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GiganticBeast 06-11-2018 03:49 PM

GB's Growing Girls
OK, so I'd created a thread awhile ago in the breast growth sub forum, but this audio contains a LOT more than just breast growth, and it's HOPEFULLY the first of many GROWTH audios to come! A script by yours truly, edited by myself, but some sensational voice work by a new voice actress!

The premise is a CLASSIC, Alice in Wonderland..sorta. A girl, home from college, sneaking into her daddy's bedroom, to read her favourite story with him, Alice in Wonderland. But the little growth obsessed princess wants to hear the growing part over...and over...and OVER again. Obviously, warnings for incest and daddy/lg RP themes.

The voice actress has her own tumblr set up including some incredible pics (inspiring all sorts of giantess thoughts!

I hope you guys enjoy it!

Mr Wayne 06-12-2018 11:33 AM

Re: GB's Growing Girls
Curiouser and curiouser... (pun intended)

Alice in Wonderland theme in an audio production; it's about time. It may be a common theme, but it never gets old at least in my humble opinion. I'll be.. curious.. to see how this work develops.

GiganticBeast 06-15-2018 09:58 PM

Re: GB's Growing Girls
Thanks Mr Wayne! Common theme of course, but damn if it doesn't hit all the right buttons eh? I was thrilled to have a voice actress finally willing to give it a read and do SUCH a great job!

I'm looking now at options for a second script/scene, anyone have any suggestions/preferences etc? And the actress has asked if there's any feedback (obviously positive first :P gotta feed a growing girl's ego eh?) but any guidance on what you guys liked, what you disliked, how she could make it even hotter (She's QUITE the professional!)

AndyMuerte 06-16-2018 07:16 AM

Re: GB's Growing Girls
I loved the clip. I could do without the Daddy Daughter aspect, but the central theme was definitely up my alley. The voice actress definitely had a very lovely voice. I would listen to and possibly even pay for more growth themed clips from her. The Alice theme was awesome and I like how she described how different parts of her body were growing. I’m a fan of the uneven or awkward growth aspects of growth stories as well as the under appreciated foot growth. I also love stories where the growth increases arousal. It’s also nice when the subjects growth occurs at less than appropriate times like work or driving. That combined with the arousal aspect would be a home run for me. Anyway, rant over! I appreciated the clip. Hoping to see more in the future.

Mr Wayne 06-17-2018 10:18 PM

Re: GB's Growing Girls

I'd sent you thorough feedback by private messaging. In my opinion, I think the voice actress did quite well. An appealing voice to listen to and solid effort with her performance. Incest aside, it is just theatrical and doesn't mean a person supports the behavior. Or theater wouldn't be theater. ^_^

Here, here!

GiganticBeast 11-23-2018 08:09 PM

Re: GB's Growing Girls
Hey all! Been awhile since I provided you with any real content for the female growth lovers out there!! Sorry about that, but finding a voice actress who is into it, or at least knows how to put up a good performance, man it's hard work! (I'm sure anyone involved can attest to that!)

That said, I have the lovely actress from my "Curiouser and Curiouser" Alice in Wonderland inspired audio return to me, very much interested in performing another audio scene for everyone!

However, I'm an exceptionally busy Beast as of late, and I've not been able to come up with an original and exciting/enticing enough idea for her! SO with that in mind, if there's anyone who has a script ready, or a thoroughly worked idea that we can propose to her, there might be a chance we can get another STELLAR performance!

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