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hmmm! 08-29-2008 08:28 PM

Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
7 Attachment(s)
..or if you'd prefer, "The Seven Sexy Sins".

I've always been inspired by artistic personifications; namely, humaniod depictions of such things like the seasons or the elements, that kind of thing. One I've always wanted to do are the seven deadly sins. I finally decided to do them, but I decided to do them in a way that emphasizes, well, sexiness, I guess.

Those sins are:
Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Envy and Lust.

So yeah, seven different flavors coming up. Plenty of exaggeration therein that may or may not be your thing, so there's your disclaimer. I'm going to start off by posting up the sketches of Sloth and Pride. The others will follow.

Just a spot of fun that I thought I'd share. :D

I've been asked to include the reasons behind their appearances, so here we go:

Sloth: Since the vice centers around doing nothing, I figured she could use a substantially sized bum to cushion all of that sitting around she'd be up to. The bat wings and ears are simply because bats sleep all day. The wings are small and dainty from lack of use.
I left her her thumb, but other than that, her arms and legs are modeled right from a sloth- the animal.
Lastly, the mushroom. Derived from fungus and how it can grow in rotten, neglected places and since Sloth is a big neglect of yourself I decided to include it. Also because I kept thinking of "mushroom" when I was thinking of sitting a bunch. Like how a stool or a tuffet tends to bring up mushroomy imagery.

Pride: I gave her a generally generous figure. Compared to some others it's pretty balanced, nothing too exaggerated. Pride is described as the deadliest of the seven. You could say that "Pride is the leader". So I opted not to exaggerate her form but keep her balanced; she doesn't fall too far one way or the other. I spliced her with a peacock since a peacock is considered to be a very proud, vain bird. Pride having the most direct relation with the Devil himself (being the sin Lucifer commited against The Almighty consequenting in his fall from grace and transfrmation into Satan) I wanted something serpentine in there; hence the tail.
Pride is also usually depicted alongside or holding a mirror, so I've made her skin reflectively shiny.

Wrath: Unbridled rage seemed a feral thing to me, so I made her hair long and wild. I gave her a muscular physique because, hey, she's Wrath, she deserves it! The stegasaurus-like tail is simply for I'm-going-to-kill-you purposes. The claws and fangs go back to the aforementioned feralness.
Her biggest point is that I crossed her with a ram. I did this because I've seen a ram used as a demonic symbolism before and the god of war, Aires (or Mars, if you'd like) is represented here and there by a ram, as well as the zodiacal symbol for Aires being a ram. I mention the zodiac because the physical characteristics often attributed to those born under the sign of Aires are very physically inclined, adventurous, competitive and angry. If you shine a negative light on those characteristics, I'd say it makes for a good representation of Wrath, personally.

Greed: For this lady I chose to splice her with a cow. Specifically I drew inspiration from the biblical story of the Golden Calf. It was an idol created out of gold by the Israelites while they were waiting for Moses to come back down from Mount Sinai. They got impatient and in looking for guidance, melted down their valuables to craft this calf. In a sense, effectively worshipping their material possessions. Hence the cow TF and you can notice scale-like texture upon her skin; I wanted to show that portions of her skin have a rough, metal-like texture to it and, though you can't tell, are golden. Her eyes too, I imagined are just a bright, reflective gold.
I gave her a plump hourglass, trumped in the chest only by Lust and in the bum only by Sloth, she's greedy, so she got a generous amount of both worlds. :D
I gave her four arms simply so she could have an additional pair to help her hoard and take stuff.
Her wings were inspired by the phrase, "money doesn't grow on trees". I decided it would in her case. Those "money trees" double as her wings. The "fruit" budding as coins and blooming as paper currency and doubling as her feathers.

