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Unread 10-20-2008   #6
Tieing a Knot Or two
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
Formula #169

After three months of hard work she had finally finished it. She had failed about two hundred times but this version of her formula worked. Lisa held it up to the light flowing through her bedroom window dazzled by the way the tiny bubbles were forming at the bottom and slowly rising to the surface. She just knew that this was going to change her life forever. She could end world hunger and bring forth world peace. But just then her older sister Janell opened the door.

"Hey mom said that you better finish up the rest of the chores or else."

"But isn't that your job tonight."

"I don't have time to. I have got a date tonight."

"But that isn't fair I was just about to walk over to Tiffany's house. She's expecting me."

"Like I care what you two dikes are doing, I'm going out and hopefully getting laid."

"Tiff and I aren't like that."

"Yeah right. What is that in your hand."

Just then Lisa realized that she was still holding the sample vial of her formula up toward the sun light so she quickly tried to hide it behind her back.

"What are you trying to hide over there. Show it to me."

Janell walked across the room and leaned down into her sister's face trying to intimidate Lisa with her larger size.

"Hand it over!"

"No I can't."

"What is it drugs or something."

"You don't understand, this is very important. I can't just hand it over to you."

"You better or I'll take it."

"Please Jan don't. I'll do your chores for you just leave me alone."

"It must be something really bad if your going to do my chores without me threatening to hurt you."

Lisa couldn't let Janell take her formula from her at any cost. What was she going to do? If Janell turned this physical like she usually did there was no way that she could stop her.

Janell used her larger arms to reach around Lisa's back grabbing a hold of one of her wrists.

"Stop it!!"

"Give it up shorty."

Janell out muscled Lisa pulling her arm around to see that her hand was empty. Janell twisted Lisa's arm sending pain shooting through her.

"Give it up and I'll stop."


Janell wrenched even harder bringing tears into her little sister's eyes and almost dislocating her shoulder.


"Why don't you just hand it over. It's not like you can hold out much longer."

"You.... don't... under... understand."

Janell let go over her sister's arm and just when she thought that the onslaught was over with Janell grabbed a hold of her other wrist turning Lisa around to see what was such a big deal. The glass vial held a reddish liquid that looked slightly carbonated.

"What the hell is that."

"None of your business."

"I'm going to make it my business."

Janell clawed the vial out of Lisa's hand looking at it intensely. She removed the cap smelling it's sweet aroma.

"No don't. Be careful Janell just put that lid back on there."

"What are you talking about this looks just like strawberry soda."

"You've got to believe me. It might be very dangerous if used improperly."

"Please, I know that you have an uncontrollable imagination, but I'm a little too old for this."

She took the potion up to her lips and took a little sip from it.

"No! Wait! Stop!"

It was very viscous almost like syrup, but the taste was so bitter sweet that she tried to spit it out.

"Uuughh that tastes disgusting. Why didn't you tell me it tasted so bad."

"I really wish that you didn't do that. It wasn't meant to be tested on humans. I'm not sure what it will do to you."

Lisa was a first year chemistry major at the local university. Her along with her lab partner Tiffany started out making this as a side project after class. But after the first few versions of the formula worked out better than they were even hoping it turned into a real obsession. It was started out as a super fertilizer meant to help plant production, but it dramatically changed in the coming weeks because it was able to accelerate their growth rate exponentially. This latest version of the formula that they dubbed #169 not only made them grow from a seedling to a fully grown plant within a day, but it increased the nutrients found in them by quite a lot. Earlier at school Lisa had synthesised enough of the potion to test it on fruit trees that they would plant in Tiffany's backyard.

"What do you mean testing on humans?"

"That was a fertilizer formula that we developed in the lab at school. With all of the different compounds that we used to develop it it might even be toxic. You could die Jan."

"Well I'm still here so it must be sa.... aaauugh" all of a sudden Janell screamed and fell over holding her chest like she was having a heart attack.


"My chest feels like it's on fire!!!"

She laid their in what seemed like forever feeling the most intense pain she had ever felt in her life until all the pain miraculously disappeared. She sat up with a scowl on her face.

"You little bitch. You almost killed me!"

"What? I tried to stop you."

Janell got up and looked herself over hoping she didn't have any leaves growing anywhere. She didn't thank god, but there was one thing.

"Do you think that my boobs look bigger?"

Small breasts had always ran in their family. Janell had never grown any lager than an A cup and had always been self conscious about them. Now they looked like they were a B cup.

"Now that you mention it, yes."

Then right before their eyes they started to grow again pulling her shirt tight across them. They jumped almost strait to a D cup and didn't stop there. Janell's tee shirt started to rip across the back from the pressure of her ever increasing rack. Lisa stood back stunned at her sister's transformation. She knew that the formula would at least give them a noble prize, but now she new that it could end up being a cash cow.

"Lisa just look at me! I'm stacked!"

