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Unread 09-10-2008   #46
Process Disciple
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

When you've made gold your God you value it (wealth) above all else. Because, the logic goes, if you had even more gold you could make a bigger god, a more divine idol. And of course, there's always the temptation that it could always be bigger.

There's no "sacrifice" involved- you're canoninzing your personal wealth into something divine.

And when you get down to it, all the cardinal sins are a matter of idolatry- Lust is the idolizing of carnal pleasures beyond any moral constraints, gluttony is idolizing the consumption of food beyond the bounds of good health, pride is the idolizing of the self. The Golden Calf is a specific biblical reference to the idolization of one's wealth given physical form, so I say again that the golden calf is a spot-on reference to pull Greed from and it seems myopic to think otherwise.
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