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Unread 10-06-2008   #99
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 336
Re: Penis Expansion

Why so quick to deny homosexuality? You are still basically watching, or reading about, another man's penis becoming bigger. Sure, you transcribe it into your own experience, but you're still eroticizing the male member.

Masturbation is in fact about more than just a desire for sexual stimulation. Masturbation is used as a release for sexual tension, a way to discover ones sexuality, and simply a way to kill the time. Of course, those factors vary each time you masturbate. Heck, sometimes you do it simply because you can. Nothing in sex is uncomplicated. (oops, double negative.)

And let me again take his moment to show how describing this act as homosexual puts people on the defensive. There is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality. The bible didn't even bother to condemn it in very clear terms (Sodom and Gomorrah had more to do with general licentiousness). It is what society has taught you to believe about homosexuality that reigns here.

Basically society teaches that homosexuality is bad (the most basic reason being that it isn't an effective reproductive strategy. when societies are small and vulnerable, this is a lethal thing. nowadays it is only perpetuated by traditionalists and bible thumpers, which basically means the whole right wing and some of the left.)

Eventually the belief that homosexuality is bad becomes ingrained into a person, and they find all sorts of silly reasons to dislike it.

And hence the discussion we're having now. Thanks to society (and aids), even the most liberal of liberals still feels somewhat uneasy when it comes to this sort of thing. The "I don't mind them being gay, I just wish they wouldn't act gay." argument comes up rather often in liberals.

Last edited by soloferro; 10-06-2008 at 05:44 PM.
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