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Unread 03-27-2008   #165
Long John Silvers
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Re: mind control, bimbo transformation

Originally Posted by B-mage View Post
True but there is less propaganda aimed at re-enfocing the male sterotypes, possiblely because most executives are male and they don't want to push propaganda denouncing their own flaws out of insecurity, but mostly because they are more conserned with forcing the female sterotypes since they are more interested in turning 75% of women into air headed sex toys.

and personaly I don't see why this isn't worth talking about.
The media is constantly pushing these images on us trying to make everyone who doesn't fall in line with them feel bad. It's worth talking about because these things shouldn't be just ignored when their presence is causing more negative emotions and cause people to feel bad about themselves for no reason. go do a serch on you tube for "weight loss" "need to lose" or "I'm ugly" and see how many vids you get of beautiful young girls, with nothing wrong with them, complaining about how fat or ugly they are. Granted both sexes suffer from image problems, but it was never as bad as it is now before the mass media started creating ideals some 100 years ago.

to just say it's not worth talking about because it's common won't help solve anything.
Yar, ye be knowin' that this be a fetish forum, and not ye personal soap box, right laddie?

I be meanin' we all know that these social stereotypes are horrible, even if a good majority of the postin' public here be goin' into it*coughbreastexpansioncough*, it be not a prevalent force behind this here forum.
In fact, I be one of them people who be preferrin' their lassies with a bit o' meat on their bones, but I be not tryin' to force it down the throats of the land lubbers who be not carin' about this sort of political quagmire.
So, ye better remember where ye be, or ye might be findin' yeself on the stocks as the new village idiot.
If ye be wantin' to do this stuff, take it to myspace, or any of those other land-lubber websites so that other wannabe protesters can be readin' it to their heart's contents.
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