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qzar9999 05-02-2014 01:52 PM

Our new shrinking woman film!

Alright, here we go! It won the votes, and now it's here for your preoredering pleasure!

We're basing this one on my short story 'Freeze Frame,' and I'll be writing the script.

Three different reward levels are offered; personally, I'd suggest at least the second one, as you'll get a lot more bang for your buck.

Dave and I are committed to getting this done, so as long as we get within the ballpark of our goal, it will get made! However, we're hoping to hit at least one stretch goal.

tjlemke 05-02-2014 02:12 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
IStupid question but if you don't make your goal do I get my money back. And can we get a full shot view of the model in question? I'm kindof excited by the sounds of this and would be happy to buy the silver package!

qzar9999 05-02-2014 02:45 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
If we don't make the goal, we're probably going to kick in money from our pockets to finish it, so you'll still get what you paid for. If that doesn't happen, then yes, you can choose a refund, clips from our stores, or some combination thereof.

We're pretty determined to make this though. Dave wants to up the quality of our clips to be closer to Missa or Red Parrot (as I've demonstrated to him exactly why their clips are better received), so unless we get very few donations, it's happening.

mtshrink 05-02-2014 03:32 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
Is there a cutoff date for donations?

qzar9999 05-02-2014 03:45 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
I'll update the page to reflect this later, but yes. This campaign runs the month of May. So catch it while you can! :-)

Aussie_Lurker 05-02-2014 05:54 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
So, if this is based on Freeze Frame, does that mean you plan to have two models? Also, will both of them in the story?

Thanks in advance :-).

qzar9999 05-02-2014 05:56 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
Yep. Like the page says, it's gonna be a plot very similar to 'Freeze Frame.'

Just don't expect Cambot. No need to spend time on effects for something the people aren't paying to see. XD

qzar9999 05-02-2014 09:29 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
Updated the page with two new reward levels. Get a story written just for you, by me, with your purchase! Not that I think I'm the greatest author ever or anything, but it might entice a few contributions. :D

Also, I feel I should mention that we will be using *different* models for the bonus clips, rather than just repeating the same two girls for every video from this project. (That might get a little repetitive, lol.)

gladewalker 05-03-2014 07:50 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
Looks like we have about $100 left to go.
Almost there!

qzar9999 05-03-2014 07:54 PM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
Not bad for only being online for two days. Here's hoping we make at least one stretch goal!

Oy. I may end up having to write a lot of stories, lol.

Twilight_Roxas 05-04-2014 09:46 AM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
your 10 bucks away.

tjlemke 05-04-2014 09:50 AM

Re: Our new shrinking woman film!
I just tipped us over the $600 mark! When could we be expecting this to come out if you can make a guess?

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