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Unread 11-29-2008   #11
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 25
Re: Mashiroyuh KoF Midnight bliss.

Hey look, another one in trhis storyline. Huh. Wasn't expecting that. Well, here's the translation for y'all. My apologies for the text; between the translation and the fact there isn't much to work with in terms of story it reads much like the other translations of his work I've done...

D: Finished renewing your old relationship, ladies?
T: You have some strange hobbies, old man. To bring two men together again through the common fate of being turned into women, that's a pretty sick hobby.
G: Hey, stop it!
Geese Bunny stopped for a second.
The corner of Demitri's lips lifted as he grinned.
D: I agree. Especially in this instance.
T: So what now? Are you satisfied? Turn us back and let us go.
D: It seems like you are under a misconception.
T: What?
D: You are not going to be granted freedom. You will serve me here untl you grow old and rot away. In the capacity of a woman, of course... Just ask your blonde friend there.
D: I do look forward to seeing how you go about accepting your fate. Mwahahahahaha!
Demitri's sinister laughter echoed about the room.


Some years later...

G: There, almost done. I wonder if this is enough preperation?
T: Yes, mother.

The two pretty women in their fine dresses seemed like mother and daughter.

Unable to return to their original forms, eventually the Midnight Bliss completed the feminisation of Geese Howard and Terry Bogard.
His new everyday life eventually wore Terry down, and he got used to the idea that he was now the adopted daughter of his old foe, and they now lead a life of managing the casino as mother and daughter.

Perhaps this mental feminisation was a form of brainwashing that started at the very same time as his physical change. Whatever its source, the end results were undeniable.

Today is the day of the dance party.
It has come to be in the world that no matter where you go, you must rely on the elusive Master Demitri Maximov.

With the formal adoptation of Terry Bogard, now Teresa Howard, is being handed the management of the huge casino and Tereda is being dressed up so that she might find herself a partner in such an endevour.

After this, Teresa Howard and her dream partner will, afterall, be managing the largest casino in North America as its owners, and many are the people who will wish them the best of luck in this endeavour...
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