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Unread 04-07-2008   #20
arctic eagle
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Re: Test-0's Possession TF/TG MEME Quiz!

Name: (real name)
It was a a nice and sunny day
You had just finished reading the latest book craze
Suddenly various objects around you started to move on their own.
You notice that it's hard to focus on anything.
Then, without warning the ghost of an attractive girl leaps up from below and embraces you in a kiss!
A vision of the spector appears in your mind. Shes a very tall mature looking woman
with massive breasts, large enough to be a pair of heads!
Her hair was a dirty blond
color that was cropped into a shoulder length ponytail.
She stood upon her long athletic
legs and amazingly shapely
hips with a hand stretched out to you, a happy twinkle in her eye.
A flash of light
quickly snaps you back to reality where you feel ghostly hands hold you from moving!
(M to F TG Option) Rapidly, your body shifts into a female version of it's self!
It starts at your chest as your breasts change by jumping up two cup sizes more then hers.
It then moves to your hair which changes to match the ghost hair exactly!
The changes drop down into your legs leaving them amazingly long and curvy!
The sway in your hips matches hers, but lacks the same curve in the butt area.
With one final change your ear tips move outward into elven points!
The ghost finally reveals why she did this asking you to find her long lost pet. She neglects to mention it is ALSO a ghost, hijinks ensue

(well THAT sounds interesting)
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