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Unread 04-06-2008   #14
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Re: Test-0's Possession TF/TG MEME Quiz!

Name: Reptileking
It was a cold and stormy night
You had just collapsed into your bed
Suddenly various objects around you started to move on their own.
You notice absolutely nothing wrong. Good work there.
Then, without warning a g-g-g-g-g-g-gh spectral entity scares you!
A vision of the spector appears in your mind. Shes an mature woman of normal height
with massive breasts, large enough to be a pair of heads!
Her hair was a light brown
color that was waist length.
She stood upon her short and athletic
legs and curvy
hips with a determined look.
A multitude of colors
quickly snaps you back to reality where you first notice your body changing!
(M to F TG Option) Rapidly, your body shifts into a female version of it's self!
It starts at your chest as your breasts change to match the ghostly girls size and weight.
It then moves to your hair which changes to match her hairs shape and color, but length stays the same.
The changes drop down into your legs leaving them even longer then her legs, keeping the same tone they had before.
The sway in your hips doesn't change at all, though your butt seems a bit more... packed?
With one final change your clothes explode into shards of wrecked cloth, leaving you new body for all to see!
The ghost finally reveals why she did this saying, "I needed someone to take me back to my grave. You're the only one who knows where it is. I forgot." ^^;

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