2007 01:45 AM

I'm looking for a foriegn (possibly Russian?) music video I saw a looong looong time ago on youtube. i don't remember if it was a boy band that turned into a girl band or a group of boys who turned into a popular girl band but it had some very nice close ups of the transfomations. I know it's really vague and prolly not going to be found by many. But I had to give it a shot.

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