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Alchemical Night 03-01-2012 05:24 PM

Blackout - New One Shot In Development?
Hi there,

Browsing recently, I happened upon some very interesting information, which our American members might be particularly inclined too. But first, some explanation is in order to contextualise the find :o.

Back in 2009, I spoke of a possible American remake of a British one shot show called "Blackout": the strange tale of a middle class, white woman cursed to transform into the embodiment of her prejudices, a street savvy black man from "da ghetto", whenever stressed or frustrated.

The actual thread and links can still be found here .

Though, just very recently, I happened upon some relatively new and compelling news. It seems that a American network, "Showtime" I think they are called, are producing a American adaptation of the same show that I saw on Brit TV, back in 2005.

I first found the proposal here on "The Hollywood Reporter" .

Also, further research led to information here , and studio/cast information here as well; admittedly from late Oct. 2011, though the show seems slotted for late 2012/2013 possibly . It also seems that the original actor and director are involved here too; Reginald D. Hunter (the original actor portraying the black man) and John Gordillo (a friend of Reginald and original director/producer), in this new show's working.

I have tried to keep an eye on this concept for a few years; the original I watched showing some promise, though ultimately let down by clumsy and misplaced narrative which turned it into a fairly misbegotten specatcle. Still, this news is compelling and could very well be one to look out for, across the atlantic :).

Thanks again,

Alchemical Night.

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