Gluttony: The demon related to gluttony is named Beelzebub and is commonly taken as meaning, "Lord of the Flies" and indeed, has been literally depicted as a fly. So I took that, and it just helps that insects are swarming, insatiable little buggers, and used it for her basis. She's got the wings of a fly and her horns were inspired from a beetle and she's got a hungry, wormy tail. I know worms are technically annelids but, it just sounded good. :)
She's chubby. That just goes with the territory. Also, I stuck a few turkey feathers in her wings for good measure and there you have it.

Envy: She's very slim and the least curvy of the girls; she doesn't have it, just wants it, y'know?
I crossed her with a chameleon and a fish. The fish was specifically for the symbolism of Leviathan being the demon representing envy. Leviathan has many ambiguous descriptions, but they almost always depict him as being a sea creature. The chameleon was for the color-changing abilities. Not only being used for camouflage, that skill is also used in correlation with a chameleon's mood or wants.
The extra eyes on her fin-wings are for the fact that the sin of envy is that of not only wanting what others have, but enjoying seeing those others deprived of those things. Looking down on others warranted some more eyes to purposefully do it.
Lastly, I wanted her somewhat malleable, I gave her some goo consistency. Somewhere between goo girl and putty. Not very noticeable in black and white, but there you have it.

Lust: I didn't have a lot to work with for Lust. Namely because all of the "lusty" figureheads have been done to death and I didn't just want to make her a succubus and call it done- that's been done to death too.
So I opted to model her with a Venus flytrap in mind, with roses as a supporter. So, you can pretty well see where I went with that.
Oh, and she's got the biggest bust of the group because, hey, she's Lust. It's what she does. :)

**Colored Versions Here:
**Pictures continue here:
**Virtues start here:

Test-0 08-29-2008 08:44 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Awesome. :D

I was going to say more, but, uh, meh. AWESOME should be a big enough word for whatever I could say. :3

Animeking194 08-29-2008 08:46 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
I cannot even begin to fathom how awesome these first two drawings are...
BEYOND Great work!!
Looking forward to the rest!

cyero 08-30-2008 04:53 AM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Sweet lawdy lawd.

I can name quite a few people who will enjoy Gluttony. :D

jacques00 08-30-2008 06:13 AM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Something I've always had in mind but never executed. Aside from the interesting subject matter, I really like your line quality the most. Keep up the great job and good luck on the rest!

KiTA 08-30-2008 07:58 AM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
I picture Pride having a mirror. I donno why.

hmmm! 08-30-2008 09:06 AM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Thanks for all of the kind words everyone! I'll be sure to have Wrath up later today. :)


Originally Posted by KiTA (Post 215230)
I picture Pride having a mirror. I donno why.

Yeah, a mirror is a constant element when dealing with Pride. I didn't want to rely on any objects to speak the theme for them, though, hence the lack of clothes and lack of anything that's not part of them. As for the mirror, it's likely tough to tell in this pencil stage, but that's why Pride's skin has those circles on it; it's a reflective kind of shine. ;)

hmmm! 08-30-2008 03:17 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Wrath's up!

SoylentOrange 08-30-2008 03:27 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
These are fantastic, Hmmm! :D

One thing I'd like to know is the reasoning behind all the changes, like sloth's mushroom-cap hair, and are those peacock feathers in Pride, because if so LOL! :D

Pink Hair-Dye Guy 08-30-2008 04:04 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
I have a soft spot for these type of ideas in art, Tarot Cards, Seasons,Holidays, Zodiac Signs and so on. So I'm liking these and can't wait to see the other sins portrayls.

Though I will second Soylent in wanting to know the reasoning behind the changes/their designs, mainly because I'm a nosy bastard like that xD

hmmm! 08-30-2008 06:33 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Soy! Are you laughing at my peacock feathers!? ;)

Alright, I'll edit my opening post to include the reasons behind what I did on each one. I won't do it right now, though, since my power can't decide if it wants to remain on or not. :p

For now, I'll just upload Greed.

SoylentOrange 08-30-2008 06:42 PM

Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices
Homina... @.@

To quote Gordon Gekko, "Greed is good!" :D

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