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biohawk84 03-04-2017 12:06 AM

Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
So there's a subtle little part to every shrinking photo manip, comic, sequence, or story that I find very enjoyable and most folks probably don't even notice.

I love the part, right when the process starts to accelerate a bit where the woman's pants sag down a bit and her butt is exposed. Just that little, subtle image is probably my favorite part.

What's yours?

Clickme 03-04-2017 12:50 AM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
I love the "realisation" stage. Even in situations where she knows she's shrinking, there comes a moment when it sinks in around the 4ft mark she really notices how much bigger the world is getting, and her clothes, and she's watching things like maybe a doorknob rise higher on her as she dwindles or as another spurt comes on. That stage where, if everything stopped, she could still get around and have a seminormal life, but it would still be a journey of discovery as she adjusts to how different everything really is. It's why I love slow shrink, and long spurt stories or sequences best. It gives her that time to process what's going on, and I absolutely love sizes where the woman still has some semblance of being able to get around on her own, like the 4ft to 2ft range.

Raso719 03-04-2017 12:44 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
So before I can describe my favorite moment I have to describe my favorite type of shrinking. I love it when a girl shrinks from arousal. I love it when it becomes a reciprocating cycle where her shrinking arouses her and her arousal shrinks her.
For me it's the moments just before they realize they can't stop and they like it. They've already given into the desire but they don't know it yet.
The story "A Short Experience" does this moment brilliantly.

OhZone 03-04-2017 08:10 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
mm hmmm The three above, def. I also love when you get "even smaller." mmm yeah

Anotherfetishguy 03-07-2017 03:07 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
When the shoes get loose and fall off as well as the pants/bra

Shrinkmaster22 03-16-2017 12:13 AM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?

Originally Posted by Anotherfetishguy (Post 790937)
When the shoes get loose and fall off as well as the pants/bra

That's my favorite too. Sucks not as many creators are featuring it in comics and videos as much as they used to.

SDK 03-20-2017 08:22 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
Probably, the moment when the reality of the situation sinks in, around the 4 ft mark, as the clothes continue to get loose. And her body dwindles, her eyes get wide, and all the better if she spells out her situation with those two words:


gladewalker 03-21-2017 05:50 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
Wow, I guess that "realization moment" is more popular than I thought.

TB Tabby 03-25-2017 06:29 AM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
Everyone likes the realization. I also like it when the woman is wearing a hat that slips over her eyes so she has to lift it up to see.

SDK 03-27-2017 08:08 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
I also like when the now tiny woman attempts to hide her naked body with her now oversized panties or bra.

Prof_Sai 03-28-2017 03:12 AM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?

Originally Posted by gladewalker (Post 791837)
Wow, I guess that "realization moment" is more popular than I thought.

Yup! :)

It's very much an emotional reaction thing for me. Discovering things you can't do any more - or figuring out how to do them differently. The difference in how people see you or you see them. Shrinking in spurts is a bonus because it can call back the panic when the heroine is trying to concentrate on something else. Hence unaware shrinking can be dull to me.

Clothes falling off sounds fun in theory, but it practice the images often come across as vulgar to me. I think it is some technical issue that I don't know how to describe or fix.

Turnoffs: Dumb and/or mean characters. Villains are necessary, but there is no need to dwell on how awful they are, unless you are planning some meaningful growth of their characters.

SDK 04-19-2017 07:13 PM

Re: Favorite Part of a Shrinking Sequence?
Kinda playing on the realization moment, one of the all time great SW video moments occurs at the beginning of Red Parrots Office Politics.

When, the girl in the blue dress first gets covered with the shrink powder, her reaction is priceless. She gasps, wide eyed, probably instantly realizing what's about to happen to her.

Theres a great sound effect as the powder starts to instantly work (I cant describe it, but it sounds like a balloon being rubbed).

Then, she sneezes, and shrinks in mid sneeze, a genius effect focusing on her breasts falling into her now oversized dress and bra.

The sneeze / shrink brings the reality of her situation to her, and all she can utter is "shit" as her rings fall off, and she begins to slowly shrink.

Of course, a great sequence follows, seeing her shrink out of her clothes and declare as her voice gets higher "this cant be happening" and "what am I gonna do" until she's a mere six inches tall.

But that initial gasp, followed by the sneeze / shrink is why RP is so revered.

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