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Unread 10-27-2008   #2
Process Fan
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 31
Re: The Corset of Dara O'Shay.

Sally worked Dara into society by steps. Before her first full-fledged party, they attended plays, teas and smaller socials. Today, after returning to the house and changing, they welcomed a small group to tea. Most were lady friends of Sally?s, with their own daughters and nieces being trained up in social interaction. A few brought male friends, relatives and guests. Two particularly caught Dara?s eye.

Foster Williams was an industrialist, about six years older than Dara, and heir to a fortune based on supplying materiel to the military. O?Shay was surprised that he only spoke slightly about his business. She was used to businessmen talking about their business until the boredom started to peel paint.

Opposite him, Lieutenant Godfrey Peters was a third son of a shipping magnate, two years older than Dara, and was well into a career in the Royal Army. He looked quite dashing in his uniform, and showed a similar restraint in boring the women with details about military actions in Europe.

After a stimulating discussion of the works of the recently deceased Dickens, she revealed her greatest pleasure in their company.

?It surprises me, gentlemen, that though both of you are aware of my upbringing, neither of you is spending time pointing out the flaws in America.?

?But you?re not American,? Peters pointed out. ?Are you??

?Well, no, I consider myself Irish, actually,? she replied, ?but ever since landing at Portsmouth, any man that?s heard me speak has taken me to task for the government there.?

?Bah,? Williams spat, dismissing the topic and, as near as she could tell, the entire continent of America. ?I would not care to bore delightful ladies with such discussions.? ?Then what,? Sally asked, ?would you prefer to bore us with?? Dara looked askance at her aunt. For some reason, the woman had emphasized the verb. Was she accusing these men of being wearisome?

?I would try to pierce,? he replied, with similar, disconcerting emphasis, ?to the heart of a topic you would enjoy.?

?Darling,? she assured him, ?any such penetrating discussion has been performed time and again on this?subject. Why should I believe you could bring anything new to the argument??

Dara didn?t quite understand what was going on, but was beginning to feel distinctly uncomfortable as a witness to it. A glance at the officer found him squirming slightly in his seat, too.

?Did you bring a horse?? she asked him suddenly.

?Huh? Oh, yes. I rode Inflict. He?s an Arabian.?

?Oh, I do love that breed. I haven?t seen a horse since I left America. Not up close anyway. Aunt,? she turned to their host who was leaning almost dangerously far forward, judging from the amount of cleavage she was showing. ?May I go and see the Lieutenant?s mount??

?Yes, dear,? Sally said graciously. ?Take your time.?

In the stalls behind the house, Dara fed sugar to the stallion.

?Made fast friends there,? Peters judged.

?Oh, anyone can do it,? she demurred, scratching behind the stallion?s ears.

?But not everyone would try,? he said. She looked over to where he leaned on the wall of another stall.

?You know, Lieutenant, any time I asked to see a boy?s horse in America, they made sure to stand up close to me. Right at my elbow. Just in case I need rescue from such a large beast.?

?I doubt,? he said with a smile, ?you?re in any danger. Inflict?s a good judge of character, and you strike me as well able to take care of yourself.?

Dara gave a sigh.

?You know, Lieutenant, any time I asked to see a boy?s horse in America, they made sure to stand up close to me. Right at my elbow. Just in case I need rescue from such a large beast.?

?Are you?? he paused, ?actually asking me to lean over you?? She winked. He walked. Standing at her side, he stroked Inflict?s chin while she continued to scratch behind the ears. After a moment he cleared his throat.

?Yes?? she asked.

?Well, um, well, it seemed to me that you were uncomfortable when Williams and your Aunt started flirting.?

?Yes. I was.?

?But you seem quite forward out here.?

?Well, we?re alone,? she said. ?I wasn?t uncomfortable with the idea of my aunt flirting, but with having to sit through it.?

?Ah. I understand,? he said. After another moment, he asked: ?Miss O?Shay, is that your hand on my fly??


?You appear to be trying to open it.?

?I am afraid that I am.?

?Are you having difficulty??

?It appears that the Royal Army purchased fly buttons slightly different than used by the average Philadelphia College student.? Within moments, though, she managed to free his member from the confining clothing.

An instant later, she knelt before him. A few gentle licks to the end of his already throbbing member brought him to a heroic hardness. She took the end into her mouth and stroked the length gently back and forth.

In a matter of seconds, he bucked and heaved and came. She tucked him back inside with a smile and accepted his offered handkerchief.

He did the fly buttons as she wiped her mouth. Just before they stepped away from the horse, he leaned forward, lips pursed for a gentle kiss. She recoiled.

?Lieutenant! We?ve only just met!?

Bemused, he bent his elbow to her and led her back to the house.
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