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Cursebearer 07-03-2016 02:09 PM

Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
Hello all! It's been a really long time, so let's just get right to it! In recent months I haven't had very much time to devote to my werewolf stories thanks to a lot of life changes and new obligations including a return to school. However, with school being out for the summer I have much more in the way of spare time and would like to devote at least some of that time to getting something to you patient folk who may or may not be wondering if I'm even still alive. I've had a few concepts for transformation scenes rattling around in my head, but one rose above the others thanks to recent events. This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend a small scale sci-fi and fantasy convention. It was a real treat, chock full of fantastic, intelligent and very accepting people who love all the nerdy stuff that I love. On a slightly more titillating note, a lot of these fantastic, intelligent and very accepting people were also wearing downright sexy outfits and/or outright costumes. My imagination was immediately captured and I knew that I wanted to write a transformation story that caught this culture and these gorgeous people who share so many of my interests.

Long story short, I've decided to write a werewolf transformation story that takes place at a sci-fi/fantasy convention, with the curse affecting a variety of women who may or may not be in costume appropriate to this sort of a gathering. This is where you come in, you fantastic people, you. I don't have any costume ideas set in stone just yet, so I'm taking suggestions to that effect to speed along the conceptual phase of this story. Basically, what I'm looking for is for anyone with an opinion to reply to this thread with suggestions for what sort of nerdy (or otherwise) costume they'd like to see a woman turn into a werewolf in. There is no limit to how many suggestions you can make, the more the merrier. Likewise, if you agree with a suggestion a previous person has made please respond to their suggestion to point it out. The one favor I ask is that you don't assume I know every single franchise out there, so please mention the show/book/etc. that the suggestion appears in or even provide a picture to help me out. In the end I'll be using the suggestions that I find the most interesting, but if an idea I might not be as enthused about is extremely popular I most definitely won't ignore it. Suggestions can be absolutely anything that would show up at such an event, with things like "hot chick in a Punisher shirt" being as valid as "woman dressed as a Vulcan wearing a Starfleet uniform". If you have preferences for what the girl should look like please also mention them. Likewise, if you have a particular scenario in mind for where the girl should be or what she should be doing when she begins to change, feel free to say so.

The general idea for this project is that the full moon rises on this convention and causes the werewolves present to transform. These could be werewolves who know they are going to transform and have been werewolves for a long time, women who have recently been bitten or otherwise and don't know it's going to happen, etc. Likewise, as these conventions always have a lively sexual undercurrent, many unknowing women are due to transform after having slept with a mysterious stranger who just happens to be a lycanthrope on one of the previous nights. Always practice safe sex, kids. You never know what you may catch. There is no need to specify how the woman became infected if you don't want to; I'm happy to explain it myself through one of these methods.

The convention takes place in a massive, many-storied hotel/convention center. There are both private rooms and public centers aplenty, there is a pool and an exercise room, there are panels and party rooms, an outdoor gathering place for smokers and non-smokers alike, etc. And as with how the woman became infected, if you don't want to specify exactly where she is there is no need to go that deep into it. It's another thing I'm happy to figure out. The main focus here is on the fan costume you'd most like to see.

I'm considering releasing this story in smaller shorts- one girl to one short transformation story- so I can get a start on suggestions even sooner.

Thanks, all!

Amahain 07-03-2016 03:07 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
Sweet! As it happens, I was just re-reading some of your stories the other day. Nice to see that you're back.

As for costume ideas, the ones that come to mind are pretty generic. But since we're brainstorming:

- Storm from X-Men
- Wonder Woman from the DC universe (I imagine the Zack Snyder version might be popular right now)
- Generic Starfleet officer. Red shirt.
- The Fourth Doctor from Dr. Who (sure, it's a male character, but I think the outfit would probably look pretty good on a woman too.) I choose him because he probably has the most iconic costume with the rainbow scarf and felt hat:

- FemShep. That is, Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series, plastic N7 armour and and all:

sodacat 07-03-2016 06:18 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
A member of the religious convention that coincidentally books the same hotel every single year.

Cursebearer 07-03-2016 09:35 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)

Originally Posted by Amahain (Post 776162)
Sweet! As it happens, I was just re-reading some of your stories the other day. Nice to see that you're back.

