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Eelskin 01-10-2011 04:20 PM

The Contest (story) (SM, SW, 18+)
Hey folks! It looks like some of my posts over the past few days were erased in the server transfer today, so I'm reposting this story. I finished it a while ago, but I realised I hadn't posted it here, so I'm posting it now, along with a few other stories that I've completed over the past couple of years that never made their way onto this forum.

This story contains SM and SW and gratuitous, explicit sex. Enjoy!

The Contest

Chris stood in Nadine?s kitchen while she prepared their drinks. He looked around, taking in the room while she got the blender out of the cupboard.

?Nice place,? he remarked.

She glanced at him and smiled. ?Thanks,? she replied, then returned to the task at hand. She opened the fridge and bent down at the waist to get something out of the crisper, offering Chris a view of her toned, firm butt. Her jeans were skin-tight, hugging her tiny waist and thin legs, and as she bent over Chris could see that she wasn?t wearing any underwear. She straightened back up and returned back to the counter with an eyedropper and a small bottle of black liquid.

Chris looked on with interest. ?What are you dropping in there?? he asked.

She glanced back up at him for a moment, not smiling this time. ?A secret ingredient,? she answered, and turned back to drawing the liquid into the dropper.

Chris folded his arms over his muscular chest. He hated awkward silences, and Nadine was not helping him to be more comfortable.

?So, uh? are you from around here?? he probed.

This time, she didn?t even look up. ?Nope.? Three, four, five, six drops fell into the cup. She stopped the bottle and put it back in the fridge. She then poured some orange juice into the cup, and peeled a banana and dropped it in as well.

Chris tapped his foot with impatience. He took the time to look her over. He noticed that she had red highlights in her brown hair. I hate fake hair colour, he thought, and grimaced to himself. She didn?t notice. He then took a moment to admire her tiny waist and generous rack since she wasn?t giving him anything else to think about while he waited, but the silence was still bothering him. To be honest, he didn?t really care about where she came from. He had seen pictures of her, and sent pictures back, they had worked out a time to meet, and she sent him her address, and that was enough for the both of them. He just didn?t like standing here next to someone without talking to them. He tried again. ?Do you, uh, do you often hook up with people you meet on the internet??

Instead of answering, she turned on the blender. The noise wasn?t too loud, but when looked back up at him, pursed her lips and widened her eyes, and pointed at the machine as if to say Sorry, I can?t talk over this.

For a few seconds they looked into each other?s eyes, and Chris was taken aback by the pale green colour of them. Wow? her pictures don?t do her justice. She is smoking. He imagined gripping her naked body, pushing his tongue into her mouth, and he felt a mild twitch in his pants. Not yet. Give it a minute.

She turned off the blender and poured the contents into two glasses. Giving one of the glasses to Chris, she looked up slightly into his eyes and smiled again. ?So. First one to come loses. Okay??


?Coming will stop the effects. And to reverse the effects, we need to actually ingest each other?s bodily fluids. It should work immediately.?

?Got it.?

?Ready, uh?? She frowned. ?What?s your name again??


?Chris. Right. Ready, Chris?? she asked.

?Uh, yeah.?

?Good.? She raised her glass and he toasted it.

?You know, I?ve never taken any drugs like this before,? he confessed.

?That?s nice.? She raised the glass to her lips and drank the entire thing. Chris shrugged and did the same thing. It tasted mostly of the fruit, but there was definitely an unidentified chemical flavour in it as well. Nadine took the empty glass from his hand and put them both in the sink.

?So, uh, how long does it take to work??

?Not long. Should start any second now.?

Chris took another look at her. Her t-shirt revealed her midriff, which was so perfectly flat and toned that it was even more distracting than her breasts. He looked her up and down again, from her bare feet to her brown hair, and suddenly felt a rush of lust overtake him. His head swam very slightly and his penis stiffened immediately, pushing against the zipper of his pants. ?I?m? woah. It?s working for me.? He put his right hand on the countertop to steady himself and held his left to his forehead. Suddenly he could think of nothing but Nadine?s body and the things he wanted to do to it. His sex drive was completely overtaking his rational thought.

