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Racerx135 03-24-2009 12:59 AM

Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
1 Attachment(s)
We have been shrinking ladies in our videos for some time now but up to now we really did not show much of the actual process but after a few requests we decided to give it a shot. Let me know what you think.

Girl Collector 2

Dante is back and she is still shrinking girls. This squeal is a little different since it focuses on the shrinking process of Suzi as opposed to the last one which was more about girls already shrunk. This our first attempt at a shrinking process video and we will be taking all your feedback to improve these videos. Suzi wanted to get bigger and Dante gave her the formula but Suzi did not know that it was actually a shrinking formula.

I will keep all most in this one thread for now on if it concerns Shrinking process.

qzar9999 03-24-2009 02:31 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
As the first to post feedback on this, I would like to first say:

Wow. Very good work, especially given this is your first SW process video.

What I especially liked: Her feet shrinking into her sandals, her jeans dropping off to show her underwear, her huge shirt hanging halfway off of her, and her too-large bra. Dante (?) and Suzi did a decent job of acting it out, too, though there were a couple of awkward bits.

Suggestions: Would like to see too-large panties as well, perhaps a shot of her clutching an oversized bra and panties against herself (maybe even the bra's straps down over her shoulders). I'm talking, like, so oversized they'd obviously drop right off if she weren't holding them. Also, what might be neat would be for her to shrink again a little bit AFTER she's got the makeshift coverings on (like maybe they're short & tight on her, then she shrinks again and they're much larger and looser). Kinda like the ones on Tara & Velvet in Bigger is Better, only in reverse. :D

Anyway, this was really well-done to be your first one. I posted a quick blurb about this over on Minimizer's forum as well, so hopefully you'll get some business from that direction. I certainly hope this sells well enough to cause you to make more.

Aussie_Lurker 03-24-2009 04:43 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
Hi there. Overall I would give this video a GOOD-but not a GREAT-rating. No, in fact I'd give it a VERY GOOD rating. First part of the shrinking process is excellent. Nice and drawn out-very, very SEXY. The 2nd shrink-when she is in her underwear, seems too rushed by comparison. If you could show her shrinking out of the underwear the same way she shrunk out of her other clothes, it would be BRILLIANT. There was also a continuity issue-the clothes originally disappear, then reappear in the next shot after she completely shrinks. Something to look out for in future. All in all, though, I felt this was $5 VERY well spent, and I enjoyed the experience immensely. I hope you'll be doing more of the SW stuff in future. Perhaps some longer vids with an even more drawn out shrinking process.
Anyway, hope you found my feedback useful.


EDIT: Oh, and I definitely concur with Qzar in regards to oversized underwear. Perhaps you could cut back to her every so often in underwear that is noticibly bigger each time, until she is eventually using her panties as a dress. That would be HOT.

JasonSlayer 03-24-2009 06:10 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
Amazingly good, but, again, needs to be free.

Anahki 03-24-2009 06:47 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread

Originally Posted by JasonSlayer (Post 283950)
Amazingly good, but, again, needs to be free.

Nope, pay for it... if you don't pay, he won't be able to produce more videos.

Shrinking Violet 03-24-2009 07:01 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
Oooo! This looks good. Wish I was the shrinking girl there!

Racerx135 03-24-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
Yes we discussed that during the shoot and Dante put Giant underwear on her action list. We usually keep a list of things we think would make the video better but did not have time to implement on the fly like the giant underwear. I also realized these might work better if I started with shorter girls.

Anyway I am glad you liked this so far and I will tweak this till these are exactly what you guys and gals are asking for. :-)

insomniac 03-24-2009 10:39 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
I'm definetly looking forward to buying this- my birthday is coming up ;)

Shrinking Violent 03-24-2009 10:48 AM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread
needs more spanking!

qzar9999 03-24-2009 01:21 PM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread

Originally Posted by JasonSlayer (Post 283950)
Amazingly good, but, again, needs to be free.

Will you please shut the hell up?

You know what else is amazingly good? A roof over your head, food on the table, and gas in your car. Go tell landlords, grocery stores, and gas stations that, while their products are very good, it's not fair to charge for them and they should make them free for everyone to enjoy, and they don't need to worry about losing money or going out of business.

Tell you what, smart guy--why don't YOU spend some money on a model, professional photography equipment, and editing equipment/software, sink a bunch of time into shooting and editing it, post it for free, and THEN you can insist that studios not charge for these clips. Has it even crossed your one-track mind that these content producers could not continue to provide these quality offerings without getting a return on investment? Last time I checked, Xil and Gary weren't millionaires with money to burn creating this stuff and giving it away.

I'd ask if you think Hollywood should release all their movies free, but with that attitude I'm assuming you just pirate movies anyway. Anyway, I can't believe $5 is an unattainable goal for a cheapass such as yourself. Why not use all the money you've saved clipping coupons, tightwad?

</feeding ignorant troll>

ON TOPIC: Gary, if you do start using shorter girls, will you try to make them look taller at the beginning of the clip? Seems to me that'd be the way to go. And Aussie, the panties as a dress idea is a clever suggestion. Good on yer, mate.

Racerx135 03-24-2009 02:22 PM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread

Originally Posted by Shrinking Violent (Post 284010)
needs more spanking!

Are you serious? If so explain.

Racerx135 03-24-2009 02:26 PM

Re: Giantess Zone Shrinking Ladies Thread

Originally Posted by JasonSlayer (Post 283950)
Amazingly good, but, again, needs to be free.

What do you do for a living? What skills do you have? For instance if you are mechanic you can change my oil and give me tune up and then I will give you some growth videos since that is what I do for a living. I am not against bartering. Clean my yards and I give you clips instead of money. ;)

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