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Unread 03-27-2008   #170
Lurker... Zerg Lurker!
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Re: mind control, bimbo transformation

Christ the drama of you people

just because I made a post to counter point his opinion that this wasn't important doesn't make this a soup box

I only counter pointed because I believe the world won't change until you make a stand for your morals and convictions whenever possible within reason. to that point I made a simple post (admitly half thought out and rushed just to counter balance) because someone saw this media conditioning as unimportant (which I am fully against any media ideals)

-not a feminest, quite the oppasite I'm just as sexiest as the guys who make the media images because when I see pretty girls straving themselfs to fit in I am pissed because I appreciate all girls who aren't toothpicks (also I'm an FA so, yeah)

-hey at least in japanese anime the scrawny guys get crazy super powers or giant robot mechs to fight back with so :P

-I appreciate bimboization too (yeah you can cut the defencive stuff as if I'm attacking you, I wasn't attacking bimboization or your tastes) but bimboization is really more of an extreme and it's more of a forced state on a few girls, not a real life issue where the image problems are put on young girls, bimboization and real life are two different things

good lord drop the drama no one attacked you
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