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Unread 01-11-2006   #9
Process Master
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Originally Posted by Summit
I don't see why there has to be any hostility between anyone.
Good point. I don't see why either.

Originally Posted by Summit
I can respect people not being into furry stuff, they could just be a little more eloquent in voicing their opinion.

You make it sound as if furry is the norm. Oh wait it is. I'm the weird one here.

Originally Posted by Summit
At least a little less brash.
I do say kind sir, that furry thing does quite a tad bit stir up my nerves. I would humbly like to voice my opinion and state that I graciously do not care for that sort of imagery, my good sir.

Originally Posted by Summit
I mean, I've never gone out of my way to say that I don't find humans as attractive as furries.
What was your girlfriend's reply to that?

Originally Posted by Summit
In addition, there are a lot of posts containing furry media floating around, why did you choose this one to express your displeasure?
It was on my mind, the mention of Yiffer reminded me of a word I disliked, simply because it sounds that the creators forgot how to say their favorite brand of peanut butter. Also, yif sounds nothing like an animal bark, making it seem even more stupid. That fact that people latch onto this word and use it like it is somehow commonplace terms and should be accepted by all.

Now, another point to further complicate matters:

I do like catgirls. Catgirls that have the eyes, ears, and maybe tail of a cat, but no further than that.
Facial hair on a woman is not attractive
My DA account.

I should be drawing things.
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