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Unread 04-03-2008   #11
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Re: The Bored Website

Sorry for the double post, but heres the second part of the story, which includes the game

Robyn started to dream about the spell that she previously cast.
"Urgh, with these words, ah, you will age, and gain wisdom, uh, grow by sixteen years, and, uh, see how you feel"
With these words uttered, a light came from the cots in the room and crying began, which woke both Holly and Robyn.
"Parenthood, who wants it" Robyn muttered and sat up to see the glowing, "Holly, you better look at this"
"Wha??" Holly sat up to also see the glowing, "Whats happening?"
The glow was emmiting from the twins as they started to grow. They shot up in height to the same as their mother, hair cascaded down their backs, bums becoming plump and soft, hips flaring out whilst waists grew slowly. But the parents both noticed the breasts, they were huge, easily the E cups that they were, if not bigger. The glowing faded as the twins sat in their cots, staring at each, tears running down their faces.
"What happened?" asked Hannah
"Don't know" came the reply from Rachel, "lets ask Mum. Mum, what happened to us?"
Both Holly and Robyn sat in shock as the two girls came over and sat on the bed
"I...don't know?"
"I'm hungry" Rachel said
"Me too. Mum, can we have some milk?"
"Err, yeah, go to the fridge"
"No Mum, we want your milk"
"What no, your fully grown adults now. Wait, that means, according to their birthdays, that I should have been 4 when I gave birth to them"
"Don't forget, you used the spell to make yourself a year older...oh crap"
"Mum, don't use that language"
"Sorry, i was dreaming about the day we met. We were both sixteen and, I started to dream about the twins aswell, and of the spell! I must have said the spell in my sleep whilst thinking about the kids"
"Great, now I've got to make out that my boyfriend is my sister and that my daughters are some other relatives"
"We can be your daughters still though"
"of course, you will always be my daughters"
"Something I don't understand" Robyn said, "How do they know how to talk?"
"It must be that part about wisdom in the spell"
"We'll let you two talk. We're hungry" said Hannah as both herself and Rachel got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. But on the way, they took notice of the boxes and looked inside. Hannah found the fake breasts
"Woah, just imagine how much milk these jugs could hold"
"Put them on then"
Hannah proceeded to place the straps over her delicate shoulder and adjust them over her already well endowed chest
"Hehe, look Rach, I'm a porn star. Boy they're heavy"
"Hahaha, let me have a go"
Hannah tried to remove the clasps, but as she tried to remove them, they started to disappear
"Argh, they're gone"
"Don't lie. Here let me undo them, now, where are they?"
Rachel searched all over her sister but could not find the clasps or the straps
"Come on Rach, these things will break my back"
"I can't find them"
"Oh no"
Both of the twins were in shock and did what most children do when they're in trouble
Both Holly and Robyn came running as quick as they could to find out what had happened. They saw Hannah sat on the floor with a pair of breasts that could feed an army of babies.
"You didn't"
"Sorry Mum" Hannah said sheepishly
"Right, I'm going on that webiste again to find something for this"
She ran over to the computer, her bare breasts bouncing happily, and plonked down on the chair and switched the computer on. She went onto the website and looked under clothes. She found what she was looking for.


She ordered a set for Hannah, aswell as some other clothes for both the twins. After ordering them, she went upstairs to fetch a quilt cover for Hannah, as she was unable to move her humongous breasts, and she bought down a pillow and cover for herself so that she could sleep next to her child. Robyn went back upstairs with Rachel and slept on the bed

Morning came bright and early. Holly hadn't slept since the incident, keeping a close eyes on the bulge that was her 2 day old daughter, who was a fully grown picture of perfection.
"Well, I dont think it will be too hard for you to find a boyfriend" Holly whispered into her daughters ear. She got up and went to make breakfast when a note got pushed through the door.

It read, 'We have your delivery outside. We didnt want to disturb you. TBW'
Holly opened the door and there was another box which Holly knew contained clothing for her twins. She dragged it inside as quietly as possible and opened it. She rummaged for a bit and found the All Purpose Clothing. It looked like a leotard, but was made of a much finer material.
"This will never hold my breasts, yet alone Hannah's" So Holly decided to try it on. She stepped into the leg slots and pulled it up over herself. The material was stretched tightly across her chest and Holly was finding it difficult to breathe until she felt like she was deflating. She looked down to watch the lumps that were her breasts slowly recede away to leave her chest completly flat.
"Woah" Holly exclaimed as she examined herself. She pulled the neck of the leotard open and saw her breasts in all there glory, looking very squashed, but Holly could feel no pain from them. She also noitced that the curves of her body had gone aswell. Her ass had become as flat as a washboard
"Woah" Holly said again, wriggling her behind
Hannah had heard some movement and started to wake up
"Mum? Is that you?" she asked through squinted eyes
"Is is darling, are you okay?"
"Yeah, but how come you're flat?"
"It's this thing I ordered for you to help you with those" Holly motioned to her daughters breasts, "I just thought I'd try it out on myself before i gave it to you"
"Can I try it?" Hannah asked, now sat as upright as she could get
"Of course, it is for you"
So Holly slithered out of the clothing, and enjoyed the feeling of her curves returning to there former glory. Hannah fit her legs into the material and her ass became flat
"Oh, I liked my tush"
Then she started to pull it up over her huge assets, "Er Mum, could you help me?" Holly started to pull the clothing up and eventually over her daugthers chest and she slumped down into a chair and watched as the bulge that was Hannah's breasts slowly started to shrink down until her chest was flat
"Yay, I can walk again!" Hannah shouted with glee, as though she had been healed by a miracle, "but I would like some breast, you know?"
"Well, lets see. Erm, ah, instructions. Blah blah blah can reduce anything, blah, blah, blah, ah here we go, if you dont want to lose all your breast, simply put your thumb in your mouth and blow"
"Lets try then" Hannah put her thumb in her mouthed and blowed. Her breasts started to expand like a pair of balloons and she kept going until she got back to her original E cups. "Eeeee, thanks Mum. I love you!"
"I know" Holly said admiring how the leotard looked skinlike, making Hannah's body look the same as before she put the fake breasts on, along with a cleavage that would swallow anything

