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Unread 11-06-2007   #33
Watching Holo Sleep.
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Originally Posted by Pebbles View Post
Yeah I remeber a cartoon that involved this years and years ago I can't actually remeber alot of it Not it's name any of the charictars names... Or even if it exsisted at all I infact might have made it all up and forgotten I did O_o

I must have been about 7 and the cartoon wasn't actually intended for my age group so I didn't really pay much attention although I watched it. so sorry if this is full of errors... You can Phenoix Wright is you want.

*Witness testimony!*
The story begins with a teenage girl (13-16) who has cropped short black hair and is "rock chick/Mini goth" in dress style she's talking to a friend of hers who is an american jock footballer type... They get along well and he's laughing at her jokes she thinks to herself that she wants him "As more than a friend" however there conversation gets interrupted by a girl (I think her name was hayley or somthing) With long waist length blonde hair and typical "Pretty good girl" clothing dress, jumper, carrying homework books ect.

Anyway Football boy is clearly dumbstruck with how attracted he is to this girl and stares at her as she gose past ending there convosation. Our Protagonist says somthing like.
"I know he has a thing for long blonde hair but do I really mean nothing?!" and is clearly highly envious of his diverted attention.

She storms off and gose to see a trainee witch person (See this makes me think it was a dream as magic is against the typical realistic flow of the story) Our protagonist requests she casts a spell on her to make her the "eye of his affections" *Typical animated spell casting sequence* and afterwards our protagonists short black hair actually floofs off her head leaving her completely bald.

She screams at the witch for fouling up but the witch assures her she did include a rapid regrowth part of the spell it just hasn't kicked in yet. Our rock girl puts a beanie hat on and leaves sulking... after leaving the witches shop she spots her other (Female) friends she hides from them not wanting them to see her in her current state and have a laughing fit they don't notice her because they are talking to new blonde girl hayley... This makes our protagonist even more envious and angry she gose to (restroom I think) and inspects her hair whitch is now stubble under her hat she investigates the regrowth closer and a sudden tug feeling on her scalp and her hair rapidly grows down to her shoulders and it is the pale blonde as promised, she dose a happy dance pleased with her new look and suddenly looks sinister and evil knowing time of revenge is nigh.

(I honestly cant remeber what happens here either I wasn't paying attention or I've just forgotten but this is what I presume happened due to the future outplay of events was) She gose off and to do some clothes shopping and wears her new hair in a variation of different ways and styles as it grows in spurts.
The next time we see her she has very thick Hip/waist length blonde hair and is dressed in attire similar to Hayley sporting a red hairband and big ribbon in her new hair to ready to confront her and steal back control of her friends.

She appears with classic dramatic cartoon entrance to where hayley and her friends are, Her football guy-friend immediately swoons over to her disregarding hayley suddenly paying our protagonist all nature of soppy romantic comments. Her other friends however are confused thinking "What has she done to herself?" (Some even stating distain for her new look) Hayley hasn't even met our protagonist yet and is confused & bewildered by this display seemingly mimicking and mocking her.

Football boy overcome with lust makes all sorts of stupid comments Rock-girl trys to reply to his romantic jibberish but she's not a mushy-crap talker she's as we know a rebel and stammers alot in her replies.

Her failed attempts at pointless slush are interupted as she feels a tug on her hair and it grows down to her Calfs and becomes even thicker. The guy becomes even more deranged with lust.

It's now our protagonist has her classic moral epifenyof the show thinking "Agh no it's far too much now, will it ever stop growing?! Jeeze just what the hell am I doing? None of this is me at all... I want this guy to like me not be my pet. ugh can't belive I was so stupid and shallow."

She shakes off her daft behaviour and instead says "I need to find that witch. I've done somthing really dumb" one of her friends suddenly realizes what shes done and who she's stupidly gone to and rushes off to go get her to reverse the spell... Our protagonist tries to leave with her but her wrist is grabbed by the boy who is now maddened with desire for her she tries to wriggle free but instead her hair grows again in another large spurt a Tress of her hair aggressively pushes him away from her. Her hair is now longer than she is tall and thicker than she is, Although distressed by the situation she says wittily "Heh I thought this much hair would be hard to look after but apprently it looks after itself" As soon as she says that it grows again Covering everyone waist deep in blonde hair.

The football guy gets cacooned somwhere away from her speaking muffled loving jibberish. Our protagonist is now sitting atop her own hair with limbs of her friends flailing out of it She says "Oh god I'm such an idiot I'd give anything to have my old hair back, Least then I had friends!" she begins to cry.

Just then the witch comes in with the friend and is stunned by how awry her terrible spell has gone she quickly reverses the spell returning our protagonist to her original short dark hair (And clothing somhow O_o) and they enjoy a happy ending where they all tie up the emotional mess they made and the girl promises not to be so daft in future.

I can draw some pictures of my memory of this if any of you think it would be relivent?

Well can you come up with things like channel, or when it aired?
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