He looked up at her and found that she was staring off into space, leaning against the countertop as well, and her face was bright red, as though she had been in the sun all day. Her breathing was deep and erratic, as though she were frightened, but the way she looked at him revealed that it wasn?t fear that she was feeling. She looked him up and down, sizing up, much the same way he had been looking at her a minute prior. She then walked over, put her hand behind his head and pulled him forcefully into her mouth.

She pulled him so forcefully that their teeth struck each other painfully, but neither one cared. Chris sucked on her lips desperately as he walked backwards. She was walking forwards, pushing him backwards into the next room and trying to unbutton his pants at the same time. As he took another step back, he felt that she shoes had become looser and nearly tripped over them, but caught himself in time. He reached around to grab her ass, but found that it was slightly higher than it had been a moment ago, and had to bring his hand up in order to cup it properly. He also noticed that her jeans were no longer skin-tight, but slightly loose on her, and he slipped his hand under her pants. He felt naked skin and clenched it.

This only served to excite her even further. She stuck her tongue into his mouth and it seemed to fill it up entirely. He licked her tongue with his own, but hers was clearly bigger, and dominated his mouth. She abruptly broke off the kiss, stepped back and regarded him with amusement. He was shocked to see that she was just as tall as he was!

Or, just as short. He had been expecting this, but was totally unprepared for it once it actually happened. He started dumbly, not moving, as he dwindled a bit more, so he now had to look up at her, ever so slightly.

Nadine bit her bottom lip and inhaled sharply. She?s enjoying this a little too much, was what ran through Chris? mind. He spoke up. ?Okay, so-?
He wasn?t able to finish his thought. Nadine pushed him forcefully and he fell backwards onto the couch, losing one of his shoes in the process. The laces were still tied, but it slipped easily off his foot while the other one hung off his toes. He was shocked at how much bigger the couch seemed from his new perspective. If he hung his knees over the edge of the seat, his butt wouldn?t touch the backrest.

He looked up at Nadine and saw that she was shrinking just as quickly now, if not more. Her pants were clearly baggy on her legs, and her shirt completely covered her crotch. She knocked his other shoe off his foot and pulled at his pants. He grabbed a couch cushion to keep from getting pulled onto the floor, and his pants slid off easily, despite the fact that the button and fly were both still done up. She yanked his pants off, accidentally pulling the cushion partially off of the couch at the same time so that it lay partially on the floor and partially on the couch. When she pulled his pants off, she dragged his underwear down to his knees at the same time and freed his penis, which now stood straight up, hard as a diamond. Not bothering to take the time to pull off his underwear, Nadine bent down and began sucking him off.

Chris could feel himself shrinking more slowly now, and took the time to watch Nadine, whose rate of shrinking was, if anything, speeding up. He ran his fingers through her hair as she bobbed up and down over his crotch. He could actually feel her mouth shrinking as she sucked, so that with every bob, her lips got tighter and tighter. Soon he could see that she was stretching her mouth slightly to accommodate his comparatively bigger organ. The feeling was incredible.

He was so distracted by the sight in front of him that he almost allowed himself to come! He jerked out of her mouth and stood up on the couch to get away from her, letting his underwear fall onto the seat. He looked down, expecting her to be offended or hurt, but she wasn?t even surprised. She just climbed up after him. As he looked down at her, he noticed that his shirt hung down almost to his knees. This is too trippy.
Nadine?s pants were slipping off her legs as she tried to climb, so she kicked them off and tried again, lifting first one knee onto the couch, then the other, then getting to her feet. As he watched her climb, he realised that standing up on the couch, his eyes were probably at the same level they had been when he was at his full height!

She stood up straight, her own shirt hanging past her knees, and Chris realised that she barely came up to his chest! He ginned and moved toward her. Suddenly intimidated, her eyes widened. He put his left hand behind her back and pulled her into his chest, which she began to kiss and lick gently. With his right hand, he reached under her shirt and began to massage her vulva, pinching and squeezing gently while she moaned in pleasure. He pulled her shirt to one side so that one shoulder was exposed, and began to suck on her neck, by her shoulder. She fell limp in his arms, and he continued to suck on her and fondle her while supporting her body weight with his left arm. She leaned forward and began to stroke him as he fondled her.