As for costume ideas, the ones that come to mind are pretty generic. But since we're brainstorming:

- Storm from X-Men
- Wonder Woman from the DC universe (I imagine the Zack Snyder version might be popular right now)
- Generic Starfleet officer. Red shirt.
- The Fourth Doctor from Dr. Who (sure, it's a male character, but I think the outfit would probably look pretty good on a woman too.) I choose him because he probably has the most iconic costume with the rainbow scarf and felt hat:

- FemShep. That is, Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series, plastic N7 armour and and all:

Sorry I didn't get to this a bit earlier, just got home and it's been a busy day. I really appreciate your kind words! Your ideas are all really solid, I'm not necessarily looking for something ground-breaking here even if they're a bit less on the side of nerd cleavage than I might have expected. For the Star Trek uniform I'm guessing since it's both red and an officer's uniform you're suggesting from TNG forward and not the miniskirt uniforms from earlier? And I actually find the genderbent Doctor idea pretty nice just because of all of the layers.


Originally Posted by sodacat (Post 776166)
A member of the religious convention that coincidentally books the same hotel every single year.

This seems like it's intentionally missing the point and I kinda love it. Any thoughts for this scenario beyond the initial pitch?

ivan11422 07-03-2016 10:02 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
I'm just a big fan! I can't wait to see what you write.

sodacat 07-03-2016 10:03 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
The big nerd cons always seem to take place the same weekend that some megachurch rents out a stadium next door. It's uncanny.

Cursebearer 07-03-2016 10:22 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)

Originally Posted by ivan11422 (Post 776171)
I'm just a big fan! I can't wait to see what you write.

Aw man thank you, your work rules so I especially appreciate the praise.


Originally Posted by sodacat (Post 776172)
The big nerd cons always seem to take place the same weekend that some megachurch rents out a stadium next door. It's uncanny.

I can dig it, I think I'll take this idea up for certain. I've also most definitely decided on TF vignettes here featuring each girl for the sake of breaking things up into manageable chunks that I can feasibly write in an hour or so of free time. Decided the first one I write will be a bit of a test just to see if this is working out as a concept, featuring no one anyone has mentioned yet just because I can't imagine how much rust I'll be working out. It'll feature a girl cosplaying as Rangiku Matsumoto, one of my favorite ladies from Bleach.

TF-Viewer 07-04-2016 02:21 AM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)

Originally Posted by Cursebearer (Post 776173)
Aw man thank you, your work rules so I especially appreciate the praise.

I can dig it, I think I'll take this idea up for certain. I've also most definitely decided on TF vignettes here featuring each girl for the sake of breaking things up into manageable chunks that I can feasibly write in an hour or so of free time. Decided the first one I write will be a bit of a test just to see if this is working out as a concept, featuring no one anyone has mentioned yet just because I can't imagine how much rust I'll be working out. It'll feature a girl cosplaying as Rangiku Matsumoto, one of my favorite ladies from Bleach.

Well, on the subject of Bleach... I wouldn't mind if you also tossed in a petite Rukia cosplayer wolfing out too.

Though regardless of what suggestions you choose to go with I'm still super excited to see how this goes. :D I love your stories, and will be eagerly awaiting this new content. :)

LycanDope 07-04-2016 09:04 AM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
Oh man, can't add my voice for ideas but reeaaaally looking forward to a new story from you!

Werewolf1361 07-04-2016 10:45 AM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
How about a girl wearing Birkenstock sandals and we get to see her feet burst out of them?

Dog_Girl_Kari 07-04-2016 12:19 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)
I'll think about it and get back to you

Cursebearer 07-04-2016 06:04 PM

Re: Working on a New Story! (Input Appreciated)

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer (Post 776176)
Well, on the subject of Bleach... I wouldn't mind if you also tossed in a petite Rukia cosplayer wolfing out too.

Though regardless of what suggestions you choose to go with I'm still super excited to see how this goes. :D I love your stories, and will be eagerly awaiting this new content. :)

I see no reason why I couldn't swing this as well, though most likely as a separate story since I've already started on the Rangiku TF. I've noticed from your favorites that you have a fondness for Rukia so I'd be happy to do one like that even though she isn't my typical type of girl.


Originally Posted by Werewolf1361 (Post 776182)
How about a girl wearing Birkenstock sandals and we get to see her feet burst out of them?

I'm not a foot guy so you'll probably never see something like this from me in the detail that you're seeking. I apologize, it's just not my thing.

And thank you for the kind suggestions and kinder words everyone! Since I've decided to go the vignette angle please feel free to toss out any ideas that occur to you at any time, as these will be much shorter than my usual fare. I really hope you all enjoy it once it's done, my main concern here is that doing too many of these convention TFs could make them start coming off as a bit samey so this will be a bit of a proof of concept.

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