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Unread 09-18-2008   #24
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Re: Childrens book called There was an old woman

*shambles back* True, but as I mentioned in my previous post, that would be far too easy of a thing to agree. After all, what something is and isn't is one of the simplest thing to argue in...well, argueing. However, argueing BELIEF on what something is and isn't is nearly impossible to accomplish because the arguer would have to change the other's mind. Unless, of course, the other person was fortified in the resolve of their arguement...Once again, I digress.
While this is one of my favorite pieces by rollingcutter, I think we can agree there is a lack of process in it. Post process, yes. Actual process, no. Therefore, since there was no process in the picture itself, it is more irrelevant than the peom itself.

For although many did not like it, it does have a little revelance to the topic in this section.
While this, at least in my opinion, is not nearly as wonderful as the above like, it could be argued that it is better based on revelance to the actual topic at hand...

I seemed to have started arguing with myself. I guess I'm saying that while the peom is not something I like, nor was I impressed by it, it did have revelance to the topic. XD
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