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Unread 11-27-2008   #17
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Re: One Piece story idea...(TG kinda)

Originally Posted by Lurker#12763412 View Post
I don't know what MC is, sorry. Here is the next part:

Part 2: .....what!?

Setting Luffy down on Nami's bed, Zoro turned around and grabbed Sanji. "Come on Usopp. Lets go wait in the hall. Franky... go check where Luffy took a nap." he said, as he slammed the door.

Sanji- "Zoro!! Why did you only grab me?!?!"

Zoro- "Why else? We know you wanted to watch." he said as he leaned against the door. Mutters are heard from Sanji, looking confused.

Usopp- "What's wrong, Sanji?"

Sanji- "I feel ashamed that I am turned on by that thing in there... I don't know if I should be happy or sad that my captain is now an angel....."

Robin- "Ok, you can come in now"

So... Sanji, Zoro, Usopp and Robin sit there... staring at Luffy. Franky comes into the room.

Franky- "Zoro, you were right. Nami isn't there."

Zoro- "Damnit!! Sanji, help me!! Grab Luffy's left arm!!" he says as he grabs Luffy's other arm. "Pull!!!!"

To their surprise.... Luffy doesnt stretch at all!! They both drop down to the floor and all that Zoro says is "No... damnit..."

Sanji- "Whats up Zoro? Why isn't Luffy stretching?"

Zoro- "It's too late Sanji... too late."

Sanji- "whats too la-"

BAM! Chopper literally comes flying into the room.

Chopper- "What are they doing still stuck together, Zoro!?! It might be too late already!!!"

Zoro- "It is... Luffy's body has stopped stretching..."

Chopper- "No..." was all that escaped from Choppers mouth.

Robin- "Um.. excuse me, but do you mind filling us in?"

Chopper- "OH! Uhh... lets go in the hall. You come too Zoro."

After some positioning in the cramped hallway and the noise of Luffy's snoring, the crew decides to relocate to the dining room.

Chopper- "Ok so... this will be a pretty long story so.... listen up. It started about maybe... 3 weeks ago. Luffy was taking a nap in his usual spot when the sun was at one of its peaks. Zoro had been sleeping in the bed below Luffy when he felt something on top of him. Waking up, he realized that Luffy's hand had melted onto his own and wouldn't come off of him. Panicking, he came bursting in my room showing me his hand, which was now connected to Luffy's. Of course, I panicked and when I finally calmed down.. I had a theory. You with me so far?"

Sanji- " So.. basically you are saying that Luffy's hand melted onto Zoro and... tried to absorb his hand?"

Chopper- "Yeah, basically. Anyway... I figured that maybe if we exposed Luffy's hand to enough heat, I could melt it again and Zoro could have his hand back. Putting a candle next to his hand, I asked Zoro if he felt anything. And did you?"

Zoro- "Nope. Nothing at all."

Chopper- "As I thought. While melted, Luffy basically became a parasite and attached itself to the nearest host to make himself solid again. Curious.. I conducted some tests. I wont go into detail.. but after about an hour... the 'Luffy Parasite', nicknamed the LP from now on, is just about done attaching itself to its host and cannot stretch at this point. I would say that in a little more time, I would say 10 to 20 minutes, it would be permanent. There would be no separating the LP from the host.. as if they were one from when they were born. If he would regain his rubber abilities again... I have no idea. I would think he would, as those devil fruit have some mysterious properties that I think no one will ever truly understand."

Sanji- "So Luffy absorbed Nami whole?!?! Why are we sitting here talking about fruit when we should be ripping that monkey off of her!?!"

Zoro- "Like I said.. its too late. How long has it been since we saw them? 4-5 hours? That 30 minute nap you had back there didn't help either. I doubt we can get them apart by now."

Chopper- "!!! he's up!"

Opening the door, they saw Luffy sitting there, rubbing his eyes. Yawning, he asked "What ya up to guys? Why are you all staring at me... *yawn*.. man I had the weirdest dream. I had a dream where I was a chick.... I had these huge-" Luffy said as he grabbed his chest, "-boobs?!? It wasn't a dream????"

Chopper- "Calm down Luffy! whispering to the others:I am going to ask Luffy a few questions. I am curious as to how much of Nami is still in there."

Chopper- "So Luffy.. its been a while since I asked you this. What is your dream?"

Luffy- "What? How could you forget? My dream is to make a map of the world and be KING OF THE PIRATES!!"


to be continued
dood i gotta be honest my eye twitched when i read the part about luffy/nami's dream. its a good story but it happened tho
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Last edited by tgfanatic; 11-27-2008 at 09:32 PM.
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