Janell continued to grow even larger tearing her shirt to rags exposing herself right in front of her sister. In any other situation this would have been uncomfortable, but now that she had huge F cup breasts she felt no need to cover them.

"I don't think that's the only thing that's happening to you."

"What do you mean?"

But that was when her bangs fell over her eyes. she pushed them back and felt her hair which now was at least 5 inches longer than it was this morning. And was still growing by the second. It flowed past her shoulders and quickly started to lengthen down her back. Before too long it had grown all the way down to her ass.

"Um I hope that this side-effect stops soon because I don't have time to have a hair cut and shop for new clothes before my date."

"You're still going out? The least you can do after my formula upgraded you is do your own chores."

"If you think that I'm just going to stay at home now you must be joking. Just look at me!"

"I am looking at you. Nothing that you own fits you now. What are you going to do go shopping naked?"

"I'll figure something out shrimp."

Janell began to walk out the door when the next side-effect of Lisa's potion began to take affect. Her first shrink spurt sent her down three inches. Janell had always been an amazing 6' 3", but now she only stood 6'. Lisa immediately noticed her sister's change in height.

"Um Jan." She shrank three more inches.

"What is it now squirt." Janell shrank again down to 5' 6".

"Jan I think that there's another side-effect." As she turned around to look at her little sister she shrank again to 5' 3".

"What are you... oh my god!!!"

Janell now stood at 5' even and her little sister Lisa didn't look so little any more. In Fact she was almost as tall as she was. Lisa had always been small for her age. And it didn't surprise her that she stopped growing at 14 leaving her 4' 11". As her older sister Janell shrank once again she had finally edged her by two inches.

"You're shrinking Jan."

"I can see that. Don't just stand there fix me!!"

"I can't. Like I told you it wasn't supposed to be used on humans. I don't even know how I could even begin to reverse this."

"You better or I'll... I'll...." She shrank in mid sentence down to 4' 6"

"You'll what force me to."

"Please could you at least try!"

"Sure, but first I've got to go over and get Tiffany because there's no way that I can come up with an antidote on my own."

"No I don't want anyone to see me like this."

"Well you'll just have to deal with it shorty." It felt so good to turn those words back at her after so my years.

"In fact you might be stuck like this for quite a while. It took us about three months and over 150 tries to come up with formula #169. Who knows how long it would take to figure out what happened to you."

"You mean that I could be stuck this small forever!"

Lisa watched her sister shrink again down to 4' 3".

"Or you could be even smaller."

"Okay whatever just hurry up and get her. Hopefully you'll be able to fix me before my date tonight."

Lisa capped the formula and walked pasted her now petite sister toward the door.

"I'll be right back Jan. Don't go anywhere or get any smaller. And you might want to pull up your panties before Tiffany gets here."

Janell looked down at the pile of over sized clothes at her feet.

"Shit!! Come on hurry up."

Janell watched as her sister ran down stairs. What was she going to do if she shrank any more? It's not like she wasn't small enough already, but there was no way she could go through life under four feet tall.

She walked over to Lisa's bed and climbed up on top of it. This was crazy it was like she was a little kid again. She picked up the remote to Lisa's T.V., it felt huge in her hands. She sat there on the bed watching one of her favorite shows for about ten minutes before she shrank three more inches down to 4' even.

"Shit! They better get here soon before I turn into a midget."

About twenty minutes after that Janell could hear the door knob turn. Lisa entered followed by Tiffany who looked around the room curiously. She spotted Janell who looked down right frightened by the sight of the two girls.

"I can't believe it Lisa. How on Earth is this possible. Our formula was only meant to work on plants. And it accelerated their growth not shrank them."

"Well for a little while there it was making her grow. Just look at her hair and breasts."

"Stand up and come over here Janell so I can get a better look at you."

Janell slid off the bed having to drop down the last few inches to the floor.

Tiffany wasn't a very tall person (she only stood 5' 2"), but now she was over a foot taller than Janell.

"Well at least you didn't shrink too much while I was gone."

"Yeah and I think that it finally stopped too."

Tiffany knelled down and grabbed Janell by her left tit.

"Wow they do look very large on her frame. And just like I thought they are full of milk."

"Milk, but I'm not even pregnant."

"This was a formula built for plants. It made you highly fertile and ready to bare young. It would also explain your long hair because it increased the production of your natural proteins and other nutrients. But for the life of me I don't know how you shrank."

"You were able to do this, can't you at least try to come up with an antidote."

"Okay we'll get right to work on it tomorrow right after class."

"Tomorrow, but I have a date tonight."

"Hello, the college labs are closed right now. What do you expect us to do break in. I guess you better hope that he likes short women."

"I'm not going to go out like this!!"

"Well at least you'll have enough time to catch up on your chores."

The End.
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Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 11-02-2008 at 07:12 AM.
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