Robyn and Rachel came down to see Hannah back to her old self. The only difference between Hannah and Rachel, except for the hidden breasts, was that Rachel had brown hair, and Hannah had a dirty blond colour, just like her mother.
"Did I dream that our daughter grew two whales on her chest, or have you done something?"
"Let's just say that The Bored Website has some helpful things"
They sat down in the kitchen and Holly cooked some breakfast. They had all gotten dressed into the new clothes that Holly had ordered and were chatting away.
"We still need to get you two registered down at the registry office"
"We can't do that"
"Why not?"
"Because they were born two days ago and are now sixteen year olds"
"I see your point. So we need to get them fake IDs then"
"And one for you aswell. We were lucky we weren't pulled over when you took me to the hospital, because now, you don't look anything like your photo on your license"
"Suppose, anyway, lets have a day in today and have a go on that game you ordered. That looks alright"
"You mean you can have a go on that game whilst we find something else to do"
They went into the lounge and Robyn got the games console whilst the others went onto the website to order some going out clothes. She turned on the console and it booted up with the letters TBW flashing on the screen, and up loaded a game called Virtual Reality.
"Oh, looks good"
First you had to enter your name and select your gender, which Robyn did. Then an appearence menu came up. It looked complicated and had lots of drag bars and at least 30 categories to go through. Robyn went through them one by one, sometimes having to get Holly to check her measurements and she reached the final screen. Up popped an outline of a female figure which started to change as the body was processed. Robyn was amazed by the speed of the small machine and the final outcome. The picture was literally like looking in a mirror. Robyn looked on the machine for a camera without luck, and looked back at the screen and pressed the next button. Up came a screen saying that she could alter the body to however she wanted it, but it would use the original everytime the console booted up, and the pictures of the altered bodies would be saved to the internal memory stick. Robyn altered a few things about her. Firstly, she put her height up by 6 inches, to combat Holly's growth spurt, then she changed little things, like a darker shade of hair, breasts which wouldn't sag, a fuller ass, no body hair (she was really thinking like a girl now) and other little things. She then pressed the process button and up came the changes she had made. Robyn drooled over the body that was hers virtually and pressed the save button. The picture was saved to the internal memory and a new icon came up with Album as its title. She went into it and selected the picture to look at again. A side menu appeared which said 'APPLY TO BASE', which Robyn did. She didnt notice anything at first, but the changes she made on the console, happened to her in reality. She put the console down, still drooling over the picture in her mind that was now her body and went over to the others.
"Robyn dear, have you grown?"
"What do you mean?"
"You look taller"
"Yeah, plus your hair looks darker"
Holly got up and indeed, Robyn was just two inches shorter than her, flat foot, or in Holly's case, toes.
"What have you done?"
"I was playing that game which you got and altered the picture of me that was on the screen, and.." Robyn looked in the mirror, "It seems as though what I input into it, has happened to me in real life"
"Could it reduce my breasts?" asked Hannah
"I'll try" Robyn said as she went over to the console.
Once loaded and Hannah had removed the leotard, she input all her details and up came the image of herself with the huge breasts.
"Now, slide the bar down to the size you want"
As Hannah did this, the picture followed suit, and her breasts shrank on the screen to the E cups from before.
"Now press save and it'll go into your album" It did, "Now press apply to template"
When Hannah pressed the button, she felt as though she was deflating, "ITS WORKING!!" and it indeed was. The uncovered breasts slowly started to decrease in size, and finished at her normal breast size "Eeeeee, it worked, I dont have to wear this anymore" she motioned to the leotard that she gripped in her hands
"We'll keep it though, just in case"

After ordering the fake IDs from the website, Holly decided to enrol the twins at the local college
"But Mum, we dont want to go"
"But I want you to. Plus, you can make some friends"
"Alright, but we need some clothes"
"Go on the website then and choose something"
So, Hannah and Rachel went to the computer and clicked the link. The found the clothing section and the the school and college section
"That looks nice"
"Nah, bit slutty, how about that one?"
"No, seems a bit too formal. Now that one I like"
It was a short black skirt with a white polo shirt and a little red tie.
"Yep, I agree" So Rachel clicked to order two sets each and also ordered some books for them to read.

Link drawn by BSB
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