It wasn?t long before he felt her getting heavier. Lifting his head and looking around, he saw that his perspective was shifting once again. His feet were sinking less into the couch, and the backrest seemed bigger than it had a moment ago. So did Nadine, for that matter. She grinned up at him and ducked out of his grasp. She ran to the other end of the couch and stepped onto an end table, reaching over the side and opening a drawer. Out of the drawer she pulled what seemed like a comically oversized tube of jelly. That thing must hold almost two litres? Chris thought before correcting himself. No? it?s probably just a regular sized tube. I?ll never get used to this.

Nadine squeezed an enormous glob onto her hand and dropped the bottle onto the cushion. She began to walk back towards Chris and, as she approached him, smeared jelly all over his right hand. She then guided his hand toward her pussy, inviting him to stroke it more. She then reached down and she lifted his shirt, which was now touching the couch when while he was standing up straight, and brought her other hand to his crotch. He gasped at the cold jelly being applied to his penis, but as she stroked his shaft he quickly got over the temperature. He rhythmically rubbed her at the same time, and he barely noticed how he had to reach down less and less to touch her.

She soon dropped to her knees, lifted the hem of his shirt over her head and disappeared under it. He looked down at his now unrecognisable clothing. He grasped his collar button, which now seemed the size of a quarter, but dropped it immediately when Nadine began stroking him with both hands and licking his balls.

Holy shit, thought Chris in shock. This is the best handjob I?ve ever gotten. I don?t even understand how she?s doing that! His confusion increased when he felt a third hand stroke his inner thigh! What the hell? He pulled the collar of his shirt away from him to get a look at what she was doing. To his surprise, when he did so, both of his shoulders fit through the neck hole, and his shirt came tumbling down around Nadine. Looking down now, he could see that she was only stroking him with one hand, not two, as he had thought. Taking a look at her hand, he saw that her four fingers could grasp the entire length of his penis. But? how is that? he thought, as she looked up at him and grinned. Then she stood up.

Nadine brought her arms down under the hem of her shirt and stood up through the neckhole of her own shirt, leaving it crumpled up on the couch. Chris gasped. As she stood up, she towered over him by? well, he couldn?t guess at the height difference. But when he looked straight ahead, he was staring directly into the cusp of her breasts. He tilted his head back and looked up, and saw her large, toothy grin beaming down on him from above. He stepped away and tripped over the tube of jelly, which was now about half the size of his body. Stumbling backwards, he fell onto the cushion which was partially on the floor and rolled down it, landing unceremoniously on the floor. He looked up and saw Nadine walking slowly down the cushion, like a ramp, towards him, carrying the tube of jelly in both arms. He turned to look around him and could not believe what he saw.

He was now shorter than the coffee table, and still shrinking. Turning in a circle, he saw that he could fit under every piece of furniture in the room. The stairs would probably come up to his waist. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Nadine?s stomach. Looking up, he actually could not see her face because her breasts blocked his view. She giggled from above him, then pushed him backwards quickly. He tumbled and fell, and before he knew what had happened, she sat on his chest, facing his feet. All Chris could see was this enormous ass directly in front of his face. He tried to sit up, but she was far too heavy. He felt, once again, a huge glob of cold jelly landing on his crotch and she began, once again, to rub him between her thumb and first two fingers.

Chris couldn?t sit up, but he brought up his arm and pushed it under her butt until he could stroke her vagina as well. He lay his head back and stroked her rhythmically while enjoying the sensation of the handjob he was receiving.

It wasn?t long before he could feel her shifting on top of him. Her bum was moving slowly away from his face, and the pressure on his chest was lessening. He continued to lie comfortably, savouring the feelings of her fingers getting smaller and smaller on his penis. He grasped the sides of her bum and stroked her hips. Reflexively, she began to grind her pussy onto his chest. She suddenly moved her bum back towards his face and began to suck on this prick instead of stroke it. He could reach her pussy with his mouth if he leaned forward- so he did, and began to eat her out as she sucked on his prick. She squirmed and writhed as his tongue got comparatively larger with every passing moment, and he continued to stroke her hips with his hands as he ate her out. After a moment she stopped sucking him off and straightened up, resting her pussy directly on his face. He licked and sucked, noticing how she was continually getting smaller, and how his tongue could penetrate her more deeply with every lick.

After a moment he could feel Nadine?s weight shift. She placed her feet on either side of his chest and began to stand up, but he wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her back down, surprised at how light she was. She fell on top of his face, and he held her there while he ate her out. She squirmed, trying to get free, shrinking ever smaller, but he held her fast, sucking her lips and licking her clitoris. Her moans of pleasure got faster and faster, and Chris smiled, confident that he was about to win the contest.

Nadine had a similar thought, and managed to pull her now tiny legs out from under his arms, rolled off his face and scrambled to her feet. Chris stood up as well, amazed at just how small she had gotten. This woman who had just towered above him was now only as tall as his waist.

They stood for a while, each catching their breath, sizing the other up.

Chris? erection was throbbing. I don?t know how much longer I can stand this, he thought. He took deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth, trying to slow heart rate, but it only seemed to speed up. Nadine seemed to be doing the same thing. She closed her eyes and flexed her fingers, then opened her eyes again.

She stepped cautiously over to the tube of jelly and sat on it to squeeze out a glob, which landed on the carpet. She reached down into the puddle and applied it to her own crotch, as Chris watched. She walked towards him slowly, and Chris realised that he was shrinking more quickly again, because she now reached his chest instead of his waist. She noticed the same thing, ran the last few steps and jumped onto him.

Reflexively, he caught her in his arms. Before he had time to react, she wrapped her legs around his larger waist and positioned herself to take his penis into her. By the time Chris realised what was happening, he was already penetrating her. Pushing herself up on his shoulders and letting herself fall, she squeezed herself onto his dick, which was getting smaller with every thrust, but still comparatively huge for her.

Chris was horny enough that he couldn?t resist- at least, not quickly enough. The feeling of penetrating this tiny woman was too much for him and his penis spasmed as he came into Nadine. He groaned in a mixture of relief, ecstasy and despair, and he let go of her. She dropped to the ground and landed on her feet, shakily maintaining her balance. Chris fell to the floor, suddenly overcome with lightheadedness, and looked up at Nadine, who suddenly seemed much bigger.

Nadine was growing. She stopped fighting gravity and sat down, cross-legged, right in front of Chris and smiled at him as she grew- slowly at first, and then bigger and bigger. It was only a few seconds before she was as tall as he was- and as he watched in horror, she continued to rise above him.

Her triumphant smile was gorgeous and terrifying. She leaned down and kissed him gently on the mouth, much more softly than before, and by the time she pulled away, she was at least twice his size.

She wrapped her legs around him once again, and sat cross-legged with him caught in the centre of her legs. He rested against her calves and looked at this monumental human rising, still rising above him. Her breasts hung down and swayed gently above his head, and the smell of her crotch was overwhelming.

It was less than a minute before Nadine was back at her full size. Chris looked up in shock, almost unable to comprehend the enormity of the person in front of him. She looks so different from down here? he thought as a face many times his size gazed down at him. She reached down and grasped him in a hand that was the same size as his entire body. He felt her giant fingers wrap around his back and her thumb pressed against his chest. Suddenly he was way up in the air. He knew that she was still sitting cross-legged on the floor, but it felt like he was being lifted many stories up. Suddenly, her enormous face was in front of him, blocking out everything else from his field of vision. Her mouth was hanging open slightly in amazement.

?Wow?? she said. ?I can?t believe how small you are. I?ve never made anyone as small as you.?

Chris couldn?t respond.

?Well,? she continued. ?You know the rules. Looks like you?re stuck this way until tomorrow.? She closed her eyes and slowly, deliberately, planted a sloppy, wet kiss on the side of Chris? head. Chris squirmed, but couldn?t even come close to loosening any of her fingers.

She pulled her face away and grinned at him. ?And remember, um?? She frowned. ?What?s your name again??

?Chris.? He answered, but she didn?t hear him.

?What? You?ll have to shout.?

?Chris!? he shouted back.

?Chris, right. Okay. Well, you know what, Chris?? She grinned once again. ?I haven?t come yet.?

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